species 同義 字 在 Bryan Wee Youtube 的評價

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學習自己需要的詞彙,在交流中充滿信心。 (species在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典中的解釋© Cambridge University Press) ... ... <看更多>
Synonyms for SPECIES: bracket, category, class, classification, division, family, genus, grade. ... <看更多>
#1. 16 Synonyms & Antonyms for SPECIES | Thesaurus.com
Find 16 ways to say SPECIES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
學習自己需要的詞彙,在交流中充滿信心。 (species在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典中的解釋© Cambridge University Press) ...
#3. 67 Synonyms of SPECIES - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for SPECIES: bracket, category, class, classification, division, family, genus, grade.
species 的同義詞有:..., 點擊查看哪些詞匯有和species相同或相近的詞義. ... species 中文翻譯:n.〔sing., pl.〕1.種類;【生物學】(物)種。2.【邏輯學】種。3.
#5. Best 41 synonyms for species - Thesaurus
The best 41 synonyms for species, including: variety, category, breed, order, class, division, amphibian, po-ouli, ilk, manner, kind and more.
#6. Another word for SPECIES > Synonyms & Antonyms
Similar words for Species. Definition: noun. ['ˈspiːʃiːz'] (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed.
#7. Synonym (taxonomy) - Wikipedia
The Botanical and Zoological Codes of nomenclature treat the concept of synonymy differently ... In zoology, moving a species from one genus to another results in a ...
#8. Species Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Biology. the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that ...
#9. What is another word for species? - WordHippo
Find 598 synonyms for species and other similar words that you can use instead based on 3 separate contexts from our thesaurus.
#10. Common core-Species - 後設資料工作組(MAAT)
元素名稱 Elements 元素名稱 Elements 元素名稱 Elements 異名; Synonym 名稱; Full name 名稱; Full name 異名; Synonym 中文名稱; Chinese name 中文名稱; Chinese name 異名; Synonym 命名; Name 命名; Name
#11. Perlidae) from China, with proposal of a new species group
Two new species of the stonefly genus Neoperla, N. jiangae sp. nov. and N. ... Two new species and a new synonym of Neoperla (Plecoptera: ...
#12. A New Species and a New Specific Synonym of Pedicularis ...
A New Species and a New Specific Synonym of Pedicallaris. (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains China. Yang Fu-Sheng, Hong De-Yuan, and Wang Xiao- ...
#13. Phlaeothripidae) from India with new synonym of Podothrips ...
The first objective of this paper is to describe a new fungus-feeding species in the Phlaeothripinae genus Apelaunothrips, and to provide a key ...
#14. SPECIES Synonyms - PastTenses
What is the synonym of specific-heat? How many other words for specifically are listed on this site? What are similar words for specificate?
#15. nuclear species; nuclide - 核種 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
名詞解釋: 指原子的種類,依原子核(nucleus)內的核子(nucleon)數目、種類(中子、質子)及能態區分,與同位素(isotope)常用為同義字,但嚴格來說,同位素指同一種元素 ...
#16. A new species and new synonym in the Hypogastrura (s. str ...
The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity ...
#17. Synonym, new species and checklist of the genus ... - GBIF
Synonym, new species and checklist of the genus Fissocantharis Pic from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Mediated by Plazi.org taxonomic treatments ...
#18. Sphaerillo boninensis Nunomura, 1990 (Crustacea, Isopoda ...
Sphaerillo boninensis Nunomura, 1990 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) is a junior synonym of a pantropical species, Venezillo parvus ...
#19. Leuctridae): The European Zoological Journal - Taylor ...
The new species is compared to the Rhopalopsole vietnamica west group. Keywords: New synonymnew speciesRhopalopsolePlecopteraLeuctridaeChina · Previous ...
#20. Synonyms and Antonyms for species
Antonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.
#21. Brasil - A new synonym and description of two new species of ...
One leafhopper species of the genus Portanus Ball, 1932 is synonymized: P. spinosus is considered junior synonym of P. hasemani. In this paper, we offer the ...
#22. World Register of Marine Species - Eteoninae Bergström, 1914
Biota · Animalia (Kingdom) · Annelida (Phylum) · Polychaeta (Class) · Errantia (Subclass) · Phyllodocida (Order) · Phyllodociformia (Suborder) ...
#23. pioneer species synonym - Dictionary - Reverso
pioneer species translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'pine' ... pioneer species synonym, pioneer species definition | Thesaurus.
#24. Species ecology is synonym with - Toppr
Species ecology is synonym with autecology because both mean the ecological study of a particular species. It cannot mean community ecology because that ...
