繼《Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk 比利·林恩的中場戰事》之後,李安再度在《Gemini Man 雙子殺手》挑戰每秒120格的高格率電影格式。這從來不是容易的革命,已經習慣24格電影美學的觀眾和評論者仍然在太過清晰的動作、過份放大的表演中無法怡然自處。所以上映至今爛番茄新鮮度指數只有25%,Metacritic只有38分,只有中國市場的豆瓣評分給了相對支持的7.1分。
▇ 肥皂劇效應
「為了最佳觀賞經驗,請關掉類似TruMotion、Action Smoothing、Motion Interpolation或是諸如此類的功能。」
去年底Alfonso Cuarón的Netflix電影《Roma 羅馬》上架的時候,Netflix在官網上提供了鉅細靡遺的電視設定指南,其中第一個被Netflix強烈建議關掉的,正是最近一年成為好萊塢全民公敵的電視科技——「motion smoothing 動態補償」。
事實上就在《羅馬》上架前三個月,《Interstellar 星際效應》導演Christopher Nolan才剛在導演工會裡頭發難,要阻止電視機產業繼續用「動態補償」技術破壞電影的原貌。「動態補償」到底得罪了誰,讓Paul Thomas Anderson、Martin Scorsese和Patty Jenkins等導演都接連站出來叫陣?
於是就出現了一個新的詞彙被用來詆毀高格率影片和那些開了動態補償而太過流暢清晰的電視畫面:「肥皂劇效果(soap opera effect)」。
▇ 就決定是你了
距今104年前,一本由放映師F.H. Richardson寫的《Handbook of Projection: The Blue Book of Projection 放映師手冊:電影放映的藍皮書》中,白紙黑字(而且全部大寫強調)寫下這句會讓李安點頭如搗蒜的金句。
除了賺錢的工具之外,在《The Birth of a Nation 一個國家的誕生》導演D. W. Griffith眼中電影格率則是藝術表現形式的一部分。他的《Home Sweet Home》中就附上了詳細的放映指示:第一卷膠卷建議放映16分鐘(每秒16.6 格),第二卷約13到14分鐘(每秒17.8到19 格),其他卷則約13到14分鐘(每秒19到20.5格)。
第一部有聲電影《The Jazz Singer 爵士歌手》所採用的Vitaphone錄音系統,是Warner購自Western Electric西方電器旗下貝爾實驗室的技術。這歷史性的一天(必須配上《2001 A Space Odyssey 2001太空漫遊》的查拉圖斯特如是說的音樂),西方電器的工程師Stanley Watkins風塵僕僕地帶著他的團隊拜訪Warner的首席放映師,試圖在這次會議中把格率定下來。
當時放映師通常用每分鐘的膠捲長度來計算而非每秒幾格。Warner的首席放映師Frank Rich回答說多半是每分鐘80呎(約是每秒21.5格),然後部分急性子的戲院老闆則會要求用每分鐘100呎的速度放映(約每秒27格)。
▇ 打不倒的勇者
「我在《2001太空漫遊》劇組工作的時候第一次迷上這種沈浸式電影體驗。那時候我們的電影被投放在Cinerama那種90呎寬的弧形巨大銀幕上頭,那是今日的IMAX都比不上的壯觀場面。當年我是個容易感動的敏感孩子,而Kubrick本人就在我眼前創造初、那些純粹的視覺奇觀——後來被大家稱作終極之旅,因為整部電影已經在追求純粹體驗的道路上徹底擺脫了世俗的所有電影常規。這一刻影響我無比深遠,我當場說:Holy sh-! 這太酷了!我將來想要拍這種電影,我想要探索這種電影語言。」
這段話出自《2001太空漫遊》、《Close Encounters of the Third Kind 第三類接觸》、《Star Trek: The Motion Picture 星艦迷航記》和《Blade Runner 銀翼殺手》的好萊塢特效大師Douglas Trumbull。這次堪比大腿骨被猿人丟上太空的啟發經驗,促使Trumbull成為日後全世界最積極推動高格率電影的人。
Kubrick當時用的Cinerama弧形銀幕(由三台35mm放映機畫面拼接而成)來自一名從百老匯轉戰好萊塢的技術投資人Mike Todd。NASA曾用來記錄阿波羅11任務的Todd-AO電影格式也是他的發明。這兩種劃時代的技術加起來幾乎就是今日IMAX的前身。每秒30格、曲形寬銀幕、高解析度70mm底片,幾乎你能想到的好萊塢規則都在1950年代被他逐一打破。
雖然Mike Todd留下的公司早已破產或是被併購,但他留下的技術仍隱身在今日的電影裡無所不在,唯一早早夭折的就是Todd-AO所採用的每秒30格的格式。在《Oklahoma! 奧克拉荷馬之戀》和《Around the World in 80 Days 環遊世界80天》兩次華麗但費力(必須用兩台攝影機拍兩次以便在傳統戲院也能上映)的產品展示之後,Todd就因為成本太高、推動困難而高舉雙手向24格的魔王投降。
Mike Todd的故事後來以電影宣傳後期駕駛小飛機墜機身亡的悲劇收尾(附帶一提他的未亡人是女星Elizabeth Tyler)。
Douglas Trumbull的故事相較起來或許勵志一點......
