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#1. 用"confess"造句
造句 與例句 手機版 · The prisoner confessed to stealing the jewels . · I confess that to me it seems quite impossible . · It's frivolous misuse of time, i confess .
confess 造句 / 例句. 1. We persuaded her to confess her crime. 我们说服她坦白她的罪行。 《牛津词典》. 2. She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.
用confess造句,confess例句 · The prisoner confessed to stealing the jewels . · I confess that to me it seems quite impossible . · It's frivolous ...
#4. confess造句 - 軟體兄弟
用confess to造句和"confess to"的例句: 1. The prisoner confessed to stealing the jewels .犯人供認他偷了珠寶。 2. Most people confess to have a bad memory .
#5. confess造句_粉色屋
confess 造句 / 例句1. We persuaded her to confess her crime. 我们说服她坦白她的罪行。 《牛津词典》 2. She was reluctant to confess her ...
#6. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| confess 例句
The police tortured him to confess his crime. 警察拷打他,逼他招供。 He confessed the brutal truth.
I must confess I have some sympathy with his views. 我必須承認我比較贊同他的觀點。 sympathies [ plural ].
#8. look forward to / confess to 後面要接V-ing?be used to 呢?別 ...
動詞+介係詞組合. confess to 坦承做了某事(犯罪或錯誤). He confessed to killing his ...
He denied everything, but ended up confessing everything. ... 光是看別人的造句,到頭來還是不會用到口語上,你可以試著造句,硬是讓“end up”派上 ...
#10. confess - 用法_例句- 海词| 數位感-2021年11月
詞語用法·confess的基本意思是「承認」,指承認自... | 數位感. ... confess - 用法_例句- 海词 · confess造句 · confess告白 · confess to中文 ...
#11. confessed【解释语法同义词造句相关资料】 - 外语教育网
confessed同义词:. confess, admit, acknowledge, recognize. confessed造句:. Almost everything, she confessed, could be seen as a ...
#12. 翻译_confess同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#13. 七年級單詞1225-1231 (14) - Quizlet
同意,同时发生;造句:The Judge stated that he concurred with the ruling法官表示 ... Confess. (v.)to admit that you have done something wrong or illegal, ...
#14. province怎么造句,松柏造句怎么造二年级 - 句子大全网
province英[ˈprɒvɪns] 美[ˈprɑ:vɪns] n.省份; 大行政区; 范围; 职责; [网络]湖北省; 河南; 省级; [例句]The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government ...
#15. propose造句 - 搜狗搜索
87%的人还搜了 ; agenda造句 recommend造句 ; proposal drift造句 ; assign造句 vague造句 ; confess too insist造句.
#16. confess to用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 媽媽最愛你
提供confess to用法相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多Object to + Ving、Become to、Look forward to + Ving有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供您完整相關訊息.
#17. 「英文正確發音篇」第96集:學習confess, confirm, confront ...
#18. 屈打成招意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 confess to false charges under torture <obtain confessions under tortare>. 日語翻譯 拷問(ごうもん)されて ... 成語屈打成招造句. ▸ 成語牙籤犀軸解釋.
#19. 交代的意思,交代造句,交代注音 - 國語辭典
英文to hand over, to explain, to make clear, to brief (sb), to account for, to justify oneself, to confess, to finish (colloquial).
#20. magnificent造句.zip[百度网盘全集] - 卡子哥
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#21. 追悔不及是什麼意思,追悔不及的解釋,造句,成語故事,英文翻譯
... 追悔不及的解釋, 追悔不及成語故事,追悔不及的反義詞近義詞,追悔不及造句,追悔不及的意思, ... Confess. 追悔不及解釋,造句,出處,意思,成語故事,英文翻譯.
#22. renovate 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
renovate造句,renovate例句,renovate用法. ... Your responsibility it to confess it. Let it renovate your life. 你的职责是宣告这些,并且让它们更新你的生命。
#23. Day 16 Page 171-183 - 简书
造句 :My mom teached me how to fix the wrong manner and let me be more polite. 3.confess. 原句:I knoe if I vonfessed, I'd lose my hot ...
#24. 迫使他-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
His conscience compelled him to confess. 有限的资源王子迫使他克制和财政纪律。 The limited resources of the Prince compelled him to exercise restraint and ...
#25. confessed是什么意思 - 英语词典
#26. confess sth to sb - 罗辞问答网
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供to confess sth to sb的在线翻译,to ... 本文标签: confuse的短语 confess解析 challenge造句子 control to do ...
#27. be proud of造句 - 手机问答网
i have fun learning english. 我学英语很有趣. i confess to being proud of my son's success.我自认以儿子的成功为荣. it's silly of you to do ...
#28. How do you confess your crush to someone? | HiNative
请给我造句好吗? 谢谢 · Hi everyone, as far as I know 蛟龙brings bad luck in Chinese mythology. When I was a kid my mom us... 1.延误这个词只在交通手段才会用 ...
#29. 用was和were造句而且還要是過去式,並且was和were要同時用上
right off i want to confess that i was wrong. 我立刻就想承認我錯了。 were的例句. he believes in athei** as though it were a ...
#30. confess的英文解释 - 布格伦科技网
形容词:confessable副词:confessedly过去式:confessed过去分词:confessed现在分词:confessing第三人称单数:confesses confess的英文翻译是什么意思, ...
