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「de facto」(in fact)意思指「事實上」或「執行上」,而法律上並未宣告。「De jure」意指「法律上」,即由法律、政府干預、技術性的手段(例如規格、標準、協議等 ...
de facto 翻譯:事實上的,實際上的, 實質婚姻中的妻子(或丈夫);同居伴侶。 ... de facto 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... de jure formal.
#3. 職場常用拉丁語- De jure【短片】 - 香港經濟日報- 即時新聞頻道
De facto 是指「事實上」,但並不一定是「法律上」的意思。另一個相對的de jure,則是法律上,有法律做依歸,意思是according to law。
#4. de jure or de facto中文 - 查查在線詞典
de jure or de facto中文 :法律或事實上…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋de jure or de facto的中文翻譯,de jure or de facto的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. de jure or de facto-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: de facto or de jure,在英语-中文情境中翻译"de jure or de facto"
「de jure」,是來自拉丁語的法律用語,與「de facto」相對。
#7. de jure or de facto 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
de jure or de facto 解釋. 法律或事實上. de: DE = destroyer escort 護航驅逐艦。de1〈拉丁語〉 = down from from off de facto 事實上(的)。 de... jure: 尤雷 ...
#8. de jure or de facto在線翻譯 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供de jure or de facto的在線翻譯,de jure or de facto是什麼意思,de jure or de facto的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#9. de facto and de jure - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"de facto and de jure" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. (公立學校中)法律上的的種族隔離,de jure segregation,元照英美 ...
中文. (公立學校中)法律上的的種族隔離. 解釋. 〈美〉 一般指由法律直接規定或得到法律認可的種族隔離。此種隔離的危害性甚於事實上的隔離〔de facto segregation〕。
#11. de facto standard - 實際的標準 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
實際的標準. de facto standard. 中國大陸譯名: 事实标准. 以de facto standard 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞
#12. 一個「事實上國家」在事實上並不是一個國家 - 台灣政府
「事實上」作為法律用語,大多作形容詞使用,是關於事物是否合法的用語,相當於英文的「de facto」(源自拉丁文)。其相對詞是「法理上」或「法律上」,即英文的「de jure ...
#13. de jure - 維基百科
「de jure」(拉丁語:dē iūre, "by law"(法律上),發音 .mw-parser-output . ... dee -),是來自拉丁語的法律用語,與「de facto」(直譯作「事實上」)相對。
#14. De facto 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
De facto 释义: De facto is used to indicate that something is a particular thing, even though it was not... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#15. 與De facto相對的De jure
#16. de jure or de facto 中文事實上 - Ustmy
De facto (,英讀: / d iː ˈ f æ k t oʊ / [1] ),係拉丁文法學詞彙,意思係話「事實上」或者「執行上」嘅嘢,但係法律上面就未宣告。 De facto同De jure相反。
#17. Legal English: “De Facto/De Jure” | Washington Law St.Louis
Today's phrases, “de facto” and “de jure,” (Pronunciation: dee fak-toh/di joo r-ee: Origin: Latin) are closely related concepts. De facto means a state of ...
#18. What's The Difference Between De Jure And De Facto ...
De jure standards, or standards according to law, are endorsed by a formal standards organization. The organization ratifies each standard ...
#19. de jure的中文解释和发音- 词典 - 法语助手
16.Bien qu'en principe, l'égalité entre les sexes soit assurée, une discrimination de jure et de facto persiste. 虽然原则上保证了两性平等,但依然存 着法律上和 ...
#20. 獨立這邊請- 事實上獨立(de facto independence) 法理上獨立 ...
事實上獨立(de facto independence) 法理上獨立(de jure independence) 這兩個東西保證未來會越來越常看到; 台灣是前面的狀態,而建國就是追求後者的 ...
#21. De Facto Standard - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In some cases, a de facto standard is taken through a formal standards process and thereby becomes a de jure standard. One recent example is Adobe's Portable ...
#22. corporation de jure 中文意思是什麼
corporation de jure 中文意思是什麼 ... 〈拉丁語〉 = down from from off de facto 事實上(的)。 de... jure : 尤雷. 例句. 目前還沒有corporation de jure例句。
#23. 職場英語裡有趣的7個外來語表達 - 每日頭條
拉丁語表達de facto用作形容詞時意思是actual,「事實上」;而用作副詞時的意思是in ... 另外,在法律術語裡,de facto通常和de jure(法律上)相對。
#24. De Jure Facto: Everything You Need to Know - UpCounsel
De jure standards refer to standards that are established by law, while de facto standards are standards that are based on facts but not formally recognized ...
#25. de jure的中文解释和发音 - 西语助手
2.La igualdad de jure (o formal) y de facto (o sustantiva) son conceptos diferentes pero conectados entre sí. 法律 (或正式 ) 及实际 (或实质 ) 是两种不同、但相互 ...