▇ 從24格的夢中醒來
於是這一切越來越像《The Matrix 駭客任務》的電影劇情:
Douglas Trumbull那被大腿骨砸到的靈光乍現一刻,就像是紅膠囊、藍膠囊的決定性時刻。此後半世紀,Trumbull開始扮演Morpheus的角色,義無反顧地持續推動高格率電影革命,並成功遊說關鍵影人Peter Jackson和James Cameron從Matrix中覺醒,加入他的陣營。
Douglas Trumbull以Mike Todd為師,在1970年代推出了每秒60格、70mm的新格式名為ShowScan。迄今從來沒有成功使用在任何一部電影長片中。即便公司早已破產,Trumbull仍鍥而不捨地到處傳教。2014年他甚至親自執導了一部3D、4K、每秒120格的Demo短片《UFOTOG》,到處參加展會示範120格的真實。
相較於已經棄教的Peter Jackson以及幾年前早就說要用高格率拍《Avatar 阿凡達》續集卻在這幾天改口說高格率行不通的James Cameron,李安已經挺過艱難的兩部電影,並且在各種批評聲浪中仍不死心地回答記者說下一部電影《Thrilla in Manila 馬尼拉之戰》如果預算允許的話仍然會用每秒120格拍攝。雖然24格的燈光、攝影、剪接、表演搬到120格的新宇宙顯然都有水土不服的情形,李安仍不打算放棄追尋120格宇宙自己那一套的美學。
Christopher Nolan挟著導演工會的勢力和HUD超高解析度聯盟的電視機產業代表談判,成功使UHD聯盟旗下的LG、Vizio和Panasonic等品牌在日前宣示2020年起要在電視機上設置所謂「Filmmaker Mode 導演模式」,以便觀眾可以快速關掉各種花俏的動態補償效果,觀賞最接近24格的原汁原味。但仍有電視廠商陽奉陰違地繼續研發更先進的插幀技術,引入人工智慧來讓被補進去的畫格「比真實更真實」。
向來熱衷追求技術升級的Netflix,已經在一年內徹底強迫自製節目採用4K、Atmos和HDR的規格,甚至讓攝影機廠商人仰馬翻地升級設備以免被Netflix的4K規定擠出市場。雖然對於高格率節目Netlix一直維持「有興趣」但「沒出手」的猶豫狀態,但這幾天Netflix無預警地踩過另外一條肯定會讓Christopher Nolan神經緊張的界線:上週他們開始在部分手機用戶的APP上測試讓他們選擇自己喜歡的速度看節目。
電視產業最激進的一步應該還是去年底開播的NHK BS8K,每天播出8K解析度、22.2多聲道節目,而且還以每秒60格和120格兩種格率播出,此外東京奧運期間更將全面使用該格式來轉播,提供無死角涵蓋整個球場、每個動作鉅細彌遺絕無殘影的賽事畫面。
「此時此刻電影的技術規格已經和電視幾乎相同了。兩種媒介的差異微乎其微,但因為在平板電腦上看電影實在太過方便,年輕人正在快速地遠離電影這個媒介。不過如果我們能夠用電影的沈浸式體驗來展示它的真正力量,或許就可以讓電影留在戲院久一點,不要這麼快就在電視出現。」高格率電影教主Douglas Trumbull開示。
(原載於端傳媒:https://theinitium.com/ )
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅董事長樂團 The Chairman Band,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▶英國Feel The Reel國際影展|9月份入選 ▶美國國際獨立影片獎-夏季徵選|金獎 ▶紐約The Cutting Room國際短片影展|放映片 ▶台灣金點設計獎|設計標章 ▎Facebook|https://www.facebook.com/chairman.taiwan/ ▎LINE|h...
