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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡Their mothers and grandmothers were perhaps a little more deliberate . 她們的母親和老祖母也許是過分拘謹了點兒。 Thomas andrew knight created new apples by ...
A deliberate movement, action, or thought is done carefully without hurrying. 慢吞吞的;小心謹慎的;沉穩的. From her slow, deliberate speech I ...
deliberate 造句 / 例句. 1. I hope you will deliberate on these issues. 我希望你们对这些问题进行商议。 2. This can happen for a variety of ...
#4. deliberate在線翻譯_英語_讀音 - 海词词典
He told us a deliberate lie. 他故意跟我們撒謊。 · He did it in a deliberate manner. 他以慎重的態度來做這件事。 · The old man stood up in a very deliberate way and ...
#5. deliberate是什么意思_例句_翻译 - 句库
[例] It was a deliberate lie. 那是故意撒谎。 ... [例] He is deliberate in his speech. 他说话从容不迫。 ... [例] His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate. 他举止 ...
#6. deliberate - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
deliberate · adj. 深思熟慮的,慎重的,謹慎的;故意的,蓄意的[Z] · vi. 仔細考慮,思考[(+about/on/upon)];商議[(+with)] · vt. 仔細考慮,深思熟慮;商議[+wh-] ...
#7. intentional (【形容詞】故意的)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
That hit wasn't intentional; I didn't want to hurt you. 那個撞擊不是故意的,我 ...
We are looking for talents who are challenge-driven. 我們在找熱愛挑戰的人才。 6. Deliberate 蓄意的,深思熟慮的. deliberate有幾個常見的意思、用法 ...
#9. 用deliberately造句_用committing造句_deliberate造句 - 小严知识网
#10. 關於Deliberate的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: 請提供關於deliberate 的例句給我。 A: My answer to your question was given in a deliberate manner. The slap I was given by Susan, it was deliberate ...
#11. deliberate造句_deficiency造句_concentrate造句 - 小牧知识网
deliberate造句 最新消息,还有deficiency造句,concentrate造句,retreat造句等内容,deliberate 或许你认识这个单词“故意的” so easy! 然而你知道吗这个词还有其他的 ...
#12. 用deliberately造句 - 搜狗搜索
adv. 故意地; 从容不迫地; 不慌不忙地. [例句]. I am morally certain that he is incapable of deliberately harming anyone. 我确实 ...
#13. 單字練習形式對於國中生英語單字非刻意學習與記憶成效之研究
二、「造句練習」在非刻意單字學習長期記憶表現未顯著優於「單字填空」。 ... 刻意單字學習(intentional vocabulary learning)乃是一開始就明訂目標為學.
#14. 畫個圓,關鍵英單EASY K - momo購物網
... 單字並加以說明,讓你瞬間明辨每個單字的精確意思,作文造句都能信手拈來不混淆! ... brood/contemplate/deliberate/meditate/muse/reflect
#15. 搜索结果用deliberate造句 - yabovip2024com|亚搏下载官网
... 下载官网据财报分析师电话会议披露,云音乐总用户数已突破8亿启动“石头计划”的独立音乐人扶持计划。 Search. Search. Home; Search results for: 用deliberate造句 ...
#16. abruptly造句 - 百度一下
abruptly造句- 百度翻译. 释义 突然 ... abruptly 造句/ 例句1. The sky darkenedabruptly. 天突然变暗了。 ... deliberate造句 · contradiction造句 · intact造句.
#17. 用delegate造句子三年级 - 字典
hao86造句为您提供delegate造句,用delegate造句,delegate造句大全等例句,希望对您有所帮助! ... 上一词:deliberate造句. 下一词:delectable造句. back_img.
#18. 故意deliberately'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 句酷
Another rumor had it that the white officer had been a Southerner and had deliberately falsified Grandpa's papers. 还传说那位白人军官是个南方人,他是故意把 ...
#19. deliberate是什么意思 - 英语词典
#20. 蓄意的deliberate还可以表达从容谨慎呢! - 喜马拉雅
deliberate./dɪˈlɪbərət/用法:形容词:①:故意的/蓄意的;②:从容而谨慎的;造句:The new teacher entered the classroom with deliberate steps;这位新老师从容而 ...
