Beberapa jam lagi, bermulalah temasya sukan termashyur dalam sejarah dunia, Sukan Olimpik Tokyo 2020.
Masih teringat temasya pertama ChongWei melibatkan diri. Lokasinya? Di tanah asal Olimpik, Greece. Tahunnya? 2004. ChongWei masih muda, hanya 22 tahun.
Atas nasihat jurulatih, saya melepaskan peluang menghadirkan diri di upacara pembukaan. Bukan di Greece saja malah di Beijing dan London. Sebabnya permulaan game pertama dijadualkan ngam-ngam selepas upacara pembukaan.
Hanya di Rio, ChongWei sempat menghadiri upacara pembukaan sebagai pembawa Jalur Gemilang. Takkan terlupa saat-saat tersebut. Tergenang mata ChongWei masa itu. Betapa bangganya ChongWei masa itu. Tergenang mata jugak mengenangi detik-detik tersebut.
Kembali ke 2004 Greece. ChongWei tidak beraksi dengan cemerlang. Berjaya menewaskan pemain Hong Kong NgWei di pusingan pertama tetapi kalah di pusingan kedua kepada ChenHong. Temasya itulah Malaysia pulang tanpa sebarang pingat. Masa itu, penerimaan kekalahan masih okay lagi. Sebab minda tahu, masih ada tournament lain boleh menang.
Tetapi turning point ChongWei ialah apabila saya tengok perlawanan akhir kawan baik saya, Taufik melawan SeungMo. Tidak pernah saya tengok Taufik main sebegitu mati-matian! Lagilah tak pernah tengok Pak Taufik menitis air mata sebegitu di gelanggang. Saatnya Lagu Indonesia Raya dilaungkan dan bendera Indonesia dinaikkan semasa upacara hadiah, sekali lagi Taufik menangis dihadami emosi kebanggaan. ChongWei yakin saat itulah antara saat paling bangga Taufik dalam kariernya. Saat itu juga mengubah persepsi saya.
ChongWei mahu merasakan kebanggaan sebegitu. ChongWei bertekad. ChongWei bersungguh-sungguh training. ChongWei mahu pingat emas Olimpik. ChongWei mahu bendera Malaysia dikibarkan. ChongWei mahu sangat lagu “Negaraku” berkumandang di pentas Olimpik.
Setiap hari training mati-matian. Bangun paling awal, balik paling lambat. Arak tak pernah sentuh. Rokok pantang dicuba. Makan pun jaga.
2008 Beijing. LinDan dibelakangi ribuan sokongan penonton tempatan. Terlalu handal. Tidak apa. Cuba lagi 4 tahun depan.
2012 London. LinDan lagi (siot betul)! Kali ini sengit. ChongWei menghabiskan segala tenaga yang ada. Sampai kosong gas tong. Rubber game, kalah 21-19. Tidak putus asa. Nak lagi. 4 tahun lagi.
2016 Rio. Kali ini saya menang LinDan. Tapi emas tetap tidak kesampaian. Badan sudah ibarat kata Malaysian…. Koyak. Kalah pula kepada ChenLong di final. Tapi hati masa tu masih tak mau give up. Nak try lagi sekali. Last sekali di Tokyo.
The rest ... you guys know the history. Minta maaf Malaysia. Sangat-sangat minta maaf. Tidak terdaya membawa balik pingat rahmat itu untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Kepada warrior-warrior Malaysia di Tokyo, ingatlah pedoman dari kuda tua ini. Olimpik Games is the biggest sporting event ever. You should be proud of yourself for being there. Go all out! Remember all the hard work you been through to reach this pinnacle. Do your best! For you, your family, your country, your people back home, who are helplessly fighting our own battle. For Hope. For people of Malaysia. #DemiMalaysia
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Malaysia baru sahaja melepasi fasa pergolakan politik terlalu sengit - yang menyaksikan perbalahan serta serangan tidak rasional menyalahkan antara satu sama lain.
