NBA 選秀樂透結果出爐!
1. 灰狼 Timberwolves
2. 勇士 Warriors
3. 黃蜂 Hornets
4. 公牛 Bulls
5. 騎士 Cavs
6. 老鷹 Hawks
7. 活塞 Pistons
8. 尼克 Knicks
9. 巫師 Wizards
10. 太陽 Suns
11. 馬刺 Spurs
12. 國王 Kings
13. 鵜鶘 Pelicans
14. 賽爾提克 Celtics (原灰熊)
圖片取自 Sports Illustrated
同時也有91部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,EAST 111, WEST 110, at MCI Center (Washington, D.C.) ATTENDANCE: 20,374 MVP: Allen Iverson In one of the greatest comebacks in All-Star Game history, ...
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美國職籃NBA今年球季總決賽系列,即將於7月20日晚間(也就是台灣的明日上午)在Milwaukee的Fiserv Forum球場進行第六場比賽(之前經過激烈的五度交鋒,7戰4勝的結果最快24小時內出爐),最終是由Milwaukee Bucks贏得睽違半個世紀的冠軍呢?亦或Phoenix Suns能夠連勝兩場逐「鹿」問鼎,拿到隊史上的第一座獎盃?許多熱愛體育的朋友都非常關心。雖說貓兒並非字母哥Giannis的粉絲,然而從高中到研究所,都住在南達科他州的貓兒,曾經三度跟隨host dad一家人,從蘇瀑市開車前往威斯康辛州Milwaukee(密爾瓦基市,跟貓兒居住處相距約500英里)觀賞精彩的球賽,包括兩回NBA公鹿和一次MLB釀酒人(賽後得在當地住宿一晚,次日再返回南達);今年隨著Bucks這支小市場球隊在季後賽的亮麗表現,諸多看球往事又湧上心頭,而貓兒也順便在此閒聊一下:自己從高中開始,多年以來的NBA情緣(文長請慎入)。
話說高中時期,貓兒就讀學校位於南達科他州的Sioux Falls(蘇瀑市,當年host dad一家人便住在這裡),而host dad身為體育迷,對於普及度最高的北美四大職業運動聯賽(NBA、MLB、NFL、NHL)可說如數家珍。由於明尼蘇達州的Minneapolis(明尼亞波利斯市)是跟蘇瀑交通最近、且擁有職業球隊的大城市,host dad自然而然成為Minnesota Timberwolves(明尼蘇達灰狼隊)的粉絲;昔年host dad一家三口帶貓兒觀看過十餘次籃球賽,大多是去灰狼隊主場(車程235英里,偶爾才會選擇位置較遠的密爾瓦基或芝加哥主場),那時候,全能前鋒Kevin Garnett搭檔控球後衛Stephon Marbury的年輕組合,讓灰狼隊充滿著前景,身為粉絲的host dad更是每一場灰狼隊比賽,都盡量守在電視機前觀賞實況轉播(如果他不在家,也會設定預錄下來)。
記得有一日,貓兒剛考完mid-term返回住所,恰好在看電視轉播的host dad & mom,邀貓兒一起觀賞灰狼隊於主場迎戰:由三大超級巨星(大夢Olajuwon、惡漢Barkley、滑翔人Drexler)領軍來訪的休士頓Rockets隊之比賽實況。鏡頭上,某回合是由火箭後衛Drexler發動半場攻勢,球傳到背對籃框、在低位預備單打狼王Garnett的大前鋒Barkley,然而面對身材高出一截、臂展又特長的防守者Garnett,經驗豐富的惡漢被迫在第一時間,便傳球給已經甩開灰狼中鋒、並由高位空手切入的Olajuwon手中,在協防的Garnett與Gugliotta尚不及補位包夾之前 ,展露dream shake迷蹤步伐的大夢(那時媒體多稱他為非洲天王)早已晃開二人,穩穩當當投入2分,整個過程僅僅數秒且一氣呵成,讓貓兒見識到頂級球星的非凡身手,也就此開啟了對籃球運動的喜愛。
