各位可能知道(或可能不知道)我其實有一個英文的podcast,叫Between Here And There. 我一開始是想要紀錄許多學生在COVID期間如何面對未來的不確定感,現在進入第二季,我們把話題轉到更多現代年輕人會有的生活疑問和痛點,例如:我未來到底該做什麼?我爸媽為什麼那麼難相處?我為什麼覺得自己像是個冒牌貨?etc...
Many of you may know (or may not) that I have an English podcast, called Between Here And There. It started as an attempt to capture the stories and struggles of students whose plans were hit by COVID, but now we are back for season 2, and we will be focusing on issues that young people face today, such as dealing with parents, uncertainties about the future, imposter syndrome, etc.
In today's episode, we sit down with Kate Hsu, a Sophomore at USC. She tells us about her experience transferring to almost 10 schools growing up (!!), and her love of service. It’s a really heart warming episode that I think many students and parents will find inspirational. Check it out and share with your friends if you like it, thanks!
Listen with Apple: https://bit.ly/bht-apple
Listen with Spotify: https://bit.ly/bht-spotify
Listen with Google: https://bit.ly/bht-google
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅五哥頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,另外蒙面法之後,可能會有每日限住你攞幾多錢,資金限制出境,港元脫鉤等問題。都係嗰句,香港人要未雨綢繆,早啲做好準備好啲。 Marina條片出左啦,大家可以聽返原裝版? https://youtu.be/3aE-UgVwj58?t=3793 English Transcript From The Co...
「think with google 是 什麼」的推薦目錄:
- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 Facebook
- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 葉丙成 Benson Facebook
- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 孫培雅 Facebook
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- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 Chachaxx TV Youtube
- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 畢書盡Bii - 我想你了Think Of You(官方版MV) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於think with google 是 什麼 在 搜尋新疆和新冠起源,中國官方資訊佔據Google和YouTube ... 的評價
think with google 是 什麼 在 葉丙成 Benson Facebook 八卦
【Zoom 好危險、好可怕?!】
最近好幾位朋友問我對於 Zoom 視訊會議軟體資安問題的看法。但我一直沒有想說什麼。主要的原因是,我對 Zoom 台灣帳號的收費比美國帳號貴,拎北覺得很不爽。所以當 Zoom 被譙的時候,我也懶得說什麼。
有的學校還因此被教育局處長官要求不能用 Zoom,原先的數位準備全部被打亂。
先看一下國外知名科技網站 Tom's Guide 針對 Zoom 的資安問題所做的報導,結論是:
"We disagree with that decision, because we think Zoom is safe to use for meetings that aren't highly sensitive. For school classes, after-work get-togethers, or even workplace meetings that stick to routine business, there's not much risk in using Zoom."
結論就是,除非你是英國國防部、SpaceX、或是高科技公司、等這類要討論高度機密的人,不然對於教學、或是一般商務的會議而言,用 Zoom 沒有太大風險 (quote: not much risk in using Zoom)。
1. Zoom Boombing:
不是說有什麼 Zoom Bombing 很可怕,用 Zoom 開會上課到一半,會出現有駭客駭入會議突然丟色情照片擾亂。Zoom 也太糟糕了,居然會被人這樣駭入,太糟糕了!
等等,你有沒有去了解過 Zoom Bombing 是怎麼來的?Zoom 的會議室可以設密碼。但為了方便大家連進來開會,大部分使用者都省略不設密碼,直接把會議室號碼/連結傳給大家。有的人把會議室號碼/連結流出給不相干的人,不相干的人進來亂。這叫做「駭入」?
那為什麼你 Zoom 要開屬於你們自己人的會議,然後你都不設密碼,也沒有告誡大家會議室號碼不要給不相干的人。然後被不相干的人闖進來,你才在哭說是軟體有問題害你被駭?
(據說 Zoom 已經自動生成密碼了,以後這種使用者自己不設防的問題應該就會解決)
2. 安裝檔有惡意軟體:
Tom's Guide 上面有說到,有的 Zoom 安裝軟體可能會被連帶偷裝幫人挖礦的程式,造成系統的問題。但 Tom's Guide 也說,這個責任不是 Zoom 的錯,因為任何人都有可能製作出這種惡意的安裝檔給別人下載安裝。
Zoom 你不去人家官方網站下載來裝,你偏偏要偷懶從人家給你的來源不明的安裝檔去安裝,結果電腦免費幫人挖礦,你說是誰的錯?如果你就是有這種糟糕習慣的人,你用其他軟體也會幫人家免費挖礦,不會只有 Zoom。
3. 聊天室點了惡意連結,導致系統被駭中毒:
講到這個,我又傻眼了。來源不明的連結不可以點,這你不知道嗎?你在 Line、在 Chrome、在 IE、在 Safari 點了來源不明不該點的連結,會不會中毒?你都知道來源不明連結點了會出問題,那你為什麼在 Zoom 聊天室還要去點來源不明的連結,然後出事了才說是 Zoom 資安有問題被駭?
