#1. Sorry for bothering you at this busy time.
This sentence is original and was not derived from translation. Sorry for bothering you at this busy time. added by Chrikaru, August 31, 2012.
#2. "Is it natural to say "Sorry to trouble during your busy time. Can ...
2018年1月22日 — "Sorry to bother you while you are busy. Can we reschedule tomorrow's meeting. I have a scheduling conflict.
#3. sorry to bother you in your busy time - Washington County ...
Boots Riley Mines His Experiences As A Telemarketer In 'Sorry To Bother You' The social satire takes aim at corporations that underpay and exploit workers. It ...
#4. 8 "Sorry to Bother You" Alternatives Every Salesperson Needs
I know you're busy, but I just wanted to touch base one last time. All the best,. Annoying Allen. send-now-hubspot-sales-bar. So, why should you ...
#5. 如何禮貌地使用英語來抱怨|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
用I'm sorry to bother you. 或Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me? 來開頭,先讓聽的人可以放鬆。當人們感覺舒服時,和他們打交道會更容易些。
#6. How to say “sorry for bothering you” when you stop by ... - Quora
I'm grateful for your time when I'm sure you're probably busy.” Showing sincere appreciation in a situation like this is sometimes better than apologizing, if ...
#7. Sorry For Bothering You vs. Sorry To Bother You (Meaning
What Does “Sorry For Bothering You” Mean? When we're bothering someone at a particular time, we often say this phrase. It's the present continuous tense, which ...
#8. sorry to bother you - TextRanch
sorry to bother you or sorry for bothering you? - Which English form is more popular?
#9. “I'm Sorry to Bother You. I know You're Busy.” - LinkedIn
This silly need to be deferential or polite is an historical legacy of hierarchical organizations in which the boss's time and ideas and ...
#10. More formal way of saying: "Sorry to bug you again about this ...
My recommendation: go with 'Sorry to bother you. ... a response regarding issue X. If you are unable to provide an answer at this time, ...
#11. excuse my bothering you / sorry to be disturbing you
Sorry to be bothering you at such a late hour... or Sorry to bother ... After all we can use the present continuous with a period of time, ...
#12. I am terribly sorry for bothering you during a busy time. - Weblio
i am terribly sorry for bothering you during a busy time.の意味や使い方 あなたが忙しいところを申し訳ないです。 - 約1175万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。
#13. Disturb from? - Forum - Duolingo
I'm sorry for disturbing you at a busy time. All those are grammatical. I don't think we get disturbed "from" something. We can be distracted ...
#14. Sorry for bothering - Translation into Portuguese - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "Sorry for bothering" in English-Portuguese from Reverso Context: Sorry for ... Sorry for bothering you at this busy time.
#15. bother中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Does it bother you that he's out so much of the time? 他出去了那麽長時間,你不擔心嗎 ... I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me lift this suitcase?
#16. Hindi Translation of “sorry” | Collins English-Hindi Dictionary
You say 'Sorry' or 'I'm sorry' as a way of expressing your disappointment or sadness that ... Times, Sunday Times (2013) ... I'm sorry to bother you but .
#17. 5 Better Things to Say Instead of 'I'm Sorry' At Work
You want to say: “I'm sorry to bother you.” Instead, say: “I know how busy you are, but I'd love your feedback on something. Is now a good time?”.
#18. Im sorry to bother you during such busy times, but I would
Question - Im sorry to bother you during such busy times, but I would - 24. Find the answer to this and other Medical questions on JustAnswer.
#19. Saying You're Sorry (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth
Other times, it might take a while for someone to feel friendly after you apologize. You might need to give the other person some time. Even after you say you' ...
#20. i'm sorry to bother you - French translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "i'm sorry to bother you" – French-English dictionary and search ... I'm sorry, you're going over the time.
#21. 在开发信跟进邮件中不要说Sorry to Bother You Again
I know you're busy, but I just wanted to touch base one last time. All the best,. [your name]. 有时候一个令人讨厌的短语或句子会对销售型跟进邮件 ...
#22. How to Apologize: 8 Tips to Effectiveness & Sincerity - Healthline
“I'm sorry that happened, but, you know, it really wasn't my fault.” More than likely, you've probably made a subpar apology yourself a time or ...
#23. Scene1. Class Note
A: Dana Murphy老師說: "A very busy man" is pretty common. ... "I'm sorry to bother you" ... "I'll try not to take up too much of your time."?
