Danny Chu Instagram粉絲頁:
排灣族的作品讓很多人注意到. 第一組照片是比較特殊的造型. 我們的色彩學跟人像藝術讓這次的作品更有感覺. 顏色跟細節也讓整體人像更有故事. 🍭讓大家看到我們平常都看不到排灣族的造型. 也希望大家會愛上這次的人像作品. 😇這次的人像作品也真的花了超級多時間跟努力💪. 也要謝謝大家的支持. 我後續會有更多更棒的作品分享給大家. 🔥🔥
💫模特:Akai Tseng
💫彩妝師:Morgan Yisa
💫美髮師:Muz Isbadaliv
💫助理:Toshihiko Sung
💫攝影師:Danny Chu Photography
😂 You thought it was over? Nooo we have even more work that we are soo ready to share with everyone. Our previous post get soo much attention and share. 🍭The color science and art make this portrait more stand out and more eye pleasing. 🍭The team and me wants to show the other side of Aboriginal fashion and special look to everyone. 😇We spend soo many hours and work to complete this awesome project. I wanna thank to everyone for the amazing support and share. Once again we are not finish Yeat!!! More are coming !!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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