【#JW部長 接受 #法國 🇫🇷《觀點周刊》專訪】
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讓我們凝聚共識 #團結一心
持續點亮台灣這座 #亞洲民主燈塔 🌞
Le Point 報導連結 https://reurl.cc/zzgRRN
🔸 歐盟執委會外交暨安全政策高級代表今年6月聲稱中國「不會對世界和平造成威脅」,對台灣而言,應該不是這樣吧?
JW:對歐洲來說,中國很遙遠。但台灣距離中國不到200公里,我們強烈感受到這個威脅。台灣並不是唯一被中國威脅的國家,#日本 對東海問題已有所警覺,中國在南海將島礁軍事化的行為,也迫使 #美國 及 #東南亞國家 做出回應,更別提 #印度 和中國在邊界發生的衝突,中國還妄想對外輸出那套專制政體,看看他們對 #新疆、#西藏 和 #香港 做了什麼「好事」!
🔸 在 #港版國安法 之後,台灣有沒有可能成為下一個目標?
JW:香港發生的事是個悲劇。香港從前是東亞地區自由和法治的典範,但港版國安法使香港 #喪失言論和新聞自由,並且 #破壞法治,香港人卻無從置喙。其中第38條還適用包括台灣公民及地球上所有中國政府認為威脅到它本身政權的其他人,中國想要把它的專制政體國際化,這是必須要阻止的。
🔸 我們應該如何抵禦中國的 #戰狼外交?
🔸 台灣想要加入WHO,但美國卻要退出;中國在近年已經暗地掌控許多國際組織,現在才要改革,是否太晚?
JW:就算遲了,也比從來不做來的好。我們都看到了 #世界衛生組織 #國際民航組織 和 #國際刑警組織 發生了什麼事。但對我們而言,最慘痛的經驗是 #聯合國。1971年UN大會以2758號決議接受中國為會員國,將蔣介石的代表逐出聯合國,並且把PRC視為中國的唯一合法代表。中國政府扭曲這個決議,要求聯合國秘書處接受它對這個決議的詮釋,聲稱台灣已經是中國的一部分。對於這樣的說法,我們必須很清楚表示:#台灣從來就不是PRC的一部分!
#MOFA Minister Joseph Wu was recently interviewed by French news magazine Le Point. The headline of the article was “Taiwan is not the only country China is targeting,” echoing Minister Wu’s warning to our like-minded democratic partners around the world. You can find excerpts from the interview in English below!
#SharedValues #Democracy #Freedom #Taiwan
🔹 Le Point: Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said in June that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “is not a threat to world peace.” But is it a threat to Taiwan?
JW: From Europe’s perspective, China is far away. But Taiwan is just 200 kilometers from China, so we feel this threat very strongly. […] Japan is also aware of the threat in the East China Sea. The militarization of the South China Sea has reached a level that requires a strong response from the United States and the countries of Southeast Asia. That’s without even talking about the clashes on the border between India and China. In addition, the Chinese are trying to export their authoritarian vision of the world. Just look at what they’ve done to Xinjiang and to Tibet, and now to Hong Kong!
🔹 Le Point: After the national security law in Hong Kong, could Taiwan be the next target?
JW: What happened in Hong Kong is a tragedy. Hong Kong was once a model of freedom and the rule of law in East Asia. The National Security Law has deprived it of its freedoms, freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and destroyed its rule of law. Hong Kong people have no say. And according to Article 38, this law is supposed to apply beyond Hong Kong, that is, to me, to the citizens of Taiwan and to anyone on the planet who the Chinese government considers a threat to its regime. We must stop this. China wants to expand its authoritarian international order. And we are now worried that the Chinese government is imposing something on us as well.
🔹 Le Point: How does one defend oneself against Wolf Warrior Chinese diplomacy?
JW: Whether it’s the Chinese foreign ministry or embassies, Chinese diplomats have become very aggressive. Taiwan has known this for a long time. It’s in our interest is to respond clearly to this Wolf Warrior diplomacy. In addition, the international community, and in particular like-minded countries in Europe, North America and East Asia, must work together. If we are united in our core values, it will be enough signal forcefully to China that it is wrong.
🔹 Le Point: You want to join WHO just as the United States is leaving it. For years, China has quietly taken control of international institutions. Isn't it too late to reform them?
