急性會厭炎 Acute Epiglottitis. 文/ 林芳揚 陳範宇 曾文禹 林雪玲. 定義 位於聲帶以上構造的軟組織發炎,並可能造成呼吸道堵塞且危及生命傾向。
會厭炎(Epiglottitis)是會厭部位(舌根部上方的軟骨,可避免食物進入氣管)的發炎。症狀一般會出現的很快,症狀包括吞嚥困難,也會造成流口水、聲音改變、發燒以及 ...
#3. 急性會厭炎的臨床處理
在加護病房照顧了3位急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis) 的病人,針對其臨床症狀、診斷. 及治療方式提出說明,並分享案例報告,因. 醫師快速且正確診斷及評估 ...
急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis)是會厭粘膜的急性炎性病變,治療不及時常致膿腫形成,兒童及成人皆可見。 【病因】. (一)感染:急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis) ...
#5. 小兒科-哮吼 - 高點醫護網
急性會厭炎(epiglottitis):B型嗜血桿菌(H. influenzae B),常見在2~7歲。由於聲帶沒受到侵襲,所以,聲音沙啞與吠狀咳嗽罕見。患者高熱、流涎(drooling),坐姿時出現頸部 ...
#6. 中文意思| 急性会厌炎英文怎麽說| 耳鼻喉科专业名词-词汇翻译
Acute epiglottitis 急性會厭炎,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,耳鼻喉科專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#7. acute epiglottitis 中文- 急性會厭炎… - 查查綫上辭典
acute epiglottitis中文 ::急性會厭炎…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋acute epiglottitis的中文翻譯,acute epiglottitis的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#8. 急性會厭軟骨炎
Ng HL, Sin LM, Li MF, Que TL, Anandaciva S; Acute epiglottitis in adults: a retrospective review of 106 patients in Hong Kong; Emerg Med J. 2008.
#9. 耳鼻喉科的急症– 急性上喉炎(Acute Supraglottitis)
喉部是人體上呼吸道的一部分, 所以如果在喉部產生了疾病, 耳鼻喉科醫師最擔心的就是呼吸受到影響, 如果無法呼吸, 生命可能立刻就會受到嚴重的威脅。
#10. Croup 哮吼& Epiglottitis 急性會厭炎 - 醫學筆記匯集整理ED Notes
Give nebulized epinephrine for moderate to severe croup,. primarily those with stridor at rest;. mild croup generally does not require ...
#11. 非感染性之急性會厭炎
Non-infection Acute Epiglottitis ... 繁體中文DOI: 10.6200/TCMJ.2007.4.3.07 DOI ... Acute epiglottitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection.
#12. acute epiglottitis中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
acute epiglottitis中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:急性會厭炎。英漢詞典提供【acute epiglottitis】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#13. 淺談兒童的急性發炎性呼吸道阻塞@ 李淵順小兒科診所 - 隨意窩
會厭炎(epiglottitis). 發炎部位在會厭上方和附近組織。好發年齡為2~7歲。致病病原體包括b型流行感冒嗜血桿菌、肺炎鏈球菌、A型或C型化膿性鏈球菌。
#14. 急性会厌炎 - 疾病详情-疾病-人卫临床助手-人民卫生出版社
中文 别名:急性会厌炎;acute epiglottitis. 英文别名. acute supraglottitis. 作者. 钟乃川. 概述. 急性会厌炎(acute epiglottitis)是一种以声门上区会厌为主的急性 ...
#15. Acute epiglottitis caused by community-acquired methicillin ...
Acute epiglottitis caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a healthy infant Jumpei Fujisawa,1 Tomokazu ...
#16. 小兒科 英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM A Code ...
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM A Code Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 A 464 47 Acute appendictis 急性闌尾炎 540.9 A 342 47 Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 A 320 47
#17. 急性上呼吸道感染Acute upper respiratory infections找碼坊
急性上呼吸道感染Acute upper respiratory infections ... 急性阻塞性喉炎[嘶哮]和急性會厭炎Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis 07 多處或未明示 ...
