There are already enough tests in life, don't let the trust between you become one.
婚姻大崩壞 (Downhill), 2020
#人生遺片清單 更新啦!只有4.8分竟然也入選!?
大家一定會覺得很訝異:《婚姻大崩壞》在IMDB上只有4.8分,在Rotten Tomatoes 也只有37%,怎麼可能入選『人生遺片清單』,我們又什麼時候開始介紹爛片了呢?!其實《婚姻大崩壞》是翻拍自瑞典導演Ruben Östlund,在2015年自編自導的代表作《婚姻風暴》。這部原作不僅在影評分數上十分亮眼,也橫掃了數個國際大獎,是一部對於人性觀察透徹、台詞犀利、風格冷冽的特色作品。
the trust imdb 在 雷應婕 Jennifer Lei Facebook 八卦
前一陣子沒有什麼吸引人的電影, 忙了一個月沒有進戲院.
前幾天偶然看到一個題材超級吸引, 讓我抱著第一批進電影院做白老鼠. 一大早看了個早餐電影, 找感動下午寫歌真的很棒. The Passenge意外感動我&深刻的好看.
這是一部具人性刻劃, 深意寓意,
很真實的敘述人類在星際旅行中的現實性, 人的情緒, 思維, 脆弱, 憤怒, 信任, 愛與坦誠, 都在電影中深度的被演繹出來. 找Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt是很好的選擇(比基努李維好多了個人意見…) 跟太空&科學有關的細節也做得很細緻, 氛圍引導的很自然純熟(除非你不專心一直吃東西).
(除非你是極度科幻迷, 執著於科幻邏輯高水準要求)
劇中最深刻的一句話, 留在我的腦海裡:
如果對於未知無法解決或改變, 那為何不活在當下, 好好享受每秒的時間?
如果你有時間坐下來細細品嚐, 或喜歡看有隱藏人性訊息的電影的話,
I haven’t been to a movie in theatre for quite a while (for quite a while I mean one and a half months, and yes, I’m a movie craze). A few days ago I picked up the trailer of this film on Youtube and decided to become the first batch of lab rats and give it a try (Yeah I super need touches of inspiration and who cares if it’s bad). However, it turns out to be surprisingly touching and inspiring.
(No spoiler)
This is a movie about humanity, about love, about some deep meanings of life with a bit of imagination from the scientific side. It depicted human emotions very close to the heart when characters confront the reality of space travelling. The way we think, react, break down, repent, and trust each other. The bond between humans is unique, irreplacable, and one of a kind. I think Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt are very great choices for this movie (way better than Keanu Reeves in my opinion…).
In addition, the details of design related to space and science are very nicely done, and the atmosphere and touch are very naturally created. Overall I would say, it’s a worth enjoying movie that may bring you some afterthoughts. (Unless you are a hardcore sci-fi fan)
One quote that really inspires me
(Forgot the real line but, more or less like this):
If you cannot do anything about the things you can’t change, then why not live for the moment and enjoy what you have? (Spoken from an interesting character that might inspire you a bit.)