美國在台協會很榮幸宣布,今年共153家台灣企業、220名公司代表參與由美國商務部於6月7日至11日主辦的「選擇美國投資高峰會」。台灣代表團更榮登第八屆「選擇美國投資高峰會」規模最大的海外企業代表團。2021年由於疫情影響,「選擇美國投資高峰會」改以線上形式舉辦。美國在台協會處長酈英傑 表示:「我們為這些關鍵產業設計客製化的活動,以進一步深化我們和台灣的商務關係。台灣是我們在全球關鍵供應鏈中信任的夥伴,拜登政府特別重視確保全球供應鏈的安全。」新聞稿請見:https://bit.ly/3isX2nt #SelectUSA #選擇美國投資高峰會
The American Institute in Taiwan is pleased to announce that 220 delegates representing 153 companies from across Taiwan are joining the Department of Commerce SelectUSA Investment Summit June 7-11. This represents the largest single delegation from a foreign market to ever attend the annual Summit, which is now in its eighth year. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Investment Summit is being conducted in an all-virtual format. According to AIT Director W. Brent Christensen, “We created a customized program for these strategic sectors in order to deepen our commercial ties with Taiwan, a trusted partner in securing critical global supply chains, which is a top priority of the Biden Administration.” See the press release: https://bit.ly/3pIJXbh
selectusa investment summit 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
美國在台協會在此感謝台灣的企業,包括研華科技、合晶科技、宏遠興業,以及大成鋼公司,在本週「選擇美國」投資高峰會,給予「對美國勞工的承諾」活動大力支持。這些企業也承諾培訓1,500名美國勞工,並且在簽署儀式上獲得商務部部長羅斯以及資深總統顧問伊凡卡川普的表彰。#SelectUSA #SelectUSA2019
AIT would like to thank Taiwan companies, including Advantech, Wafer Works, Everest, and Ta Chen, for stepping up during the “Pledge to America’s Workers” event that was held during the SelectUSA Investment Summit this week. These companies have pledged to train 1,500 American workers, and were recognized during a signing ceremony with Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, and Ivanka Trump, Senior Advisor to the President.
selectusa investment summit 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
美國在台協會梅健華處長於6月7日為前往美國華府參加第三屆『選擇美國投資高峰會』台灣代表團成員舉辦臨行酒會。梅處長在他的致詞中提到:「在此慶賀台美堅定的商務關係之際, 我們對於已經在美國投資或有計畫前往美國投資的台灣公司給予肯定和祝福。」梅處長將率領68位的台灣工商界代表出席於6月19-21日舉辦的『選擇美國投資高峰會』。梅處長進一步強調:「我們很自豪地說連續三年台灣代表團的規模都是全球最大的之一, 由此再次証明台美深厚的商務關係。」 #SelectUSA
“It’s only fitting that we celebrate our U.S.-Taiwan commercial relationship, and at the same time give recognition to Taiwan companies that have already invested in the United States or have plans to do so.” AIT Director Kin Moy said in the June 7th Send-off Reception to the Taiwan delegation of this year’s SelectUSA Summit. Led by Director Moy, the delegation of 68 members will attend the third SelectUSA Investment Summit to be held in Washington, D.C., on June 19-21. Director Moy further stated that "we are proud to announce that for the third year in a row, the delegation from Taiwan is one of the largest to be represented at the Investment Summit -- a true testament to the U.S. - Taiwan relationship."