即便這場明尼蘇達灰狼vs.休士頓火箭的例行賽,迄今已事隔多年,然而大夢進球後,畫面zoom in到年輕(但已有巨星架式)的Garnett臉上,從他瞧著Rockets三巨頭的純熟演出時,眼神裡難掩的驚訝與讚服,或許「1+1+1>3」的道理,當時已在狼王心中萌芽。昔年host dad收藏了不少80年代籃球賽的錄影帶,也時而把波士頓塞爾蒂克三星(Bird、McHale、Parish)對抗洛杉磯湖人鐵三角(Abdul-Jabbar、Worthy、Magic Johnson)的經典賽事,跟貓兒與host sister(她可是我們學校女籃隊主力球員)一同來分享;自比爾羅素統治NBA時期,就開始著迷於籃球的host dad覺得:站在職業運動的商業及娛樂角度,無論是80年代的Lakers和Celtics、亦或90年代的Rockets和Bulls,由三巨頭領銜的籃球隊帶來之視覺效果,對於球迷絕對是一大享受。
談到80年代二大豪門球會(湖人與塞爾蒂克)的分庭抗禮,可讓許多資深球迷回味不已,貓兒則對於同一時期,幾場湖人vs.老鷹的賽事印象深刻;亞特蘭大老鷹隊看版球星Dominique Wilkins和湖人前鋒James Worthy(綽號大比賽詹姆斯)的巔峰對決,畫面尤其震撼,而Wilkins在防守者面前的大車輪灌籃(亦或突破底特律活塞一群壞孩子架構的人牆,衝入籃下拉桿暴扣)真是力與美的極致,個人覺得在賞心悅目上,猶勝過Blake Griffin(在快艇時期)和今日的「Oh My Deer」字母哥。其實包括Wilkins、Worthy和Garnett等球星,都是貓兒欣賞的全能前鋒;西元2007年,在NBA奮鬥12載的Garnett(當時31歲)與西雅圖Supersonic的超級射手Ray Allen,相偕轉戰有Paul Pierce坐鎮的Celtics,並於次年獲得NBA冠軍戒指,貓兒也期許在季後賽拼勁十足、依然滿腔熱血且球商越來越高的Griffin,能夠追隨籃網三巨頭於來年圓夢。
預測今年能捧起歐布萊恩冠軍獎盃的NBA球隊,是上月底力克快艇的Suns,還是歷經7戰才險勝籃網的Bucks?許多媒體和籃球達人都紛紛提出各自觀點,貓兒做為籃球愛好者,也聆聽了不少高見,特別是TNT運動節目《Inside the NBA》的重量級分析師:Shaquille O'Neal和Charles Barkley這兩位名人堂球星的評論,更令人時而嘖嘖稱奇、時而嘆為觀止。Barkley曾是鳳凰城Suns的當家球星,在他33歲時,為了追逐冠軍戒指,投身休士頓Rockets隊,跟超級中鋒Hakeem Olajuwon、全能後衛Clyde Drexler聯手,組成了轟動NBA的「美夢三人組」,然而結果差強人意,未能更上一層樓贏得總冠軍(host dad認為:那時三人都已步入巔峰時代的尾巴,殊為可惜),咸信Barkley若能早兩年跟大夢、滑翔人一同攜手合作,火箭隊三巨頭的成績絕對不會僅止於此。
關於休士頓美夢三人組的前車之鑑,擔任火箭隊核心近9年時間的James Harden,想必歷歷在目,而31歲的Harden於今年初離開休士頓,投效蔡老闆麾下的Nets,與另外兩位頂級球星(Durant、Irving)組成NBA史上最強大的進攻陣容,難免受到外界諸多批評,但host dad以球賽娛樂性為立基,顯然是樂見其成。今年季後賽籃網二將受到傷勢影響(踩到字母哥的Irving腳踝受傷不能出賽,腿筋拉傷勉強登場的Harden功力剩不到三成),卻依然在全力杜的單核拚戰下,直到第7場(延長賽時力氣放盡)方才不敵字母哥掛帥的Bucks,若是籃網三巨頭悉數健康上陣,其戰力可見一斑;眾所皆知「防守最佳的球隊贏得NBA總冠軍」,然而布魯克林Nets以「攻擊是最好的防守」(金庸大師描述獨孤九劍之名言)為籃球運動另闢蹊徑,或許下一季便可驗證成果。
隨著大部份球隊進入了休賽期,各種大牌球員的交易傳聞甚囂塵上,坊間網路謠言(比方說誰適合被換到湖人或勇士)貓兒也是聽聽就好,而籃網隊的補強策略,則在貓兒好友圈內(特別是跟蔡老闆熟識的復興中小學校友們)引發諸多關注。友人覺得西方媒體預測的籃網-快艇-拓荒者三方交易(籃網得到Lillard、快艇得到Irving、拓荒者得到Leonard)若能成功,應可達到三贏局面;講求實際的host sister亦跟貓兒表達見解:在擅長單打的籃網三星率領下,Nets最需要的是一位壯碩的藍領前鋒(且兼具機動能力)和一位擔任輪替的後場大鎖,她提出的模板為公牛強力前鋒Horace Grant(曾在Bulls首次三連冠時輔佐喬丹立下汗馬功勞)與多次入選最佳防守陣容一隊的活塞雙能衛Joe Dumars,至於當代哪些球員符合條件,相信籃網的GM心中已有規劃。
