抱歉讓大家久等了,【洗腦k歌製作大揭秘】 第二集“填詞”終於出來了!趕快到我的YouTube這一集節目的留言處投票吧。四強入圍者的作品都在分別四個不同的留言欄讓大家去點“讚”。 讚數最多的優勝作品將會被我拿來錄製成完整版歌曲,然後拍成MV!Let us vote for the best lyrics before 31Dec 2020. Then I will complete the song as soon as possible with the winning lyrics. Please vote(Like)in the comment box here > https://bit.ly/33LfJuu
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【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第二集 Ep.2】https://youtu.be/g0lNLAwprGk
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第三集 Ep.3】https://youtu.be/94BIA7e5fsQ
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第四集 Ep.4】https://youtu.be/4BBa-oBQr9k
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第五集 Ep.5】https://youtu.be/FJRNvPPQSPY
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第六集 Ep.6】https://youtu.be/8C5DPlXLiM4
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第七集 Ep.7】https://youtu.be/9R5ip7jBatg
【洗腦K歌製作大揭秘 Let's Make A Hit Song - 第八集 Ep.8】https://youtu.be/F7g82PPtYZ0
作詞人:周義譞 Yee Suen
來自:馬來西亞 檳城州 牛汝莪
床頭擺著 送妳的花朵
一片一片隨時間 慢慢地凋落
像躲不過 終章的小說
美麗泡沫到最後 還是被戳破
空蕩的 副駕駛座
空氣凝結 只剩下沉默
好多話 想對妳說
眼淚不受控 都怪我懦弱閃躲
選擇讓 妳走
看著妳離開遠去 的時候
我的心從此以後 上了鎖
如果能時空穿梭 去改寫 這結果
回到那 離別的 巷子口
牽妳手 不讓妳淚流
只可惜 沒如果
作詞人:陳冠焯 Victor Chan
來自:香港 九龍 油尖旺區
我倆遇見 某日某面店
細雨飄下 一瞬間 記憶空一片
每個站也 有共妳待過
去到終站 待原地 汽車都熄火
誰知道 妳在何方
全視線下降 想追憶只得背影
無奈童話中角色 只得我
為何在翻看舊頁 才知錯
熒幕前哭泣放聲 只得我 很清楚
錯的因 種出果 原是我
想得多 將得過且過
作詞人:黄朝宏Taron Huang
來自:台灣 嘉義縣 中埔鄉
火車上北 一站擱一站
慶祝著咱鬥陣啊 第一個紀念
看月台愛人 雙手牽相倚
手捧著花 亦著陣陣香
期待著車班會當 準時到車站
恐驚妳等久 受吹著風寒
人擠人 行出大廳
等待妳踮 橋邊的路岸
見著面 的彼句話
為什麼只是 妳猶有其他約會
揣過站 上近車班 倚車窗
看窗外 只存烏影 嘸性命
離開站 傷心車班 越頭看 目眶紅
毋知影 坐去佗 揣啥物人
嘸向望 苦想嘛拖磨
作詞人:偉樑 Caesar Yu
來自:香港 荃灣區
這個夜晚 我又再夢見
妳那張臉 歡笑聲 伴我再纏綿
仍然期待着 每晚再見面
愛已逝去 每夜繼續過
昨晚的淚 雖抹乾 又再度難眠
求回來抱我 再吻多一遍
能為妳像愛得 不怕絕地流浪
仍未忘這首愛歌 天天播
仍期望這個故事 重演過
如若能改寫結果 請准我 伴在旁
盼許可 妳終可 原諒我
這戀火 可否再點過
願再度 一起過
作詞人:顺顺 Soon Soon
來自:新加坡 东海岸区
盼 一直盼 失眠的的夜晚
妳在身旁 依偎著 徹夜的浪漫
承諾的 一起廝守
眼淚在顫抖 該怎麼學會承受
那一晚 妳靠著我 喘息著 說要走
這旅程 原來已 到盡頭
該放手 妳終於自由
作詞人:林新偉Lim Shin Wei & 陳麗嬿Leanne Tan
來自:馬來西亞 檳城州 北海
職業:程序員 & 軟件工程師
他 他和她 他和她和他
他知道她只想他 不再愛著他
他終究還是 默默讓給他
她 她和他 她和他和她
她知道他不愛她 只愛那個她
她遠走高飛 默默成全她
無所謂 這樣沒差
愛與恨就 那一線之差
他和她 都不說話
回憶倒數著 有誰在乎又沒差
有什麽 牽掛
Apa lagi yang kekal, tanpamu
Makin pudar rasanya, wajahmu
能不能就此認輸 回憶讓它模糊
我不服 我不哭 我認輸
我痛哭 一個人痛哭
Tetap memoriku
作詞人:方雄輝 Scott
來自:馬來西亞 吉打州 瓜拉吉打
雨一直下 一直沒停過
太多愛 太多疑惑
如果把過去 都放開不再軟弱
當快樂變成回憶 的枷鎖
這愛情不再美麗 很冷漠
讓過去隨風飄過 不挽留 曾愛過
相信妳 離開後 會好過
放開我 我們會好過
作詞人:王俊能 Wong Jun Neng
來自:馬來西亞 雪蘭莪州 蒲種
手中緊握 枯萎的結果
傻傻的我 守候著 給妳的承諾
來換取妳一 絲絲的冷落
夜風經過 故事留下我
難以捉摸 這疑惑 誰也不想說
其實我 沒有把握
僅僅是我 並不想錯過
短暫地逗留 滄海中有多遼闊
就有多 寂寞
昔日的 無話不談 剩沉默
往日的 若喜若狂 太折磨
無情的 冰冷月色 逐漸將我淹沒
我無措 我失落 我困惑 這枷鎖
作詞人:张敏儿 Chung Ming Er
來自:馬來西亞 吉打州 居林
讓回憶 不停重播
妳會不會 偶爾想起我
留下了 遺憾難過
妳走了之後 關於妳所有生活
我們都 沒有錯 深愛過 就足夠
作詞人:江衍霆 Chiang Yen Ting
來自:台灣 新北市 土城區
向妳離去 背影揮揮手
卻無法說出一句 希望妳回頭
我知道必須 忍住不淚流
