與此同時,不少溫和建制派則憧憬另一個「結局路線圖」,希望為自己退休前的收成期buy time。他們相信北京權衡輕重後,會對「五大訴求」作出一系列讓步:林鄭月娥下台,新特首成立不完全的獨立調查委員會,有限度特赦雙方,部份越線警察(如光頭劉Sir)被割蓆祭旗,重啟政改;由於這些依然不能解決真正問題,當局同時也會加速「鬥地主」,以房屋問題轉移視線,加強輸入新移民和內地專才,推廣國民教育、信用評級,施展暗黑兵法在民間挑撥矛盾、內鬥,令有心人心灰意冷,放任傳統精英移民離開,期望儘快換血、「留島不留人」,到了換血成功,真普選就迎刃而解。
1. 由大數據、演算法主導的互聯網3.0,雖然被利用作威權管治,但同時也催生脫離威權政府的新經濟體;某程度上,這是比《基本法》賦予更有意義的高度自治。網絡的去中介化現象,已經取代傳統產業,充權了無數新生代成為slashers;他們的權力架構,只需回應點對點需求的另一端,通過科技,連結成整體,例如現在正催生的「黃店網絡」、人力資源互助網絡,再連結海外同路人,配合自己的加密貨幣獨立交易,減低直接賦予政府的稅收,就能大幅減低對失信於民、僵化建制的依賴。假如參與遊行的200萬香港人為「泛黃」基本盤,無論他們對目前街頭衝擊態度為何,只要平均每人每年願意付出二萬元支持同路人(包括現金、也包括勞力),這就是400億的龐大經費,再加上海外港人捐獻,已經是中上規模的世界級經濟體,甚至逐漸出現淡馬錫那樣的香港人基金,亦未可知。
2. 傳統現實主義認為,理想必須服膺現實;但目前科技除了令理想化作現實,還改變了對「現實」的認知。昔日我們還是相信存在非黑即白的事實,但隨著5G出現、Deep Fake普及,每人都深信自己懂得「事實」,不會有意識離開自己的安全網。商業主導的演算法永遠有利兩極思維,國民教育一類舉措只會出現反效果,而有了全國小粉紅,香港身份認同只會堅如磐石。對講求意念戰勝強大對手的運動而言,新科技是重要推手;當新世代每一刻都與智能手機共存亡,那才是他們的靈魂,對理念堅持的持久力,超乎昔日想像。
3. 現實主義的unit actor只有主權國家,「香港人」作為一個玩家,被認為不入流。但隨著全球化催生越來越有實力的非國家個體(non-state actors, NSA),國際棋局早已變得立體;香港人的國際對口單位,不是北京或華府,而是世界各地不同NSA。各國政府支持港人,自然受制於大國博弈的局限,但美國政府畢竟控制不了Facebook、NBA;至於全球企業,縱然受制於中國龐大市場威逼利誘的「sharp power」,但也不像國泰那樣沒有議價空間,而且也受制於工會、NGO等NSA。香港人只要懂得「NSA外交」,在全球層面,盟友無窮無盡。就像香港最有國際視野的企業長和系,早在「一帶一路」推出前數十年,就鎖定投資全球港口,這樣的視野,正是真香港人的強項。
4. 香港人身份認同經過這場運動,急速強化,而且已成功輻射到海外。和中國強調以血統定義的愛國不同,香港身份認同是「大熔爐」,由一系列核心價值定義。從前我們覺得「香港核心價值」很虛,但經過這場運動,真香港人意識到已置身文明衝突的斷層,只要想想自己是否接受內地的信用評級系統、是否支持六四事件以開槍解決政治問題(或靠香港警察對政治問題「止暴制亂」)、是否認同新疆再教育營打壓文化多元,就很清楚甚麼是香港核心價值。這套價值觀的融合力是驚人的,香港回歸22年,累積新移民極多,然而民情不但未有根本改變,還比回歸前更抗拒中國,連新一代本土派領袖梁天琦也是新移民,南亞裔等少數族裔同樣以身為香港人自豪。更甚者,香港核心價值很容易得到外國人支持,所以「香港人」並非只有七百萬的絕對少數。一旦海外香港社群結成整體,在不同地方出現小香港、或參考我們介紹過的chartered city,這會不同於唐人街大媽的內向型退休樂園,變成配合核心價值論述、融合不同族群友人、輔以真正產業的全球社群,令「香港」遍地開花,母體這個香港特區也會有更多槓桿,屆時再也沒有「移民」與「非移民」的概念。