#18. 成人嚴重致死性感染症李怡姿 - 台灣急診醫學會
初次感染後2-6周會有類似感冒及淋巴腫大的現象(acute retroviral ... D. The rising incidence of adult acute epiglottitis and epiglottic abscess.
#19. Acute Epiglottitis - DynaMed
Most references are incorporated within the text along with the evidence summaries. Sack JL, Brock CD. Identifying acute epiglottitis in adults. High degree of ...
#20. 中醫部
#21. Epiglottitis - Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders - MSD Manuals
(Supraglottitis) · Epiglottitis may block the windpipe (trachea) and be fatal. · The main symptoms are severe sore throat and noisy, difficult breathing. · Doctors ...
#22. 台灣地區急性上呼吸道感染抗微生物製劑之建議治療準則英文題目
中文 題目:台灣地區急性上呼吸道感染抗微生物製劑之建議治療準則. 英文題目:Guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of acute upper respiratory tract infections.
#23. epiglottitis-翻译为中文-例句英语
... and haemophilus influenzae type B.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"epiglottitis" ... CT (which was done later) confirmed the diagnosis of acute epiglottitis.
#24. 耳鼻喉科英文疾病名稱中文疾病名稱ICD-9-CM
Acute tonsillitis, 急性扁桃腺炎, 463, 463, A310. Acute laryngitis, 急性喉炎, 464.0, 464.0, A311. Acute epiglottitis, 急性會厭炎, 464.30, 464.30, A311.
#25. Epiglottitis | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Epiglottitis is an acute life-threatening bacterial or viral infection that results in swelling and inflammation of the epiglottis. The epiglottis is an ...
#26. Epiglottitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
If the medical team suspects epiglottitis, the first priority is to ensure ... a severe bloodstream infection — may accompany epiglottitis.
#27. acute epiglottitis — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“acute epiglottitis” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#28. Sheet1
1, 代碼, 英文, 中文 ... 43, 464.3, *Acute epiglottitis, 急性會厭炎 ... 45, 464.31, Acute epiglottitis with obstruction, 急性會厭炎,併阻塞.
#29. 會厭炎 - 中文维基百科
如需醫療服務或可靠意見,请咨询专业人士。 會厭炎(Epiglottitis)是Tripod position)讓呼吸道打開。當症狀惡化時,會有喘鳴及發紺的情形。
#30. Factors Affecting Patients with Concurrent Deep Neck ... - X-MOL
Acute epiglottitis (AE) is a severe infection of the epiglottis, which can lead to airway obstruction. However, there have been no studies ...
#31. Acute epiglottitis after COVID‐19 infection - ProQuest
INTRODUCTION. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), first described in late 2019, is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ...
#32. 「會厭炎會傳染嗎」懶人包資訊整理(1)
關鍵字:急性會厭炎、症狀、臨床治療、acute epiglottitis 、symptom、 ...,台灣醫界2000, Vol.43, No.11. 學術. 急性會厭炎:小兒與成人的比較.
#33. 汐止國泰綜合醫院護理科9B 常見診斷及檢查縮寫【耳鼻喉科】 一
Acute otitis media. 急性中耳炎. AOE. Acute otitis effusion. 急性中耳炎積水 ... Acute epiglottitis. 急性會厭炎. Ludwig's angina (魯特維什氏胭峽炎)口底之 ...
#34. Epiglottitis case report: A unique presentation of COVID-19 ...
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... Clinician should be aware of acute epiglottitis as a manifestation of COVID-19 to ...
#35. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱. J00, Acute ... J0100, Acute maxillary sinusitis, unspecified ... J05, Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis.
#36. 會厭炎英文 - ZQILZ
acute epiglottitis中文 :急性會厭炎,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋acute epiglottitis的中文翻譯,acute epiglottitis的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#37. 急性會厭炎維基 - Zzhuang
急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis)是會厭粘膜的急性炎性病變,治療不及時常致膿腫形成,兒童及成人皆可見 ... 中文維基百科中的醫療相關內容僅供參考,詳見醫學聲明。
#38. 會厭炎英文 - 07Nan
Epiglottitis (Acute Supraglottic Laryngitis) 會厭炎(英文) Epiglottis is a cartilage structure which is located at junction of tongue base and larynx.