妳對我說 這不是分手
而是暫時回歸到 各自的生活
空氣安靜到 只剩下沉默
想大喊 莎朗嘿呦
卻連開口 勇氣都沒有
我氣我 自己懦弱
假裝沒有妳 沒有妳我的生活
也能夠 不錯
當初的相互依賴 的寄託
現在的各自離開 的寂寞
我真的不夠成熟 不能夠去承受
從熱絡 到承諾 到冷漠 到寂寞
我無法 承受
我無法 再承受
作詞人:謝佳良 Sie Jia Liang
來自:台灣 新北市 五股區
整個寒冬 一個人度過
年復一年也只是 反覆在蹉跎
沉默走在 這冷冷街頭
一杯烈酒裝灑脫 卻湧上心頭
伸手去挽留 夢醒了只剩淚流
不要再大聲叫我 單身狗
不要說街上的狗 很像我
我緊握拳頭嘶吼 吶喊聲回應我
單身狗 單身狗 單身狗
Let it go墨鏡我帶走
歌名:《我很胖 但我很棒》
作詞人:李岩哲 Yenz Lee
來自:馬來西亞 雪蘭莪州 巴生
妳說我 長得醜 肥肉多
我想說 謝謝妳讓我
作詞人:張哲豪 Peter
來自:台灣 新北市 新店區
二月十四 手肘牽手肘
友情為愛情背鍋 卻沒有透露
離開了寂寞 深陷在迷惑
星光閃爍 北海岸遊走
彼此心裡面有話 卻只能沉默
這次我選擇 牽起妳的手
想跨越 道德承諾
時間停留 秒針不再走
而我們 不再交錯
沾濕了被窩 妳我不能是朋友
不能是 朋友
不讓妳回他的家 是我錯
曾經不敢說的話 我要說
下輩子他變妳爸 我變成男朋友
妳和我 從今後 一起過
難朋友 難成為朋友
我愛妳 好朋友
作詞人:林展程Eric Lim JC
來自:馬來西亞 檳城州 牛汝莪
餵 現在是 半夜兩點半
我肚子餓 懶惰煮 想去Mamak檔
翻 現在翻 冰箱翻一番
有兩條菜 有臘腸 還有Belacan
遊子的 孤獨心酸
放不下的 是他的夢想
我的孤單在 嘲笑我繼續加班
老闆我 不想上班 和加班
夢想的 出人頭地 已泡湯
誰不想 辭職不干 退房間 回家鄉
遊子很 孤單的 開冰箱 打冷震
作詞人:馮嘯 Feng Xiao
來自:中國 廣東省 廣州區
現居:日本 東京 文京區
在地圖上 找新的方向
妳的身影 卻不停 環繞我身旁
我忍著淚 聊聊天 和妳說從前
這故事 迎來終點
妳的笑臉 還清晰可見
每一個瞬間 都記錄我的眷戀
可是妳轉身離開 拍A片
我給不了的體驗 很賺錢
妳說我應該放開 不回頭 更精彩
下個月 排行榜 不要看
不要想 不要求分享
作詞人:謝仁維 Willie Hsieh
來自:台灣 高雄市 苓雅區
現居:加拿大 多倫多 斯卡布羅區
夕陽西下 天降了黑幕
房屋裡妳的倩影 美麗的跳舞
Favorite food 提拉米蘇
害怕夜晚的雷雨 娃娃堆滿屋
個性小迷糊 膽小怕蜘蛛
妳說妳 害怕孤獨
明顯暗示 給的太倉促
看著妳 徬徨無助
在一旁的我 心動想對著妳說
我隔著一片螢幕 說 Love you
為妳斗內到吃土 不在乎
妳卻說寧可孤獨 也不要我守護
忍不住 好想哭 像廢物
無所謂 我還是關注
因為妳 有巨乳
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#Namewee #黃明志
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「before you go lyrics」的推薦目錄:
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Kanok Ratwongsakul Fan Page Facebook
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Gregory 河國榮 Facebook
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Violette Wautier Youtube
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Jackz Youtube
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 MusicNeverSleeps Youtube
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Lyrics) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 Lewis capaldi - Before You Go (Lyrics) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於before you go lyrics 在 (20) Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Lyric Video) - Pinterest 的評價
before you go lyrics 在 Kanok Ratwongsakul Fan Page Facebook 八卦
ช่วงก่อนปี พ.ศ. 2513 มีละครหลังข่าวภาคค่ำ ทางช่อง 7 สี เรื่อง "ขุนแผนผจญภัย" ฉายทุกคืนวันพุธ ว่ากันว่า เป็นละครที่ฉายต่อเนื่องยาวนานที่สุดถึง 10 ปี
"สมชาย ศรีภูมิ" เล่นเป็นขุนแผน "วาสนา ชลากร" เป็นโหงพราย
มีเด็กหัวจุกคนหนึ่งเล่นเป็น กุมารทอง จำชื่อไม่ได้ และรู้สึกจะไม่มีใครแสดงเป็นนางพิมพิลาไลย เพราะละครไม่เน้น เน้นแต่ให้ขุนแผน โหงพราย กุมารทอง ผจญภูติ ผีปีศาจไปเรื่อยทุกคืนวันพุธ
...Continue ReadingPre-year period. Prof. 2513 there is a drama after the evening news on channel 7, the color of "Khun Plan Adventure" shows every Wednesday night. It is said that it is the longest 10 years of drama.