5. 現實主義相信大國憑經濟資源影響一切,但目前世界經濟早已脫離了資源年代,例如各國都以量化寬鬆延緩危機,結果從傳統工作得到的薪金增幅,永不能追上實體資產的價格增值,而且這個鴻溝越來越大。這就造成幾個全球後遺症:一方面,像香港政治問題那樣,永不可能以經濟手段解決;另一方面,在無限QE時代,即使全民就業、全民上樓,貧富懸殊,卻依然是不可逆轉的大趨勢,令永遠有一半以上人口觀感上認為自己是時代輸家,進一步加強了兩極化,也就是連經濟問題也不可能經濟解決,所以美國、英國、智利的群眾運動,都是異曲同工。政權要維穩,鬥地主、土改只是幌子,最後始終要釋放建基於真正自由、免於白色恐佈的創造力,才能減低「觀感輸家」的反作用力,例如北歐正嘗試以人工智能維持基本經濟運作,賦予人民無償工作收入(UBI),釋放機械不能取代的創造力。否則到了發展瓶頸,政治、經濟問題同步發酵的政權,可能出現難以想像的危機;而這方面看,香港的長遠韌力,其實不一定不及內地。
6. 梁文道認為:「儘管所有人都曉得,香港特殊的國際地位對整個中國而言極端重要,但是我兩年前仍然在此大膽推測,終有一天,從北京的角度來看,這道門戶其實是可以合起來的」;但世界正式進入新冷戰,這道門戶要「合起來」,代價比兩年前只會更大。香港作為一個對中國非常有用的融資、洗錢、協助國產「走出去」的金融窗口,又有國際社會認受其兩制,本來就不易取代;當反華逐漸成為美國跨黨派共識,一旦選上列根那類意識形態主導的領袖、而不是做deal的特朗普,很容易作出打散「中美經濟共同體」的決定。由於各國經濟在全球化時代相互依賴已深,不同於舊冷戰壁壘分明,絕對分家是不可能的,香港這窗口的重要性,奇貨將更可居。北京也明白不能完全複製香港,國策是以上海、深圳、澳門等局部取代之,再依靠「一帶一路」海外港口取代另一部份。假如有五十年時間,也許未嘗不可,但新冷戰下,卻時不我予。說白點,就算北京有一天研判香港失控、連解放軍也出動,希望掏空其內涵,也難以放棄「一國兩制」這副招牌;而一天北京需要香港的國際身份,無論怎樣收緊,以真香港人的智慧,依然充滿迴旋空間。
無論香港未來特首是誰、街上衝突如何、特朗普或Soloman Yue明天twitter說甚麼,經過這場運動,香港已經結構性的不一樣;任何有違真香港人認知的一國兩制大小危機,也必然會觸發抗爭;但真正的root cause就像佛地魔,權貴根本不敢去談。由於上述「時代革命」修正了現實主義的缺憾,真香港人只要毋忘初心、本土和勇合一、海內外香港人也合一,把握大趨勢,足以學習毛主席的智慧,進行一場持久戰。變幻原是永恆,然後,「然後呢」這個消極問題,會成為充滿積極的探索;而每一個有價值的探索,總會伴隨新一代希望的曙光。
同時也有214部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A.I. vs. Kobe delivered the throwback duel fans paid to see. Just like in the 2001 NBA Finals, Bryant's Los Angeles Lakers topped Allen Iverson's Phil...