#39. Epiglottitis - VisualDx
Tracheostomy may be required in severe cases if airway management is not achievable with medical intervention or oral / nasal intubation. The ...
#40. Acute epiglottitis - A life-threatening clinical entity - Gale
Acute epiglottitis (AE) is an inflammatory condition affecting the supraglottic structures which mainly involve the epiglottis. AE is a potentially life- ...
#41. 會厭炎Wikizero - Itha
epiglottitis中文 :會厭炎…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋epiglottitis的中文翻譯,epiglottitis的發音,音標,用法和例句等。會厭炎“acute epiglottitis” 中文翻譯: ...
#42. epiglottitis的中文,翻译,解释,例句 - 英语人
Objective To enhance the understanding of diagnosis and therapy on acute epiglottitis. 目的提高对急性会厌炎诊断、治疗的认识。 加载更多网络例句 (18).
#43. 急性会厌炎的翻译是:Acute epiglottitis 中文翻译英文意思
Acute. 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部. Acute epiglottitis. 相关内容 a我爱你同样希望你也一样的爱我I like you hoping similarly you also same love ...
#44. 会厌炎 - 万维百科
维基百科中的医疗相关内容仅供参考,详见医学声明。如需医疗服务或可靠意见,请咨询专业人士。会厌炎Epiglottitis同义词急性上喉炎Acute supraglottitis颈部X-ray发现 ...
#45. 布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入治疗急性会厌炎临床效果研究 - 维普期刊
维普中文期刊服务平台,是重庆维普资讯有限公司标准化产品之一,本平台以《中文 ... Conclusion Treating acute epiglottitis with budesonide suspension atomization ...
#46. 急性会厌炎_百度百科
急性会厌炎病情进展迅速,多数患者经及时治疗可获得痊愈,少数病情凶险,很快窒息,死亡率较高。 别名: 声门上喉炎或会厌前咽峡炎. 外文名: acute epiglottitis.
#47. 奇美醫院急診醫學部- 陳國泰醫師
中文 · English · 奇美醫院急診醫學部 ... Wu IY, Lin PC, Hsu CC, Chen KT: Clinical features of patients with acute epiglottitis in the emergency department.
#48. Aftercare Education Articles(p29) - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院國際 ...
Language. Language:. 繁體中文简体中文English Indonesia tiếng việt 日本語 ... Epiglottitis (Acute Supraglottic Laryngitis) 會厭炎. Epiglottis is a cartilage ...
#49. pharyngitis - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"pharyngitis" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, otitis media [...] and lung infection and so on.
#50. 医学词汇:【急性会厌炎】的英文翻译 - 笔记栈
医学词汇中英对照中文:急性会厌炎英文:acute epiglottitis. ... 医学词汇中英对照中文:急性会厌炎英文:acute epiglottitis. 中文首汉字:急拼音首字母:Jen首字A ...
#51. acute epiglottitis相关文章列表 - 团词网
acute epiglottitis 翻译成中文-acute epiglottitis是什么意思-英语-读音-用法-例句-词组短语. acute epiglottitis translated into Chinese,急性会厌炎布地奈德吸入 ...
#52. 02general medical
2, ICD-9-CM代碼, ICD-9-CM代碼英文名稱, ICD-9-CM代碼中文名稱, ICD-10-CM代碼 ... 24, 9, 464.30, Acute epiglottitis without mention of obstruction ...
#53. What did Washington die of? - George Washington's Mount ...
Tobias Lear. Personal Secretary to President George Washington. George Washington died from acute bacterial epiglottitis, a type of throat infection, on ...