#31. 专四词汇练习:第13期 - 可可英语
词汇练习第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。acknowledge, confess, admit, ... acknowledge, confess, admit, recognize ... 第二题:请用以下词组造句
#32. 用was there造句-六车网
2019年5月29日 — Right off I want to confess that I was wrong. 我立刻就想承认我错了。 He was already rich 他已经很富有了。 ▻用There was 和there were造句:.
#33. 如何用right造句老師讓我寫英文句
他也是你的經紀人,對吧? 5. Right off I want to confess that I was wrong. 我立刻就想承認我錯了。 6. Now, you're on the right track.; Now, that's ...
#34. profess是什么意思_profess声称造句 - 天天知识网
profess造句1、Those learned intellectual historians allprofessliterature. ... 声称,表明,信奉pro-,向前,在前,-fess,说话,告知,词源同confess,prophecy,phone.
#35. 翻譯的技巧 - 博客來
一由要素來分的造句 (1)漢文易寫英文難通 (2)動詞的種類和變化 (3)動詞與五種句型 (4)第一句型的自動構造 (5)第二句型的不完全自動構造
#36. 英文的奧妙: 從拼字、文法、標點符號到髒話, 紐約客資深編輯的 ...
Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen ... 學家的角度來看,這個語言現象可能源自從小「矯枉過正(hypercorrection)」,即師長百般叮嚀孩子在造句時,主詞 ...
#37. 屈打成招造句和成语接龙 - 英语翻译在线翻译
3、在法制社会里,屈打成招是要负法律责任的。 4、他受刑不过,屈打成招,受了不白之冤。 5、他受刑不过,只好屈打成招。 屈打成招的英语翻译. Confess to false charges ...
#38. be proud of造句 - 范文先生网
造句 指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。 ... 11、I confess to being proud of my sons success.
#39. 单词汪第35 期Day 9_单词作业一起来- 朗播
建筑师【造句】. In a Struts application, you can architect the Model ... 坦白的,直率的【造句】 ... confess动词. 忏悔,坦白,告解,承认( ...
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approve造句最新消息,还有approve造句简单,appointment造句,process造句等内容,I'm really don't approve of your word.
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#42. 用was造句,谢谢 - 百度知道
龙之腾必潜乃翔 ... Right off I want to confess that I was wrong. 我立刻就想承认我错了。 ... 他已经很富有了。
#43. I'd Like To Buy A Sweater - 教育部
參考網站:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYYCSEV-i1Y Confessions of A ... 老師也可將圖卡列印,由同學依據抽到的圖卡造句:如果中了樂透,他們會. 想買些什麼。
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学习英语网为大家提供successfully的例句,successfully造句,successfully的用法等英语单词的在线查询服务。 ... I confess to being proud of my son's success.
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[admit;acknowlege;concede;confess]对既成的事实表示认可. 承认错误 ... 以下是学习啦小编为大家整理的关于承认的同义词,反义词及造句,欢迎阅读.
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解释. ◎ 承认chéngrèn. [admit;acknowlege;concede;confess] 对既成的事实表示认可. 承认错误. 当局承认他的重要贡献. 承认新国家. 引用解释.
#47. goal【解释语法同义词造句考试真题】_医学教育网
上一条·confessed【解释语法同义词造句相关资料】. 下一条·prohibit【解释语法同义词造句相关资料】. 相关新闻. · 2014年清远职称英语考试报名通知 ...
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I confess that I do not entirely approve of this Constitution at present, ... 仔细拼一拼这现场报道,亮点还是很多的,我们这里单看遣词造句:.
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带你认识“招”字的读音、笔顺、释义,以及组词、造句 5791 1'30". > 招. [zhāo]. 编辑概述图册. 编辑文本. 助力编辑. 汉语汉字. 本词条是多义词,共2个义项 展开 收起.
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In Chaozhou it's “To make phrases” (zàojù, 造句) and in Hakka traditions it was ... I must confess, I don't have a good grasp of this other than to say you ...
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"confess" 相關課程教材. Despite his line of work and incredibly successful business, Michael confesses that he doesn't ...
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(2015:184)原文中采用了拟人的修辞手法,“defy”和“confess”这两个动词为原文增添 ... 他认为,译文在正确表达思想内容的前提下,应在遣词、造句、语气、笔调、节奏、音韵 ...
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... 不乏各种背单词的奇招,比如词根词缀记忆法、谐音法,如“confess,肯反思——忏悔”“ambulance, ... 造句,形成合情合理的语境,便于读者一下记住两个单词和例句中的词汇, ...
#58. Meditationvm ad instrumentvm pacis Caesareo-Suecicum: Anno ...
1 首乌兰兰自驾造句? ... gischen Confessions - Verwanden / gerechtrambe & vice versa , denen Augspur , gifihen Confessions - Verwandten , deren Catholischen ...
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韋利(Timothy Wyllie)的《叛逆天使的自白》(Confessions of a Rebel Angel)這兩本跟超自然有關的書中 ... 直到你意識到必須放棄原本的造句方式,才有辦法真正學好外語。
#60. confess - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
confess · vt. 坦白,供認,承認[+v-ing][+(that)][O8][O2];(教友)向(神、神父)……懺悔;(神父)聽取(教友)辦告解 · vi. 供認,交代,承認[(+to)];懺悔[(+to)] ...
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提供confess to用法相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多Object to + Ving、Become to、Look forward to + Ving有關親子文章或書籍,歡迎來媽媽最愛你提供您完整相關訊息. ... <看更多>