state root 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 八卦
與此同時,不少溫和建制派則憧憬另一個「結局路線圖」,希望為自己退休前的收成期buy time。他們相信北京權衡輕重後,會對「五大訴求」作出一系列讓步:林鄭月娥下台,新特首成立不完全的獨立調查委員會,有限度特赦雙方,部份越線警察(如光頭劉Sir)被割蓆祭旗,重啟政改;由於這些依然不能解決真正問題,當局同時也會加速「鬥地主」,以房屋問題轉移視線,加強輸入新移民和內地專才,推廣國民教育、信用評級,施展暗黑兵法在民間挑撥矛盾、內鬥,令有心人心灰意冷,放任傳統精英移民離開,期望儘快換血、「留島不留人」,到了換血成功,真普選就迎刃而解。
1. 由大數據、演算法主導的互聯網3.0,雖然被利用作威權管治,但同時也催生脫離威權政府的新經濟體;某程度上,這是比《基本法》賦予更有意義的高度自治。網絡的去中介化現象,已經取代傳統產業,充權了無數新生代成為slashers;他們的權力架構,只需回應點對點需求的另一端,通過科技,連結成整體,例如現在正催生的「黃店網絡」、人力資源互助網絡,再連結海外同路人,配合自己的加密貨幣獨立交易,減低直接賦予政府的稅收,就能大幅減低對失信於民、僵化建制的依賴。假如參與遊行的200萬香港人為「泛黃」基本盤,無論他們對目前街頭衝擊態度為何,只要平均每人每年願意付出二萬元支持同路人(包括現金、也包括勞力),這就是400億的龐大經費,再加上海外港人捐獻,已經是中上規模的世界級經濟體,甚至逐漸出現淡馬錫那樣的香港人基金,亦未可知。
2. 傳統現實主義認為,理想必須服膺現實;但目前科技除了令理想化作現實,還改變了對「現實」的認知。昔日我們還是相信存在非黑即白的事實,但隨著5G出現、Deep Fake普及,每人都深信自己懂得「事實」,不會有意識離開自己的安全網。商業主導的演算法永遠有利兩極思維,國民教育一類舉措只會出現反效果,而有了全國小粉紅,香港身份認同只會堅如磐石。對講求意念戰勝強大對手的運動而言,新科技是重要推手;當新世代每一刻都與智能手機共存亡,那才是他們的靈魂,對理念堅持的持久力,超乎昔日想像。
3. 現實主義的unit actor只有主權國家,「香港人」作為一個玩家,被認為不入流。但隨著全球化催生越來越有實力的非國家個體(non-state actors, NSA),國際棋局早已變得立體;香港人的國際對口單位,不是北京或華府,而是世界各地不同NSA。各國政府支持港人,自然受制於大國博弈的局限,但美國政府畢竟控制不了Facebook、NBA;至於全球企業,縱然受制於中國龐大市場威逼利誘的「sharp power」,但也不像國泰那樣沒有議價空間,而且也受制於工會、NGO等NSA。香港人只要懂得「NSA外交」,在全球層面,盟友無窮無盡。就像香港最有國際視野的企業長和系,早在「一帶一路」推出前數十年,就鎖定投資全球港口,這樣的視野,正是真香港人的強項。
4. 香港人身份認同經過這場運動,急速強化,而且已成功輻射到海外。和中國強調以血統定義的愛國不同,香港身份認同是「大熔爐」,由一系列核心價值定義。從前我們覺得「香港核心價值」很虛,但經過這場運動,真香港人意識到已置身文明衝突的斷層,只要想想自己是否接受內地的信用評級系統、是否支持六四事件以開槍解決政治問題(或靠香港警察對政治問題「止暴制亂」)、是否認同新疆再教育營打壓文化多元,就很清楚甚麼是香港核心價值。這套價值觀的融合力是驚人的,香港回歸22年,累積新移民極多,然而民情不但未有根本改變,還比回歸前更抗拒中國,連新一代本土派領袖梁天琦也是新移民,南亞裔等少數族裔同樣以身為香港人自豪。更甚者,香港核心價值很容易得到外國人支持,所以「香港人」並非只有七百萬的絕對少數。一旦海外香港社群結成整體,在不同地方出現小香港、或參考我們介紹過的chartered city,這會不同於唐人街大媽的內向型退休樂園,變成配合核心價值論述、融合不同族群友人、輔以真正產業的全球社群,令「香港」遍地開花,母體這個香港特區也會有更多槓桿,屆時再也沒有「移民」與「非移民」的概念。
5. 現實主義相信大國憑經濟資源影響一切,但目前世界經濟早已脫離了資源年代,例如各國都以量化寬鬆延緩危機,結果從傳統工作得到的薪金增幅,永不能追上實體資產的價格增值,而且這個鴻溝越來越大。這就造成幾個全球後遺症:一方面,像香港政治問題那樣,永不可能以經濟手段解決;另一方面,在無限QE時代,即使全民就業、全民上樓,貧富懸殊,卻依然是不可逆轉的大趨勢,令永遠有一半以上人口觀感上認為自己是時代輸家,進一步加強了兩極化,也就是連經濟問題也不可能經濟解決,所以美國、英國、智利的群眾運動,都是異曲同工。政權要維穩,鬥地主、土改只是幌子,最後始終要釋放建基於真正自由、免於白色恐佈的創造力,才能減低「觀感輸家」的反作用力,例如北歐正嘗試以人工智能維持基本經濟運作,賦予人民無償工作收入(UBI),釋放機械不能取代的創造力。否則到了發展瓶頸,政治、經濟問題同步發酵的政權,可能出現難以想像的危機;而這方面看,香港的長遠韌力,其實不一定不及內地。