你今天用 Meet 或 Team 跟別人視訊會議,就會安全?我也是笑笑了。你今天跟人家視訊會議,說的任何話,都能夠被人錄製桌面而錄下來,事後流出去。
如果你是做高科技技術的公司、或是高階政府單位,有高機密性的資訊,原本就不應該用任何視訊會議來傳達。很多國際大企業都用美國思科 Cisco 的 Webex 系統,相對比較安全。話說 Webex 是誰開發的?就是 Zoom 的創辦人當年所開發的,他離開 Cisco 之前去創立 Zoom 之前,是副總裁。國際大企業過去十幾二十年都用這個人的東西,這個人有沒有問題,這是個參考指標。
任何軟體都有洞,你個別搜尋各家軟體公司的名字 Google, Microsoft, Line, Facebook, Apple 再加上「資安漏洞」,你都會看到每個軟體都有洞。越多人用的軟體,越有機會被大家找出洞來,也越有機會讓洞被補起來,而變得越安全。
Zoom 這段期間因為許多人大量使用,所以被看到的洞自然就比較多(雖然有很多洞我認為根本上是使用者習慣的問題),之後就看他們是否有補起來。現在的觀察是,我看他們最近的更新滿頻繁,看起來是有努力在把一些洞補起來。
我的看法是,在台灣,Zoom 的資安問題,已經不是技術問題,而是政治問題。
Zoom 的創辦人來自中國,但他的主要資金來源還是美國的資本市場,Zoom最大外部股東是Emergence Capital,持股12.5%。紅杉資本持股11.4%。跟華為的資金來自政府是不同的。我不覺得 Zoom 有必要亂搞去得罪他在美國的眾多金主投資人。
有人提到,如果中國政府要求 Zoom 提供使用者資料,他們敢不從嗎?
Google 當初退出中國就是這個原因,因為公司的決策要求的是公司最大利益。在大陸,目前大多數的人用的是阿里巴巴跟微信的會議軟體,用 Zoom 的很少。美國跟其他國家市場,才是 Zoom 的主要利基來源。如果 Zoom 在大陸同意把使用者資料交給政府,他在美國的市場絕對雪崩,這也是為什麼當初 Google 寧可全面退出大陸也不把資料給大陸官方。
董事會成員在乎的是公司的最大利益。Zoom 的主要股東是來自美國資本市場,這些人不會由著公司去做傷害公司利益的事。這是為什麼前述的假設狀況,出現的機會不大。當然,我也有可能是錯的。
但同樣的問題,為什麼大家會認為如果中國政府要求,微軟就不會就範呢?特別微軟在大陸投入很多的資源,也有很大的市場。微軟中國分公司就不會就範?我反而覺得微軟若不從,要冒的風險比 Zoom 大很多。
1. 如果有真正很機密的事情,任何視訊軟體通通都不該用,那才是真正的安全。
2. 視訊會議最好設密碼,避免不相干人士進來鬧。
3. 請務必去官方網站下載官方版的安裝軟體,千萬不要用來路不明的安裝檔。
4. 在聊天室不要點擊不明的連結。
5. 不要讓自己的電腦離開自己的視線,被別人摸到。
註:Tom's Guide 評論全文連結:https://bit.ly/2Rg3b8n
think with google 是 什麼 在 孫培雅 Facebook 八卦
哀~ 容我先嘆氣一下 禮拜天真的好令人痛苦要上學 真的好討厭上學(怒) 現在是3/11 4:50am 我的腦子基本上已經不行了 構思不出什麼話 所以我決定就在這邊打一句沒意義的話 想看看能不能加點行數 讓版面好看一點 我發現好像還是太過簡樸 於是我又在打上一些字 例如這些字 看來看去比起前幾篇似乎還是有點少 於是我把上行的在故意打錯 這樣我就能自導自演的糾正自己說:是再啦幹 這樣又是一些字了 恩..我想到這邊應該就夠了吧?再加一個可愛的表情符號做結束~完美! 😼
中文歌推薦: 七里香 cover by 劉瑞琦 (原唱:周杰倫)
其實一開始會聽這首歌是因為他的前奏 幾個音幾個鍵 輕輕譜出的旋律令人陶醉 閉上眼配上歌詞細細品嘗 彷彿置身春精靈布置的金黃色大道 微風徐徐吹來 將幾些沙幾些碎石飛起 落在我那殘破不堪的皮膚上 我微微張嘴 打從心坎的說了聲幹
英文歌推薦: Krewella - Human
推薦這首歌最大的原因:歌詞不錯 以下感想
Lately I've been thinking about what I can do, you've been wonderful in all that you can be, but I'm only human, I've been trying so hard to close to you, trying to take us back to where we were before, I'm screwed up but hey~this is my fucking life. Where is truly me? I'm hanging off the edge just wanna fall wide awake now. Why I cannot stop run away, I wonder if I'll ever stop.