#24. 11 Apologies That Scream Lack of Confidence |
Beginning an email or phone call with, "Sorry to bother you, but. ... clients on the spot it means you're busy, so stop apologizing for it.
#25. Why Girls Apologize Too Much - Child Mind Institute
But saying you're sorry too much can backfire. ... situations that call for a real, heartfelt apology and times when she's just saying sorry out of habit.
#26. sorry to bother you Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of SORRY TO BOTHER YOU (phrase): when politely asking someone to do something.
#27. 7 Things You Should Absolutely Stop Apologizing For - Greatist
Next time you find yourself about to apologize for these seven things, stop. Then, try one of the alternative phrases if you can't totally bite ...
#28. How to Apologize Like a Professional - Hugo Team
Make sure to have a good understanding of your strengths in these times because if you aren't being supported work will feel like hell. Know the value you bring ...
#29. How do you respond when someone says sorry to bother you?
Guys who are actually interested will make time for you. Everyone's busy AF, but if a guy actually cares, he'll do whatever it takes to be in ...
#30. Stop saying I'M SORRY: More ways to apologize in English
#31. Sorry to bother you, but do you say “sorry” too much? What to ...
Think about all the times you use the word “sorry” in a typical day. · Canadian sociologist Maja Jovanovic believes the “sorry”s we sprinkle ...
#32. English Phrase: sorry to bother you |
To "bother" someone means to annoy them or take up their time. So the phrase "Sorry to bother you" is an apology for using up some of a person's time.
Sorry to bother you again, but I urgently need you to answer ... I know you must be very busy but if you could find the time to do this …
#34. Apology Letter for Bothering (Sample Letter) -
Know that this mistake will never recur again. Every time I plan to visit your office, I will first call you to know if you are busy. I appreciate your ...
#35. ビジネスで重宝する”sorry to bother you”の意味と2つの使い方
こんにちはRYO英会話ジムのリョウです。今日はビジネスやフォーマルなシーンで使える"sorry to both.
#36. Four Tips For Following Up When You Need A Response Fast
Resist The Urge To Apologize. “I don't want to pester you. I'm sorry for clogging up your inbox. I hate to bother you about this again ...
#37. “No Worries If Not!”: The Apologetic Phrase Women Can't Stop ...
... couched in apology: "sorry to bother you", "I'm probably wrong but. ... Some women even took the tweet as a sign it was time to retrain ...
#38. How to Apologize to Customers - Freshdesk
Are there some ground rules you can follow to apologize for a mistake ... A lot of times in customer support, agents tend to reuse existing ...
#39. Sorry For Bothering You - Apology Letter
Sorry For Bothering You. ... I didn't realize you {were busy/don't give out free advice/etc.}. ... I apologize, too, for my {bad timing/bluntness/etc.}.
#40. The best 124 apologize sentence examples - YourDictionary
I must apologize for keeping you waiting, we've been incredibly busy this morning. ... He'd felt a need to apologize the last two times he spoke to Vara, ...
#41. How Not to Say, Im Sorry - Psych Central
This is not an apology. It is said out of fear of confrontation and sometimes said to get the response, you are not bothering me. It reveals ...
#42. Sorry Not Sorry! How to Apologize in Italian Like a Pro - FluentU
Perdonatemi per avervi fatto perdere tempo: Pardon me for wasting [all of] your time. Asking for Forgiveness: Expressions for Big Offenses. Imagine now that you ...
#43. What Does It Mean When a Girl Says She's Sorry for the Late ...
#44. Pleasantly Persistent: 5 Rules for Effectively Following Up
After all, you don't want to waste your time, either. I'll sometimes say, “I know how busy you are and completely understand if you just haven't had the time to ...
#45. Practice Grammar - Oxford University Press
(I / think) she's busy at the moment. She's washing ... 9 A: I'm sorry you had to wait all that time. ... (bother) you, but I don't know who.
#46. Sorry | Traductor de inglés a español
sorry ; We're very sorry for his injury, but this is absurd. Estamos muy apenadas por su lesión, pero esto es absurdo. ; You can not change your grades one time ...
#47. *bother* แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า ...
bother, I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. bother, If you ... bother, I'm sorry to bother you, but I would like to ask you a favor.
#48. 58 Words and Phrases for Sorry To Bother - Power Thesaurus
Another way to say Sorry To Bother? Synonyms for Sorry To Bother (other words and phrases for Sorry To Bother).
#49. Don't Be Shy: 4 Tips for Talking to Your Doctor - Johns ...