自從婚後便定居Madison(位於威斯康辛州)的host sister,上星期傳來她在公鹿隊主場觀看NBA總冠軍賽G3的照片,可讓貓兒羨慕不已,昔年在現場看球的回憶,也彷彿跑馬燈般,一幕幕在腦海中閃過。貓兒曾與host dad一家人在公牛隊主場,欣賞喬丹帶領皮朋、羅德曼和Toni Kukoc,迎戰剛合體的馬刺雙塔(Robinson與Duncan),也曾在灰狼隊主場觀看狼王對抗七六人後場雙少(Iverson與Stackhouse);而在曼哈頓實習時,貓兒專程前往尼克主場(紐約Madison Square Garden,全聯盟氣氛最瘋狂的場館),目睹了Ewing大戰爵士二老(Stockton與Malone),高潮迭起之過程迄今依舊難忘。熱愛籃球的host sister相信:由CP3和Booker領銜之太陽隊vs.公鹿三大主力的精彩纏鬥,多年後,必定為各方球迷們津津樂道;貓兒則期待來年有緣重訪紐約,並親自到布魯克林Nets的主場Barclays Center,見證籃網三位巨星的榮耀之路。
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EAST 111, WEST 110, at MCI Center (Washington, D.C.)
MVP: Allen Iverson
In one of the greatest comebacks in All-Star Game history, the Eastern Conference stormed back from a 21-point deficit to the Western Conference in the game's final nine minutes to claim a 111-110 victory. The game marked the first All-Star Game decided by a single point since 1977, when the West beat the East 125-124.
Sixers guard Allen Iverson took home MVP honors by scoring 15 of his 25 points in the fourth quarter as he weaved through the West's much larger lineup. Nets guard Stephon Marbury played a crucial role in the rally, nailing two key 3-pointers in the fourth quarter to help seal the win.
Tracy McGrady, who made seven All-Star teams in the 2000s, made his first All-Star appearance as a starter for the East. He finished with just two points. David Robinson wrapped up his All-Star career in this game, finishing with eight points and four rebounds off the West bench in 10 minutes.
Rookie Desmond Mason of the Sonics took home the Slam Dunk Contest crown with a left-handed power jam. Ray Allen of the Bucks became the first Milwaukee player to win an event at All-Star Weekend when he claimed the 3-Point Shootout title. Finally, Timberwolves sharpshooter Wally Szczerbiak had 27 points off the bench to power the Sophomores to a 121-113 win over the Rookies at the Rookie Challenge.
