2016年BCG 校園徵才說明會
BCG正在積極網羅各地校園裡的一流人才,無論你的科系背景是工程、科學、人文、社會學或是企管,我們誠摯邀請各位參與BCG 2016年在台灣的校園招募說明會,和我們的顧問們面對面交流,進一步了解管理顧問產業的樣貌,以及在BCG的職涯中可以為社會帶來的影響力和個人學習機會。
2016 BCG Connection Event in Taiwan
BCG is actively looking for top talents from leading colleges and universities worldwide. We are interested in hearing from first-rate students who are studying for their first/second degree in any field – be it engineering, science, liberal arts, sociology, business or other. We would like to invite you to our Connection Event. This event will be a good opportunity for you to find out more about the fascinating and high impact work we do in Greater China as well as to discuss a career in management consulting in general terms.
Please register your attendance online by clicking the links below.
Time: 6.30-8.00pm, January 25, 2016
Venue: Room 102, Taipei International Conference Center
Registration: https://goo.gl/62qwgs
More info: http://goo.gl/sxyZGl
Please also stay tuned for information on how to be invited to BCG's upcoming Case Interview Workshop around February to March.
bcg面試 在 Sabina姐分享MBA大小事,登愣 Facebook 八卦
【職涯這條路,想學習又怕失敗受挫?來看知名顧問公司BCG怎麼做!】#校友來分享 #Wharton #BCG
Wharton 校友、在 BCG 的 Global Learning & Development Design Center 擔任經理的 Cynthia 表示,看過很多新人在面試時,都表示希望學習更多新事物,入行後最在意的卻是每個評量是否拿到最高分。
Cynthia 說:「當你要 #快速成長、快速學習,就會遇上挫折的過程,要付出一定的代價。」也因此 BCG
長年實施 #師徒制,連擔任師父的資深同事都要定期受訓,藉由各種溝通方式看到共同願景,達到更好的學習效果。
bcg面試 在 Cheers:快樂工作人 Facebook 八卦
【商管學生的夢想企業 #BCG ,用3個面試問題,決定要不要用你】