Patients have their own busy schedules, too, and they want to get in and out ... Also, don't be afraid to bring up pain or a feeling that's bothering you, ...
#50. Sorry to trouble you. Which one is the proper reply to it ... - Italki
If someone says to you: Sorry to trouble you. ... ok" "Not a problem" However, as janee mentioned if someone is busy the response will likely be negative.
#52. 8 Alternatives To Saying "Sorry To Bother You" for Sales Reps
If you work in sales, you may be responsible for calling potential customers multiple times. Understanding how to contact consumers ...
#53. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you in Spanish - SpanishDict
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.No sabía que estabas en una reunión. Perdón, no quise molestarle. 2. (used to address multiple people).
#54. What to Say Instead of “Sorry” | Cleverism
Similarly, “I am sorry” is not the statement you should use if you simply want some time off other's person busy schedule or want to communicate ...
#55. Master the Dos and Don'ts of the Japanese Business Email ...
(Terribly sorry for bothering you so many times [used when contacting someone ... (You must be very busy but please take care of yourself) ...
#56. IN THE LOOP - Iowa Judicial Branch
Why must you tell me every time you see a red light ... to bother, annoy, or irritate mildly ... The people in the office were sorry to see Amira leave.
#57. How To Apologize Without Saying Sorry In Business
Learn to create time for yourself to rest no matter how busy you are because when you are well-rested, you can deliver with ease. Figure out the Origin and ...
#58. How to Apologize for Being Annoying - Classroom
Arrange to have a chat with the person you've annoyed and save your apology for the time that works best for you both. The last thing you want to do after ...
#59. Email Scams - February 2013 -
Am Sorry to bother you with this mail, but I just arrived in Cyprus for a ... we haven't received any acknowledgement mail from you up till this time.
#60. Stop Saying Sorry! Signs You're an Over-Apologizer - A ...
The word loses its meaning since you say it all the time. ... Instead of approaching someone with “Sorry to bother you…
#61. Easy-To-Use Email Templates When A Response Is Overdue
How much time do you spend writing and rewriting difficult emails? ... I'm super sorry to bother you because I know you're busy and have way ...
#62. Asking for a favour / help politely (video included) - British ...
If they don't have the time, or if they are busy doing something else, we might not want to ask for their help. In this case, you can safely judge a person's ...
#63. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
We'll discuss this with you when we will meet. 見面時,我們將會和你討論此事。 Sorry! This meeting has taken so much of your time. 抱歉!
#64. 9 words and phrases that make any professional look weak
In most cases, you didn't do anything wrong. “Sorry” is more like “Sorry for bothering you” or “Sorry for taking up your time.” Of course, if ...
#65. Wishes and hypotheses | - | LearnEnglish - British Council ...
I wish I could see you next week. If only we could stop for a drink. I wish we had a bigger house. They are always busy. If only they had more time.
#66. Asking for a Favor in English: Lesson and Quiz - ThoughtCo
Could I possibly take some time off to help? ... Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitive ... Sister: Sorry, but I can't do that.
#67. How to Write a Follow-Up Email After No Response - Mailshake
If you're not interested, please let me know and I'll promptly close your tab in our CRM to never bother you with {{company}} sales emails again. 1 – “Sorry, I ...
#68. My feminine, compulsive "sorry": I apologize for everything ...
I feel especially sorry for bothering someone else with my problems. ... If I say sorry enough times, the other person will forgive me for ...
#69. Sorry for the times my depression and anxiety made me a ...
The moments I wasn't 100% invested in our conversations, when my attention wandered as you told me what's been going on – because I was too busy ...
#70. I'm sorry for being alone all the time | by Elma. L | Medium
Is it bothering you? I've read this sentence when i'm scrolling down my ig, it said: “you'll never knowing someone untill you dip in to their ...
#71. I'm Sorry • Letter Examples - WriteExpress
You mean the world to me. I am always lonely between the times we see each other. I always find myself trying to keep busy, because if I sit still for too long, ...
#72. Phrases You Should Never, Ever Use in a Professional Email
Sorry to Bother You. If you're taking the time and effort to write an email to someone, you've already asked for, or speaking more practically, ...
#73. 12 Alternatives for "I apologize for the inconvenience"
You: Please excuse me for what happened. My kids actually fight all the time. As they say, boys will be boys. 8. I apologize for bothering you ...
#74. お忙しいところすみませんって英語でなんて言うの? - DMM ...
Sorry to bother you while you're busy. play icon. Sorry to disturb you at this time. play icon. 「お忙しいところすみません」は英語で色々な ...