#26. 「de facto」和「de jure」怎么翻译到中文? - 知乎
中文 翻译. 「de facto」和「de jure」怎么翻译到中文? 这两个拉丁短语有办法意译么?中文有没有相似的表达方式? 查看问题描述. 关注问题 写回答. 邀请回答.
#27. de facto - 海豚部落
de facto. 看資訊相關文獻時 有時出現"de facto"這個詞 雖然上wikipedia查得到它的意思就是"事實上"或者"執行上" 而且與"de jure"(法律上)有相對的 ...
#28. De facto and de jure standards - BBC
De facto standards are those which have been accepted as the best standard for their purpose. They have evolved to be accepted because of wide public support ...
#29. De Jure and De Facto - 訂房優惠報報
#30. What is de facto standard? - Definition from WhatIs.com
De facto standards contrast with de jure standards, which have official status as confirmed by a standards organization. De facto standards can also become de ...
#31. CableLabs Specifications Move From De Facto to De Jure
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines de facto and de jure as ... In the past, creating a de jure standard was a lengthy process involving the ...
#32. Who participates in de jure standard setting in Japan? The ...
This research examines who participates in de jure standard setting in Japan, so as to understand the benefits and costs that corporations receive from ...
#33. The Human Rights of Individuals in De Facto Regimes under ...
Keywords: de facto regimes ^ jurisdiction ^ acquired human rights doctrine ^ European Convention on Human Rights. 1. Introduction.
#34. De facto Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective In education, distance learning transitioned from the experimental to a de facto standard practically overnight.
#35. de jure and de facto corporations是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选de jure and de facto corporations是什么意思、英语单词推荐、翻译de jure and de facto corporations是什么意思。
#36. De jure versus de facto institutions: trust, information, and ...
De jure versus de facto institutions: trust, information, and collective efforts to manage the invasive mile-a-minute weed (Mikania ...
#37. De-facto Meaning - YourDictionary
(adjective) De facto segregation; a de fac... ... The definition of de facto is something real, but not formally accepted. ... (Often opposed to de jure.).
#38. (PDF) De jure and de facto institutions – disentangling the ...
PDF | In this paper we contribute to the debate on the nature of institutions and their economic effects by extending the focus to the de jure – de.
#39. デファクト・スタンダード | 用語解説 | 野村総合研究所(NRI)
「De Facto」はラテン語で「事実上の」を意味します。 ... 機関で合議制により認証された規格は、デジュール・スタンダード(De Jure Standard)と呼ばれています。
#40. A Comparative Study of the Gap Between De-Jure ... - Sciendo
A Comparative Study of the Gap Between De-Jure and De-Facto Language Policies: The Case of Kyrgyzstan and Hungary · Journal & Issue Details · PDF ...
#41. 事實承認(de facto recognition) - 法律-筆記
事實承認(de facto recognition) ... 事實承認又稱暫時承認或不完全承認,為承認國認為被承認國當時或暫時地具備了國家的要件,但對其未來的發展與變化有所保留。
#42. De Jure and De Facto Determinants of Power - IZA - Institute ...
De facto power is power that is not allocated by de jure institutions such as voting legislation or elections, but rather is possessed by a social group as a.
#43. De Jure and De Facto Research Use Exemptions in Patent Law
I. Standard Forms of De Jure Research Use. Exemptions. • Research and Development (R&D) Exemptions. • Unauthorized making, using, or selling of patented.
#44. De Facto Standards in Information Systems: Definition ...
What is a de jure standard? In contrast with de facto standards, de jure standards have been approved, endorsed and ratified by a formal organization like an ...
#45. De Facto Versus de Jure Political Institutions in the Long-Run
In this paper we use the components of the PolityIV project's polity2 and Vanhanen's Index of Democracy indicators to analyse the ...
#46. Who Participates in the De Jure Standard Setting in Japan?
Keywords: Standardization, De jure standard, De facto standard, R&D. JEL classification: O30. This study is conducted as a part of the Project “Standard ...
#47. A comparative study of de jure and de facto disclosure ...
The study analyses de jure disclosure harmony between Australia and Singapore by examining selected disclosure requirements from the statutes, ...
#48. De facto - The Free Dictionary
in fact; in reality. adj. 2. actually existing, esp. without lawful authority (disting. from de jure): de facto segregation. [ ...
#49. Balancing Between 'De Facto' and 'De Jure' in Standard ...
Balancing Between 'De Facto' and 'De Jure' in Standard-setting Strategy by a Latecomer Country: The Case of ICT Industry in China.
