After I posted on my leave plans on Sunday, a few of you asked what was on my reading list, so I am sharing some books I have read / am reading / or hope to read. Three of the books are available from the National Library Singapore. Do check out the NLB app (iOS: | Android: It is a marvellous resource, and you will definitely be able to discover many books to suit your interests.
[ Nuclear Folly, a History of the Cuban Missile Crisis
by Serhii Plokhy ]
The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. I had read "13 Days", the short memoir by Robert Kennedy about it as a teenager, and later Graham Allison's "Essence of Decision", a seminal study using the Crisis to analyse decision making from different perspectives. Both were mainly based on US records. Plokhy's book draws on Soviet archives, to present events from both the US and Soviet points of view. Many mistakes were made on both sides. The saving grace was that both President John Kennedy and General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev desperately wanted to avoid a nuclear war. But even then the two sides avoided a nuclear exchange only by a hair’s breadth, and only by chance, because events once set in motion were no longer entirely within the two leaders' control. A gripping read.
[ The Bilingual Brain, and what it tells us about the science of language
by Albert Costa ]
Having learnt several languages myself, and grappled with our bilingualism policy in schools, this book was a natural choice. I am still reading it. Did you know that a newborn infant already recognises and prefers the language (or languages) which their mother spoke while they were in her womb, and within hours of birth can also distinguish between two different languages that they have never heard before? Infants pick up a language (or two) naturally in their first years, but learning a second or third language later in life is much harder. This book explains why.
[ Capturing Light, the Heart of Photography
by Michael Freeman ]
A book about the different sorts of light, how they influence the photo you take, and how to use them to create the effect and mood that you want. Photographers know about the golden hour and blue hour, hard light and soft light, direct and indirect lighting, front and back lighting, haze, mist and fog, and so many more variations. The book includes lots of the author’s photos illustrating his points, taken over many years. Hope to pick up something from reading it. But the key in photography (as in so many other skills) is to practise and practise, if you want to improve.
[ Bettering Humanomics, A New, and Old, Approach to Economic Science
by Deidre Nansen McCloskey ]
The author, a distinguished economist, argues that economics is not just about incentives and institutions, mathematical models and observed behaviour. It should take a broader, more humanistic approach, paying attention to ethics and values, “what people believe, and the stories they tell one another”, as one reviewer put it. Certainly in government we must think about these broader factors all the time, while making sure we get the economics right. Not just in trade and industry or finance, but also in national development, education, health, manpower, sustainability and the environment, social and family development, and so much of public policy. I haven't read this book yet, but saw an enthusiastic book review, and look forward to reading the book itself.
Happy reading! – LHL
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why natural birth 在 千田愛紗 Aisa Senda Facebook 八卦
美人魚最理想的自然生產紀錄片-Water baby
福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto
ニュージーランドより 短編ドキュメンタリー
< WATER BABY > ついに届きました!!
海に生きる二人がつむぎだした、命の物語〈WATER BABY〉リリースのお知らせ
本日のNZヘラルド紙の発表をもちまして、短編ドキュメンタリー〈WATER BABY〉の正式リリースとなります。
サポートいただきました、すべてのみなさまに感謝いたします。 本当にありがとうございました!
〈WATER BABY〉は、フリーダイビング世界王者で環境活動家のウィリアム・トゥルーブリッジ William Trubridge と、女優でフリーダイバーの 福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto の間に宿った、新しい命の誕生の物語です。
これは、地球上の全ての妊婦が持つべき「産み方の選択の権利(Power of Choice)」と、「母なる海の未来への希望(Power of Ocean)」を、世に伝えるための記録映画です。
監督:Katherine McRae
プロデューサー:小澤 みぎわ (Migiwa Ozawa)
日本語字幕&アソシエイツ・プロデューサー: 四角大輔
インスタグラム @water_baby_short_film
Short documentary from New Zealand
< @[336680456959481:274:WATER BABY] > finally arrived!!
Why couldn't she give birth in Japan...
Strong message in beautiful footage
Please feel it
Her dream of living in the sea is the natural childbirth of mother water. I've been blocked by many walls, and I know the actual situation that pregnant women can't be main, and finally I'm going to New Zealand. What she wanted to tell you through the most precious life of life
The story of life < water baby> release announcement of the two people living in the sea
Today's NZ Herald paper announcement will be the official release of the short documentary < water baby>.
Thank you to all of you for your support. Thank you so much!
< water baby> is the story of the birth of a new life, which lived between the free diving world champion and environmental activist William true bridge @[38243007691:274:William Trubridge] and the actress and the free diver @[284378238305361:274:福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto]
Both of them dive into the sea and love the sea with life. Sachiko, born and raised in Okinawa, is determined to give birth underwater in New Zealand, which is also the hometown of William.
Sachiko, who found out that there is a big difference in Japan and New Zealand's midwife system through the experience of childbirth, is to hold a certain determination in the chest......
This is a record movie to convey the world of ′′ the right of the choice of birth (power of choice) ′′ and ′′ hope for the future of the mother sea (power of ocean) ′′ that every pregnant woman on earth should have. Here it is.
The birth scene caught by a team called a mother who has a child, all the shooting staff, and the birth scene is expressing the mystery without a lot.
Please touch the beautiful appearance of one Japanese woman, who pursues the ideal birth, and the strong intention as a mother who trembles the heart of the person who sees it.
Mother Sea and mother giving birth to a child.
Both of them are the greatest existence on earth, and the loving existence to protect.
I would appreciate it if you could watch and share this short documentary that is going to be in these ′′ source of all lives ′′
I am happy and proud to be able to send a piece about the rights of precious pregnant women from ′′ Women's Country New Zealand
Director: @[100012843583972:2048:Katherine McRae]
Producer: @[1247263879:2048:小澤 migiwa (Migiwa Ozawa)]
Japanese subtitles & associates producer: @[100000795062225:2048:四角大輔]
Please follow the documentary movie social media.
Facebook page
Instagram @water_baby_short_filmTranslated
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