Hentikanlah. Benar, kemarahan dan kejutan yang kita hadapi bersama sudah tentu tidak akan reda dengan serta-merta. Namun, kita harus bertindak wajar dengan mengutamakan golongan yang terpenting.
Saya bersyukur kerana diberi mandat oleh rakyat Permatang Pauh selaku Ahli Parlimen, mewakili suara mereka pada hari bersejarah, 9 Mei 2018.
Jelas, mandat rakyat harus kita hormati dan pertahankan. Ini prinsip yang merangkul agenda demi rakyat - samada kita bergerak sebagai kerajaan mahupun pembangkang.
Keputusan saya pada akhir Disember 2018, untuk tidak lagi bersama di pentas arena politik arus perdana adalah berdasarkan prinsip mengutamakan pemaknaan agenda reformasi - yang harus menjalar pelaksanaannya di kalangan masyarakat - khususnya penduduk Permatang Pauh.
Tahun ini menjadi saksi kepada sebahagian besar daripada usaha penuh makna di Permatang Pauh - yang melibatkan kerjasama bakat terbaik tanah air kita untuk memberi impak sosio-ekonomi yang positif kepada rakyat.
Saya amat bimbang sekiranya pertimbangan politik jahat menguasai mana-mana kerajaan, maka program-program demi rakyat yang telah kami usahakan bersama bakal menjadi mangsa. Sedangkan program demi rakyat harus kalis politik jahat.
Antara projek rintis yang utama adalah Program SEDAR iaitu program psiko-sosio-rohani yang melibatkan penggunaan metadon di masjid dan diluluskan oleh JAKIM bagi penagih heroin yang mahu kembali ke pangkal jalan.
Selain itu, kami bakal melaksanakan kajian rumah ke rumah untuk meninjau tahap kemiskinan - dengan mengukur indeks kemiskinan multidimensi di Permatang Pauh - bersama pakar kemiskinan dan ahli ekonomi tersohor Malaysia, Profesor Fatimah Kari.
Kita juga perlu meneruskan agenda reformasi yang diusahakan oleh Jabatan Penjara Malaysia - yang menyasarkan 75% daripada jumlah banduan yang layak dan mampu menyertai Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti - di luar penjara. Inilah program pemulihan yang sebenar!
Kita memerlukan reformasi di dalam bidang pertanian - dan hasrat saya adalah untuk memperkenalkan sistem pertanian bebas racun perosak; dengan pasaran lumayan luar negara yang tersedia. Barulah petani kita bakal meraih keuntungan yang setimpal dengan perit jerih mereka. Pertanian moden sebegini sudah tentunya memerlukan pelaburan yang tinggi - bukan kepada kroni tetapi petani sejati.
Barulah bekalan makanan negara terjamin - dan usaha murni ini wajib dilunaskan oleh agensi kerajaan dan jabatan sedia ada - tidak kira parti atau bendera mana yang mengepalai kementerian ini. Bendera petani yang terpenting.
Bayangkan, Malaysia mampu mencapai masa depan tanpa kanser serviks - khususnya yang lebih perit dialami oleh wanita berpendapatan rendah - menerusi kolaborasi kami dengan Yayasan Rose, Universiti Malaya.
Tambahan program yang mahu dilaksanakan bukan program sebarang program, namun program yang terbukti berhasil - kerana menjadikan pakar sebenar, bukannya pakar politik sebagai bahan rujukan.
Tidak kira siapa yang memerintah, bersatulah kita semua, dalam memastikan mereka yang mempunyai kuasa, termasuklah Ketua-Ketua Setiausaha di dalam setiap Kementerian, mengutamakan kebajikan rakyat, bukannya kepentingan politik.
Kita harus mengumpulkan idea-idea terbaik Malaysia - dan melaksanakan program yang memberi impak kepada golongan terpinggir, dan terjerumus di dalam kancah kemiskinan.
