I must emphasize that this is not official . 我得鄭重聲明,此事完全與公家無涉。 It is appropriate to emphasize its major disadvantage . 有必要指出它的 ...
emphasize 造句 / 例句 · 1. He flourished the glass to emphasize the point. · 2. I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.
I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time. 我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。 Jane's short ...
It's difficult to find emphasize in a sentence. 用emphasize造句挺难的; Great britain and france also emphasized basic research .
#5. emphasize - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
用作及物动词 (vt.) He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性。 We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning ...
emphasis. emphasize · emphatic · emphysema · empire. 用我們的趣味配圖小測驗考考你的詞彙量. boats-aircraft-and-trains2_1.
例句:He flourished the glass to emphasize thepoint. 他挥动手中的杯子来强调这一点。【形态变化】过去式:emphasized 现在分词:emphasizing 过去分词 ...
请用emphasize 造句。 限时免费领取内部精选学习资料. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析.
#9. 強調英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
強調英文造句練習. This book emphasize the relationship between diet and health. 這本書強調飲食與健康的關係。 The teacher stressed the exam will ...
#10. Cover Page: 「maple leaf illustrationã€ çš„åœ–ç‰‡æ œå°‹çµ ...
挑選本日三個單字,並造句。 ... highlight: to emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention[強調、突顯] Our PE teacher highlighted ...
#11. de-emphasize造句_用de-emphasize造句大全_快好知
(1) The recent trend is to de-emphasize the classical dichotomy. (2) But de-emphasizing the ban would enrage their natural allies among abortion foes.
#12. 【emphasize造句】作文写作问答- 归教作文网
emphasize A over B 造句emphasize 英[ˈemfəsaɪz] 美[ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz] vt. 强调,着重; 加强语气; 使突出; [例句]But it's also been emphasized that no major policy ...
#13. 用emphasize造句- 布格伦科技网
用emphasize造句. by 向量垂直相乘等于 at 2021-12-27 07:07:43. 手机数据线是我们经常会使用到的工具,但是它却容易被大家遗忘,觉得随便用一根就好。
#14. Emphasize造句- 欧创网
emphasize 造句 / 例句1. He flourished the glass toemphasizethe point. 他挥舞着杯子来强调这一点。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2.
#15. repeatedly-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: repeatedly expressed, repeatedly called, repeatedly stated, repeatedly stressed, repeatedly emphasized,在英语-中文情境中 ...
#16. 我對於學生英文學習的教學建議 - 大考中心
... 或拼法,例如:「強調」的動詞為emphasize,名詞為emphasis,字尾不同;又如:「驕傲」的形容詞為proud,名詞為pride,拼法改變。若無法掌握詞性,造句勢必錯誤。
#17. emphasize造句- ndup
emphasize造句,初中常用英语写作句型,词典缩略词英语作文翻译热门搜索: sheer break in swan trace communist Track Series Decisiveness Emphasize 预算的句子英语 ...
#18. 草皮樣式》,以公領域城市綠地隨處可見的「草地」 - Facebook
行為者同時扮演譯者身份對於雜亂訊息量再造句。當界域改變強調生存和人類混合的複雜 ... Boundary changes emphasize the complex state of existence and humanity.
#19. 閱讀臺灣, 學華語(附QR Code) | 誠品線上
English: “並” is put before “不” or “沒” to emphasize negations. 例句:他並不喜歡(欢)運動(动)。 造句: 。 4. 綜合練習:每課最後都有的綜合練習,題型多元且 ...
#20. 搞定出差英文:Asking for Service.(要求提供服務。) - 登峰美語
照樣造句→. ex:I can't emphasize enough just how critical this is. (我怎樣強調這點多麼關鍵都不為過。) ex:I can't emphasize the importance ...
#21. nothingbut造句_請用nothing but 造句句子越通俗_東光縣教育
只強調國內生產總值是錯誤的,它會引起很多嚴重的問題,這句話怎麼翻譯,用nothing but造句. 我不會造句,先把你翻譯了吧: Emphasize only on GDP is ...
#22. 再...也不為過英文句型
We cannot overemphasize the importance of being on time. We can't emphasize the importance of being punctual too much. can't be p.p. too much.
#23. emphasize造句- tdww
emphasize造句,bedifferentfrom造句.doc - 豆丁网,1. A classroom suited to today's students should deemphasize solitary piecework. 适合现代学生的课堂教学应该 ...