" somchai sriphum " plays as khun plan " luck chalakorn " as a ho phrai.
There is a kid who plays as a pediatrics. I can't remember the name and I feel like no one will show as pilai because the drama doesn't focus on the drama, but let khun plan ho phrai, Pediatrics, the devil. Keep going every Wednesday night.
Somchai Sriphum is a kid in lavo. The film is hiring for extras. Holding some reflex. Get 10 baht per day. I have been doing it for 3 years before there is a role as a big actor like rumored. Power and mitchai banchak
I have played as a props for over 100 stories. I have played as one actor. It was not famous until I was chosen to play khun plan in the tv drama "Khun Plan Adventure" of channel 7 manit samma cuddle ti. The Director is famous. Let's do this.
Wherever I go, someone knows. Someone greeted me before. I have played over 100 movies. Nobody greeted me
Somchai Sriphum received 500 baht per episode. Play as a khun plan until he can build a house every Wednesday night.. Khun plan is here.. Khun plan is here.. it has been like this for 10 years
In fact, the past drama didn't end as fast as this era. One hour long and there are 7 days a week. So at the end of that era drama.. will be really important!
A drama like a room, a slave, Venus, a couple of karma or a drama that is still behind the evening news (not morning, Saturday, Sunday like now) phra tinwong uthai cuddle yathewi nang twelve, Mary.. The end of the night, the night is quiet. Everyone is on black and white tv screen.
But.. There is no drama for 10 years like khun plan adventure. The reason this drama has to end is because... the influence of one newspaper media. Those days, the TV news program is not popular during the news. During a break, the newspaper will be the most influential, especially the cuddle column to review, entertainment, cheer for anyone who scold.. Point to death So I have gossip all the time. Cuddle Mnist call. Besides getting money, sometimes i still " am!" stars in exchange for writing cheer.
Somchai, the actor of khun plan told me about the last episode of the drama, " the reason that I stopped doing because there is a newspaper to write that there is no one who watched it and still does it.. write rams like this, so we have to be. The end of the end. I don't know much. In fact, it won't end. I will make khun plan to go to China
" after khun plan ended, we didn't continue working because this was taken for 10 years. When we played about khun plan, we didn't hang out anywhere. We didn't meet other companies. When the drama ended, we ended everything in the entertainment industry.."