#25. EUNIS Species schema $Id$ Species Species synonym ...
EUNIS Species schema $Id$ Species Species synonym Annex Binomial name The binomial name, binomial nomenclature or "binomen" is the currently accepted ...
#26. Acanthophyllia deshayesiana (Michelin, 1850) Coral Species ...
Acanthophyllia deshayesiana (Michelin, 1850) Coral Species Is Not Synonym With Cynarina lacrymalis (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)
#27. View of New species and new synonym in Elaphidiini and ...
Return to Article Details New species and new synonym in Elaphidiini and corrections for type repositories in Hemilophini (Coleoptera, ...
#28. SPECIES (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of SPECIES (noun): plants or animals with same features; type of person described in particular way.
#29. Sequencing of the type species of Arthopyrenia ... - Mycosphere
Sequencing of the type species of Arthopyrenia places. Arthopyreniaceae as a synonym of Trypetheliaceae. Thiyagaraja V1,2,3,4,5, Lücking R6, ...
#30. Euploea dorippus Klug, 1845 - Lepidoptera - ResearchGate
Euploea dorippus Klug, 1845: species, semispecies, subspecies, junior subjective synonym of Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus), ...
#31. 多益單字- [ species所有相關資訊,by-英文995 ]
species. ['spi:ʃi:z]. n.種類, (單復同)物種. 例句與用法:. This species has reached a higher plane of development. 這一種屬已達到更高的發展階段。
#32. TOEIC Power 多益單字報 - 聯合電子報
【生活英語x國中會考】提供國中必背英文單字、實用字詞、例句以及練習題,助你累積英語基礎 ... 表示「反義字」 intens. → intensive mood 強調的語氣 syn. → 同義字
#33. Species Synonyms & Antonyms
Find a translation for the species synonym in other languages: Select another language: - Select - ...
#34. Species Synonym Cards
Example of card from "Synonyms" stack, depicting original generic designation and junior synonyms. Many species have far more than one junior synonym.
#35. The Importance of Species Name Synonyms in Literature ...
Literature searches should include synonym relationships and a new web service in ITIS, with examples of how to apply it to this issue, was ...
#36. Viette, 1968: a new generic synonym and a new species from ...
Besides, Forkalus Chu & Wang, 1985 was treated as a junior synonym of Thitarodes Viette, 1968, and most species which were described under the genus Hepialus ...
#37. A new species and a new synonym in Pandanus subg. Rykia ...
A new species and a new synonym in Pandanus subg. Rykia (Pandanaceae) in Thailand. Candollea 73: 115–120. In English, English abstract.
#38. Thysanichthys evides, a Senior Synonym of Sebastella ...
Thysanichthys evides, a Senior Synonym of Sebastella littoralis, and a Valid Species of Scorpaenodes (Actinopterygii: Scorpaenidae).
#39. Animal species synonyms, Animal species antonyms
Synonyms for Animal species in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Animal species. 27 synonyms for species: kind, sort, type, group, class, variety, breed, ...
#40. Ichthyomyzon fossor Lethenteron appendix Synonym
Endangered and Threatened Animals of Vermont. Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. 10 February 2022. The species in the ...
#41. "Review of species of <i>Anelaphus</i> Linsley and its new ...
Lingafelter SW. 2020. Review of species of Anelaphus Linsley and its new synonym Gymnopsyra Linsley from the United States and Canada with ...
#42. 1 Species: Astragalus brandegeei Porter Synonyms - USDA ...
Species : Astragalus brandegeei Porter. Synonyms – not a true synonym but it has been noted that the specific epithet should be spelled.
#43. Hyperodes, new synonym of Listronotus, with a checklist of ...
Hyperodes, new synonym of Listronotus, with a checklist of Latin American species (Cylindrorhininae: Curculionidae: Coleoptera).
#44. Yersinia occitanica is a later heterotypic ... - Microbiology Society
Yersinia occitanica is a later heterotypic synonym of Yersinia kristensenii subsp. rochesterensis and elevation of Yersinia kristensenii subsp.
#45. new species and new synonym in Heptagenia Walsh ...
Abstract. A new mayfly species, Heptagenia whitingi Webb & McCafferty n.sp. is described from larvae, a male subimago, a female adult, and eggs collected ...
#46. VII. The Attenuata Species Group of the Genus Neohelota
關鍵字: Helotidae;Neohelota;attenuata species group;taxonomic revision. 公開日期: 三月-2013. 出版社: Entomological Society of America.
#47. Synonyms of species in English - Lexico.com
noun ; type, kind, sort ; genus, family, order, breed, race, strain, variety, class, category, classification ; style, manner, design, shape, form, pattern, group, ...