Ingatlah, penagih memerlukan rawatan. Maka, klinik Cure and Care di seluruh Malaysia harus diberi dana sokongan supaya dapat beroperasi seperti biasa.
Selain itu, bantuan sara hidup dan bantuan lain harus tepat pada sasaran menerusi ukuran kemiskinan yang lebih menyeluruh dan tepat.
Bantuan haruslah memperkasa dan mempertahan maruah golongan yang dibantu. Inilah reformasi kemiskinan yang sebenar.
Reformasi penjara juga perlu disokong. Berikan suara kepada mereka yang tidak mampu bersuara di atas nama keadilan sosial.
Semaikan kasih sayang, toleransi dan adab serta akhlak yang mulia. Walau ada yang menyemai kebencian, ingatlah peribadi Rasulullah SAW kesayangan umat Islam - kitalah yang mencerminkan agama Islam yang syumul.
Desak kerajaan hari ini untuk mencerminkan rakyatnya; desak mereka untuk mempertahan nilai nilai murni dan mengutamakan rakyat terpinggir dan golongan bawahan.
Wadah politik saya ialah KEADILAN (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) - yang telah memungkinkan saya merealisasikan idealisme reformasi berpaksikan prinsip keadilan, InshaaAllah. Di mana-mana sahaja kawasan parlimen yang kita wakili, kekalkanlah kredibiliti melalui kerja, program, inisiatif dan dalam mempertahan dasar perjuangan.
Saya akan terus menyokong kepimpinan dan teman-teman KEADILAN - khususnya untuk memberikan usaha terbaik di dalam memelihara idealisme dan kredibiliti kita. Kita mesti menyahkan unsur-unsur khianat di dalam jemaah. Kini, adalah masa untuk kita membina semula parti, menegakkan prinsip-prinsip yang kita perjuangkan, dan membantu rakyat menikmati dasar terbaik yang kalis politik jahat dan kalis masa depan.
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh
Much political turmoil shook us all this past week. It is now quickly descending into an unscrupulous blame game. This has to stop. Granted, the shock and outrage has not fully subsided. But it is exactly in this hour of need that we must reflect on what’s most important.
I was fortunate enough to have received the mandate from the people of Permatang Pauh as a legislator, on that fateful day on 9th May 2018.
Clearly, the people’s mandate must always reign supreme.
And ultimately, this should be our guiding principle regardless of whether we are in government or in opposition.
Late December 2018, I made the decision to exit the mainstream political scene and focus on my reform-based initiatives on the ground in Permatang Pauh.
We were making headway with our methadone in mosques - psycho-socio-spiritual JAKIM-approved programs for heroin addicts. We were about to embark on our multidimensional poverty index ground survey with Malaysia’s foremost poverty expert & economist Prof Fatimah Kari, and continue our collaborations with the Prison Department’s reform agenda - targeting 75 percent of eligible, non violent criminals to be absorbed in corrective community programs - ensuring rehab efforts bear fruit. We fervently wanted to introduce pesticide-free precision farming - an endeavour that requires huge financial investment in existing green houses - with a ready target in international markets - to safeguard Malaysian food security and protect our farmers. We also of course want to see an eventual end to cervical cancer, especially amongst women in the lower income household, by collaborating with ROSE Foundation of University Malaya!
My fear is that in the ongoing political turmoil, these on the ground, these socially impactful projects, might be derailed.
These are evidence based initiatives and must be fully politics-proof.
Regardless of who is in office, we as collective Malaysian stakeholders must join in a call to action that ensures governments, including the likes of powerful Secretary-Generals that wield much authority across ministries, maintain the policies and programs which have the most benefit and impact for communities on the ground.
Of the many interactions I have had, the ones that have made the most lasting impact are those involving the best of Malaysian minds, coupled with their fortitude to realise workable and concrete solutions to assist the most vulnerable in our communities. Protection of those without access to basic public services, infrastructure, and opportunities is paramount.
