By スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video
2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡睫状体(ciliary body)是眼球壁葡萄膜中段呈环带状增厚部分,宽约6毫米,前接虹膜根部,后方止于脉络膜前缘,外表面与巩膜相邻,内里面通过悬韧带与晶状体相连。
#2. 眼球(Eyeball) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
1. Choroid(脈絡膜),含有豐富的神經血管,包覆眼球後4/5 · 2. Ciliary body(睫狀體):為choroid 向前延伸,含ciliary muscle(睫狀肌).
#3. 睫狀體 - A+醫學百科
睫狀體ciliary body. 睫狀體:是血管膜中部的增厚部分,內表面有許多突出並呈放射狀排列的皺褶,外表面有睫狀肌(平滑肌)。 在兩棲類以上的脊椎動物眼內,在晶狀體 ...
#4. 睫状体_百度百科
睫状体为眼球虹膜后外方的环形增厚的部分,前部有向内侧并作放射状突起,称睫状突(ciliary process),其突发出晶状体悬韧带(也叫睫状小带或晶状体悬器)与晶状体囊相连 ...
#5. 認識眼睛構造 - 哈佛眼科診所
Ciliary body 【睫狀體】 :位於虹膜和脈絡膜之間,通過懸韌帶與水晶體相連。睫狀體可以調節水晶體的形狀及厚度,以取得適當的焦距。另外,睫狀體可分泌水樣液稱為「房 ...
ciliary 翻譯:睫毛的, 纖毛的, 睫狀體的。了解更多。
...sagrei,包括角膜、虹膜、睫狀體、晶狀體、小梁網和鞏膜聽小骨。 sagrei, which include the cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens, trabecular meshwork, and sclera ...
睫狀體(Ciliary Body) 睫狀體[6]位於虹膜根部和脈絡膜之間的環狀組織,通過懸韌帶(zonular fibers)與晶狀體相連。睫狀體富含血管,主要由可調節晶狀體曲度以取得適當 ...
Ciliary body 睫狀體,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,生理衛生名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
使用Reverso Context: Ultrasound biomicroscopy iris ciliary body cyst diagnose,在英语-中文情境中翻译"ciliary body"
#11. CILIARY BODY - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
'ciliary body'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#12. ciliary body中文 - 英語翻譯
ciliary body中文 中文意思::睫狀體…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ciliary body的中文翻譯,ciliary body的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#13. Cranial Nerve 2 – Optic Nerve
(2) Ciliary body (睫狀體) 介於Retina的Ora serrata (鋸齒緣)與Corneoscleral junction之間,內有Ciliary muscle (由circular, radial, and mefidional muscle fibers ...
#14. human ciliary body的意思- 英漢例句 - 漢語網
human ciliary body中文的意思、翻譯及用法:人眼睫狀體。英漢詞典提供【human ciliary body】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#15. Ciliary body 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Ciliary body 释义: the part of the vascular tunic of the eye that connects the choroid with the iris | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#16. ciliary body (in the Eye, containing the focusing muscles) - 英中
大量翻译例句关于"ciliary body (in the Eye, containing the focusing muscles)" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#17. ciliary body 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释ciliary body这个英文词呢? ciliary body这个英文词,中文意思如下:睫状体。 Meaning of ciliary body for the defined word.
#18. 睫狀體上皮細胞中Adenyl+Cyclase與Na-K-ATPase之相互關係
繁體中文DOI: 10.30048/ACTASOS.199112.0010 DOI ... Here we studied the activity change of rabbit ciliary body Na-K-ATPase after incubating with epineplirine ...
#19. Ciliary body - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The ciliary body comprises the orbiculus ciliaris, the ciliary processes, and the Ciliaris muscle.It is shaped like a triangle with apex towards the ora ...
#20. 57009130:國家教育研究院-航空太空學術名詞 -
column, value. 英文名稱, ciliary body. 中文名稱, 睫狀體. API · Blog · About · GitHub · FB Groups · Google Groups · Contact; © 2023
#21. 目的正常眼壓性青光眼的病人點用之後對於球後血流動力學的影響
group had endoscopic ciliary body FA at each time point. The vascular integrity of the ciliary processes was evaluated by the computerized pixel intensity ...