• Box score
2001 All-Star Game rosters
Eastern Conference
Allen Iverson (Philadelphia 76ers)
Tracy McGrady (Orlando Magic)
Antonio Davis (Toronto Raptors) **
Vince Carter (Toronto Raptors)
Anthony Mason (Miami Heat)
Dikembe Mutombo (Atlanta Hawks) **
Ray Allen (Milwaukee Bucks)
Glenn Robinson (Milwaukee Bucks)
Stephon Marbury (New Jersey Nets)
Latrell Sprewell (New York Knicks) **
Jerry Stackhouse (Detroit Pistons)
Allan Houston (New York Knicks)
Grant Hill (Orlando Magic) *
Alonzo Mourning (Miami Heat) *
Theo Ratliff (Philadelphia 76ers) *
Western Conference
Jason Kidd (Phoenix Suns)
Kobe Bryant (L.A. Lakers)
Chris Webber (Sacramento Kings)
Tim Duncan (San Antonio Spurs)
Kevin Garnett (Minnesota Timberwolves)
Rasheed Wallace (Portland Trail Blazers)
Gary Payton (Seattle Sonics)
Michael Finley (Dallas Mavericks)
Antonio McDyess (Denver Nuggets
Karl Malone (Utah Jazz)
David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs)
Vlade Divac (Sacramento Kings) **
Shaquille O'Neal (L.A. Lakers) *
East: Larry Brown (Sixers)
West: Rick Adelman (Kings)
All-Star Weekend wrap-up
NBA Slam Dunk Contest winner: Desmond Mason, Seattle Sonics
NBA 3-Point Shootout winner: Ray Allen, Milwaukee Bucks
Rookie Challenge result: Sophomores 121, Rookies 113
Rookie Challenge MVP: Wally Szczerbiak, Minnesota Timberwolves (27 points, 11-for-13 FG, eight rebounds)
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Iverson Talked about his relationship with Larry Brown
He wanted to have the relation like Michael Jordan & Phil Jackson
Allen Iverson Kobe Bryant Tracy Mcgrady Vince Carter Dwyane Wade Shaq O'Neal Gilbert Arenas Tim Duncan Kevin Garnett Yao Ming Chris Bosh Steve Nash Lebron James Carmelo Anthony Michael Jordan Scottie Pippen Charles Barkley Larry Bird Magic Johnson Karl Malone John Stockton
Boston Celtics
New Jersey Nets
New York Knicks
Philadelphia 76ers
Toronto Raptors
Chicago Bulls
Cleveland Cavaliers
Detroit Pistons
Indiana Pacers
Milwaukee Bucks
Atlanta Hawks
Charlotte Bobcats
Miami Heat
Orlando Magic
Washington Wizards
Dallas Mavericks
Houston Rockets
Memphis Grizzlies
NO/Okla. City Hornets
San Antonio Spurs
Denver Nuggets
Minnesota Timberwolves
Portland Trail Blazers
Seattle SuperSonics
Utah Jazz
Golden State Warriors
Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Lakers
Phoenix Suns
Sacramento Kings
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Michael Jordan got the start and provided one more lasting moment. But it was all Kevin Garnett at the finish.
The 52nd NBA All-Star Game was Jordan's last and filled with firsts as the Western Conference exhausted the Eastern Conference 155-145 in a double-overtime thriller.
Given a surprise start as Toronto's Vince Carter stepped aside, Jordan appeared to make yet another of his seemingly endless series of game-winning shots. The superstar swingman of the Washington Wizards threw in a high-arcing jumper from the right baseline over Phoenix's Shawn Marion that gave the East a 138-136 lead with 4.8 seconds left in the first overtime, bringing a roar from the Philips Arena crowd.
"I didn't think it was going to go in, but it went in," said Marion, who was victimized for a game-winning shot by Jordan in Phoenix last season.
"I thought it was the game-winner, but anything can happen in an NBA game," Jordan said.
Anything did. A foul call on a three-point attempt put Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant at the line for three free throws with one second to go. Bryant made just two free throws to tie the game.
"The first thing when Kobe got up, he said, 'I can't believe he called that,'" said Indiana forward Jermaine O'Neal, who committed the foul.
Bryant's free throws forced an unprecedented second extra session, which belonged entirely to Garnett.
The 7-footer of the Minnesota Timberwolves -- who played shooting guard earlier in the game -- took the smaller Carter into the low post for three straight jumpers. He added a foul shot for a 145-138 lead with 3:38 remaining, and the West never trailed again.