" 3-4 people who wrote this script, each of you are now dead. All the people who played khun plan are dead.. He kept this khun plan alone.. always thought that father khun plan helped us when entering the scene? Do whatever you want.. I will recite it anywhere..."
" Namo 3 ends " continue with " sunamoro namo phutthaya " is a popular match. It can be used... Khun Somchai in conclusion.
This week, there is a "Khun plan special part" on nation tv channel 20.15 p.m.
Khun plan song adventure
Sung by wichian phu choti
Lyrics and melody by mon cuddle spit
The old story for a year.
We know about Khun Chang Khun plan.
Love story when teenagers
I am angry. Two Khun Khun Khun Angry.
Khun Chang, panya
Waiting for busy time. The more I win my boyfriend.
Golden day, naive man...
So Khun Chang is persistent and took it instead.
The battle is not sad.
Why do you hurt me in love battle?
North battle or south tiger
Never shaken. Victory all over the land.
Love battle is troubling.
Oh, golden day. Chang comes to hug you instead.
The more I think, the more I feel bruised...
I want to catch an elephant to ban.
Good people are good
Please have mercy on the eyes instead.
Become the owner of kanchanaburi.
Clean up the work. The welfare of the hundred thousand.
Pracha has a clear face.
Who is selling? Happy Father plan.
Kanchanaburi has opened a new look...
Father Khun Travel all over the land.
@[629854510431777:274:รายการLineกนก] @[366303750103337:274:ข่าวข้น คนเนชั่น]
before you go lyrics 在 Gregory 河國榮 Facebook 八卦
因為喜歡唱歌,所以在大學的同學活動,開始演唱中文歌,也曾參加香港學生會舉辦的歌唱比賽,參賽歌曲是「愛的根源」,結果獲得亞軍。我很清楚記得,國際宿舍為了文化交流,每年舉辦一次國際晚宴,希望不同種族的學生可以表演和分享文化。Leslie在一九八五年 唱Monica獲得獎項,那是一首我很喜歡的歌曲,所以在文化交流晚會我便選擇唱Monica。當時同學覺得很驚奇,我怎可能唱Monica。我是跟着錄影帶,學習他的舞步和唱歌技巧。我不停地在公眾地方練習,其他同學看到我很用心練習,也過來幫助我。在台上表演時有幾位同學為我伴舞,當晚演出非常成功。
一九八六年Alan到來澳洲,我又當了他的司機。在他入住的酒店,介紹人在偶像面前,誤把我的名字說成河詠麟,當時在偶像面前我也不懂怎樣矯正。大約有兩年很多人以為我是河詠麟。他的四位女和音,知道我懂得唱他的歌,所以告訴了他,在排練那天他叫我上台一起唱。認識Leslie 和Alan兩位巨星,對我的影響很大,聽到他們的歌,和看到觀眾的反應,我開始對香港的歌唱發展很重視。
後來我在北角僑冠大厦租了一間劏房居住,有一次從北角行到中環,看到一間職業介紹公司的招聘啟示,我便前往應徵。當時職員說我可以教英文,但我不是教師,他認為沒有問題,便介紹我到一間補習社工作。在補習社工作了幾個月,有一位同事看到一張電視台的海報,需要招聘 一個西方人,但要懂得說中文。我致電應徵,他是一位獨立經紀,我說沒有經驗和廣東話也不是很好,他說沒有問題。我便去見一位電視台女監製,她給我一段英文劇本,要我讀出來。因為很緊張,五分鐘都不能出聲,我跟自己說,不嘗試會後侮一生。那一段對白是警官責備下級,責備人一定是很大聲的,所以我便很大聲說出來。當時她正在做自己的事,沒有再理會我,但我的叫聲使她大吃一驚。因為沒有其他外國人給她選擇,她無奈地聘請了我,這套劇集需要兩個西方人,另外一位是當主角,從那時開始,便在電視台工作了二十年。
二零一四年九月我在N o w T V的一個音樂節目做嘉賓,在一間音樂室裡我和三位節目主持人,唱歌和談論音樂。到最近才知道,他們三位是100毛的老闆。到聖誕100毛找我拍攝雜誌封面,我不知為何找我拍攝封面,原來三位老闆是認識我的,只是我自己不知道。
二零一五年八月他們聯絡我,他們有一首歌,問我會否願意演唱,那首歌曲我很熟悉,歌詞十分口語化,應該可以學到的。但當時是星期五,表演是在星期日,只得兩天時間作準備,所以我很用心練習。舞台是有電視屏幕可以看到歌詞,但我盡量避免看電視屏幕,只是有需要時才看一看,便可以放心地唱。能夠上台非常開心,我可以扮了演一個角色,唱一首悅耳和有趣的歌,觀眾很熱鬧和興奮,真是十分難得。我知道這是一生一次,這不是自己可以做到,是他們給我機會。那首歌很受歡迎,而且登上了流行榜。聖誕節前他們聯絡我,表示將會舉辦總選,問我會否參加,我便欣然答應了。當天每位表演者,會有兩首歌曲,在十二月廿六日接到新歌,我從沒有聽過那首歌,是一首說唱歌曲,而且歌詞很陌生,對我來說十分困難,所以我不停地練習了四百多次。當晚表演由Now T V直播,有七十萬人觀看,想不到自己能夠獲得香港區最受歡迎男歌星獎,當宣佈我的名字時,極度開心,無人能想到,唱出真香港的歌曲,是由一個西方人唱出,可以感動到別人。這是天時地利人和,超乎現實,簡直是一個奇蹟。因為那首歌不是我揀選,是別人給我的,練習這首歌時眼睛常常都會充了滿淚水和很感動。
最近有很多關於少數族裔的事情出現在我身上 ,現在我為一個港台節目做旁白,是關於少數族裔在香港。他們在本地娛樂圈發展是十分困難,因為在一個有九成是同一種族的地方,看電視或電影,也是會看自己的種族,未必會看少數族裔。如果他們幾個人合作,做一個節目,然後在網上發放,是有機會成功。香港有很多少數族裔居住,有些人的中文比我好,他們也愛香港。
