1. 參加2019波馬,至少要快BQ時間4分52秒;
2. 7384位BQ跑手落選2019波馬;
3. 參加2020波馬,請預備要快BQ時間5分鐘或以上。
We at the Boston Athletic Association are appreciative of the support of the running community towards the Boston Marathon, and understand the desire from so many to run Boston. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept everyone.
A total of 30,458 runners submitted applications into the 2019 Boston Marathon, with 23,074 qualified runners having been accepted into the race. Those who ran 4 minutes, 52 seconds or faster than their age and gender qualifying times were accepted into the 2019 Boston Marathon.
For a detailed breakdown of registration numbers, including time cut-offs, please visit the following link: https://www.baa.org/2019-boston-marathon-qualifier-acceptan…
boston marathon qualifying times 在 J帥 Just Tri Facebook 八卦
今天在幫幾個朋友查Boston Marathon的注意事項,順道補充進來好了~
1. 波馬預計在9/12 (一) AM10:00 開放報名(跟台灣時差12小時,所以是我們的PM 10:00)。不過第一階段只開放給比要求門檻更快20分鐘以上的選手報名,若未額滿,接著才會繼續開放給爾後的選手,我註明一下
9/12 (一) 10:00 BQ - 20min
9/14 (三) 10:00 BQ - 10min
9/16 (五) 10:00 BQ - 5min
9/19 (一) 10:00 BQ (擇優錄取)
9/26 (一) 10:00 BQ (先搶先贏)
2. 成績一律以2015年9月19日後的比賽成績且認證過的為準(Effective September 19, 2015. All standards below are based on official submitted net time)
3.時間需以2017年4月17日當時的年紀標準(The qualifying times below are based upon each athlete's age on the date of the 2017 Boston Marathon (April 17, 2017).
4. 另外就是很多人犯的失誤,以為只要達標就能去了,其實不一定,報名順序會依個人最快成績記錄的優先錄取,即使到9/19的報名日,也是擇優錄取。
boston marathon qualifying times 在 蝦嫂 Stephanie Facebook 八卦
We at the Boston Athletic Association are appreciative of the support of the running community towards the Boston Marathon, and understand the desire from so many to run Boston. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept everyone.
A total of 30,458 runners submitted applications into the 2019 Boston Marathon, with 23,074 qualified runners having been accepted into the race. Those who ran 4 minutes, 52 seconds or faster than their age and gender qualifying times were accepted into the 2019 Boston Marathon.
For a detailed breakdown of registration numbers, including time cut-offs, please visit the following link: https://www.baa.org/2019-boston-marathon-qualifier-acceptan…