#75. Toxic People: 12 Things They Do and How to Deal with Them ...
They'll lie before they ever apologise, so there's no point arguing. ... Toxic people have a way of drawing on the one time you didn't or the one time you ...
#76. Faking it — scammers' tricks to steal your heart and money
There is an 8 hour time difference and he sits up to late hours in the day and night to speak with me and video chat with me.
#77. Sorry, Not Sorry If I Don't Respond To Your Texts. I'm Busy ...
When did we start measuring how good a friend someone is or how important we are to them by their response time to texts and messages?
#78. Help Us Improve the Google Translate Tool
Help improve Google Translate for the languages you speak. Contribute to help people around the world understand your language better.
#79. What Is Phubbing? Why It's Bad for Relationships and ... - TIME
'Phubbing' Is Hurting Your Relationships. Here's What It Is. By Jamie Ducharme. March 29, 2018 7:00 AM EDT. Whether you know it or not, you've been phubbed.
#80. 7 Things You Don't Need To Apologize For In A Relationship
Apologies play a huge role in keeping relationships happy and healthy — hey, we all screw up from time to time, right? — but saying sorry is ...
#81. 'Can you do me a favor?' scam asks for gift cards - Detroit Free ...
Very busy at the moment. Can't talk. Just send an email when you receive this. Thanks." And remember, the phishing email is crafted to appear ...
#82. Translate sorry to disturb you in Hindi with examples
Contextual translation of "sorry to disturb you" into Hindi. Human translations with examples: sorry disturb you. ... English. sorry to bother you ...
#83. Dear Sir, I'm sorry: letters of apology to former teachers - The ...
I remember that: your pleasure at us seeing things for the first time. You encouraged my mind to whirr while most of my experience of school ...
#84. How to Deal with Difficult Customers: 11 Proven Tips for ...
Many shoppers are extremely busy and have no time to wait around. How you can you serve customers promptly without compromising quality? Hire ...
#85. Steam users: Don't fall for the "I accidentally reported you" scam
There are some scams on Steam which have stood the test of time. Their tactics and target have remained generally consistent for years. Phishing ...
#86. Why 'I'm too busy' isn't an acceptable excuse - Mashable
Telling people you're too busy is a waste of time. ... But, sorry Chance the Rapper, the answer to rampant hustle culture also isn't just ...
#87. 17 Email Phrases To Help You Get The Desired Response
If you write an email to someone you don't know, you may go with ... favor) or you know they are very busy but still find time to write you.
#88. how can I stop my office's "I'm sorry" culture? - Ask a Manager
I have had to work really hard to stop saying sorry every time I ask a question at work ... “OMG, I'm so sorry to bother you, you look busy…
#89. Should You Send That DM? Well … - The New York Times
Most of the places you spend your time online — like Facebook, ... Saying something like, “I'm sorry to bother you, but I just want to make ...
#90. Disadvantages of the birth control ring - Planned Parenthood
Remembering to put a new ring in on time might be hard. ... If you keep having side effects that bother you after using the ring for 3 months, ...
#91. Texting Do's and Don'ts in Relationships - One Love Foundation
If you know that person is busy and can't respond right away, maybe pick a different time that you can both set aside to give each other the attention you ...
#92. How to Write a Follow-Up Email After No Response (Updated ...
Fortunately, tools like Hunter Campaigns can help you save time ... I apologize in advance for bothering you; Sorry for being so persistent ...
#93. EPA-130 Hi Beth, Sorry to keep bothering you, but it just ...
Sorry for the late notice, and I understand if you're busy, but it would help my ... existing impoundments, in operation at any one time.
#94. Moonshine - 第 40 頁 - Google 圖書結果
She truly sounded sorry, but Kaila was not ready to forgive her, yet. It would take her at least ... I'll talk to you another time when you're not so busy.
#95. Heart Block - Google 圖書結果
Mom always tells me exactly what I should do when something is bothering me. ... I guess what it comes down to is that I'm really, really busy.
#96. The First Rose of Summer - 第 55 頁 - Google 圖書結果
I decided it was time to move into the 21st century and put one in. I didn't realize it would ... “Sure nothing's bothering you? ... I've just been so busy.
#97. Dealing with a toxic friendship | ReachOut Australia
Would you just like the behaviour to stop, or would you like an apology, too? Do you think your friend will change if you tell them how you're feeling? It's ...
sorry for bothering you at this busy time 在 Stop saying I'M SORRY: More ways to apologize in English 的八卦
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