I am Gregory. I hail from Queensland, Australia. During my high school years, my grades were excellent. They were good enough for me to enroll in any subject that I wanted to in university. At that time, I wanted to become a doctor because I could help others. I studied Medicine at the University of New South Wales. In my first year, I lived in my friend’s home located in North Sydney. During my second year, I lived in International House at the university. It was a rule for the school campus to have at least 50 percent overseas students. They cannot be Australians. I met a lot of Hong Kong, Singaporean and Malaysian friends in my first two years. I was able to get along with them very well. But what is most important was that after living in International House, I came across Hong Kong pop music. One day I was walking along the corridors and overheard beautifully melodic music. I asked my classmate what music he was listening to and if he could lend me the music to listen to. He leant it to me.
I have forgotten whether it was the music of Leslie or Alan. But I am sure it was one of them because I really liked that kind of music. I went to Chinatown to buy it. Eventually, I listened to the music as I read the lyrics. In turn, I slowly picked up a lot of Chinese characters.
I attended many different functions to perform Cantonese songs in university because I really liked to sing. I also attended a singing competition organized by the Hong Kong student association. The competition song was ‘Root of Love’. In the end I won second runner-up. I clearly remember International House wanted to organize cultural exchanges so they held international banquets each year. Their hope was for students from different ethnic backgrounds to perform and share their culture.
In 1985, Leslie won an award for singing ‘Monica’. It was a song that I really loved. During the international cultural exchange banquet, I chose to sing ‘Monica’. At that time my classmates were very surprised. How can I sing ‘Monica’? I followed the videos to learn the dance steps and singing techniques. I kept on practicing in public. Other students witnessed how hard I was practicing and came over to help me out. A few classmates became my accompanying dancers as I danced on stage. The performance that night was extremely successful.
Leslie and a group of Hong Kong superstars visited Australia to hold concerts in 1985. The concert organizer needed a voluntary driver. My friends asked me whether I wanted to be the voluntary driver. I accepted the offer. In the end I found out that I would become Leslie’s driver. There was one day when he was on break and did not need to rehearse. We drove to Canberra. It was cloudy and there was light rain on that day. We could not see clearly. After having a coffee, we left. Leslie was next to drive. His English was very good. During the journey back we chatted happily. The trip was very important to me.
In 1986, Alan came to Australia. I was also his driver. Our mutual friend misread my name as “Ho Wing Lun” in front of my idol during his stay at the hotel. I was not able to correct him at the time because Alan (“Wing Lun”) was my idol. Many people thought I was called “Ho Wing Lun” for around two years. His four back-up singers knew I was able to sing Alan’s songs. That was why they told him about it. During rehearsal day, he told me to sing with him on stage. Knowing superstars like Leslie and Alan had a great impact on me. To be able to listen to their songs and to witness the reactions from the audience led me to become interested in a singing career in Hong Kong.