"It looked like old 23 crept back in the building and was trying to take the game, but for the most part, we hung together and won," Garnett said.
Garnett collected his first All-Star Game MVP award as he scored 37 points on 17-of-24 shooting and added nine rebounds and five steals. His points were the most in an All-Star Game since Jordan scored 40 in 1988.
"The All-Star Game is not about individual," said Garnett, an unselfish superstar. "It's totally a group effort. It's a time for you to share stories, good times, emotional times with your teammates."
Jordan, who turns 40 in eight days, gave Garnett some stories to share. He started very slowly and even missed a dunk in the first quarter. But he became the all-time leading scorer in the All-Star Game late in the third quarter and finished with 20 points on 9-of-27 shooting.
"I think I got a chance to enjoy some good young company tonight," Jordan said.
Some of that company joined Jordan on the Eastern Conference. Guards Allen Iverson of Philadelphia and Tracy McGrady of Orlando -- both of whom offered their starting spot to Jordan -- scored 35 and 29 points, respectively. But it wasn't enough to prevent the East from dropping to 32-20 in the all-time series.
"I was going to try to forget my jersey in the locker room," McGrady said. "That way (Jordan) had to start and go out there."
Bryant scored 22 points and Steve Francis of Houston added 20 for the West, which erased an eight-point deficit in the last two minutes of regulation and blew a seven-point lead in the last two-plus minutes of the first overtime.
San Antonio's Tim Duncan had 19 points and 15 rebounds and the Lakers' Shaquille O'Neal had 19 and 13. It was the sixth overtime All-Star Game and the first since 1993 in Utah.
Although the first quarter was the lowest-scoring opening period in 50 years and the first half the lowest since 1976, the game fell three points shy of the highest-scoring contest, another overtime affair in 1987.
The pace seemed to quicken a bit after a halftime ceremony in which Jordan was serenaded by Mariah Carey, who wore No. 23 jerseys of Chicago and Washington while performing three songs, including "Hero."
"I thank you for your support," a visibly humbled Jordan said to the crowd. "I leave the game in good hands."
"The halftime ceremony was something I'll remember for a long time," said Francis, who was playing in his second All-Star Game. "I felt like he was talking to me when he said the NBA was going to be in good hands."
McGrady took the third quarter into his hands, scoring 17 points to give the East a 93-86 lead. With 2:04 to go in the period, Jordan sank two free throws to move past Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (251 points) as the all-time leading scorer.
The West overtook the East at 102-100 on a dunk by Shaquille O'Neal with 8:14 to go, but McGrady responded with a three-pointer. Three jumpers by Jordan and a drive by Iverson pushed the lead to 116-106 left and tightened the MVP race.
It appeared to be Jordan's when he flipped in a left-handed shot on 7-footer Dirk Nowitzki of Dallas for a 120-112 lead with 1:58 to play. But he missed shots on three consecutive possessions, allowing the West back in it.
"I wanted it to be a competitive game," Jordan said. "It was a fun ending anyway you look at it."
Bryant had a chance to win it when he was fouled with 17 seconds left but split the pair, and Marion partially blocked Jordan's jumper at the other end.
Despite eight overtime points from Iverson, the East looked dead when Francis hammered home a lob for a 135-128 bulge with 2:09 remaining. But McGrady and New Jersey's Jason Kidd scored four points each as the East surged to a 136-135 edge with 33 seconds left. A free throw by Shaquille O'Neal tied it.
"It's easy to come in with the attitude that you are just going to run down the court and jump around and not play hard, but that's not what it is about," Iverson said. "I think the fans deserve more than that."
The fans got a huge treat when Carter -- who had been criticized for keeping his starting spot -- stepped aside for Jordan in a classy move.
"This is a storybook ending for Michael," Carter said. "I'm sure I'll have another opportunity to be in the All-Star Game, and this is how it's supposed to be."
"I felt like he had taken a beating and he shouldn't have," Jordan said. "I think he was being very respectful."
But Jordan missed eight of his first 10 shots, and the poor shooting was contagious. The East held a pedestrian 23-18 lead after one period and the West held a 55-52 halftime edge.