#50. De jure and de facto tolerance of dual citizenship in Japan
Local authorities need to follow the standard procedures for Japanese citizens and permanent residents equally, which means that even though ...
#51. De Facto Versus de Jure Political Institutions in the Long-Run
Using these two measures, we then investigate whether the relationship between de jure and de facto political institutions changed over the 1820 ...
#52. Muddled Distinction Between De Jure and De Facto ...
on a critical distinction in constitutional law between “de jure” segregation—resulting from purposeful discrimination by the government—and “de facto” ...
#53. What is the difference between De Facto and De Jure?
De Facto describes practices that exist in reality in the rule of any Government or Law. · De Jure describes practices that are legally ...
#54. De facto separation - Ministère de la justice
A separation agreement that leaves some details unresolved · You remain married or in a civil partnership in the eyes of the law; · You are still subject to the ...
#55. South American De Jure and De Facto Refugee Protection
South American De Jure and De Facto Refugee Protection: Lessons from the South. Forum on the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of ...
#56. 常用法學英文字彙表 - 輔仁大學法律學院
中文. 英文. 1. 從物 accessories. 2. 承認 acknowledgement ... 事實上 de facto. 100. 法律上 de jure. 101. 經銷合約 dealership agreement. 102. 債務人.
#57. De Facto Standard Definition - The Linux Information Project
A de facto standard is a standard that has become a standard because it is widely used rather than because it was officially approved by ...
#58. De facto - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
De facto is Latin for "of fact," meaning "in reality," and it's usually contrasted with "de jure," which means "of law," or "officially."
#59. Définition de De facto, de jure - Dictionnaire juridique
Définition de De facto, de jure : De facto et de jure sont des expressions latines. De facto signifie en fait ou de fait. Le sens de ces locutions s'oppose ...
#60. de facto - Sesli Sözlük
In fact or in practice; in actual use or existence, regardless of official or legal status. (Often opposed to de jure.) Although the United States currently has ...
#61. Difference between De Facto and De Jure & Their ... - Byjus
After learning about the de facto and de jure difference, learn more about Law Optional subject for UPSC Civil Service Exam, and assimilate important tips for ...
#62. From de-jure to de-facto: Mapping Dimensions and ...
Furthermore, we reason that the majority of the countries have set up high levels of. Page 7. 5 some or all de-facto institutions of vertical accountability, ...
#63. デファクトスタンダードとは? メリット、具体的な事例と ...
デファクトスタンダード(De Facto Standard)とは、事実上の標準を意味する言葉で、De Facto」はラテン語が語源となっています。
#64. Definition of de facto standard | PCMag
What does de facto standard actually mean? Find out inside PCMag's comprehensive tech and computer-related encyclopedia.
#65. Mind the Gap? Comparing De Facto and De Jure Expert ...
Abstract Many authors have argued that International Public Administration can influence policy-making through their expert authority.
#66. UNHCR and De Facto Statelessness
de jure statelessness and de facto statelessness.4 UNHCR has therefore tended to assume that it has a mandate for de facto stateless persons who are not ...
De Facto and De Jure Property Rights: Land Settlement and Land Conflict on the Australian,. Brazilian and U.S. Frontiers. Lee J. Alston, Edwyna Harris, ...
#68. WTO ANALYTICAL INDEX SCM Agreement – Article 3 ...
We further recall that the legal standard expressed by the word 'contingent' is the same for both de jure or de facto contingency. There is a difference, ...
#69. De Facto vs. De Jure Discrimination - Scarsdale Public Schools
De Facto vs. De Jure. Discrimination ntil 1964, most white Northerners regarded race as a peculiarly Southern problem that could be solved by extending ...
#70. Balancing De Jure and De Facto Arctic Environmental Law ...
Balancing De Jure and De Facto Arctic Environmental Law Applied to the Oil and Gas Industry: Linking Indigenous Rights, Social Impact ...
#71. De Jure and de Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from ...
We evaluate the empirical effectiveness of de facto versus de jure determinants of political power in the U.S. South between the end of the nineteenth and ...
#72. Evolutionary stability of de jure and de facto standards
standard, which is called a de jure standard, to be established: the critical mass and the path dependence. Second, a de facto standard depends on the ...
#73. De jure and de facto deaths. The impact of unregistered ...
For greater homogeneity and uniformity, standard versions of the certificates were introduced around 1830. These death certificates gave ...
#74. de jure是什么意思- 英语词典 - 新东方在线
De Jure Interstate Banking: Why Only Now? Does De Jure Judicial Independence Really Matter? De facto and de jure regionalism: The double discourse of ...
#75. Open Government Architecture: The evolution of De Jure ...
should explicitly prioritize open source de jure and de facto standards ... initially embrace a de-facto or de-jure standard—such as SQL or HTML or RS-232.