#22. 急性狹角性青光眼症狀較明顯,有視力模糊 - 一週全球藥聞
青光眼常規檢查之一,眼內壓會受睫狀體(ciliary body)分泌房水(aqueous humor)的速度,及房水由小樑組織(trabecular meshwork)和葡萄膜鞏膜通路(uveoscleral outflow) ...
#23. 沉默的視力殺手 - 長庚醫院
眼球前房與後房中充滿了一種稱為房水的液體,維持眼球內正常壓力,即為眼壓,正常眼壓約為12~21毫米水銀柱,房水是由睫狀體(ciliary body)分泌出來,由前房隅角的小樑 ...
#24. 睫状体_搜狗百科
睫状体是眼球壁中膜的增厚部分,内表面有许多突出并呈放射状排列的皱褶,外表面有睫状肌(平滑肌)。 没用有用. 基本信息. 中文名睫状体. 外文名The ciliary body.
#25. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
中文 摘要, 一44歲男性因外院發現左眼睫體腫瘤而轉至本院治療。 ... 英文摘要, A 44-year-old man was referred to our hospital for ciliary body tumor management.
#26. LINE貼圖- Go it! Moyo of ciliary body
Characterized the ciliary body in everyone's eyes and made it a LINE sticker. What is ciliary body? If you think, check it yourself!
#27. 320 Ciliary body 图片、库存照片和矢量图 - Shutterstock
在Shutterstock 收藏中查找Ciliary body 张高清库存图片和其余几百万张免版税库存照片、插图和矢量图。 每天添加几千张全新的高品质图片。
#28. 畜牧用語 - 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所
ciliary body, 睫狀體 ; cilium, 纖毛;睫毛 ; cimetidine, 組織胺拮抗劑 ; cinnamic acid, 肉桂酸;桂皮酸.
#29. 9 1 3眼的外部構造三廉 - YouTube
柏格醫生 中文 健康知識 ... structure of the eyeball wall, cornea, iris, sclera, retina, ciliary body /眼球壁的结构:角膜、虹膜、视网膜、巩膜.
#30. ciliary 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
['siliәri] a. 眼睫毛的, 纖毛的, 纖毛狀的【醫】 睫狀的, 睫的.
#31. Ciliary body medulloepithelioma treated with intra-operative ...
Herein, we report a case of a 1-year-old girl with a ciliary body mass highly suggestive of medulloepithelioma, which caused recurrent acute ... 中文翻译: ...
#32. 「數碼眼」恐成年輕人標誌 -
「數碼眼」是指長時間近距離使用數碼產品(如手機、電腦),讓睫狀肌(Ciliary body)過度收縮,造成痙攣。睫狀肌也因此出現酸痛和脹痛感,導致肌肉充血、僵硬,產生眼窩 ...
#33. [眼睛解剖構造]睫狀體是什麼?1篇改變水晶體形狀的組織全分析
睫狀體(ciliary body),是葡萄膜層中的一部份,位於眼球赤道部的增厚組織,內表面有許多突出並呈現放射狀的皺褶;外表面有睫狀肌組織。
#34. ciliary body"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
与"ciliary body"相近的词条 ... ciliary beat · ciliary beat frequency · ciliary block · ciliary block angle-closure glaucoma · ciliary block glaucoma ...
#35. Melanocytoma of the ciliary body misdiagnosed as iridodialysis
Slit-lamp examination revealed a ciliary body mass with widespread pigment dispersion in the anterior segment. Due to no useful vision and ...
#36. 解剖生理學-眼的神經支配 - 高點醫護網
第三對顱神經副交感節前纖維興奮 · 睫狀肌(ciliary muscle)收縮 · 水晶體懸韌帶(suspensory ligaments of lens)被拉緊 · 水晶體變凸變厚.
#37. 眼科英文Flashcards - Quizlet
retina. 虹膜擴張肌. iris dilator muscle. 虹膜括約肌. iris sphincter muscle. 睫狀體. ciliary body. 虹膜. Iris. 睫狀肌. ciliary muscle. 睫狀體. Ciliary body.