I did not put in a lot of effort in my studies because I always thought of Chinatown and singing. Consequently, I failed my medical examinations in my third year. I had to re-take my subjects. In 1986, I re-took my studies for three months but then I decided to quit school.
In the end I juggled three dish washing jobs and also many months of brick laying work. I saved up a whole year of my salary and bought a one-way ticket to Hong Kong. I also carried $1000 Australian dollars on me. I then went to Hong Kong to develop my career. I only asked my friend whether I could stay at his place as preparation to living in my new homeland. His father reluctantly agreed but had to receive rent. I did not have anything equipped or prepared. I only purposely bought a one-way ticket because I did not want to easily give up when I encountered minor difficulties and return to Australia.
When I first arrived in Hong Kong, I did not know anything. I did not have any plans. I also did not have any friends. Initially, I lived in Broadcast Drive but my friend did not live there because he was still studying. I did not have anything to do at first. That was why I hung around Hong Kong for several days. One day, by coincidence, I came across Hung Hom Coliseum. At the entrance, there were four men smoking. They noticed me and surprisingly called out “Ho Wing Lun”. They were, in fact, members of Alan’s band. We have first met in 1986. Surprisingly, they remembered me after a whole year. That is called fate. At that time, Alan was preparing for his concert. The four men brought me inside the Coliseum. I saw Alan. There were 31 shows in his 1987 concert. I watched 30 of them. I intended to watch all 31 shows but there was a slight problem. There were rules at my guest house. After ten thirty each night, the door to the home will be locked. Nobody was allowed to enter or leave the house. But concerts do not end so early. So, after watching each concert in the evening, I would walk to Tsim Sha Tsui and then walk back to Broadcast Drive. I would sleep on the concreate seats outside the park. When the park opens at five in the morning, I will go in and sleep. Eventually, I was unable to handle it. One night I cannot watch a show. Once Alan asked me “Can you sing on stage tonight?” I told him “Of course I can.” I became his special guest. Alan was extremely happy when I first performed. By the second show, he announced that: “There is a westerner who can sing my songs very well.” He called out my name “Ho Wing Lun!” But because I was not at the scene, I did not show up. Eventually, he asked me why I did not show up. I explained my reason to him. He then arranged a hotel for me to stay at until the end of the concert. That was why he was able to call me out the third time! That was my second time as special guest singing “Friends” with him. It was exhilarating. In August, he introduced me as a special guest at his birthday party. Actually, everything happens for a reason and everything is interconnected.
Soon after, I rented a tiny flat at a building in North Point to live in. I walked from North Point to Central once. I came across a recruitment agency looking to hire. I went in to give it a shot. At that time, the staff said I could teach English but I was not a teacher. The staff said it was not a problem and introduced me to work at a learning center. After working there for a few months, a colleague saw a TV station’s poster. They were looking to recruit a westerner but that person needs to be able to speak Cantonese. I called to give it a try. The person who answered was an independent agent. I told that agent I had no experience and my Cantonese was not very good. The agent told me it was not a problem. I went to see the TV station’s female producer. She gave me an English script and wanted me to read it out. I was so nervous that I did not utter a word in five minutes. I told myself, if I do not try, I will regret it for life. The dialogue depicted a police telling off a subordinate. When you tell someone off, you must be very loud so, I read my lines out very loudly. At that time, the female producer was doing her own work and did not care about me but because I was so loud, I frightened her! As there were no other westerners for her to choose from, she had no choice but to hire me. The TV show required two westerners. The other westerner played the main character. From then onwards, I worked at the TV station for twenty years.
In September 2014, I appeared as a guest on a NowTV music program. I was in a band room with the three show hosts. We sang and discussed music. Only recently, I found out that they were the Founders of 100 Most. When it was Christmas, 100 Most invited me to appear on the cover of their magazine. I did not know why they wanted me to do it – only to find out that the Founders of the magazine already knew who I was! It was just me who did not know that.
In August 2015, 100 Most contacted me and asked me whether I wanted to sing this particular song. I was very familiar with the song lyrics. The lyrics were very colloquial. I should be able to learn it. It was Friday. The performance was on Sunday. I only had two days to prepare for it. That was why I practiced very hard. The stage showcased the lyrics. But I tried my best not to look at them. I would only glance at them when I needed to. I felt more confident and assured as I sang.
I was extremely elated to be able to perform on stage. I can play a role singing a wonderful and amusing song. The audience was super warm and excited. It was a moment to be treasured. I know this can only happen once in my life. It cannot be done by myself. It is because I was given a chance by 100 Most. The song was very popular and hit the charts. Before Christmas, 100 Most contacted me and expressed that there would be a final election of the songs. They asked me whether I would like to participate. I was more than happy to give it a try. On the day of the show, each contestant would have two songs.