#21. 单词汪第38 期Day 5_单词作业一起来- 朗播
1.delegate 代表,授权 · 2.deliberate 深思熟虑的 · 3.democracy 民主造句:If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.
#22. 英文有益思- 【#多益文法來造句】... | Facebook
多益文法來造句】 今天來跟大家談談看似簡單,但是卻常常困擾考生的兩個字的用法, ... 縱火(罪) 定義:the crime of deliberately setting fire to something, ...
#23. Principles of Deliberate Practice on the Job - 简书
造句 :The workers are all full-fledged after three-month training. 2.speculate. 推测;猜测;猜想If you speculate about something, ...
#24. Core Vocabulary Day 9 Flashcards | Quizlet
Deliberate. (adj.)characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration故意的,深思熟虑的,从容的;造句:It's not clear whether the incident ...
#25. 整好造句 - 三度漢語網
整好造句. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. ... Take time to deliberate,but when the time for action arrives,stop thinking and go in.
#26. 单词回顾| 他们都是如何用“say”和“see”造句的? - 手机搜狐
点评:句子的意识很好,但有一处错误。如果指的是某一家共享单车公司,应该这么改:. Many deliberately damaged sharing bicycles not only say about ...
#27. 縝密的意思,縝密造句,縝密注音 - 親親寶貝
縝密. 注音ㄓㄣˇ ㄇ丨ˋ. 拼音zhěnmì. 簡體缜密. 解釋細緻周密。 [例]縝密的分析∣思考得很縝密。 英文meticulous, careful, deliberate, delicate, fine (texture).
#28. 混淆視聽造句- 國語辭典
[例]這篇文章混淆視聽,蠱惑人心,不予刊登。 相似詞混淆黑白. 英文to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and deliberate falsehoods.
#29. 参酌的意思|参酌的解释|参酌造句-乐乐课堂
参酌cānzhuó [deliberate;consider the light of the actual conditions] 参考斟酌参酌裁决 (1).犹言参考;酌定。《后汉书·曹褒传论》:“ 汉初天下创定,朝制无 ...
#30. 李鏡池〈詩疊詠譜〉析探
This article specially ”Shi Die Yong Pu” analyzes the elaboration. Hebei can do to deliberate Shi-Jing of Jing-Chi Li in the future.
#31. 敲山震虎是什麼意思,敲山震虎的解釋,造句,成語故事,英文翻譯
... 敲山震虎成語故事,敲山震虎的反義詞近義詞,敲山震虎造句,敲山震虎的意思,敲山震虎的英文翻譯中翻英, ... Deliberate act as a warning to the opponent.
#32. 《成語意思》指鹿為馬造句_指鹿為馬中英文解釋和造句
《成語意思》指鹿為馬造句_指鹿為馬中英文解釋和造句. 2021-07-17 由成語詞典 ... This let me remember an idiom story: Deliberately mis presents!
#33. 刻意练习(Deliberate Practice)有什么缺陷? - 知乎
就拿英语来打比方,对于英语,在语言层面上的技能只有一个,就是遣词造句,而语法,单词等应该是属于“知识” 这个范畴的。就我们传统的习惯而言,大多数人学英语的第一 ...
#34. 山涧造句10字
deliberate 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 详尽释义adj. (形容词) 深思熟虑的,盘算周到的,精心考虑的故意的,蓄意的,存心的,预谋的慎重的, ...
#35. [励志英语片段]practicing deliberately - MindProbe - 博客园
最近看到一篇鸡汤文,觉得措词造句皆为吾辈所能接受,以后可以用作写作或口语素材~文章中心思想:同样是训练100小时,结果可以大不一样~所以不要用 ...
#36. 現在工作必須具備二種以上的語言能力,除了中文以外就是英
造句 1次,我會先查詢單字相關句子後,請他先把單字 ... be working elsewhere by now, but I made a deliberate choice to stay here .Why?
#37. IBT词汇:盘点托福核心词汇-新东方网
这一系列中,新东方写作组的专家将为大家介绍其中之二,如何达到造句的高分。 ... infer/deliberate/evaluate/examine/meditate/.
#38. 【阿滴英文】電影經典台詞#10【真愛每一天】 (About Time ...
#39. a limited, legacy literacy: reconfiguring literary sinitic as
Rather, they were the result of deliberate education activities and ... parts of speech, and a final section, “forming phrases” (chogu 造句), ...