#38. 睫帶英文,比較解剖學 - 三度漢語網
Ciliary zonule的英文翻譯. ... 中文詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域. 睫帶, Ciliary zonule, 【比較解剖學】 ... 睫狀體, ciliary body, 【高中以下生命科學名詞】.
#39. Eye with uvea - Mayo Clinic
It has three parts: (1) the iris, which is the colored part of the eye; (2) the ciliary body, which is the structure in the eye that secretes the ...
#40. 漫談基層醫師常見之紅眼症
眼睛異物(foreign body in eye). 疼痛、剌激感、流淚 ... 包括虹膜(iris)、睫狀體(ciliary body)、 ... (ciliary injection, 如圖十一)、瞳孔變小且.
#41. 青光眼的簡介 - 中華民國視網膜病變協會
眼內有一種透明清澈之液體,叫眼房水(Aqueous humor),不斷地由睫狀體(Ciliary body)分泌,充溢在角膜(Cornea)、瞳孔(Pupil)與虹膜(Iris)之空腔間,此液體不斷在眼睛 ...
#42. Item 987654321/58339 - 國立成功大學機構典藏
正體中文 | 简体中文 | 全文筆數/總筆數: 113512/156250 (73%) ... The ciliary body was visible through the thin and dry scleral lesion.
#43. ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)
睫状体, 睫狀體是“ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)"到中文的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Ciliary body, where the fluid is made ↔ 睫状体分泌 ...
#44. Delineating the anatomy of the ciliary body using hybrid ...
MeSH Terms · Accommodation, Ocular , · Animals , · Ciliary Body , · Iris , · Optical Imaging , · Photoacoustic Techniques , · Rabbits ...
#45. Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 裂孔性視網膜剝離
Because when the eye is young, the vitreous body is very close to the retina ... In addition, when working at close range, the ciliary body is in a state of ...
#46. Uveitis - Eye Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version
The uveal tract consists of three structures: the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. A View of the Uveal Tract ...
#47. 台灣犬隻頑固性青光眼不同治療方法的成效比較
Canine ocular tumors following ciliary body ablation with intravitreal gentamicin. Vet Ophthalmol, 16(2), 159-162. Egbert, P. R., Fiadoyor, S., Budenz, ...
#48. Anatomy of the Eye | Kellogg Eye Center | Michigan Medicine
Ciliary Body Structure containing muscle and is located behind the iris, which focuses the lens. Cornea The clear front window of the eye which transmits ...
#49. 急性原发性闭角型青光眼睫状体位置参数的变化与房角狭窄的 ...
英文篇名:Changes in location parameters of the ciliary body and its ... glaucoma;;ultrasound biomicroscopy;;chamber angle;;ciliary body; 中文刊名:XKJZ ...
#50. 部分睫状体冷冻联合小梁切除及丝裂霉素C治疗难治性 ... - 医思倍
【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To investigate the frozen part of the ciliary body combined with trabeculectomy and mitomycin C,for refractory glaucoma clinical effect.
#51. 青光眼眼中的超声环成形术 - JoVE
Denis, P., et al. Cyclocoagulation of the ciliary bodies by high-intensity focused ultrasound: a 12-month multicenter study. Invest Ophthalmol ...
#52. ciliary的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
1.Objective To explore the value of ultrasound biomicroscope (UBM) in diagnosis and treatment of ciliary body dialysis. 摘要目 探讨超 生物显微镜(UBM)在挫伤性睫 ...
#53. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
If there are defects in the cilia lining the airways, the body is unable to expel foreign material and clear mucus. This can lead to pulmonary complications, ...
#54. Eye Cancer Stages | Ocular Melanoma Staging
Ciliary body and choroidal melanomas are divided into 4 main T categories (T1 to T4), based on the diameter (width) and the thickness of the ...
#55. 門診常見疾病及處理
Grade 4 (35-45°): 睫狀體(ciliary body)輕易可見 b. Grade 3 (25-35°): 至少可見鞏膜脊(scleral spur) c. Grade 2 (20°): 只可見小樑(trabecular meshwork).
#56. Laser surgery that lowers eye pressure by destroying a part of ...
If the ciliary body is destroyed, it can no longer produce too much fluid. Doing this may reduce the pressure within the eye and provide ...