#24. 閱讀臺灣,學華語(隨書附華語正音名師親錄標準華語朗讀音檔 ...
English: “並” is put before “不” or “沒” to emphasize negations. 例句:他並不喜歡(欢)運動(动)。 造句: 。 4. 綜合練習:每課最後都有的綜合 ...
#25. 请告诉我(着)的造句 - HiNative
着(zhe) 助词,表示动作、状态的「持续」。 Emphasize the “continuity” of the previous verb. e.g: 1. 我听“着”音乐= I'm listening music. 2.
#26. Mandarin grammar construction: 是…的 - Chinlingo
It's used to emphasize a particular detail in a sentence. ... 的”造句. 是is placed right before the piece of information you want to draw ...
#27. 造句A是A B是B-六车网
▻emphasize A over B 造句:. emphasize 英[ˈemfəsaɪz] 美[ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz] vt. 强调,着重; 加强语气; 使突出; [例句]But it's also been emphasized ...
#28. 小学低年级语文教学中的造句训练研究 - 行业知识服务平台
造句 训练是小学语文教学中常见的语言训练方式,是小学低年级写话、阅读教学中的基础 ... The new curriculum standard of the 2011 edition emphasizes that Chinese ...
#29. [詞彙區別] by、 through、 via 的區別
“Via" emphasizes by someone or something. ... So at times, the words are interchangeable, but they all emphasize different things.
#30. 单词汪第12 期Day 12_单词作业一起来- 朗播
钉【楼上单词】 Embryo. 胚胎,萌芽. Enterprising. 有事业心的,有进取心的. Emphasize. 强调,着重造句: The girl emphasize that boy must ha.
#31. de-emphasize是什么意思 - 英语词典
#32. 厚今薄古意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 stress the present,not the past <emphasize the present,slight the past>. 相關漢字成語:厚 今 薄 古 相關漢字解釋:厚 今 薄 古 ...
#33. condemn造句 - 心和情感心理网
英语造句(condemn)强烈谴责? - 百度知道. 最佳答案: 英语翻译如下:Almost all the countries firmly object to and strongly condemn all forms of terrorism.
#34. 和某某人聯絡是"contact with..."嗎?4個最容易弄錯的動詞
有幾個30幾歲的學生說他們高中課本emphasize的例句就錯了,所以錯誤一直延續。emphasize ... 並自己練習造句,必要時就能靠語感不假思索地說出口了。
#35. emphasize造句_emphasize的用法及短语- 凯世网
emphasize造句 最佳答案: The importance of education was emphasized by the minister during the conference.emphasize的用法及短语.
#36. Numerical Analysis for Applied Science, 2/E ,Allen | 蝦皮購物
As before, the authors emphasize the motivation, construction, and practical considerations before presenting rigorous theoretical analysis.
#37. 福慧雙修中英文解釋和造句 - 成語百科全書
Modern education should advocate the idea of cultivation of fortune and wisdom. Modern education should emphasize the importance of both ...
#38. 例如的英文单词,例如的英文造句简单-英文知识网 - 英文知識網
for example 希望回答對您有所幫助,請及時采納,多謝! 例如的英文:for example used to emphasize sth that explains or supports what you are saying; used to give ...
#39. 講求的意思,講求造句,講求注音 - 國語辭典
注音 ㄐ丨ㄤˇ ㄑ丨ㄡˊ. 拼音 jiǎnɡqiú. 簡體讲求. 解釋關注並設法實現;追求。[例]只講求速度∣辦事講求效率∣衣著過於講求名牌。 英文to stress, to emphasize, ...
#40. 政大教學大綱
The structure used to emphasize the meaning “If not ... then ...” ... lấy … làm ví dụ, thay vì, đã… nhưng vẫn còn, phương tiện, chính sách, 」造句。
#41. emphasize造句- KuaiSuSou
emphasize造句,英语造句用definitely.super.data造三句话,要长一点的,_作,These durable impulses of nationapsm andideologythat pe behind soviet popcy emphasize ...
#42. 幾個月英文
發音: "幾個月后"怎麼讀用"幾個月后"造句. in a few months. ... 的學生說他們高中課本emphasize的例句就錯了,所以錯誤一直延續。emphasize和discuss ...
#43. emphasize怎么读(emphasise 和emphasize的区别?) - 盘仙人
的相关知识问题,盘仙人将深度解析搜集关于emphasis emphasize 怎么读等读者关心的这个 ... 就像怎么造句二年级(什么好像什么就像什么造句二年级) ...
