(藍色虛線為切除區域). 全子宮切除手術 (Abdominal Total Hysterectomy) (子宮頸一起切除;陰道沒有切除長度不變) 不含雙側卵巢輸卵管切除. 全子宮切除手術
#2. 腹腔鏡子宮切除術Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - Kaiser ...
腹腔鏡全子宮切除術(Total. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy) : 把摘除的子宮,包括子宮頸. 經手術切口或隂道拿出來。 • 子宮次全切除術(Laparoscopic.
#3. abdominal total hysterectomy 中文 - 查查在線詞典
abdominal total hysterectomy中文 ::經腹子宮次全切除術…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋abdominal total hysterectomy的中文翻譯,abdominal total hysterectomy的 ...
#4. total hysterectomy 中文臺北長庚紀念醫院婦產科 - Acbdc
total vaginal hysterectomy Chinese meaning,翻譯等;選中中文或多個詞,total abdominal hysterectomy的中文,total hysterectomy是什麼意思,發音,音標,並希望看到全 ...
#5. 子宮切除術(共5項)
醫令碼. 診療項目_中文. 診療項目_英文. 80403B 一般全子宮切除術. Uncomplicated total hysterectom. 80421B 複雜性全子宮切除術. Complicated total hysterectomy.
#6. 婦產科病房常見英文縮寫
ATH(TAH) Abdominal Total Hysterectomy. 經腹部子宮全切除術. ATS. Abdominal Tubal sterilization. 經腹部輸卵管結紮. BPD. Biparietal Diameter. 兩頂骨間距.
#7. 全子宮切除術及或加雙側輸卵管及卵巢切除術Total Abdominal ...
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy +/-. Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy. (TAH, TAH +/- BSO, TAHBSO). 診斷- 肌瘤/ 非功能性子宮出血/ 子宮內腔增生/.
#8. 經腹部全子宮切除手術後照護(Abdominal Total Hysterectomy)
(Abdominal Total Hysterectomy). 全人智慧醫療典範. 愛心品質創新當責. 經婦科專科醫師檢視. 臺中榮民總醫院護理部編印. 衛教編號GYN-005. 2002.08.21 訂定.
腹式子宫切除术(abdominal hysterectomy, AH)指通过剖腹手术切除子宫。 ... Patients must speak with a health care provider for complete ...
Complete resection of vagina, combined abdominal and vaginal approach ... Hysterectomy vaginal radical, Schauta type procedure.
#11. abdominal total hysterectomy的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
abdominal total hysterectomy中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:經腹子宮全切除術。英漢詞典提供【abdominal total hysterectomy】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#12. 子宮肌瘤臨床指引
(Abdominal hysterectomy) 、經陰道全子宮切除術(Vaginal hysterectomy)、腹腔鏡輔助經陰道全子宮 ... comparison of total or supracervical hysterectomy: surgical.
#13. total abdominal hysterectomy是什麼意思- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供total abdominal hysterectomy的在線翻譯,total abdominal hysterectomy是什麼意思,total abdominal hysterectomy的真人發音, ...
#14. OR 常見診斷及檢查縮寫常見術式縮寫: - 汐止國泰
Abdominal Perineal Resection (APR). 腹會陰聯合切除術. 2. Anastomosis ... Modified Radical Mastectomy (M.R.M.) ... Abdominal Total Hysterectomy (A.T.H.).
#15. total hysterectomy中文 - 軟體兄弟
您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。 ,ATH(TAH) Abdominal Total Hysterectomy. 經腹部子宮全切除術. ATS. Abdominal Tubal sterilization.
#16. 腹腔镜治疗子宫内膜癌 - ICH GCP
干预名称: Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. 描述: For patients with clinical stage I disease, removal of the uterus and both tubes and ovaries are considered ...
#17. 照顧一位子宮內膜癌未婚女性行子宮卵巢切除術後之護理經驗
The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Unmarried Woman Abdominal Total Hysterectomy Bilateral ... 繁體中文DOI: 10.6880/TJON.201006_10(1).07 DOI.