韓文歌推薦: Afterschool - Night into the sky
這算是首老歌了嗎? 2011年的~ 對這首歌稍做研究後(都是參考網路資料 我省略很多 有興趣自個查去) 發現分為兩組RED&BLUE 狂野性感與清純可愛 兩種不同風格並與歌名呼應 "希望自己在寧靜夜空中能堅持自己的理想不再輕易妥協與軟弱" 旋律如此輕快令人放鬆的這首歌沒想到竟有這般含意阿~ 我想這是真正下定決心後才能有的心境 就如歌詞中說 我一步步走出自己的道路 期許自己也能看見與她們相同的天空
是該長進了 培雅 母湯再幼稚任性囉
日文歌推薦: 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ
或許是命運的捉摸吧 這首歌一天內 短短3小時內 有兩個不同的人傳給我XDD 不過一個是MV 一個是MAD就是了 難道這是我不知道的新崛起歌嗎~ 歌詞中是主角寫給年後的自己 常常當下我們碰見的事都不是我們願意的 甚至我們可能無法面對 處理 當下昂首闊步展露笑容 努力面對努力走過 對年後的自己能夠笑談過去種種往事 便是成長了吧~?
OK..I apologize. 這週挺厭世的 沒理由 就是時間點到了差不多發病了 如果時光倒流 我絕對先偷看隔壁同學穿什麼款示的內衣褲再解決我自己 為什麼我可以蠢的跟一頭笨驢一樣?
Get time to reverse, start at the beginning. Stop keep coming back for more. I think i just need another hit, another sip, another pull, another rip, maybe another little shot of you? hahahahaha Always lay me down like used to.
I'm a junkie for your love, got me hooked with one touch. There ain't another thing I ever wanted so much.
補充: !!google翻譯並非我文章的意思!! 我原本說想知道我在講什麼的自己去翻譯 但我不是很相信google 於是我全複製過去翻翻看 全部都翻錯了... 看得懂就看得懂吧哈哈
by 遊海龜女子zzz And 如果有英文大大發現我哪邊用錯或是怪怪的歡迎私訊告訴我 thanks a lot ~ peace world LUL
think with google 是 什麼 在 五哥頻道 Youtube 的評價
Marina條片出左啦,大家可以聽返原裝版? https://youtu.be/3aE-UgVwj58?t=3793
English Transcript
From The Council through Marina Jacobi.
This is the beginning of Hong Kong, I discussed last time if you guys remember, they (The Councils) just told me right now but this is just the beginning of Hong Kong to fight for its freedom and it’s a lot more to come because the new Generation they said is going to gain its freedom. I’m not given exactly how but it’s more to come of the same right now, it is going to reach peak performance within two years. Basically, it’s going to be back and forth, all these riots.
The best way, they said (The Councils) is to observe and when situation presents itself, be of the “Best of Yourself” in the Name of Humanity, if you keep up with that and hold the vibration of knowingness with no fear, understand that no matter what happens, you are always going to be shown the bridge for your safety. Because basically, the same, like you are going to project it if you don’t get into fear. So you turn around no matter what happens, you’re always going to have food, help, and situation that will end up in a positive outcome for you, no matter what happens. So, go back to Quantum Structure video one, two and three of the Quantum Manifestation Season 1. It’s important in this situation in chaos to understand to learn the structure so you keep up by understanding that you are watching a holographic imprint and you’re the main character, you are in a virtual reality that is a game and you can build and open doors if you need something. If you learn the structure I guarantee you that you’ll be able to manoeuvre in this game, Because the Hong Kong situation, in every country, now has to go through its process, to pop up in front of people’s faces so people can wake up and take their freedom, basically, not take their freedom, but create their freedom (they correct it).