6. 梁文道認為:「儘管所有人都曉得,香港特殊的國際地位對整個中國而言極端重要,但是我兩年前仍然在此大膽推測,終有一天,從北京的角度來看,這道門戶其實是可以合起來的」;但世界正式進入新冷戰,這道門戶要「合起來」,代價比兩年前只會更大。香港作為一個對中國非常有用的融資、洗錢、協助國產「走出去」的金融窗口,又有國際社會認受其兩制,本來就不易取代;當反華逐漸成為美國跨黨派共識,一旦選上列根那類意識形態主導的領袖、而不是做deal的特朗普,很容易作出打散「中美經濟共同體」的決定。由於各國經濟在全球化時代相互依賴已深,不同於舊冷戰壁壘分明,絕對分家是不可能的,香港這窗口的重要性,奇貨將更可居。北京也明白不能完全複製香港,國策是以上海、深圳、澳門等局部取代之,再依靠「一帶一路」海外港口取代另一部份。假如有五十年時間,也許未嘗不可,但新冷戰下,卻時不我予。說白點,就算北京有一天研判香港失控、連解放軍也出動,希望掏空其內涵,也難以放棄「一國兩制」這副招牌;而一天北京需要香港的國際身份,無論怎樣收緊,以真香港人的智慧,依然充滿迴旋空間。
無論香港未來特首是誰、街上衝突如何、特朗普或Soloman Yue明天twitter說甚麼,經過這場運動,香港已經結構性的不一樣;任何有違真香港人認知的一國兩制大小危機,也必然會觸發抗爭;但真正的root cause就像佛地魔,權貴根本不敢去談。由於上述「時代革命」修正了現實主義的缺憾,真香港人只要毋忘初心、本土和勇合一、海內外香港人也合一,把握大趨勢,足以學習毛主席的智慧,進行一場持久戰。變幻原是永恆,然後,「然後呢」這個消極問題,會成為充滿積極的探索;而每一個有價值的探索,總會伴隨新一代希望的曙光。
state root 在 Linda Onn Facebook 八卦
“Let me reiterate, there is no place for hatred and racism here in Johor Darul Ta’zim. It was never welcomed, nor will I ever welcome haters and racists here in Johor. If anyone who want to practice hatred and racism in Johor Darul Ta’zim, the home of the Malays, Chinese and Indians- Bangsa Johor, please leave Johor immediately. That is an order!
“I have worked hard and struggled for my subjects, to ensure that they live in harmony and togetherness. Anyone found instigating others to hate and practice racism here in Johor, they will face the brunt of the law. Again, let me remind you, my ancestors, the state government, Bangsa Johor and I have worked hand-in-hand…together, to make Johor a better-place, to bring in foreign investors for the future of Johor. Anyone who create disharmony and spread hatred here by promoting racism, will have to deal with me personally. Take this as a warning.
“This is not the stone age, do not be ungrateful, the Malays, Chinese and Indians, all played their part, Johor Darul Ta’zim is home to the Malays, Chinese and Indians, they are Bangsa Johor. As their ruler, its my responsibility to see my subjects live in harmony, and my subjects are always my priority.
“To the authorities, do not take soft approach against haters and racists, do not be bias, get to the root of the problem, and apprehend those who create racial disharmony problems here in Johor Darul Ta’zim,” -Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar’.
