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全美瘋⚾棒球:Baseball Idioms 棒球用語第一彈!
🇺🇸 棒球可說是美國全民運動,因此美式英文中有許多跟棒球相關的諺語,今天就先來認識一些:
1. hit a home run
2. step up to the plate
3. strike out
Developed in New England in the mid-1800s, baseball had become America’s national sport by the end of the century. Even today, the sport is known as “America’s pastime,” so it’s no wonder that there are many baseball-related idioms in American English.
What’s the biggest achievement for a baseball player? Hitting a home run, of course. So📍 “hit a home run” has also become an idiom meaning “to succeed at sth.” Ex: I think I really hit a home run on my English test.
When batters step up to the plate, it’s their responsibility to try and score, so 📍 “step up to the plate” can also mean “to take responsibility for doing sth.” Ex: After Bob quit, Allan stepped up to the plate and led the project.
The worst thing a batter can do when he steps up to the plate is strike out by missing the ball three times, ending his turn at bat. And so 📍 “strike out” has also come to mean “to fail at sth." Ex: The original movie was popular, but the sequel struck out with audiences.
對棒球選手來說,最大的成就是什麼?自然是打出全壘打。因此📍hit a home run(打出全壘打)一詞也可以指『成功達成某事』,如I think I really hit a home run on my English test.(我想我真的高分通過英文考試了。)
打擊手一站上本壘,就要盡力衝回本壘得分,所以📍step up to the plate(踏上本壘)也可指『承擔起做某事的責任』,如After Bob quit, Allan stepped up to the plate and led the project.(鮑伯辭職之後,就由艾倫負責領導該專案。)
對打擊手來說,最糟糕的就是站上壘包卻被三振出局。所以📍strike out(三振出局)也指『失敗、砸鍋』,如 The original movie was popular, but the sequel struck out with audiences.(該電影第一集相當賣座,可續集卻被觀眾罵慘了。)
1. New England:「新英格蘭地區」,位於美國東北角,包括美國東北角六州在內,Boston是其中最大城市。
2. pastime:「消遣、娛樂」
3. batter:「打擊手」, bat 指「球棒」。
4. the plate:step up to the plate 的 plate指「本壘板」,即 home plate。
圖片取自 Shutterstock.com
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