#54. 即將入冬,上下呼吸道疾病的診斷與治療對策
急性呼吸道感染(acute respiratory tract infections;. ARTIs)一直是人類罹病及致死的重要原因。在美國. 是十大死因的第六名,在台灣則是兒童十大死因的. 第四名。
#55. Tracheitis 中 - Capeforest
Treatment is along similar lines to acute epiglottitis, with calm, ... Acute infections occur suddenly and usually subside quickly. 2017. 6.
#56. 耳鼻喉科常見門診疾病 - 博客來
英文疾病名稱, 中文疾病名稱. INFECTION, 感染 ... Acute epiglottitis, 急性會厭炎. Croup, 嘶哮. Acute upper respiratory infections, 急性上呼吸道感染.
#57. 期刊界All Journals 搜尽天下杂志传播学术成果专业期刊搜索 ...
Epiglottitis is an acute, life threatening infection usually caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. Although antibiotic therapy is an important part of ...
#58. First Choice國考分科詳解: 醫學四上冊(2013) | 誠品線上
急性中耳炎(Acute Otitis Media) III. 鼻竇炎(Sinusitis) IV. 會厭炎(Epiglottitis) V. 哮吼(Croup) VI. 肺炎(Pneumonia) VII. ... 語言/, 中文繁體.
#59. 會厭meaning - Chinese-English Dictionary - OMGChinese
会厌/會厭[Pinyin] huì yàn [English meaning] epiglottis [Synonym] 仇恨,憎恨,憎恶. ... Objective To investigate the treatment of acute epiglottitis and care.
#60. Acute Epiglottitis Flashcards | Quizlet
Terms in this set (16) ... Do patients with Acute Epiglottis have a barking cough? No! ... -Manipulation in children may initiate sudden, fatal airway obstruction!!
#61. A young female with headache. A. Ossified meningioma B ...
edematous epiglottis, and it suggests a diagnosis of acute infectious epiglottitis. ▫ The fiberoptic laryngoscopy showed swollen and inflammed epiglottis .
#62. 雾化吸入改善急性会厌炎临床症状的效果评价 - 维普资讯中文 ...
Objective To apply the aerosol inhalation in acute epiglottitis and evaluate the application effects.Methods A total of 35 acute epiglottitis subjects were ...
#63. Application of CO<sub>2</sub> laser in the treatment of acute ...
They were all treated by antibiotics and corticosteroids intravenous injection, aerosol inhalation and incision-drainage treatment, but epiglottis were still ...
#64. 會厭炎:原因、症狀、診斷、治療 - Hello醫師
會厭炎(Epiglottitis)是由於會厭發炎、腫脹造成的,這是一種有可能危及生命安全疾病。 會厭位於舌頭後方深處,與舌頭的根部相連,是覆蓋一層黏膜組織 ...
#65. 23 關於急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis)之敘述,以下何者..
急性會厭炎(acute epiglottitis ). 喉嚨劇烈疼痛、吞嚥疼痛、發燒、呼吸困難、口水外流、 呼吸有嘯鳴聲(stridor); 最常見之致病菌為B 型嗜血桿菌(H. influenzae B ...
#66. 會厭炎:能迅速導致窒息而致命(郭詠觀醫生) - 明醫網
會厭(epiglottis)是位於舌頭後面的一塊軟骨,當我們飲食吞嚥時,會厭把氣管遮蓋,防止食物錯誤走進氣管而導致咳嗽,甚至窒息,急性會厭炎(acute ...
#67. Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management - YouTube
Acute Epiglottitis | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute.
#68. Epiglottitis Medication: Antibiotics, Analgesic-antipyretics
Epiglottitis is an acute inflammation in the supraglottic region of the oropharynx with inflammation of the epiglottis, vallecula, ...
#69. Thumb sign (epiglottitis) | Radiology Reference Article
... soft-tissue radiograph of the neck, and it suggests a diagnosis of acute infectious epiglottitis. This is the radiographic corollar...
acute epiglottitis中文 在 Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management - YouTube 的八卦
Acute Epiglottitis | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. ... <看更多>