新年快樂? 增強跳高能力應該係好多運動員嘅新年目標,所以今年第一個帶比大家係三組動作去增強跳高能力。
3 Exercises to Increase Vertical Leap
Now that New Years is here its time to take to add some inches to your vertical leap so that you can take your basketball game to the next level. We have 3 simple movements that need minimal equipment, so that you can pretty much do anywhere.
1.) Single Arm DB Snatch
2.) Kettlebell Swings
3.) Step Up Box Jump
All these movements should be done at the beginning of the workout to insure that your central nervous is as fresh as possible. Remember for these movements the goal is not how many reps that you can do, but how well you can perform these reps. For almost all of these exercise we recommend doing 3 sets of 6 reps.