#76. De jure, De facto Globalization and Economic Growth in Sub ...
De facto social globalization and de jure political globalization remain ineffective, while de facto political dimension of globalization ...
#77. 149. Responsibility for violations of International Humanitarian ...
In other words, the organ through which the State acts may be de jure or de facto; what matters is that it conducts itself as such and acts on behalf of the ...
#78. Difference Between De Facto and De Jure & Their Comparisons
The standard that has gained a commanding position by enforcement, tradition or market dominance is a De facto standard. It has not ...
#79. Legal Glossary | Learn | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania
damages. Money awarded by court to a person for injury or loss suffered by the unlawful act or negligence of another. · de facto. In fact. · de jure. By right; by ...
#80. Wireshark · Go Deep.
It lets you see what's happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many commercial and ...
#81. De Facto dan De Jure - Pengertian - Perbedaan
Istilah ini biasa digunakan sebagai lawan de jure yang mengarah ke hal-hal yang berhubungan pemerintahan, hukum atau standard. Ketika kita ...
#82. Why is life expectancy so low in Black neighborhoods?
Because de jure and de facto segregation concentrated Black Americans in specific locales, racial injustices have occurred through ...
#83. 法律上的(de jure)和事实上(de facto)的区别 - tl80互动问答网
法律是一个拉丁语表达,意思是合法或合法。当我们谈论**时,我们指的是法律上的**,它意味着合法选举产生,并得到其他国家的承认。然而,如果在一个州或 ...
#84. De Facto dan De Jure: Pengertian, Perbedaan, dan Contohnya
De facto dan de jure adalah dua konsep pengakuan secara hukum yang kerap kita temui dalam politik internasional dan hubungan antar negara.
#85. De facto segregation - Gaffar GPS Solutions
de facto segregation 353 (1961). Something that is de jure is in place because of laws. a year ago, a friend and I rode the bus through some of the city's ...
#86. [新聞] 反了?國民黨議員提案改國號為台灣共和- 看板Gossiping
把de jure官方語言改為英文、臺語、客語、原住民語、中文、越南語、韓語、日語…等。(列表順序上把中文放在中間偏後不醒目的位置) de facto官方語言 ...
#87. "De Facto" ve "De Jure" Kavramları Nedir ? - Siyasal Hayvan
Her ikisi de hukukî kavramlar olan “de facto” ve “de jure” kavramları Latince'den gelmektedirler. De Facto kavramı, bir “facto”dan yani ...
#88. 中華民國 - 政府研究資訊系統GRB
本計畫,在理論上,試圖以「法理論述」(de jure discourse)VS.「事實論述」(de facto discourse) 作為析論中華民國(ROC)與國際奧林匹克委員會(International ...
#89. UK Supreme Court Reaches Judgment On $2bn Venezuelan ...
Today's ruling found that the appeals court's reliance on “outdated concepts of de jure and de facto recognition was misplaced”, ...
#90. What Makes a Town?-Steven Webber-KKBOX
Nothing's Wrong · Covenants of the Land · The Value of Their Futures · The Red Line · De Jure · De Facto · One Word · Wealth ... 繁體中文, English.
#91. perspectives from former policy makers at the ECB
jure ” or “de facto” independence (Dall'Orto Mas et al. 2020). The table below Figure 1 reports the responses for the three different groups that the survey ...
#92. ความแตกต่างระหว่าง De Jure และ De Facto - strephonsays
De Jure vs De Facto แม้ว่าเราจะได้ยินสำนวนภาษาลาตินทางนิตินัยและพฤตินัยบ่อยครั้งและยังอ่านเป็นส่วนใหญ่ในหนังสือพิมพ์ด้วยกัน.
#93. Download foremost in kali
It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions. Bingo. apt dist-upgrade. ”. Download Fluxion in kali ...
#94. Last words of a shooting star mbti - The French Patisserie – By ...
Words like standard, de-facto, de-jure and open are frequently used and abused in our industry. A passionate and talented cello player from Oregon, ...
#95. Migration outside large cities: a comparison of the hiring of ...
As de facto or de jure subcontractors, dried bonito processors came to develop a mass-oriented system. Two transformations are noteworthy. The ...
#96. Women in Politics - Council of European Municipalities and ...
Unfortunately, de jure and de facto situations only very rarely coincide, especially in politics. In Europe, like elsewhere, women have been.
#97. AS and A Level ICT Through Diagrams - 第 83 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Standards therefore began to emerge in two distinct ways : de facto standards and de jure standards . DE FACTO STANDARDS De facto means ' in effect ' and ...
de jure or de facto中文 在 [新聞] 反了?國民黨議員提案改國號為台灣共和- 看板Gossiping 的八卦