This #TrainToTransformTues i would like to share the thoughts of @brittany_dawn_fitness. Totally agree with her on flexible dieting. Some may not believe it, but when you know the foods that work for you and when to eat them you won't end up binging. A problem i had years ago but now im more mindful with what i put in my mouth. 😋
I used to think that the only way to be healthy and strong was by eating chicken, tilapia, and a colossal amount of vegetables. Newsflash: I was wrong.
2013: 22 years old. "Clean eating" which in turn led to binge eating. I deemed anything and everything "not clean" (lol whatever the hell that means) completely off limits, and in turn, went crazy with "treat meals". Low-self esteem, hid behind clothes, too scared to wear a bikini in public, not healthy: mentally or on the inside.
2017: 26 years old. A flexible dieter who takes a balanced approach and isn't afraid to eat pizza and vegetables on the same day. A woman who feels strong and confident; who rocks bikinis, crop tops, rocks whatever the hell she wants to, and feels HAPPY. A woman who prefers to get "turnt" in the ice cream section of the grocery store, and gets told frequently "your smile is contagious, you're glowing Britt". Health feels good. Happiness is worth the fight. And it's easy to look back at photos like this, and feel embarrassed. But if I can give a glimpse of hope to one person reading this post, it's all worth it. I feel younger today than I did four years ago. Coincidental that how you treat your body directly correlates with how young you feel? Not at all. Stop being so scared of certain foods and start fighting to find that healthy balance ladies. It's worth it. YOU are worth it.
Cheers to growth, "aging", maturity, and learning that time can be an oh-so beautiful thing.
#transformation #weightloss #fitness #GirlswhoLift #FlexibleDieting #EatRight #TransformationTuesday
「turnt up means」的推薦目錄:
turnt up means 在 Hannah Tan Facebook 八卦
8 #Outrageous Words Millennials Use (and What They Really Mean)
Consult HR if you hear the word "THOT," especially if you're trying to make "gwop" this year. Confused? You're not alone. Here's a breakdown of the slang words #Millennials are using.
1. Bae
The term #bae means "before anyone else," indicating a #romantic #partner. This is not to be confused with its meaning in Danish, which is "poop".
2. On fleek
The phrase became #popular only in 2014, despite appearing in #UrbanDictionary in 2003. #OnFleek means that something is "on point" or “#attractive." If someone says your presentation was on fleek, consider it a compliment.
3. Turnt
The word #turnt (sometimes paired with "up" or "down") indicates a state of inebriation. That's one to flag the next time you host a #happy hour for the #office.
4. Neek & teek
Most #entrepreneurs are likely to be called a #neek at least once in their lives. Intended as an insult (but this writer considers it a compliment), the #word refers to someone who is both a #nerd & a #geek. Similar insults in youth slang include wasteman, gasman, dinter, and bell for men. A #teek, similarly, is an "old-timer." Possibly a Gen X or Baby Boomer.
If you hear an employee utter the word THOT, it may be time to have a conversation with HR. The acronym stands for "That ho' over there," typically referring to a #woman.
6. Busted
The term busted refers to "ugly contemporaries." Synonyms for busted include flames, hangin, bruk, and, for brevity's sake, uggz.
7. Wazzed
No, unfortunately wazzed does not mean the same thing as its cousin, jazzed. A wazzed employee is typically drunk. (Other alternatives: hammered or hamstered.)
8. Bonked
Founders are likely #bonked most of the time. The #slang word means to be exhausted, as do wreckaged & clappin.
And then, of course, there's #gwop. It means #money.