Addicts require treatment. The Cure and Care Clinics throughout Malaysia must continue their operations. Those who are deprived must receive targeted assistance through better measurement of poverty; eventually engaged and empowered. Prison reforms must also continue to be supported.
If there is a key lesson to be learned in all of this, it is not to forget those who are so easily forgotten.
Please join me in remembering and helping those that need it most: to push for policies that are evidence-based and politics-proof to help those unable to help themselves achieve mobility while simultaneously empowering talents everywhere.
All Malaysians need better access to quality healthcare, education, economic empowerment that enable them to improve their own lives and those of their families & communities.
Don’t sow hatred and enmity; let us instead expand and grow our tolerance of one another especially in times of division. If the government of the day is reflective of its people, then let us ensure that it is our values they truly reflect.
I shall continue supporting my KEADILAN leadership and colleagues - specifically to do our best in preserving our ideals and credibility by purging treacherous elements from our midst. Now more than ever must we rebuild the party from within, to uphold the principles we claim to embody.
KEADILAN is the vehicle that allowed us to realise our reform ideals based on the principles of fairness, justice and equal opportunity - forming the basis of my work in the constituencies I have had the honour to represent.
We must continue to preserve our credibility through our work, our programmes, initiatives and policies.
Member of Parliament Permatang Pauh
best game ever 在 Nat Sakdatorn Facebook 八卦
หนึ่งในบทเรียนที่เจ็บปวดที่สุดของความรักที่เราจะต้องเรียนรู้ คือต่อให้เราใช้ความพยายามมากมายเท่าไร ก็ไม่ได้การันตีว่าจะสามารถเยียวยาหรือเอาชนะทุกปัญหาความรักได้ ถ้าใครสักคนไม่ต้องการ หรือไม่ได้ต้องการมันแล้ว ต่อให้พยายามทำดีเท่าไร ยังไงมันก็ไม่ช่วยอะไร ไม่ทำให้รักกันและไปด้วยกันต่อได้อยู่ดี ความรักไม่ใช่เกมสะสมแต้ม ที่ถ้าพยายามมากพอจนสะสมแต้มได้มากพอ เราจะสามารถผ่านด่านและไปต่อได้ นั่นคือความจริงที่เราต้องยอมรับให้ได้ แทนที่จะเอาแต่ดึงดันฝืนพยายามต่อไป บางครั้งเราก็อาจจะต้องเรียนรู้ที่จะปล่อยมือ...เมื่อถึงเวลาที่ควรปล่อยมือ #FriendZone2 #GMMTV
One of the toughest lessons we'll probably learn about love is that the amount of effort we put into trying to make it work does not guarantee that it will work. If the other person doesn't want it or no longer wants it, no matter how good we try to be, it's not gonna do much good. Love is not like a game where if we put in enough effort and accumulate enough points, we'll certainly be able to continue onto the next level. The truth about love is that even if we've given our best, our best may just not be what the other person wants, and we just have to accept that. Instead of refusing to ever give up at all costs, perhaps we may have to learn to let go....when it's time to let go.
best game ever 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
Michael Jordan's coach pleaded with him to go back in the game, and the opposing coach made sure Jordan had the chance to end his career with a basket.
Jordan's last shot was a free throw, and like his final appearance in an NBA uniform, it was good.
One of the greatest players in NBA history played the final game of his illustrious career Wednesday night, not in the setting that he would have preferred but in a special atmosphere nonetheless. Jordan's final moment on the court ended with him receiving applause and a lengthy standing ovation from nearly everyone in the arena -- including the coaches and the other players.
He soaked it all up with a wide smile and a wave to the crowd after exiting for good with 1:44 remaining in the fourth quarter of a 107-87 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.
``Now I guess it hits me that I'm not going to be in a uniform anymore -- and that's not a terrible feeling,'' Jordan said afterward. ``It's something that I've come to grips with, and it's time. This is the final retirement.''