space opera 在 Online Station Facebook 八卦
space opera 在 Alison Lau 劉卓昕 Facebook 八卦
My first role in a full production is done! Thank you Opera Hong Kong for giving me the opportunity to perform in Don Giovanni! Learning to sing and act Zerlina turned out to be one of the most difficult and satisfying experience I’ve ever had. I am very grateful to every teacher and coach who has inspired me along the way, and to OHK, I wouldn’t be where I am today without their generous vocal scholarship and the Young Artist Programme’s training. It was an honour to share the stage with the marvellous cast and crew. What you all saw on stage was only a tip of the iceberg of a huge collaborative effort of many, many people. <3
Thanks to my friends and family, and my colleagues at Universal Classics Hong Kong who were superbly understanding and supportive in the last few months, giving me time and space to totally submerge in the worlds of lieder and opera. Thanks to all the OHK Chorus ladies who'd always encouraged me and sent me on to stage with a burst of energy for our first entrance “Giovinette”. Thanks to all of my colleagues who were patient, kind and generous in sharing their experience, and guided my footsteps (many times, literally) in the unfamiliar realm of opera. It was the most wonderful feeling when fear and anxiety suddenly became excitement, and when recitatives began to turn from text to meaning. I know it’s cliche but I have to keep reminding myself: Trust that life is giving you exactly what you need practice in, and also the harder you work, the luckier you get. :)
space opera 在 董事長樂團 The Chairman Band Youtube 的評價
▶英國Feel The Reel國際影展|9月份入選
▶紐約The Cutting Room國際短片影展|放映片
詞:(小法咒)吳永吉 李光正
拜請九天玄女娘 騰雲駕霧扶化延
符水救民攻妙應 桃條打鬼法無邊
天上陽陽隨娘轉 地下茫茫隨娘行
弓鞋化做三港口 角巾飛上九重天
九天玄女 騎鶴踏紫雲
斬妖滅邪 統領天兵
掌管天機 慈心至理
濟世萬民 九天玄女
身在盧山傳法界 救苦救難速消災
吾是三師三女子 降來桃園動里仙
遊天功曹揚法主 遊海功曹陳法明
法門弟子專拜請 玄女娘娘降臨來
九天玄女 騎鶴踏紫雲
斬妖滅邪 統領天兵
掌管天機 慈心至理
濟世萬民 九天玄女
合唱:九天民俗技藝團 董事長樂團
法仔鼓:挪吒劇坊 董事長樂團
口簧琴:Chor Lai
The Goddess of Jiu-Tian
Lyrics:Taiwan god Incantation、Wu, Yung-Chi、Li, Guang-Jheng Composer:Taiwanese opera song
Worship the Goddess of Jiu-Tian,Come riding the blooming cloud
Magic potions spread the mercy,God’s baton smites the devil
The forces of the sky revolved around her,The ground army followed her forward Her boots shelter battleships,Her horns shoot into outer space
Jiu-Tian Xuannu,foot on the purple clouds
Smite all devils,Lead the heaven's army
Managing all natural operations,Mercy and Compassion. Heal the people, Goddess of Jiu-Tian
Seclusion in the mountains to teach philosophy,Relieve suffering souls. I am the voice from the temple of heaven, Descend onto earth and reside since
Roam the sky to spread the gospel,Skip the ocean to declare God's logic.All the apprentices should keep their faith,Goddess of Jiu-Tian descends from sky Heaven's army storms on order.