“Di Johor Darul Ta’zim, tiada tempat dan ruang untuk mereka yang membenci dan mengamalkan sikap perkauman. Mereka yang membenci dan mengamalkan perkauman tidak pernah saya terima di Johor Darul Ta’zim dan tidak mungkin saya menerima mereka. Mereka yang mengamal sikap ini, di nasihatkan supaya keluar dari Johor Darul Ta’zim serta-merta, kerana Johor adalah rumah kepada Bangsa Johor yang terdiri dari Orang Melayu, kaum Cina dan kaum India. Ini adalah satu perintah-jangan amalkan sikap perkauman dan membenci, atau lebih baik tinggalkan Johor.
“Saya telah bertungkus-lumus untuk kepentingan Bangsa Johor dan Negeri Johor, untuk memastikan semua hidup dalam harmoni dan Johor semakin maju. Nenek moyang saya, kerajaan negeri, Bangsa Johor dan saya telah berkerja keras untuk menyatu rakyat Johor dan membawa pelabur asing untuk memajukan negeri Johor. Mereka yang menghasut Bangsa Johor untuk membenci dan mengamal sikap perkauman akan berhadapan dengan tindakan tegas. Sebagai Sultan Johor, amanah saya ialah kepada rakyat saya dan negeri Johor. Rakyat saya adalah keutamaan saya. Mereka ini perlu berhadapan dengan saya, jika perkara membenci, menghasut dan isu perkauman diamalkan di Johor.
“Ini bukan zaman batu, Orang Melayu, kaum Cina dan India, semua telah memainkan peranan masing-masing. Johor adalah rumah kepada semua Bangsa Johor.
“Kepada pihak berkuasa, berkas mereka yang menghasut Bangsa Johor untuk membenci dan mempromosikan perkauman. Jangan pilih kasih, cari jalan penyelesaianya ke akar umbi,” -Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar
#sultanibrahimofficial #sultanjohor #luaskankuasamu #jdt #muafakatbangsajohor
#royaljohor #sultanjohordanrakyatberpisahtiada
state root 在 pennyccw Youtube 的評價
A.I. vs. Kobe delivered the throwback duel fans paid to see. Just like in the 2001 NBA Finals, Bryant's Los Angeles Lakers topped Allen Iverson's Philadelphia 76ers.
Bryant roused the 20,000 fans who came to jeer him as much as they did to root on the 76ers, scoring 24 points to lead Los Angeles to a 99-91 win over Philadelphia on Friday night.
"It was a like a trip down memory lane for me," Bryant said. "It was exciting."
Bryant always packs the Wachovia Center when he makes his yearly visit to his old stomping grounds. He rarely disappoints in putting on a show for the fans who boo his every touch yet line the court to snap countless photos.
While Bryant is still in his prime, Iverson is in a steady decline. Lakers coach Phil Jackson said the All-Star showdown misses some of the buzz of years past when both could make the argument they were tops at their position.
Don't tell Iverson. He crossed-over and crashed his way toward a season-high 23 points.
Iverson and Bryant are responsible for Philadelphia's only two sellouts this season. Iverson's first game back in Philadelphia drew 20,664, and Bryant helped draw 20,809 on Friday.
Bryant led Lower Merion High School to a state championship in 1996 and visited his old school on Thursday. He said this year's homecoming was the first time he ever felt goosebumps when he was introduced from Lower Merion High.
"I think because when you get older, you get more and more nostalgic," the 31-year-old Bryant said. "You start reminiscing on where everything started. It kind of creeps in on you."
Fans around the globe are drawn to the polarizing pair. Iverson was the No. 1 overall pick of the 1996 draft and Bryant was selected 13th. They each have an MVP award. Iverson is second on Philadelphia's career scoring list and Bryant trails Jerry West by 47 points before becoming the highest-scoring Laker.
For a half, each let their teammates do all the scoring. Both Bryant and Iverson scored only two points in the first half, and the Lakers led 51-42 at the break.
Then it got fun.
As if to show the first 24 minutes didn't matter, Bryant caught the first pass of the second half, spun and buried a 14-footer.
He gave the Lakers a brief scare moments later. Elton Brand dove for the ball and tripped up Bryant, who instantly grabbed his left knee and hobbled toward the sideline. The Lakers called timeout, allowing Bryant some extra time to lightly jog and test out the knee.
Spoiler alert. Bryant can play like an MVP even when he's banged up. He promptly stole the ball and buried a fadeaway that gave the Lakers a 15-point lead.
