Jim Carrey ชีวิตจริงไม่ตลกเหมือนในละคร / โดย ลงทุนแมน
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และบอกกับตัวเองว่าภายในปี 1995...
Continue ReadingJim Carrey real life is not as funny as in drama / by investing man
" when I don't have money with me
I used to write a check for $ 10 million.
And tell myself by 1995
I need to get this amount for my price "
Jim Carrey, a famous Canadian-American actor, said in 1985
And finally, what he intended came true when he was hired to play a film to earn $ 10 million by 1995
But than Jim Carrey is successful like these days
What has he been through? Invest man will tell you about it.
Jim Carrey was born on January 17, 1962 in Canada, with a father doing an accountant, and his mother was a housewife.
Until one day his father lost his job. The family didn't have much money until he didn't have a home that he lived. It was
He and his family have to live in a small van around the relative's lawn because they don't have to pay for rent.
At that time, he had to work and make money to help his family by being a janitor cleaning the factory
Working part time makes him very tired. He doesn't know how to study until finally, he finally quit school..
When I left school, I decided to go to play comedy because it was his favorite job, which he was 15 years old.
One day while his stage comedy, his performance went to kick in the eye Rodney Dangerfield, an American comedian who felt like, and got Jim Carrey to a comedy show to debut his show.
Later he decided to head to earn in Hollywood, which is like a lot of people who want to succeed as actors.
In 1980 Jim Carrey had an audition to participate in Saturday night live, which was a United States variety show, but he didn't pass the selection at that time.
In 1985, he still works on acting, but most of them are actors in small forms, making his reputation unrecognizable. The money from work is barely enough.
He started to think that being successful in Hollywood could be far beyond what he thought, from the beginning he was getting depressed.
But in my heart, I always think that acting is still what he loves.
So he motivated himself by driving his old toyota up to Hollywood Hill before sitting down at Los Angeles.
In his head, I saw the picture he was playing drama and a movie where hundreds of millions of people watching him.
So he picked up a paper and pen, wrote a check for $ 10 million with the word "for acting services rendered which means" money for the actor's price he always kept this check with him to drive him.
And his efforts are slowly starting to see results.
In 1994, Jim Carrey began to play as lead actor in movies, e.g.
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
The Mask
Dumb and Dumber
Especially the back 2 stories that make his reputation so famous.
The Mask that invested 730 million baht, but earn over 11,200 million baht.
Dumb and dumber. The movie that invested 540 million baht but made money over 7,904 million baht.
Dumb and dumber that made him $ 10 million as he told himself in the past and today he is an actor with assets of more than 4,800 million baht.
Despite Jim Carrey's childhood failed, dad lost his job, family had no address, he had to quit school to get a living comedy show.
But when he finally focused on work, he succeeds.
Jim Carrey's story may tell us about doing what we really like.
In 2014, Maharishi University held a ceremony to give him a Phd in fine arts.
One sentence he said to students that day was
His Father had the potential to be a famous comedian, but his father chose a safe path to be an accountant, but in the end his father lost his job anyway.
This makes you see that you can fail even if you do what you don't love, so it's better if you choose to do what you love in the beginning..
Read, invest, man, more fun.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Thuvan Pham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,WATCH IN HD :)))) Hey guyssssss! Long time no see hahaha. Here's my first Q&A! Sorry if it's boring hahahah. There are so many questions that I ha...
saturday night live what is love 在 林宥嘉 Yoga Lin Facebook 八卦
: 華 研 新 作 快 報 :
林宥嘉演唱會自選LIVE CD
2017/1/6 正式營業
🍜 搶先預定店長特調 🍙
‧ 博 客 來 https://goo.gl/tZt1aC
‧ 佳佳唱片 https://goo.gl/7yRE6X
‧ 五大唱片 https://goo.gl/Emo1z4
● 林宥嘉與韓立康擔任專輯製作人,精挑細選23首源自於「The Great Yoga」與「口的形狀」世界巡迴演唱會最精彩的live曲目。混音工程師兼母帶後期處理製作人黃文萱職人手感原音重現林宥嘉個人代表作與經典翻唱曲。專輯母帶飄洋過海邀請曾與Björk、Oasis、Massive Attack等知名音樂人合作的母帶後期處理工程師Mike Marsh匠心打造世界級製作水準。
● 齊來回味你在林宥嘉演唱會上一聽難忘的8首經典翻場曲目:
.SONG2 :重溫林宥嘉木吉他私房練習曲在萬人舞台上的一次顛覆性演出
● 重溫當時全場大合唱之林宥嘉重新編曲,全新風格之個人代表作:週末夜驚魂、愛情是圓的、越反越愛、RUNAWAY MAMA、不換、慢一點、口的形狀、NEVER BEEN IN LOVE BEFORE(改編自美妙生活)、看見什麽吃什麽、解HIGH人、早開的晚霞、勉強幸福、神秘嘉賓
● 林宥嘉與衆音樂人在演唱會上精心打造的演奏曲不該只是演唱會上的過場音樂!當掌聲與音符交織成型的那一刻,林宥嘉的現場舞台魅力如同重啓。帶你再度重遊「The Great Yoga」與「口的形狀」的沸騰現場。有時狂野,有時溫柔,有時興奮,有時哀傷,有時熱血,有時低吟。你在觀賞林宥嘉演唱會的每一次“有時”都該被留下來。
● 用一張專輯的實惠價錢購買兩張CD!華研唱片與林宥嘉送給萬千歌迷的新年禮物。「The Great Yoga」與「口的形狀」演唱會海報大膽翻玩構成全新幽默主視覺。美學創意延續自「今日營業中」永不打烊的概念。這次邀請你走進林宥嘉的便利商店,選一口你最愛的林店長註冊商標精神食糧。讓你精神飽餐一頓,耳朵盡情回味!