#57. File:Schematic diagram of the human eye.svg - 維基教科書
這個檔案並不在中文維基教科書上,而是來自維基共享資源。 ... Ciliary body · choroid · sclera · retina · fovea · optic disc · optic nerve · vitreous humour.
#58. A to Z: Iridocyclitis (for Parents) - Advocate Aurora Health
May also be called: Uveitis; Iritis; Anterior Uveitis. Iridocyclitis (ear-ih-doh-sy-CLY-tis) is inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, structures in the ...
#59. A foldable intraocular lens implantation into the ciliary body ...
A method of IOL suturing in the ciliary body sulcus in the absence of capsular support for the foldable IOL implanted through a small incision was worked out. A ...
#60. ciliary - Wiktionary
AdjectiveEdit ... (biology, relational) Of, pertaining to or involving cilia. ... Of or pertaining to the ciliary body. ciliary muscles ...
#61. Cyclodestructive procedures for refractory glaucoma - Chen, MF
Destruction of the ciliary body helps to lower IOP by reducing aqueous humor formation. Of the many types of cyclodestructive procedures, ...
#62. 生物醫學學院- 香港中文大學學術研究文庫- Converis标准配置
The glycoconjugates of the ciliary body epithelium of the rat eye: A lectin histochemical and protein blotting study. 1996).
#63. Yi-Ming Huang
Mesectodermal Leiomyoma of the Ciliary Body: Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics Volume 1, No. 1, August, 2013; Yi-Ming Huang, ...
#64. Etd | Myelination in the developing chicken ciliary ganglion | ID
Myelination in the developing chicken ciliary ganglion 公开 Deposited · innervation · myelin sheath · chick embryo · ciliary body · chickens · schwann cells ...
#65. What is uveitis? - 長庚醫院眼科
Uveitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye that consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.
#66. Glaucoma Treatment | Vision Health Initiative (VHI) | CDC
Iridectomy/incision procedures on the iris, ciliary body of the eye, 66500, 66505, 66600, 66625, 66630. Scleral reinforcement, 67255.
#67. 近物反射- 由臨床實證看視力保健
看近時眼睛會產生什麼變化呢?一個簡易的影片分享] 繼上一篇水晶體的調節後,這次要分享另一個國外的短片,一樣有加入部份 中文 文字說明。
#68. 角膜,虹膜與睫狀體疾病Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ...
鞏膜,角膜,虹膜與睫狀體疾病Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body. Q:哪種類型? 01 鞏膜疾患Disorders of sclera 02 角膜炎Keratitis 03 角膜瘢痕 ...
#69. Definition of ciliary body - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
Anatomy of the eye, showing the outside and inside of the eye including the eyelid, pupil, sclera, iris, cornea, lens, ciliary body, retina, choroid, vitreous ...
#70. HONOR 90, 200MP Ultra-clear Camera - HONOR Global
Dynamic Dimming. 17. The dynamic dimming technology simulates the dynamic change of natural lights, which relieve ciliary muscle fatigue.
#71. 睫狀體 - Wikiwand
睫狀體(ciliary body)是眼球壁葡萄膜中段呈環帶狀增厚部分,寬約6毫米,前接虹膜根部,後方止於脈絡膜前緣,外表面與鞏膜相鄰,內裡面通過懸韌帶與晶狀體相連。
#72. 眼球構造| 財團法人中華民國兒童癌症基金會
是個概念上的稱呼,它包含三種組織: 虹膜(iris),睫狀體(ciliary body)與脈絡膜(choroid)。葡萄膜是眼球第二層結構,外被鞏膜及角膜包圍,內襯視網膜。
#73. China's Economic Development and U.S. Trade Interests: ...
序号中文 Chinese 英文, English 131 通用镜 Three mirror universal lens 132 睫状体镜 Ciliary body legs 1 133 自动眼压测一眼压描记器 Automatic tonometer ...
ciliary body中文 在 9 1 3眼的外部構造三廉 - YouTube 的八卦
柏格醫生 中文 健康知識 ... structure of the eyeball wall, cornea, iris, sclera, retina, ciliary body /眼球壁的结构:角膜、虹膜、视网膜、巩膜. ... <看更多>