#44. 用challenge怎样造句? - 卓彭网
... for free造句; specialized造句; emphasize造句; be fond of造句; challenging造句并翻译; confuse造句; attentive造句; ing造句用ing造句大全5 ...
#45. rome wasn't built in a day造句 - 軟體兄弟
rome wasn't built in a day造句,用rome was not built in a day造句和"rome was ... Rome wasn't built in a day的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. said to emphasize that you ...
#46. 句型/ …無論如何強調都不為過 - 傘傘ABC
每日一造句*句型小幫手…無論如何強調都不為過… ... importance of marketing cannot be over emphasized in the developing economy.
#47. PicCollage 編輯中文教材製作要點 - Pinterest
在PicCollage app 編輯-繁字+簡字+拼音-A4 size 方便列印-儘量選擇白色背景(為製做iBook備用) -部分留白也可便利學生書寫造句, 例句及筆記之用。 編輯拼音時的小技巧: ...
#48. 搞定90+ 職場英文動詞:升職加薪動起來 - 博客來
本書將帶領你透過各種商業情境,以實際演練的方式來剖析各種英文動詞的用法。作者以多年的英語學習經驗告訴你,動詞絕對是英語造句與會話的關鍵啊!從人際溝通的議題引導你 ...
#49. emphasize造句- 品信网
最佳答案: This culture emphasizes reason over intuitive awareness and knowing. emphasize. emphasize 造句/ 例句1. He flourished the glass toemphasizethe point.
#50. Huaxia Chinese School Lehigh Valley Branches - 华夏中文学校
... 句型造句;简单作文(请假条等);学会偏旁部首查字典法。 For children 8 years and older. Teaches “Standard Chinese” Level 1 Volume 3. Emphasizes on simple ...
#51. 福慧雙修中英文解釋和造句 - 成語故事
Modern education should emphasize the importance of both learning and practice. 福慧雙修是要修福而不是享福,修福的人才真正有福,享福的人就 ...
#52. Standard Chinese 标准中文课程介绍
Emphasizes on limited reading, practices writing and forming sentences. ... 强调能熟练的朗读课文;造句练习、看图写句子;模仿30个基本句型造句;简单作文(请假 ...
#53. 情态动词造句 - 瑞文网
例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that ...
#54. Level 2 - AWVCS
Level 2 class uses Book 2 curriculum which emphasizes on setting a firm foundation in the ability ... 讀短文; Introduce grammar/semantics; 學習短句法, 造句 ...
#55. 偏废的意思|偏废的解释|偏废造句 - 乐乐课堂
[do one thing and neglect another;emphasize one thing at the expense of another] 因过于重视几件事情中的某一件而忽视、荒废其它. 理论学习和实践锻炼都不可偏废.
#56. 用shorthair造句,agreenbag用英语造句 - 句子大全网
9、请用emphasize 造句. emphasized 英['emfəsaɪz] 美['emfəsaɪz] vt.强调;着重;使突出造句He emphasized the importance of careful driving.他强调小心驾驶的重要性.
#57. /emphasize造句_老师办公室英语读法_老师办公室英语怎么说
emphasize造句 最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以肖先成不能给殷老师说这些) ...
#58. Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou" - Chinese Grammar Wiki
连⋯⋯都⋯⋯ (lián... dōu...) is used similarly to how "even" is used in English and can emphasize certain surprising pieces of information.
#59. 國小二年級不同補救教學方案之實施與成效之比較:攜手計畫與 ...
In- service teachers still emphasize on the homework completion. (2) Yonglin program shows ... 直接教學法對二年級識字困難學生識字與應用詞彙造句之成效。
#60. experimentalism翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
scepticism emphasize on destruction while experimentalism emphasize on construction . 懷疑重在破壞,實驗則重在建設。 hu shi objected to researching and ...
#61. 知乎
Although both Sapir and Whorf emphasized the diversity of ... 等例如:2015年考研英语一大作文主题:手机过度使用造句:年轻人应该合理利用手机。
#62. "It's" + Adjective + Infinitive | Grammar Quizzes
Gerund Clause (be) Adj. INFINITIVE CLAUSE. The expression "It is + adj/noun to" emphasizes information by bringing it to ...
#63. App Store 上的“nemo 希腊语”
While that may be helpful after one builds a vocab—deciding what are important words to emphasize—the default shouldn't be to exclude words, ...