Arranged by The Chairman
Harmony:The Chairman
String music by : Wang, Jyun-Jie
Taiwanese opera:Maria(Chio-Tian Folk Drums and Arts Troupe)
Chorus: Chio-Tian Folk Drums and Arts Troupe、 The Chairman
Chinese Tom-Tom:Na-Cha FOLK&ARTS TROUPE、 The Chairman
Flute:Hu, Syu-Hong( Chai Found Music Workshop )
Erhu:Huang, Jheng-Ming ( Chai Found Music Workshop )
Mouth Harp :Chor Lai
space opera 在 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 Youtube 的評價
space opera 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的評價
เผยโฉมตัวจริง All-New Nissan Note e-Power 2021 นิสสัน โน้ต อีเพาเวอร์ โฉมใหม่ เริ่มขาย 23 ธันวาคมนี้ ในประเทศญี่ปุ่น
ระบบขับเคลื่อน 2WD เครื่องยนต์รหัส HR12DE-EM47
รุ่น F ราคา 2,054,800 เยน
รุ่น S ราคา 2,029,500 เยน
รุ่น X ราคา 2,186,800 เยน
Evolution of e-POWER "e-POWER", which has evolved into the second generation, has renewed its motor and inverter. Compared to the predecessor "Note", the motor has improved torque by 10% and output by 6%, achieving more powerful and comfortable starting acceleration and a powerful feeling of acceleration when overtaking from medium and high speeds. The inverter is 40% smaller and 30% lighter than the first generation, and the efficiency of the engine is also improved, which not only improves acceleration performance but also improves fuel efficiency. In addition, by reducing the frequency of engine operation by controlling the system and improving the sound insulation performance of the car body, we have achieved a class of quietness despite being a compact car. In addition, we have developed the world's first control system that actively generates electricity when it is judged that road noise is large based on the road surface condition, and we are improving the quietness.
Advanced safety technology
in all directions Equipped with advanced safety technology that realizes 360 ° safety support, safety in all directions has been improved. In addition, "ProPilot (with Navilink function)" is installed for the first time * 2 . By adding a function linked with the navigation system to the professional pilot who supports driving operations when driving in the same lane on the highway, it is possible to switch the set speed according to the change in the speed limit and decelerate according to the size of the curve. The system assists the driver to reduce the frequency of operation and realize a safe and comfortable drive.
In addition, Nissan's first 1470MPa class ultra-high-tensile steel (ultra-high-strength steel plate for cold pressing) is used for the body frame to achieve both weight reduction and collision safety at a high level.
Exterior design that goes beyond the conventional wisdom of compact cars
A thin headlamp integrated with the front grille, a new V-motion chrome that connects to it, a character line that connects from the front to the rear with a single line, and a clean view that extends below it The advanced, clean and dynamic design of Nissan's new design language, such as the inflection of the richly sloping surface depending on the angle and the distinctive signature rear combination lamp with the shape of one horizontal character that spreads horizontally, while being compact It also has a striking presence. In addition, the front grille has a pattern inspired by Kumiko, a traditional Japanese craft, and has a "design that blends into the Japanese landscape." The sleek and advanced headlamps use a 4-unit LED projector * 3 . Similarly, the optional 16-inch aluminum wheels have a sharp and sophisticated design inspired by Japanese swords, and are designed to remind you of the driving performance of the "e-POWER." We have prepared a wide range of 13 body colors, including 2 tones of 2 colors, to create a lineup that customers can enjoy and choose according to their tastes. Nissan's new cool tone "Opera Move", which was developed for the advanced and dynamic "Vivid Blue" and the new "Note", is a color that suits sophisticated adults.
Advanced and comfortable interior space The
interior design realizes an advanced and comfortable space that overturns the common sense of compact cars. The instrument panel that expands outward is equipped with a meter integrated with the center display, embodying Nissan's new interior design concept that combines advanced feeling and ease of use suitable for electrification. In addition, the bridge-type center console on which a small electronically controlled shift lever sits is equipped with a large storage space and long reach armrests, so you can enjoy both comfortable driving with an innovative design. In addition, the center console in the front seat is equipped with highly convenient functions such as a wireless charger for smartphones * 3 . The rear seats are equipped with a reclining function, ensuring a class-leading spacious space in both the knee room and headroom. Furthermore, in the luggage compartment, by securing a wide opening and luggage compartment width, it is possible to store luggage without stress. Three types of interior colors and materials are available. The X grade is a combination of a jersey seat with gradation stripes and a synthetic leather armrest. The instrument panel also features carbon-like decorations and a long, horizontally-spreading matte chrome finisher for a clean, modern color coordination.