#48. 912 biochemistry: kellogg et al. - PNAS
#49. Overview of Synonyms section - NatureServe Help & Support
Fields/grids in the Synonyms section: All Species Geographic Levels: Synonyms · Synonym Name · Synonym Author · Synonym Notes · Date Added. Species Global file ...
#50. Get species synonym information by taxonomic name in rredlist
Value. A list, with the data in the result slot, unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string ...
#51. 搜索
We review all species of Gamepenthes in Japan and provide a key to species. 中文翻译:. Nipponodrasterius Kishii属(鞘翅目,Elateridae, ...
#52. Stethojulis axillaris, a Junior Synonym of the Hawaiian Labrid ...
Randall JE, Kay JC. 1974. Stethojulis axillaris, a junior synonym of the Hawaiian labrid fish Stethojulis balteata, with a key to the species of the genus. Pac ...
#53. How to use the species search - NBN Documentation
The NBN Atlas Species Dictionary is based on the UK Species Inventory (UKSI) ... If you type in the common name, scientific name or synonym of a species and ...
#54. Kiefferulus tainanus (Kieffer, 1912) is a distinct species, not a ...
barbatitarsis (Kieffer 1911), and not a synonym of the latter species, as has previously been suggested. The suggestion of synonymy seems to ...
#55. Poa | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Synonym of: Festuca lachenalii (C.C.Gmel.) Spenn. Species: poa · Species. Brachypodium poa Roem. & Schult. Synonym ...
#56. Article 11. Requirements
However, if such a name published as a junior synonym had been treated before 1961 as an available name and either adopted as the name of a taxon or treated as ...
#57. Synonym for Species - Synonymbog.com
krydsord hjælp species; hvordan staves species; Staves det species; species betyder; andet ord for species; species krydsord; species betydning; species ddo ...
#58. New species and a new synonym of Geostiba from the Iberian ...
New species and a new synonym of Geostiba from the Iberian Peninsula. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). V. ASSING.
#59. Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz - The Plant List
Name Status Source Date supplied Ophioxylon album Gaertn. Synonym WCSP 2012‑03‑23 Ophioxylon obversum Miq. Synonym WCSP 2012‑03‑23 Ophioxylon salutiferum Salisb. Synonym WCSP 2012‑03‑23
#60. A new species of Apelaunothrips (Thysanoptera - Magnolia ...
A new species of Apelaunothrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from India with new synonym of Podothrips sasacola Kurosawa.
#61. Cryptic Species and Synonyms: A Reclassification of the ...
neapolitana (Gosliner 1980). In the present day, it is confusingly documented as both a synonym and a separate species. S. sargassicola is found on Sargassum ...
#62. Is *race* a synonym of *species* or is just a common mistake?
No. In its entry for race the 'Oxford English Dictionary's ' first definition is 'A group of people, animals, or plants, connected by common ...
#63. Species synonyms - 567 Words and Phrases for Species
Another way to say Species? Synonyms for Species (other words and phrases for Species).
#64. Issue #623 · gbif/portal16 - Species page - GitHub
Species page: "Synonym species" occ count should include all occurrences for the taxon #623. Closed. thomasstjerne opened this issue on Oct 23, ...
#65. Synonyms for SPECIES - Thesaurus.net
other relevant words (noun). Paraphrases for species. Opposite words for species: class, variety. Homophones for species. Holonyms for species. Hypernyms ...
#66. How to pronounce species | HowToPronounce.com
How to say species in English? Pronunciation of species with 8 audio pronunciations, 26 synonyms, 14 meanings, 13 translations, 17 sentences and more for ...
#67. The Bison and the Blackfeet | Sierra Club
The Blackfeet Nation manages about 800 animals, and several dozen bison were gathered in and around a large, sunny paddock.
#68. Wiktionary, the free dictionary
A thin piece that the flesh of some animals (such as fish) tends to break into. fleak v. (transitive, obsolete, rare) Synonym of flake (“to remove ...
#69. 한반도 자생식물 영어이름 목록집 - 산림청
origin is Korea. Moreover the names of the indigenous plants and indigenous species that are closely related to our culture, we have decided to give English.
#70. species的同义词- 相似词查询
species 是什么意思,species的近义词,species的反义词,species的同义词,跟species类似的英文单词:plants,populations,organisms,thus,bacteria,mammals ...
#71. how to spell species - Lisbdnet.com
18 How many definitions of species are there? 19 Do Neanderthals still exist? 20 Are humans animals or mammals? 21 How do you use specie in a ...
