1. 我這趟旅行中,不確定性最高的部分已經結束了。旅程的前2/3需要搭沒有路線圖的公車、沒有發車時間的客運班車,甚至有些路段必須要攔便車,而且這一切在前兩國都是在語言不通的情況下進行;中國的部分雖然相對容易,但因為我的證件無法實名認證,入境之前幾乎什麼都無法先訂。總之,這充滿不確定性的前2/3已經結束,特別感謝許多在遠方為我禱告的人,上帝的恩典是豐富的 :) 至於接下來的俄羅斯,基本上全部都已經訂好了,行程的變數也非常小,基本上就是每天照表操課了XD
2. 雖然俄羅斯是照表操課,但還是有許多讓我覺得的興奮的事物。我將從遠東地區搭西伯利亞鐵路往東跨越7個時區,並且在貝加爾湖畔過夜,一路上可以見到草原遊牧文化慢慢過度成突厥蒙古文化,再逐漸轉變為斯拉夫/東正教文化,最後還會拜訪二次大戰期間被俄羅斯侵吞而且從未歸還的原芬蘭領土,雖然沒有前2/3那麼刺激,也仍然是相當精彩呀!
Today is my last day in China. This afternoon I'm going to enter Russia. This implies I've finished the first 2/3 of my trip, and am about to enter the last 1/3! A couple of facts about this last 1/3:
* It's more predictable than the first 2/3. During the first 2/3, I often had to take city buses without route map, long-distance bus without departure time, and occasionally hitchhike. Also my travel document for China made it harder for me to book tickets in advance. Thankfully, all these had passed! Thanks to everyone who pray for me faithfully on the other side of the earth. God's grace is abundant :)
* Although not as advantureous, it's still exciting. I'm going to take the Trans-Siberian railway and visit Lake Baikal (and stay by the lake!). I'll be able to see the transition from North Asian nomadic culture to Turkic-Mongol, and then to Slavic/Orthodox. At the end I'll also visit an area where Finland succeed to Russia and never gets back after WWII. It's going to be fun!
Also want to quickly mention the city I stayed last night: Manzhouli, or Manchuria, a city on the China-Russia border. Many buildings incorporate some European/Russian styles, but they look out of sync during the day; at night, however, when the spotlights are on, the city is turned into Las Vegas. Unless you see it, you wouldn't believe such a place exists in China!
trans siberian railway map 在 Trans-Siberian Railway Map - Pinterest 的八卦
Sep 25, 2012 - I want to travel Russia via the Trans-Siberian Railway. ... Map of European Union EU (Other in serveral countries) | Welt-Atlas.de ... ... <看更多>
trans siberian railway map 在 Trans-Siberian Railway Explained | Route, Map ... - YouTube 的八卦
This video explains the Trans - Siberian railway route from Moscow to Vladivostok. This topic is part of NCERT Geography and is helpful for ... ... <看更多>