Jordan finished with 15 points, four rebounds and four assists in 28 minutes -- drawing several adoring ovations from the last sellout crowd that will ever watch him play.
``The Philly people did a great job. They gave me the biggest inspiration, in a sense,'' Jordan said. ``Obviously, they wanted to see me make a couple of baskets and then come off. That was very, very respectful, and I had a good time.''
Jordan's final points almost looked scripted, with Eric Snow of the 76ers fouling him in the backcourt for no apparent reason except to send him to the line.
``Coach (Larry Brown) told me to foul him, get him to the line to get some points and get him out of there,'' Snow said.
Both foul shots went in, and the Wizards committed a foul one second later so that Jordan could be removed from the game and receive the proper send-off. In a rare scene, the 10 players who remained on the court turned to Jordan and applauded, too.
The 40-year-old Jordan would have preferred to end his career in the playoffs, but the Wizards never clicked during his two years in Washington and finished 37-45 in both seasons.
But that was merely a footnote on this stirring night, the last time the basketball public was treated to one of the greatest athletes in history playing the game one last time.
Jordan finished his career with 32,292 points -- the third-highest total in league history, behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone. His final career average of 30.12 goes down as the best in NBA history, just ahead of Wilt Chamberlain's 30.07.
``I never, never took the game for granted. I was very true to the game, and the game was very true to me. It was just that simple,'' Jordan said.
With the Sixers ahead by 21 points with 9 1/2 minutes remaining, the crowd began chanting ``We want Mike.'' The chant grew louder as the period progressed with Jordan remaining seated, and fans ignored the game to stand and stare at the Wizards' bench, wondering why Jordan wasn't playing.
This being Philadelphia, they eventually booed.
Jordan finally pulled his warmups off and re-entered the game with 2:35 left for his brief final appearance.
``I played here. I told him I at least have to be able to come back (to Philadelphia),'' Wizards coach Doug Collins said. ``I told him to go back in for a minute. He said, 'I'm stiff.' I said, 'Please. They want to see you.' He said, 'Larry Hughes is going to foul out soon, so put me in then.'''
Earlier in the game, Jordan showed his age.
There was a play in the first quarter when he looked like the Jordan of old, except for the result. Starting near the foul line, Jordan ducked his shoulder, lowered his head, stuck out his tongue and drove to his right, the ball rolling off his fingers ever so softly as it arched toward the net.
Rather than going in, though, the ball hit the front rim and missed -- one of several of his shots that came up a few inches short.
One of the exceptions was Jordan's final shot of the first half -- a one-handed dunk that came after he received a nice pass under the basket from Bobby Simmons.
Jordan hit his first two shots of the third quarter but didn't do much else positive in the period. On an alley-oop pass from Tyronn Lue, the ball hit him in the fingertips and bounced harmlessly away. A lazy crosscourt pass was picked off by Aaron McKie, leading to one of Philadelphia's 31 fast-break points. Jordan's final field-goal attempt was a missed layup with 8:13 remaining.
``I'm not embarrassed,'' Jordan said, ``but it's just not ... I've had better feelings in terms of playing a competitive game.''
The standing ovation that Jordan received lasted about three minutes, with Jordan smiling, nodding and chewing gum throughout. The group Boyz II Men sang ``It's So Hard To Say Goodbye'' between the first and second quarters as a montage of Jordan's career highlights was shown on the scoreboard.

best game ever 在 Nathan Doan Comedy Youtube 的評價
Minecraft, the best video game to ever exist. From the nether, to the end, the darkest place in Minecraft to ever exist is actually the life of a Villager. Villagers just be trying to chill but then Steve comes up looting all their chests, taking beds, you name it. Anyways, I'm also announcing my retirement as a comedian. I am now becoming a Minecraft youtuber. I will surpass Technoblade, Skeppy, and Gamerboy80. Goodbye.

best game ever 在 GUFUNNAROCK Youtube 的評價
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