On the 26th of December, I received the new song. I have never heard of the song before. It was a rap song. I was very unfamiliar with the lyrics. I found them very difficult. That was why I kept practicing it for more than four hundred times. The show was broadcasted live by NowTV. Around seven hundred thousand people watched the broadcast. I cannot imagine winning the Best Hong Kong Male Singer. When my name was announced, I was extremely delighted. Nobody can imagine that a westerner was able to sing a song about ‘real Hong Kong’. It can touch people. It was something that happened at the right place and at the right time. It was also surreal and a complete miracle. It is because the song was not selected by me. It was given to me by others. My eyes were often wet from practicing this song. I was very touched.
It is very difficult for westerners to develop their artistry in the entertainment industry. Chances are slim. They can only play roles that are irrelevant and unimportant. But I never thought of giving up. Five years ago I planned to record my own album. But because of stomach acid reflux, my vocal chords got damaged. My voice became hoarse and coarse. It brought me a lot of frustrations because I have worked hard for many years. Then this happened. I then amended my singing techniques and the issue improved significantly. I was able to sing again. I am now working on re-recording my new album.
A lot of ethnic minority issues materialized around me as of late. I am currently the voice over for a RTHK program about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. It is very hard for them to develop their career in the local entertainment industry. It is because when 90 percent of the people share the same skin color comes together in a particular place, those watching TV or film will tend to watch people of their own skin color. They may not watch ethnic minorities. If a group of ethnic minorities work together to create a program for the web, it may work out. There are a lot of ethnic minorities residing in Hong Kong. Some of their Chinese is better than mine. They also love Hong Kong very much.
‘Hong Kongers’, to me, are people who need to do things ‘Hong Kongers’ do. Eat Hong Kong food. Care about Hong Kong. And do not look at skin color. I hope they can also speak Cantonese. Most importantly, they should regard Hong Kong as their home. Then, they are ‘real Hong Kongers’.
before you go lyrics 在 Violette Wautier Youtube 的評價
Violette Wautier - Smoke (Audio)
Listen & Purchase "Glitter and Smoke" album : https://apple.co/GlitterSmoke
Song available on:
iTunes/Apple Music: https://apple.co/2OS7kjC
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2CI7Mtz
Joox: https://bit.ly/2yzeKOk
Deezer: https://bit.ly/2z7EjG2
Connect with Violette Wautier :
For work please contact :
[email protected]
Written by Violette Wautier
Produced by Vichaya Vatanasapt
Co-Produced by Violette Wautier
I don't I don't smoke
But I'll go outside with you
Baby it's kinda cold
You can hold me if you want to
No, I'm not thinkin' straight now
I had a few drinks before
But I don't I don't mind now
Cause I am here with you
We keep meeting each other this way
I was just thinking about you today
All my friends are dancin' in the livin' room
You pull out a cigarette and say
Let's be alone
I don't I don't smoke
But I'll go outside with you
Baby it's kinda cold
You can hold me if you want to
No, I'm not thinkin' straight now
I had a few drinks before
But I don't I don't mind now
Cause I am here with you
I am here with you oh
I am here with you oh
I know what you wanna do
We'll make out and let our bodies speak
I'll light that cigarette for you
Promise me that you will keep this between us
Let's go let's go smoke
I will go outside with you
Nobody has to know
Just hold me I know you want to
No, I'm not thinkin' straight now
I had a few drinks before
But I don't I don't mind now
Cause I am here with you
I am here with you oh
I am here with you oh
Cause I am here with you
Violette Wautier performing Smoke. © 2018 The Wautier Record.
before you go lyrics 在 Jackz Youtube 的評價
I hope you all will enjoy this video, I love this song very much =]
You ready? Lets go!
Yeah, for those of you who want to know what we`re all about
It`s like this y`all (c`mon!)
This is ten percent luck,
Twenty percent skill,
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
Five percent pleasure,
Fifty percent pain,
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
He doesn`t need his name up in lights
He just wants to be heard whether it`s the beat or the mic
He feels so unlike everybody else, alone
In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
But fuck em`
He knows the code:
It`s not about the salary
It`s about reality and making some noise
Makin' a story
Makin sure his clique stays up
That means when he puts it down, Tak`s pickin it up!
(Let`s go!)
Who the hell is he anyway?