Bryant said his knee was fine, but his ankle was stiff and sore.
Iverson, one of the greatest small men in league history, showed he's still got something left in those 34-year-old arthritic legs. He nailed one 3-pointer and two possessions later hit another that sliced the deficit to eight.
Iverson showed a glimpse of his former MVP self when he crossed-over Derek Fisher and tossed up a running bank shot as his 6-foot frame slammed onto the unforgiving court. He sank the free throw to complete the three-point play that was vintage Iverson and make it 68-63.
Bryant made the call to guard Iverson at the end of the quarter for a brief one-on-one matchup between 3 and 24.
"He's a scorer, he and I both," Bryant said. "That's what we do. We can score when we're 70 years old."
That third-quarter burst was about all Iverson and the Sixers could muster to make this one a truly close one.
Bryant stepped to the line late in the third to chants of "MVP! MVP!" only to hear it quickly drowned out by boos. He finished the quarter with a little step-back jumper to offset an invigorated Iverson.
"I just got it going a little bit," Iverson said.
Iverson scored 15 points on 6-for-7 shooting in the third to top Bryant's 5-of-7 14-point quarter. Iverson and Bryant each made 10 baskets in the game from the floor.
"That's what Allen can do," Jackson said. "I don't know if he can do it for 48, but he can still do that."
Iverson insisted he was so focused on trying to win the game, he didn't get caught up trying to outshine Bryant. He also refused to draw parallels between his career with Bryant's.
"It's evident that he is one of the best ever to do it," Iverson said. "He goes out there night in and night out and plays the same way every night."

state root 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
Friend's Satorshi transfers from CBR250RR.
Feelings might be the highest.
GSX-R1000 is a motorcycle of the super-sports type that the sea bass is manufacturing. 2001 model model in 2001 type 2001 that is located as flagship in GSX-R series, and being produced for foreign countries now
The displacement improved to 987.8cc, the engine of type GSX-R750 was installed in the body that strengthened some frames and the swing arms to make it correspond to the regulation of the race played with 1000cc in 2000, and it appeared in 2001.
There was not so much room in the distance between cylinders because it was an engine that originally optimized to 750cc not to put the displacement improvement on the mind and had been developed, and, at first, this was able to expand the boa from 72 only to 1mm73mm and cylinders in 2001 when making it to 1000cc though this went back to the crankcase engine of type GSX-R750 divided into three the root of the engine of GSX-R1000 in 1996. The engine was newly marketed from one with 987.8cc slightly not worth full-scale 1000cc in assuming the cylinder head to be type GSX-R750 in 2000 and common because a serious cost and time hung in newly built, and extending the stroke from 46 to 59mm and as much as 13mm. As a result, it connected with the result of obtaining the output characteristic to treat this easily very much though the boa stroke ratio became the long stroke type engine of the exception as an engine of 0.808 and the high power super-sports car.
The difference of the power that was able to be said that it was a class difference from rival's CBR929RR・YZF-R1 was shown, it put, and it took an active part greatly in a circuit all over the world though there were Sharp of cornering and an evaluation of lacking, too, when appearing. Especially, it was overwhelming combat power like entering in the production race with a narrow range of remodeling the state of the one make-up. The other companies comes to send the improvement model in 2002.
2003 type
The first restyling was done in 2003. The frame was newly designed, 2kg was lightened, the reception desk brake caliper of a radial mount was adopted, and LED was adopted in the taillight.
2005 type
Restyling was received in 2005, and a further output increase in 1000cc race regulation was assumed to be a main purpose, and the power weight ratio achieved equaled 1kg/ps from 2005 type to the end with the engine that generated 178ps and 166kg F1 the total emission though it was on the catalog about one cylinder of the boa assumption as 73.4mm expanded in addition by 0.4mm ..998.6cc of full-scale almost.. improvement waiting for a balanced body etc. and the aspect light. It is the one that it compares so that the centralization of the mass may adopt aiming at (The heavy load of muffler can be brought close from a central improvement to center of gravity) and the central improvement muffler and lightening is attempted that adopts the right putting out muffler that R1000 is orthodox though the super-sports model of the other companies adopts the central improvement muffler. ..superbike world championship.. sea bass in the type model in this 2005 enters the war as a works, and has succeeded in the deprivation of the title that is German Ba of Ducati (13 times of the manufacturer title and 11 times of the rider title of 18 times in the past).