JW: No, it is still possible. Better late than never. […] We saw what was happening at the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organization and Interpol. But it was what happened at the United Nations that was most painful for us to bear. When China was reinstated as a member in 1971, under UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, establishing the People's Republic of China as the sole legal representative of China and kicking the representative of Chiang Kai-shek out of the organization. That’s all this resolution said. It said nothing about Taiwan. The Chinese government twisted this resolution and imposed its interpretation on the UN secretariat, to make it say that Taiwan was already part of China. [...] We must be very clear about this: our island is not is not a part of the People's Republic of China!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集廣告與 「【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱」合作播出 【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱,是專們為台灣孩子打造的在地原創素養教材,內容針對台灣情境設計。 #芒狗狗素養教育學習箱 #讓孩子的潛力發光 👉🏻 現在參與募資 https://bit.ly/3y06Rid 本集節目內容由志祺七七頻道製作,不代表 【芒...
wolf warrior diplomacy 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
Despite foreign doubts and Hongkongers’ criticism, NPC just passed national security legislation. # China unilaterally imposes the law with its legislation entirely under a black box, with no legislative scrutiny and public consultation.
Today’s decision is a direct assault on the will of Hongkongers. China is also scrapping its promise of autonomy under the Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty, and burying the One Country Two System framework when a secret police agency can enforce China’s laws within the territory of Hong Kong.
Up to now, Beijing loyalists keep downplaying the adverse impacts on the city’s judicial independence, human rights protections and civil liberties. Under the similar law in China, individuals seeking justice for Tiananmen Massacre, supporting Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong Protests were sentenced to prison. The law will kill HK’s democratic movements.
With the ill-defined law interpretation and a secret police agency imposed in Hong Kong, the law will harm all foreign interests and ex-pats in this global business centre. Xijinping proposed in 2017 that China’s national security covers economic and social aspects. Under China's wolf warrior diplomacy, foreign companies can be victims under this new evil law.
Clearly, China refuses to address the world's concerns and halt legislation through negotiation. International communities need to take a firmer stance and challenge its assault on our global rule-based system.
Since this new regime will undeniably harm foreign interests, I call upon world leaders to urge China to withdraw the bill. Since the law casts more doubt on HK’s autonomy, I urge the world to reconsider the current HK's special status and take all necessary actions to send a warning signal to China for its reckless move.
wolf warrior diplomacy 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
政經大報《Financial Times》係咁譯嘅,
“Regardless of whether they have five eyes or 10, if they dare to harm China’s national interest, then they should be wary of those eyes being poked blind.”
講到"poked blind"咁暴力,可能驚啲讀者嚇親,所以Financial Times好貼心咁加咗注解。
//The tactic is known as “wolf warrior” diplomacy, the same name as an action film featuring a Chinese special-ops agent who often shoots his way out of disputes.//
//Hong Kong: 'Eyes will be plucked out,' China warns West//
而小報嘅《Daily Mail》就用咗原片配上字幕,不過加埋好有電影感嘅配樂。
"No matter they have five eyes or 10 eyes, as long as they dare to harm China's sovereignty, security and development interests, [they should] be careful not to get their eyes jabbed and blinded."
"poked blind", "eyes plucked out", eyes jabbed",好有型呀,不過點實行呢?
《Financial Times》
China blasts Five Eyes over Hong Kong comments
《BBC》'Eyes will be plucked out,' China warns West
《Daily Mail》
China warns the UK and its 'Five Eyes' allies to 'be careful not to get their eyes jabbed and blinded' after they demanded Beijing end its crackdown on Hong Kong
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00:00 開頭
01:22 【芒果狗狗繪本募資】廣告段落
02:14 什麼是戰狼外交
03:36 從「韜光養晦」走向「戰狼外交」
05:39 「戰狼外交」的影響是?
07:21 戰狼外交要轉向了?
08:48 我們的觀點
09:48 問題
10:04 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→China is embracing a new brand of foreign policy. Here's what wolf warrior diplomacy means:https://cnn.it/3AbiRhO
→Welcome to Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy:https://bit.ly/3jn7xZY
→China's 'Wolf Warrior' Diplomacy Prompts International Backlash:https://bit.ly/3hdm4ox
→Interpreting China’s ‘Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy‘:https://bit.ly/3joTsLJ
→The Origins and Consequences of China's 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy':https://bit.ly/3y34OZN
→“戰狼國師”奉旨宣教 習近平會放棄戰狼外交?:https://bit.ly/3jo7LQF
→Wolf warrior diplomacy:https://bit.ly/3A9F2F9
→Foreign policy of Xi Jinping:https://bit.ly/3A7NULu
→戰狼外交爭論再起 華春瑩趙立堅汪文斌風格為何不同:https://bit.ly/3A6S1rb
→堅稱無「戰狼外交」 中駐法大使反擊:我們是正當防衛:https://bit.ly/3w1JmTO
→習近平找戰狼國師談改變戰狼外交 戰狼如何扮熊貓?:https://bit.ly/3y8uWTl
→北京將塑造可信可愛可敬中國形象 學者:要調整戰狼外交了:https://bit.ly/3w36ukL
→聯合抗中! 專家:G7已在中國問題上形成新的同盟:https://bit.ly/3jqyoEK
→趙立堅狂言武漢團隊應得諾貝爾獎 美評論家嘆:可悲:https://bit.ly/3h2E45Y