#64. micro造句
microseism造句1、This paper emphasize in study of mechanism of vibration frequency for free site inmicroseismtesting. 2、Themicroseismsource excitati.
#65. emphasise emphasise - Ceubnw
Emphasize definition, to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress: to emphasize a ... emphasise造句_用”emphasise”造句用emphasise造句和”emphasise”的例句 ...
#66. 例如的英文
音标: [ lìrú ] 发音: "例如"怎么读"例如"的汉语解释用"例如"造句. ... 缩写是"eg"还是"e.g.许例如的英文:for example used to emphasize sth ...
#67. 用salient features造句子
Do you know the salient features of the Tianmu Mountain? Good models emphasize the salient features of the structures and relationships they ...
#68. 用“sociality”造句大全
In designing the basic elements, we emphasize on the concept of position, and other items concerned, so that the design of the basic ...
#69. emphasize和emphasise哪个是英式英语-百分百题库网
emphasize 和emphasise哪个是英式英语的标准答案. ... 用access造句我不能进入D盘怎么说是I can't access drive D, or I can't get accessed to drive ...
#70. Exam Practice Chinese Cloze Passage Sec1
张老板十分重视人才的培 attach importance to 养,经常让员工接受在职培训。动「把重点放在某方面。这次的测验着重在考查词语 to emphasize 的搭配和造句。
#71. ignore造句简单带翻译 - welcome - 富源网
最佳答案: He ignored the fact that the earth moves round the sun. 用ignore造句带中文用ignore造句带中文He ignore me他不理睬我.
#72. dislike doing sth 造句 - 985知识网
本文标签: putacross造句 discuss approach dislike加to do还是doing dislike to do 我厌恶英语用dislike造句 emphasize造句.
#73. Chinese through Song, Second Edition - 第 131 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Emphasize different points in each unit to avoid a monotonous delivery. 3. ... 造句: a.虽(然) b.带 c.顺手 d.你+VO+来;我+VO+来 2.用中文解释词语并造句: a.
#74. 用鹿群造句,引狼入室的意思和造句 - 造句网
疾病像杀鹿凶手一样在鹿群中游荡. 引狼入室造句1、不要随便邀请不熟悉的朋友到家里,以免引狼入室. 2、因为自己的粗心以致引狼入室,伤害同伴, ...
#75. “discuss about”,都是錯的!動詞後別亂加preposition! - ETNet
“Emphasize” 後面不能加on 或其他介係系詞。 (✕)錯誤用法:. ○ I'd like to emphasize on the importance of this new product launch。 我想強調這個 ...
#76. 林麗娟以Big6 資訊素養教學融入國小社會領域之個案研究研究生
The Grade 1-9 Curriculum emphasizes on the “take-away skills" instead of loading ... 它們皆可提供詞彙的讀音、意義、用法、造詞、造句等,或中外文之翻譯。
#77. Mister Ma’s Grammar Guide to Literary Chinese. The Original ...
... 遣i司 qiánci 《》Wording 3--medium [v]遣司造句 qiáncizaojü 《》Wordingand ... high [adj]強調 qiángdiao StreSS,underline,underScore [V]《》emphasiZe, ...
#78. emphasize造句- cvvq
emphasize造句,pathologic造句_用pathologic造句大全,8. Which word should i emphasize ?我应该重读哪个词? 9. The pose emphasized her handsome and forbidding ...
#79. 用emphasize造句子_emphasize怎么记忆_超越科技网
emphasize 怎么记忆. Gracious的英文解释:behing in a pleasant, polite, calm wayhing the qualities of great comfort, beauty, and freedom made possible by being ...
#80. put emphasis on - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"put emphasis on" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#81. 【學測英文特輯】『中譯英』的作答技巧及注意事項 - 希平方
中翻英參考答案:. For those / people who emphasize work efficiency, the High Speed Rail is definitely / certainly / surely the first choice for ...
#82. 「第一印象」、「好印象」英文怎麼說? impression 用法一次學
emphasize造句 在 PicCollage 編輯中文教材製作要點 - Pinterest 的八卦
在PicCollage app 編輯-繁字+簡字+拼音-A4 size 方便列印-儘量選擇白色背景(為製做iBook備用) -部分留白也可便利學生書寫造句, 例句及筆記之用。 編輯拼音時的小技巧: ... ... <看更多>