When you find yourself in “a situation”:
This is basically for everybody that finds themselves in a “situation”, keep up those stronger structures, know that it is a hologram, know that it is a process of Ascension. When you have a situation, always be the Best of yourself, of the Best of your abilities, because whatever you do at this moment, that’s what your projection in the quantum field and that’s what you’re shifting the next momentum into, this is a quantum bylaw. If you keep up with this, understand that more and more you do, it becomes more potent, which pops up like a situation of reality that you have everything you need even in the forest fire. Like you are playing a game, literally guys, I am not kidding what I’m saying no matter what you see, you think of hologram, train your consciousness to think that you are in a hologram life structure. I know it sounds crazy but that’s what it is. And if you keep doing that, you know what happens becomes easy and you’re not afraid. You’re actually free and have an understanding, and then’s it’s easy for you to play that structure, because you are not stopping by the fear vibrational sequence that is so potent and it is stronger than the joy, when not experiencing the joy, you are replacing it with the fear, that is going to create the same and then you cannot get out a whole situation for you to escape the forest, you are going to end up in the forest.
從理事會通過Marina Jacobi。
Marina Jacobi YouTube頻道:http://bit.ly/30LXDEx
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think with google 是 什麼 在 Chachaxx TV Youtube 的評價
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【试吃|Tasting food】挑戰 網路瘋傳 爆紅 中國大陸 最難喝的飲料Top 5 | Tasting the most disgusting drinks from China
Hello 大家好!我是叉叉!
前陣子我在微博上看到很多博主都po了試喝挑|挑戰 中國大陸最難喝的飲料|飲品top 5。不止是微博,很多網路上的論壇都有才討論為什麼這五種飲料會入圍。
顯然,這一個主題已經在中國大陸的網路上得到了瘋傳。這五種飲料也在一夜之間爆紅。搖身一變網路|網絡 上人氣銷售飲料。
在拍完這個影片過後,無疑中在google搜索時發現原來廣東人都很喜歡的黑松沙士原來來自於台灣!台灣!台灣!台灣!你沒看錯就是台灣!我一直以為是廣東本地 or 香港那邊引進來的…Orz…
希望你喜欢这个影片!这些饮料|飲品 都是自費購買的。
以下是我在影片中品嚐的爆紅 瘋傳 飲料|飲品的名字
1_ 格瓦斯
2_ 東方樹葉 烏龍茶
3_ 尖叫 人蔘味
4_ 黑松沙士
5_ 白花蛇草水
【试吃|Tasting food】挑戰 網路瘋傳 爆紅 中國大陸 最難喝的飲料Top 5 | Tasting the most disgusting drinks from China
Hi everyone, I am chacha.
A few weeks ago I noticed that many Chinese bloggers posted something about the most disgusting drinks from China Top 5.
This topic can also be found in most of the forums in China.Obviously, this has become the one of those popular topics for the past few months. It is the trend to try out|challenge|tasting these 5 disgusting drinks.
Due to the spread of this popular topic online, these five drinks have also become the top selling products for some online shops.
To be honest, I am quite disappointed with these drinks because they are not as disgusting and weird as I expected. Out of 5, only one of them is unacceptable to me. I think it’s because two of them are those that I always drink since young. They are the popular drinks in Guangdong|Guangzhou, and they are part of our culture.
After I have filmed this video, I actually did more research on these drinks and realized that one of them is from Taiwan!Taiwan!Taiwan!Taiwan!! instead of Guangdong or Hong Kong. As it is a popular drink in Guangdong, I always assume that it’s from Guangdong….Orz..
I really hope you will like this video.
I bought the drinks with my money and this is not a sponsored video.
Although I personally feel that these drinks are not as disgusting as what people say, this is just my opinion and I think you should really try it.
Keywords: 中國,大陸,爆紅,人氣,飲料,飲品,水,試喝,試吃,網路,網絡,難喝,不好喝,文化,挑戰,特色,東方樹葉,格瓦斯,尖叫,黑松沙士,台灣,瘋傳,China,mainland,popular,internet,online,drinks,tasting,challenge,disgusting,oolong tea,Taiwan,funny,culture
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