#72. Freshwater Crocodile - Crocodylus johnstoni - AZ Animals
The epithet of johnsoni is, therefore, a mistake, even though a synonym for the freshie is still C. johnsoni. There are no subspecies.
#73. Unseen Passage with Multiple Choice Questions for 2021 | PDF
The synonym of the word 'fragrance' given in the passage 3. (a) Aroma (b) Variety (c) Contain (d) Hence. ANSWERS:- ...
#74. Infective endocarditis in children - UpToDate
Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infection of the endocardium and/or heart valves that involves thrombus formation (vegetation), ...
#75. Culicipedia: Species-group, genus-group and family-group ...
908) – species of Anopheles (Cellia). Synonym: moluccensis Swellengrebel & Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920a. farquharsoni (Edwards, 1922c) (p.
#76. Tenebrionoidea - 第 47 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The species was named in honor of F. Мuiri, and Каszab, 1956: 632 used the ... 1929) is a doubtful species, possibly synonym ofН duplicatus (Кlug, 1845).
#77. Fossil coleoid cephalopod from the Mississippian Bear Gulch ...
All major neocoleoid groups are covered, with an emphasis on gladius-bearing fossil species. Fig. 3: Syllipsimopodi bideni gen. et sp. nov., ...
#78. The California Species of Mealy Bugs - 第 51 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Another slide labeled " cotype " contains immature specimens of a species of ... as a synonym of this and place the species of Puto as a misidentification .
#79. The North American Species of Panicum - 第 323 頁 - Google 圖書結果
This is taken as the type since Torrey evidently intended this as a new species , although “ P. Walteri Ell . ” is cited as a synonym .
#80. Rosser Garrison - Academia.edu
Simple Summary Flying insects are able to colonize oceanic islands by both active and passive dispersal. Ten species of dragonflies are found in the ...
#81. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper - 第 7 頁 - Google 圖書結果
4 2 None 8 1 5 1 Nonc 4 3 3 4 2 1 2 8 None 3 1 2 1 1 13 2 Nonc 31 1 Type species Ordorician in age Genus Approximate number of Ordorician.
#82. Raspberry Fruitworms and Related Species - 第 22 頁 - Google 圖書結果
1785 was subsequently proposed , this being commonly listed in the synonymy of the species here called ochraceus Scriba . 1763.
#83. Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences (Vol. 131, 1979)
1C ) and ovipositor valves essentially similar to those of S. pallida , quite different from those of other species of genus .
#84. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic ...
status: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc). comments: Relationships obscure—apparently not a sister species to M. chrotorrhinus as once believed (see that account and ...
#85. Veterinary Parasitology - 第 72 頁 - Google 圖書結果
This species has a cuticular swelling at the back of the head. Life cycle: The life cycle is indirect. Eggs passed in faeces are ingested by earthworms and ...
#86. On that day the Declaration of Independence was signed ...
... Ecology curriculum ms biosphere, Endangered species habitat matching game, ... Worlds largest seal, Animals and their habitats ks1 student resources, ...
#87. Rick And Morty: 10 Quotes That Live Rent-Free In Fans' Heads
This one is so offensive, there is not even a direct synonym for it in English. This gives some insight into the type of people that Rick mixes ...
#88. Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and What It Says About Us
Traffic book. Read 1172 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Would you be surprised that road rage can be good for society? Or that m...
#89. There are There are false teachings circulating that the spirits ...
Demons may depend on human semen even to reproduce their own species. ... There are 6 different types of Hybrids: Angel + Demon = Nephilem Angel + Lycan ...
#90. Speeding Betting - Samaja Live
'The Samaja', the synonym of news papers in Odisha – a mass circulated and widely read Odia daily has completed 'Hundred' years of its glorious ...
#91. You revert to your original form. Big Bad Wolf is a villainous ...
Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens ... the Mountain Wolf has the most balanced abilities among the three species.
#92. Phylum, Protozoa - Amoeba - Gadget Matrimonio
Amoeba: Synonym i-Rank i: SPECIES: Lineage i › cellular organisms › Eukaryota › Amoebozoa EDInfo Biomedical Sciences Cytoskeletal Links Encyclopaedia of A.
produced from polluted soils to be unsafe for consumption by animals and humans. Many contaminants (including major nutrients such as nitrogen and ...
#94. Worms and beasts make soil cells. This 2013 Hyundai ...
BirdLife species of the day. We focus on creating beautiful and usable websites. S. In just over 1 year, the Xeno bat has taken over the market by storm.
species 同義 字 在 16 Synonyms & Antonyms for SPECIES | Thesaurus.com 的相關結果
Find 16 ways to say SPECIES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ... <看更多>