#莎士比亞ABC :
•All the world's a stage,討論政治,隨時可加這一句。
•Break the ice,修補任何關係,都可考慮如此形容。
•Clothes make the man,跟現代消費主義絕對有關。
明報英文 毛孟靜
//新聞學源自西方,舊時授新聞課,在學期的第一堂往往會向大學生強調一句:All the world's a stage,整個世界是一個舞台。
這樣說,是因為新聞背後有非常強烈的戲劇意味 ——新聞故事,a news story;同一個故事持續地發展下去,就是一個連續劇,a saga;發生意外傷亡肯定是悲劇,a tragedy;而政治層面的滑稽,就是一場荒誕劇,a farce。
//All the world's a stage,源自莎士比亞,後面跟着的一句是:And all the men and women merely players,一眾男男女女都不過是演員。
這句話在莎劇 As You Like It(《皆大歡喜》)出現,是一場獨白的開頭,乍聽似乎犬儒且帶點悲哀,但其實是一套喜劇,結局皆大歡喜。
//現實生活中,若遇上事事反應戲劇化的一類人,統稱drama queen —— a person who habitually responds to situations in a melodramatic way —— 包括矯揉做「騷」,都可就此嘆一句:All the world's a stage!
//而有關外交(diplomacy)的新聞中,不時會遇上 icebreaking、break the ice「破冰」,是指打破了僵局。
//Break the ice,同樣來自莎翁另一名著 The Taming ofthe Shrew(《馴悍記》)。都知道吧,悍是指悍女、悍妻,說的 break the ice 是指男要打破女的冰冷表面。
在莎士比亞的時代之前,英文本來已有 break the ice,但只與船有關:If someone broke the ice of a ship, he took it on its first voyage(若有人破了船身的冰,就是把船第一次駛出海)。
· Five ice breaking ships are braving the Arctic Circle.5艘破冰船在北極圈奮勇航行。
//還有一句莎劇名句是 clothes make the man(人靠衣裝)。這句源自 Hamlet(《王子復仇記》)的一幕:父親叮囑兒子須穿得好一點,因為 apparel oft proclaims the man。
原話是古英文,apparel often proclaims the man,直譯是「人的身分,多見於衣著」,將之現代化變成今日的日常用語,就是 clothes make the man。
· All the world's a stage,討論政治,隨時可加這一句。
· Break the ice,修補任何關係,都可考慮如此形容。
· Clothes make the man,跟現代消費主義絕對有關。
可有留意,三句話分別由A、B 和 C 開始?A for All,B for Break,C for Clothes,那就更容易記得了。//
arctic ice中文 在 CarlosDouh Facebook 八卦
It's freeeeezing in Hong Kong right now!!
今日好凍,你若果凈係識講 "I am cold.",點型呀?(唔好講我聽你仲識講"I am VERY cold"…… )
I feel cold. (我覺凍。)
I feel so cold. (我覺得好凍。)
識講 “I'm freezing!” (我凍僵喇!),你係叻少少睇過下戲嘅港仔港女 ^^
不妨結合:“I feel freezing cold.” (我覺得好很凍。) – 咬字要清
出變化技:“My hands are freezing!” (我對手凍僵了。) – 女生常說
你回答再出變化技:“Really? My bird is also freezing!” (真係?我隻雀都凍僵了。) – 很可憐唷
又可以話:“It's chilly/nippy today.” (今日凍到震。) – 但好Q扮野
扮下專業:“Heard the news reported arctic conditions in the city?” (你無聽新聞話凍到北極咁呀?)
加下地方:“The toilet was glacial.” (個厠所仿如冰川。) – 好有詩意
玩下家禽:“My bird feels shivery.” (我隻雀在震呀!) – 充滿動感
中文都有啲特別用法啦,好似:「凍到癲呀!」「凍死無命賠!」「饑寒交迫」呀咁,又有啲你老母好老土成日講:「震過貓王呀~~~」 (真架,小弟唔知邊個係貓王架)。以下有啲再正啲嘅英文表達技,嚇鬼一流,鬼妹都溶化:
“Baby you know it's so cold I'm blowing icicles out of my nose.” (我凍到鼻窿生冰柱呀Baby!) – 索吻必用
“It's so cold that you need to open the refrigerator to warm up the house.” (我凍到要打開雪櫃暖下間屋!) – 最Enjoy女仔大嗌「唔好」、「停」
“It's so cold when we milked the cows we got ice cream.” (我凍到一搾完奶成手雪糕!) – 不予置評
“It's so cold mice were playing hockey in the toilet bowl.” (凍到啲老鼠喺厠所打冰上曲棍球!) – 拗水吹……
“It's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss.” (嘩寒過你外母咀你!) – 咁你暖下我啦
終極一句:“I'm freezing my nipples off.” (凍到飛釘!)
This is from Oten x Carlos @ Super English Force XDD
arctic ice中文 在 EZ Talk Facebook 八卦
#TexasIceStorm #霸王級寒流英文怎麼說
今晚吃元宵,一起跟著 Libby 關心 #你不知道的美國大小事
看完本新聞再搭配下週的 #編輯講英文 podcast
The state of Texas is known for its long, hot summers and mild winters. That’s why the 🔖freezing weather that hit Texas last week 🔖took everyone by surprise. Normally, the jet stream keeps 🔖swirling cold air—known as the “polar vortex”—trapped in 🔖the Arctic. But last week, the jet stream 🔖dipped south, bringing 🔖frigid weather all the way south to Texas.
The series of winter storms that swept across Texas brought snow, ice, and some of the coldest temperatures the state has ever experienced. Temperatures in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio were lower than those in Anchorage, Alaska, and snow fell all the way to the Mexican border!
Because storms like these are so rare here, Texans—and the state’s 🔖infrastructure—just weren’t prepared for the effects of 🔖extreme cold weather. 🔖Frozen natural gas pipes and ice on power lines caused outages that left millions without gas or electricity, and icy roads resulted in thousands of accidents.
Left without power to heat their homes, people resorted to extreme measures to stay warm. Some ran their cars in their garages, and others ran generators indoors, resulting in hundreds of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. By the time temperatures started to rise again, dozens of Texans had died, mostly from road accidents, 🔖carbon monoxide poisoning and 🔖hypothermia.
So are there any special terms for weather events like this? The most common term is ✏“cold snap,” which means a sudden short period of very cold weather. Why is it called a cold snap? When you snap your fingers, the sound is sudden and short—just like a cold snap. Another term with the same meaning is ✏“cold wave.” Although “cold wave” isn’t as common as “cold snap,” the opposite term, “heat wave,” is commonly used. Another related term is ✏“cold spell,” which usually refers to a period of cold weather longer than a cold snap.
有什麼詞可以形容這樣的天氣狀況呢?最常用到的詞是「cold snap(短暫的氣溫驟降,類似中文的「霸王級寒流」)」,指突然來襲的短期極寒天氣。為什麼要用到snap(打響指)這個字?打響指的聲音既突然又短促──就像這突如其來的天氣一樣。可以用的另一個詞則是「cold wave(冷浪)」,這個字雖然沒有cold snap常見,不過它的相反詞 heat wave(熱浪)倒是很常見。最後一個詞則是「cold spell」,通常用來形容比cold snap更長的寒流。
arctic ice中文 在 【Arctic Ice】北極冰背負式微型冰箱TF-9L - YouTube 的八卦
【 Arctic Ice 】北極冰背負式微型冰箱TF-9L. a99210041. a99210041. 76 subscribers ... 境拓科技之3D、雲端不朽平台( 中文 版). Scene Ta 境拓科技. ... <看更多>