#18. Incidental Small Ovarian Surface Serous Carcinoma With Miliary ...
Incidental Small Ovarian Surface Serous Carcinoma With Miliary Abdominal Seeding During Robotic-Assisted Total Hysterectomy. C-W Wang, C-H Chen, W-M Liu.
#19. Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo ...
Hysterectomy is a surgery to remove the uterus and cervix. “Abdominal” is the surgical technique that will be used. This means the surgery will be done through ...
#20. 腹腔鏡子宮切除術在- 婦科手術的應用
爲經腹式子宮切除(abdominal hysterectomy,. TAH), 經陰道式子宮切除(vaginal hyster-. 腹腔鏡子宫切除. (laparoscopic hysterectomy, LH);及腹腔鏡.
#21. Radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer treatment - MD ...
abdominal radical hysterectomy : the more traditional method of surgery in which surgeons remove the uterus and other surrounding structures, ...
#22. Robotic hysterectomy - Mayo Clinic
A hysterectomy is surgery to remove your uterus (partial hysterectomy) or your uterus plus your cervix (total hysterectomy).
#23. 子宮頸癌4前兆!醫揭子宮頸癌病源:50%機率染病毒
電線圈子宮頸錐狀切除(Loop electrosurgical excision procedure,LEEP); 雷射手術(Laser surgery); 全子宮切除術(Total hysterectomy):將子宮、子宮頸都切除的手術 ...
#24. abdominal total hysterectomy的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选abdominal total hysterectomy是什么意思、英语单词推荐、abdominal total hysterectomy的用法、abdominal total hysterectomy的中文意思、翻译abdominal ...
#25. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Robotic-Assisted Radical Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. ... While radical hysterectomy or abdominal hysterectomy performed using robotic-assisted surgery ...
#26. Total Abdominal Hysterectomy | Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery
Te Linde's Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery provides clear and detailed descriptions of the steps involved in performing today's key ...
#27. Schedule of Surgical Operations (partial list) 外科手術表(節錄)
Radical hysterectomy and lymphadenoctomy (Werthelm's) 根治性子宮切除及淋巴結切除術. Complex 複雜. Subtotal / Total hysterectomy (including abdominal ...
#28. Basic Standard Procedure of Abdominal Hysterectomy: Part 1
Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) is commonly referred to as extrafascial hysterectomy. This article explains the basic surgical procedure ...
#29. Outcomes of total versus subtotal abdominal hysterectomy
Abstract. There is still controversy about the best technique for hysterectomy to reduce postoperative adverse effects. This randomized clinical study in ...
#30. Abdominal hysterectomy - Healthdirect
A hysterectomy is an operation to remove your uterus (womb). Your cervix (neck of your womb) is usually also removed. Your fallopian tubes and ovaries may need ...
#31. Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy - Cromwell Hospital
Depending on your medical condition, you may prefer a subtotal abdominal hysterectomy (over a total hysterectomy) to keep as much of your reproductive ...
#32. The Choice of Subtotal (leaving the Cervix) or Total (removal ...
When a woman decides to have an abdominal hysterectomy (removal of the womb through the abdomen) for a benign condition, it is important for her to consider ...
#33. 婦產科常見醫學名詞及縮寫 | 蘋果健康咬一口
Abruptio placenta ... Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, BSO, 兩側輸卵管、卵巢切除術. ATH(TAH) Abdominal Total Hysterectomy. 經腹部子宮全切除... BPD. Biparietal ...
#34. Minimally Invasive versus Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy ...
In this trial involving patients with stage IA1 (lymphovascular invasion), IA2, or IB1 cervical cancer and a histologic subtype of squamous-cell ...
#35. Hysterectomy - New York State Department of Health
A hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus (womb). ... There is a type of abdominal surgery (myomectomy) that removes the myoma without removing ...
#36. hysterectomy-翻译为中文-例句英语
Abdominal hysterectomy : In practice this is the commonest procedure. 腹式子宫切除术:实际上为最常用的手术。
#37. Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH) - UAB Medicine
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH). Technique. Procedure involves the removal of the uterus and cervix. The decision whether or not to remove the fallopian ...