He never really talks much
Never concerned with status but still leavin them star struck
Humbled through opportunities given despite the fact
That many mis judge him because he makes a livin from writin raps
Put it together himself, now the picture connects
Never askin for someone`s help, and get some respect
He`s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach
And now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist
This is twenty percent skill
Eighty percent fear
Be one hundred percent clear, 'cause Ryu is ill
Who would`ve thought that he`d be the one to set the west in flames
Then I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "The Name Of The Game"
Came back dropped Megadef, took 'em to church
I like bleach man, Ryu had the stupidest verse
This dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots
His stock`s through the roof I heard he fuckin with S-Dot!
It`s just ten percent luck,
Twenty percent skill,
Fiftteen percent concentrated power of will,
Five percent pleasure,
Fifty percent pain,
And a hundred perecnt reason to remember the name!
They call him Ryu he's sick
And he`s spittin' fire and Mike
Got him out the dryer he`s hot
Found him in Fort Minor with Tak
What a fuckin' nihilist porcupine
He`s a prick, he`s a cock
The type woman want to be with
And rappers hope he get shot
Eight years in the makin`
Patiently waitin to blow
Now the record with Shinoda`s takin over the globe
He`s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope
You wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid`s throat
He`s not your everyday on the block
He knows how to work with what he's got
Makin his way to the top
He often gets a comment on his name
People keep askin him, was it given at birth,
Or does it stand for an acronym?
No. He`s livin' proof,
Got him rockin the booth
He`ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice (juice)
Him and his crew are known around as one of the best
Dedicated to what they do n give a hundred percent!
Forget Mike
Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard
It seems like he`s never got time
Because he writes every note, and he writes every line
And I`ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind
It`s like a design is written in his head every time
Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme
And those motherfuckers he runs with the kids that he signed?
Ridiculous, without even trying, how do they do it?!
This is ten percent luck,
Twenty percent skill,
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
Five percent pleasure,
Fifty percent pain,
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
This is ten percent luck,
Twenty percent skill,
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
Five percent pleasure,
Fifty percent pain,
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
[Outro - Mike]
Yeah! Fort Minor!
M. Shinoda, Styles of Beyond!
Ryu, Takbir!
Machine Shop!
****I own nothing, no copyright infringement intended****
before you go lyrics 在 MusicNeverSleeps Youtube 的評價
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TWITTER: http://twitter.com/jasondchen
WECHAT @TheJasonChen
PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/jasonchen
Business Inquiries! jasonchenbooking@gmail.com
Official site: http://jasondchen.com
Stream all my songs online for free on Spotify!
I love getting mail! Send me some :)
Jason Chen
P.O. Box 2113
Arcadia, CA 91077
Executive Producer: Jason Chen
Director: Ross Ching
Producer: Don Le
Editor/Visual Effects: David Adametz
Actress: Julie Zhan
Director of Photography: Nate Fu
1st AC / Camera Operator: Martin Gradek
Hair & Makeup: Amy Cooper
Record Label Owners: Eric Modyman, Michael Twombley
Paparazzi: Julie Raelyn, Joshua Young, DeMarco Dunnigan, Eric Modyman, Don Le
Special Thanks: Jon Chang, Junction Studios, Mykie Milford
Written by Jason Chen, Travis Graham, Adien Lewis
Produced by Travis Graham
Mixed/Mastered by Travis Graham, Greg Glaser
[Verse 1]
I feel the same way
That you did about me yesterday
Promised you'd never leave me alone
The castles that we made
Were swept by the tide and washed away
And now the sunsets have all gone
Now time is moving, faster than before
And now we cant even seem to find the shore
Cause baby I know that you still love me
And baby know that I love you too
So tell me why cant we make it better
Cause all that I know is found in you
I'm missing your love, your face,
All of our past, don't let it erase
I know that you still feel the way I do
Because I'm still in love with you
[Verse 2]
I wanted to move on
But unlike you, I'm not that strong
And now our day in the sun has set
We walked side by side
Leaving footprints in the sand
now only my footsteps remain
(When the tide rolls in)
If I had just one more life
If I had just one more day
You would be my whole world
Be the only one I adore and
The next time, I hold you close
I won't hesitate no more
Cause baby this time
We're gonna fly high
And I will never let you go
Copyright Music Never Sleeps, Inc. 2013
I love getting mail! send me some =)
PO Box 2113
Arcadia, CA 91077
Signup for my email list to stay updated on my new album and upcoming tour!
Book me for an event: jasonchenbooking(at)gmail(dot)com
before you go lyrics 在 (20) Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Lyric Video) - Pinterest 的八卦
Jan 31, 2020 - Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Lyric Video)Song: Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi lyrics from album "Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish ... ... <看更多>
before you go lyrics 在 Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go (Lyrics) - YouTube 的八卦
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