#40. 思量的英文 - 沪江英语
他用从容不迫的步伐走着。 in a deliberate unhurried manner ... 英语怎么说、怎么写、读音及音标、英文单词造句等精华资料,助广大考生外语水平精进.
#41. 五百基础词汇定义,造句,和练习答案(37) - 文学城论坛
a. Rico's excuse was a deliberate lie. b. My grandfather walks with deliberate steps. c. Judge Sirica deliberated for a week before making his ...
#42. Cursory example
... used in a sentence and examples? cursory造句, cursory造句, 用cursory造句, ... helter-skelter, hurried, overhasty; Antonyms for CURSORY: deliberate, ...
#43. deliberately的中文意思 - 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
Every familiarity into which eleanor was entrapped was deliberately planned by his sister. 愛莉娜陷進去的每一個表示親昵的圈套,都是她姐姐存心策劃的。 I ...
#44. 英语/英语常用同义词辨析English Synonyms T - 维基教科书
think, deliberate, meditate, muse, reason, reflect, speculate ...
#45. 用patient造句 - 天狼问答网
deliberation n. 深思熟虑;故意deliberate的名词数据来源:新东方英语词汇速记大全相关例句: It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention ...
#46. 用spectacular造句 - 河智科学网
deliberate造句. 方法一:PPT 电脑上怎么实现PPT 录屏?这两个实用技巧送你了! 作为一名老师,上课前最重要的事情便是备课,我一般会制作PPT 课件, ...
#47. speech怎么造句 - 脱壳百科网
用make a speech造句He makes a speech for us.他给我们做了一次演讲。 单词deliberate speech 例句大全,用单词deliberate speech造句: He is deliberate ...
#48. Pensive synonyms
... thoughtful, deliberative, ruminant, broody and deliberate. coeducation. ... used in a sentence and examples? pensive造句, pensive造句, 用pensive造句, ...
#49. 用这么造句大全(5-300个句子) - 造句网(在线造句词典)
这么造句:1、转眼,春就这么赤裸地站在我面前,我们默默无语。2、我宁愿做一只羊身上的虱子,也不愿做这么一个没有头脑的勇士。3、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的 ...
#50. take a deliberate 中文 - RYTLK
take time to deliberate中文做事要深思熟慮, 2020 – A year into Lebanon's severe ... 詞典· 紙本出版用take time to deliberate造句和”take time to deliberate”的 ...
#51. 「社交距離」、「自我隔離」英文怎麼說?從防疫措施學多益
Social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space ... 不過在a deliberate decision這個片語中,則有「審慎的;沈穩的」意思。
#52. Filicide synonyms
Noun An act of causing death, especially deliberately killing murder ... and examples? filicide造句, filicide造句, 用filicide造句, filicide meaning, ...
#53. 用走的英文
... 走了的英文单词写法、我得走了用英语怎么说、英文造句特别走心的短句翻译英文走心的话用英语怎么说. 走心:上心,用心。. “走心”了英文到底咋说?. 1. Deliberate.
#54. it has been suggested that-翻译为中文-例句英语
Although it has been suggested that this failure was deliberate, the Commission has found no convincing evidence that it was due to more than the want in ...
#55. Aspiration synonyms
When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an ... used in a sentence and examples? aspiration造句, aspiration造句, 用aspiration造句, ...
#56. 副詞怎麼用?補教名師王亮之教你英文滿級分訣竅 - 眾文生活 ...
deliberately 故意地. impatiently 不耐煩地. 【題目】答案可以用滑鼠反白. (1)All children should be treated equally.
#57. 多益單字- [ deliberate所有相關資訊,by-英文995 ]
deliberate. [di'libərit]. adj.深思熟慮的, 故意的, 從容不迫的 v.仔細考慮, 研討. 例句與用法:. It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an ...
#58. Deliberate Practice: Achieve Mastery in Anything - YouTube
#59. Deliberate परिभाषा और अर्थ | कोलिन्स अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश - Collins ...
deliberate. शब्द प्रारूप: 3rd person singular present tense deliberates, present participle deliberating , past tense, past participle ...
deliberate造句 在 Deliberate Practice: Achieve Mastery in Anything - YouTube 的八卦
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