#38. Hysterectomy - Wikipedia
Usually performed by a gynecologist, a hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus, and cervix of the ...
#39. What kind of hysterectomy is best for you? - UCI Health
“I've had patients go back to work within two weeks after surgery, compared with four to six weeks for an abdominal or laparoscopic hysterectomy ...
#40. Surgery: Hysterectomy for fibroids - UCLA Health
A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix completely. ... The surgery also causes less pain afterward and avoids abdominal scars.
#41. "total abdominal hysterectomy"是什么意思|" - 医学词典
total abdominal hysterectomy. 英汉医学词典. n.经腹部子宫全切除术. 专业医学词典. 经腹全子宫切除术,经腹子宫全切术,双侧输卵管卵巢切除术 ...
#42. About Your Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Other ...
During your total abdominal hysterectomy, your surgeon will make an incision (surgical cut) on your abdomen. They'll remove your uterus and ...
#43. Use of plasmakinetics vessel sealing vs suture material in ...
Use of plasmakinetics vessel sealing vs suture material in abdominal total hysterectomy. How this CENTRAL record is used in Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane.
#44. How it's performed - - - Hysterectomy - NHS
During a total hysterectomy, your womb and cervix (neck of the womb) is removed. ... laparoscopic hysterectomy; vaginal hysterectomy; abdominal hysterectomy ...
#45. Endometrial Cancer - Gynecology and Obstetrics - MSD ...
Staging is surgical and includes exploration of the abdomen and pelvis, biopsy or excision of suspicious extrauterine lesions, total abdominal hysterectomy, ...
#46. Abdominal Hysterectomy | Cedars-Sinai
A hysterectomy is a common procedure that some women may need to help stop pain, bleeding, or other problems. It can be done in several ways, ...
#47. 生產期的子宮切除| 最新消息| 親民服務
生產期的子宮切除(peripartum hysterectomy)係指在胎兒分娩後的24小時內、亦或有作者報告在48 小時內的子宮切除稱之。生產期的子宮切除多數為緊急 ...
#48. Hysterectomy: A Comprehensive Surgical Approach
A comparison of laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy outcomes. JMinim Invasive Gynecol. 2005;12:121–4.
#49. Practical Manual of Gynecology - 第 57 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Ans. What is hysterectomy? Operative removal of uterus. What are the different types of hysterectomy? a. Abdominal - Total - Subtotal b. Vaginal c.
#50. Public Health Service Publication
testis SEERadical retroperitoneal node dissection in the treatment of testicular tumors Abdominal complete hysterectomy is performed for menorrhagia due to ...
#51. Cumulated Index Medicus - 第 7153 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Urodynamic evaluation prior to total hysterectomy : Fibroblast growth ... Jpn J Pharmacol 1990 May ; 53 ( 1 ) : 1-9 following abdominal hysterectomy .
#52. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Menopause - Google 圖書結果
In an abdominal hysterectomy, the surgeon makes a relatively long incision through the abdomen ... A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and the cervix.
#53. Adult Health Nursing E-Book - 第 563 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Total hysterectomy : A total hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus and cervix, ... Total abdominal/laparoscopic hysterectomy with bilateral ...
#54. 全子宮切除術- 口腔科医学名词-词汇翻译
total hysterectomy 全子宮切除術,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,口腔科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#55. Hysterectomy: Purpose, Procedure, Benefits, Risks & Recovery
Total hysterectomy : Removing the uterus and cervix, but leaving the ovaries. Supracervical hysterectomy: Removing just the upper part of the ...
#56. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus total abdominal ...
Abstract. The present randomized study was undertaken in order to compare the short-term results between total laparoscopic hysterectomy and abdominal ...
abdominal total hysterectomy中文 在 Total Abdominal Hysterectomy | Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery 的八卦
Te Linde's Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery provides clear and detailed descriptions of the steps involved in performing today's key ... ... <看更多>