CJ真的是很特別的家教,他在孩子還小的時候(7歲跟5歲),就給孩子注入了老靈魂,他會帶吉他來我們家彈披頭四的歌並且解釋歌詞中的詩意跟智慧給孩子,所以我在英文原文推薦信刻意置入一段speaking words of wisdom from the lyrics of let it be, 希望對方的文化水平可以看得懂我的幽默隱喻
而我們也是很特別的家長,因為我們回家時也常常看到他們三個窩在沙發上看netflix, 通常一般家長就會很火大付那麼錢是要你陪小孩看電視嗎? 但高智慧如我立刻就察覺他們在看的節目是有教育意義的像是二戰歷史,像是Rosa Park人權事件,像是女權主義。
我們因為太喜歡他的全方位教學,於是連續二年帶他一起去歐洲跟著我們全家去歐洲做生意。 當我們家長在各個城市做生意時,他並不只是個保姆,而是會刻意帶小孩們去大量的博物館跟藝廊,了解文藝復興這時期對於奠定歐洲在接下來五百年的科學超前其他地區的關鍵因素。
對我的小孩來說,CJ不只是個英文家教,而是人生導師,他會導讀動物農場並且跟他們解釋背後的含義。 會跟小孩在花神咖啡館一邊吃冰一邊解釋薩特在這間咖啡廳寫的《存在與虛無》這本偉大著作對於存在主義有多麼的重要。會在疫情時期跟他們分享卡繆的《瘟疫》裡的小人物的人性的光輝與醜陋,當時就跟現在一模一樣。會帶他們去諾曼第海灘,讓他們了解這個D day戰場對於現代世界的塑造有多麼重要。
My name is John Lee and I am the CEO of JOLA INTERNATIONAL. A group that also owns Timeless Truth Mask, an internationally recognized face mask brand.
I am writing this recommendation letter on behalf of Ching-Jen Sun, whom I have known for 5 years and we all call him CJ. Initially I hired him as the English tutor for both of my children. However, I soon started to realize CJ is more than just an English tutor, his diversified interests sparked my children’s curiosity in various aspects in life. One day he would bring a guitar and speaking words of wisdom from singing along Beatle’s lyrics of “let it be” to my children, another day he would watch World War II documentary film with my children and explained to them why they should learn history, so that the atrocity of Nazi and racism should never be repeated.
As I got to know him better, I started to trust him more by weighing more educative responsibility on his shoulder. For business purposes, each year I would take the entire family touring around Europe for more than a month and CJ would travel with us and help me to babysit my children while I work.
However, CJ far exceeded my expectation as a babysitter, whichever city we went, every afternoon he would take them to the museum and art galleries, his vast knowledge of art and literature in different era never ceases to amaze me.
To my children, CJ is not only an English tutor, but rather a mentor. Regardless of my children’s precocious ages (11 and 9), he would ask them to read George Orwell’s 《Animal Farm》 and explained to them the philosophical context beneath the surface of the story. He would explain to them the significance of existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre as they sat under the balcony hood of Cafe de Fleur in Paris. He would take the kids to Normandy beach and taught them that was the battle field that defined the modern world.
During Covid-19, he would read Albert Camus’ 《La Peste》to my children and pointed out the similarity of humanity between past and present.
His diversified interests are not confined within literature world, as a good baseball pitcher and slugger himself, CJ often would take them out to play baseball and explained to them the beauty of baseball game.
Throughout the years my children and CJ had developed a very strong brotherhood and I feel compelled to recommend this bright, hard-working and courteous young man to your faculty as I have a very strong confidence that he would add extra aura to your team, as he had to mine.
I am confident that CJ Sun is a strong candidate for Fulbright grant for graduate study. If you have any doubt during the process of evaluation, please feel free to contact me.
John Lee
Founder & CEO of Jolab
Founder & CEO of Timeless Truth Mask
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Dai Wing,也在其Youtube影片中提到,因為前陣子不在香港 指甲油足足一星期沒有卸掉 於是我的指甲變得很脆弱 但我卻急著拍這段指甲貼分享影片給大家 所以你們要體諒我的指甲們阿 這款指甲貼真的很可愛 是很多女生都喜歡的Sanrio系列 不過唯一有個缺點就是它的圖案一定要對著自己 我比較喜歡圖案向外的 這樣別人才能好欣賞...
tutor 家教 在 Sam Lin Music Facebook 八卦
要寫中文功課了! 我要開始學怎麼寫中文。有誰可以當我的中文家教? 教我寫中文字? 😂
IG - instagram.com/samlinmusic
Doing Chinese homework. I’m starting to learn how to write Chinese. Can someone be our Chinese tutor and teach us how to write 😂
tutor 家教 在 Sam Lin Music Facebook 八卦
要寫中文功課了! 我要開始學怎麼寫中文。有誰可以當我的中文家教? 教我寫中文字? 😂
IG - instagram.com/samlinmusic
Doing Chinese homework. I’m starting to learn how to write Chinese. Can someone be our Chinese tutor and teach us how to write 😂
tutor 家教 在 Dai Wing Youtube 的評價
趁著暑假,要不要去試試啊? :D
價錢$75一包 大約有5-6款(hello kitty,melody,little twin stars)
ENJOY ლ(╹ε╹ლ)
♪ Music by Josh Woodward
tutor 家教 在 I'm Jonas Youtube 的評價
*學法文來撩我女友! 法文還是中文比較浪漫?| I learned French to Seduce my Girlfriend!
我女朋友在日本所以我準備了一個很浪漫的驚喜! 今天的影片我用AmazingTalker聯絡語言家教! 請他教我用中文和法文說浪漫的話. 女朋友回來的時候我們來看看女朋友覺得法文還是中文比較浪漫!
My girlfriend went to Japan so I decided to prepare a romantic surprise for her! I used AmazingTalker to find a tutor to help me learn how to say some romantic things in French and Chinese! In the video we will see which one my girlfriend thought was most romantic!
*This video is sponsored by AmazingTalker
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tutor 家教 在 Tristan H. 崔璀璨 Youtube 的評價
我是技安跟阿嬤的粉絲❤️ 謝謝兩位當我的台語家教!我有把這些好用的單字寫下來,會多練習~
I'm a fan of Chi An and Chi An's grandma ❤️ Thank you two for being my Taiwanese tutor today! I wrote these useful phrases down and will keep practicing them~
What are some other useful Taiwanese phrases? Let me know in the comments below!
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