● CD 1:口的形狀 曲目
1. 天天想你 Missing you 4:30
2. 週末夜驚魂 Saturday Night Fright 4:02
3. 突然想起你 Thinking Of You 3:26
4. 愛情是圓的 Love Goes in Circles 3:44
5. Song 2 3:21
6. 惑 Confusion 2:22
7. 小塵埃 Little Dust 3:44
8. 不知所謂 Nonsense 3:57
9. 憂愁 Gloom 4:14
10. 沒用的傘 Useless Umbrella 4:17
11. 越反越愛 Romeo and Juliet Syndrome 4:40
12. 就在今夜 This is the night 5:03
● CD 2:The Great Yoga 曲目
1. 腐星 Acid Planet 1:00
2. Runaway Mama 4:03
3. 不換 Unchangeable 3:47
4. 慢一點 Take It Slow 3:45
5. 口的形狀 Speaking In Tongues 3:20
6. Never Been In Love Before 4:08
7. 看見什麽吃什麽 You are what you eat 3:17
8. 解high人 The spoiler 3:31
9. 早開的晚霞 The early sunset 5:31
10. 勉強幸福 Fools' Bliss 4:31
11. 神秘嘉賓 Mystery Guest 3:41
#林宥嘉 #有時THEGREATYOGA有時口的形狀
#華研國際 http://www.him.com.tw
saturday night live what is love 在 林宥嘉 Yoga Lin Facebook 八卦
: 華 研 新 作 發 行 :
林宥嘉演唱會自選LIVE CD
2017/1/6 正式營業
🍜 數位收聽 ‧ 寵耳朵 🍙
‧ KKBOX http://kkbox.fm/Sa1e9A
‧ Omusic https://goo.gl/BkQ7hI
‧ iTunes https://goo.gl/lbzZxG
🍕 實體收藏 ‧ 飽心靈 🍦
‧ 博 客 來 https://goo.gl/tZt1aC
‧ 佳佳唱片 https://goo.gl/7yRE6X
‧ 五大唱片 https://goo.gl/Emo1z4
‧ 誠品音樂 https://goo.gl/PHABPL
‧ PChome https://goo.gl/fP9JXm
● CD 1:口的形狀 曲目
1. 天天想你 Missing you 4:30
2. 週末夜驚魂 Saturday Night Fright 4:02
3. 突然想起你 Thinking Of You 3:26
4. 愛情是圓的 Love Goes in Circles 3:44
5. Song 2 3:21
6. 惑 Confusion 2:22
7. 小塵埃 Little Dust 3:44
8. 不知所謂 Nonsense 3:57
9. 憂愁 Gloom 4:14
10. 沒用的傘 Useless Umbrella 4:17
11. 越反越愛 Romeo and Juliet Syndrome 4:40
12. 就在今夜 This is the night 5:03
● CD 2:The Great Yoga 曲目
1. 腐星 Acid Planet 1:00
2. Runaway Mama 4:03
3. 不換 Unchangeable 3:47
4. 慢一點 Take It Slow 3:45
5. 口的形狀 Speaking In Tongues 3:20
6. Never Been In Love Before 4:08
7. 看見什麽吃什麽 You are what you eat 3:17
8. 解high人 The spoiler 3:31
9. 早開的晚霞 The early sunset 5:31
10. 勉強幸福 Fools' Bliss 4:31
11. 神秘嘉賓 Mystery Guest 3:41
聽完林宥嘉LIVE CD,意猶未盡怎麽辦?
來台北小巨蛋 聽現場的林宥嘉!
OPPO Camera Phone 冠名贊助
林宥嘉 THE GREAT YOGA演唱會 台北站
2017 / 1 / 7(六)中午12:00
KKTIX 及 全台全家便利商店FAMIPORT同步開賣
#林宥嘉 #有時THEGREATYOGA有時口的形狀
#華研國際 http://www.him.com.tw
saturday night live what is love 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的評價
Hey guyssssss!
Long time no see hahaha. Here's my first Q&A! Sorry if it's boring hahahah.
There are so many questions that I had to divide the Q&A into two parts!
I hope you enjoy the first part and stay tuned for the second part!
Lots of love as always!
How old am I ?
What is my ethnicity ?
In which country do i live?
How many languages do i speak?
How good is my vietnamese?
Do i have any siblings?
What work do i do?
Do i live by myself?
What is my height and weight?
Whats my daily life like?
What's my ideal saturday night?
What do i look for in life?
What are my favourite foods?
My favorite songs?
Favorite tv shows?
Do i like kpop?
Do i watch korean dramas?
Favorite kdrama?
My favorite place to eat currently?
My favorite starbucks drink?
What's my favourite color?
What kind of music do i like to listen to?
How do i do my buns?
How do i edit my pictures?
How did i get tall?
Work out routine?
Where did i get my hair done?
What hair color do i have now?
How do i order my hair color?
How do I take care of my hair?
How do I keep my hair so smooth?
What do i use to get a clear face?
Fav skincare products?
My favorite make up products?
My favorite make up brand?
My favorite make up store?
Did i wear make up in high school?
Make up routine?
My favorite stores to shop at?
Do I shop a lot?
Whats my favorite online place to shop?
Where do i get my fashion from?
Do i have any styling tips?
➳ Instagram: Thuvnn
➳ Snapchat: Thuvnn
➳ Business Inquiries: Thuvnnbeauty@gmail.com
FTC: This video was not sponsored.