2007 type
To receive the third restyling as a series in 2007, and to correspond to automobile exhaust gas regulations of EU, the both sides putting out muffler is adopted. The central improvement muffler was not adopted this time. The engine accomplishes further evolution as it becomes 185ps, and the engine characteristic can be switched to three modes according to the scene though increases from 172kg and predecessors by 6kg since weight adopts the both sides putting out muffler weight.
The model stood in the top of the commendation stand of the endurance road racing of the first time as GSX-R series by the riding of irregular SUZUKI with JOMO 34 Kaga of Yoshi Yamatsshin/Tagaya Akiyoshi including 750cc regulation age in this 2007 July 29, 2007,

state root 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
GSX-R1000 is a motorcycle of the super-sports type that the sea bass is manufacturing. It is located as a flagship in the GSX-R series, and it is being produced for foreign countries now.
Edit 2001 type
2001 model
2001 model
The displacement improved to 987.8cc, the engine of type GSX-R750 was installed in the body that strengthened some frames and the swing arms to make it correspond to the regulation of the race played with 1000cc in 2000, and it appeared in 2001.
There was not so much room in the distance between cylinders because it was an engine that originally optimized to 750cc not to put the displacement improvement on the mind and had been developed, and, at first, this was able to expand the boa from 72 only to 1mm73mm and cylinders in 2001 when making it to 1000cc though this went back to the crankcase engine of type GSX-R750 divided into three the root of the engine of GSX-R1000 in 1996. The engine was newly marketed from one with 987.8cc slightly not worth full-scale 1000cc in assuming the cylinder head to be type GSX-R750 in 2000 and common because a serious cost and time hung in newly built, and extending the stroke from 46 to 59mm and as much as 13mm. As a result, it connected with the result of obtaining the output characteristic to treat this easily very much though the boa stroke ratio became the long stroke type engine of the exception as an engine of 0.808 and the high power super-sports car.
The difference of the power that was able to be said that it was a class difference from rival's CBR929RR・YZF-R1 was shown, it put, and it took an active part greatly in a circuit all over the world though there were Sharp of cornering and an evaluation of lacking, too, when appearing. Especially, it was overwhelming combat power like entering in the production race with a narrow range of remodeling the state of the one make-up. The other companies comes to send the improvement model in 2002.
Edit 2003 type
The first restyling was done in 2003. The frame was newly designed, 2kg was lightened, the reception desk brake caliper of a radial mount was adopted, and LED was adopted in the taillight.
Restyling was received in 2005, and a further output increase in 1000cc race regulation was assumed to be a main purpose, and the power weight ratio achieved equaled 1kg/ps from 2005 type to the end with the engine that generated 178ps and 166kg F1 the total emission though it was on the catalog about one cylinder of the boa assumption as 73.4mm expanded in addition by 0.4mm ..998.6cc of full-scale almost.. improvement waiting for a balanced body etc. and the aspect light. It is the one that it compares so that the centralization of the mass may adopt aiming at (The heavy load of muffler can be brought close from a central improvement to center of gravity) and the central improvement muffler and lightening is attempted that adopts the right putting out muffler that R1000 is orthodox though the super-sports model of the other companies adopts the central improvement muffler. ..superbike world championship.. sea bass in the type model in this 2005 enters the war as a works, and has succeeded in the deprivation of the title that is German Ba of Ducati (13 times of the manufacturer title and 11 times of the rider title of 18 times in the past).
2007 type
To receive the third restyling as a series in 2007, and to correspond to automobile exhaust gas regulations of EU, the both sides putting out muffler is adopted. The central improvement muffler was not adopted this time. The engine accomplishes further evolution as it becomes 185ps, and the engine characteristic can be switched to three modes according to the scene though increases from 172kg and predecessors by 6kg since weight adopts the both sides putting out muffler weight.
The model stood in the top of the commendation stand of the endurance road racing of the first time as GSX-R series by the riding of irregular SUZUKI with JOMO 34 Kaga of Yoshi Yamatsshin/Tagaya Akiyoshi including 750cc regulation age in this 2007 July 29, 2007,
