Blog 6
好吧, 辛苦大家一直以來努力的看我全英文的blog。 辛苦了! 哈哈! 就讓我這次寫中文的吧。 事實上,寫中文讓我比較動腦筋, 因為個人覺得中文彷彿是一個需要尊重的語言, 不能隨隨便便的寫。但怪我中文詞彙不夠, 只能直白地表達。
其實在2012年2月份, 媽媽離開了之後, 我在她電腦上找到一封寫給我的信。看著內容, 我相信她是在我考上好的大學後寫的, 但當時她沒有直接給我看過。 第一次讀的時候是她離世沒多久, 但到了現在,我偶爾都會拿出來看。而每一次唸,眼淚都會不禁留下來。 傷心的同時,它也會讓我覺得鼓舞, 讓我覺得媽媽一直都在我身邊。 媽媽是一個很堅強、很努力、很刻苦、但也很不疼自己的人,而她的精神一直活在我心裡。 相信從這一封信大家能看得出來。 我很希望抽出當中某些部份和大家分享,也希望大家可以尊重我媽媽的字。畢竟你看到這裡, 你我也算是朋友了, 對嗎?
......有一天,我和 [ 朋友聊天 ] , 他們講:“葉家這麼多人就是晴晴最刻苦讀書了。”聽到他們這樣說我心裡真的好開心。你知道嗎?我一生人從小時候到現在直至將來都是一個不停奮鬥的人,因對我來說過寄生蟲一樣的生活總是覺得可恥,我永遠也不會,用每天買東西,吃東西來滿足自己和過日子。雖然人有命運,但我還是願意相信努力的人,人生更有充實感.................
我不介意分享得這麼深入, 因為我希望可以勇敢一點讓大家更認識我, 因為我很珍惜你們。 中學時代的我, 是一個安靜、自閉和不懂如何和家人溝通的小孩。 爸爸越寵, 我就越怕被寵壞。 我就越想要靠自己。 但這也不是我有意志有多堅定的問題, 只是我個性就是如此。 但也因為這個性, 我偶爾也會忘記活在當下, 老是為了目標而奔波。 當人生在這段時間失去了方向, 失去了明確的目標, 整個世界顛倒得太厲害時, 真的讓我有點不知所措。 相信大家也一樣吧?
小時候, 媽媽一直都很希望我可以多跟她多溝通, 希望我能跟家姐一樣,和她無所不談。 但無論遇到什麼問題,我都希望自己能默默地低調地解決, 不希望爸爸媽媽太擔心, 也不想他們覺得我還是小baby。 在媽媽眼中,這或許是我的優點也是我的缺點吧。
身為一個歌手, 我明白無論如何都會被評頭品足, 無論如何都會有人帶有色眼鏡看自己, 所以很多人都會選擇比較私密。 但我就是喜歡做不折不扣的自己。 就算天塌下來, 也繼續做不折不扣的自己。
Till next time!
Choose love and bring light!
x 晴晴
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Blog 9
好久不見, 最近我心情都恢復了不少。大家呢? 我覺得人真的需要多看看世界, 感受一下大自然, 體會一下自己的渺小,或許反而會讓心境變得更強大。
這次因為兩位朋友選擇了在不丹成婚, 讓我能和一班同行的朋友們一起經歷這次難忘的旅程,最後打成一片。 每天早上起床, 都能呼吸到清涼乾爽的空氣,每天也跟著大隊一起去看美麗宏偉的風景。 當中最高最高到了海拔四千的山上遙望對面喜馬拉雅山的各個山峰, 遠處還看到珠穆朗瑪峰冰山的頂部。 我們身處的地方雖然很大風很冷, 但腳下還是有綠草、身邊還是有綠樹,有陽光曬著時還是蠻暖的。 看著這裡的流浪狗都打側躺著曬太陽睡午覺、氣溫大概也至少有大概6-8度,但遠處卻看到很多山峰的冰山。 這世界奇觀讓我心裡有種言語不能解釋的一種莫名其妙的感動。 每當看到這種景色, 我彷彿就會感覺得到神掌控著一切。 說不出來...這真的是一個對我來說很真實很實在的感受。
不丹是亞洲地區最快樂的國家,他們第三任皇帝曾經說過, 快樂指數比 GDP (國內生產總值) 還更重要, 所以他們到現在還是一直把快樂指數看得很重。 他們很尊重他們的傳統、宗教、文化、民族服裝,而他們街上都是動物 - 牛、馬、狗, 通通都很安靜溫醇地在街邊吃著草、曬著太陽,靜靜看著車子一輛一輛在旁邊馬路上走過。不丹從來不會殺任何國內的動物, 所以他們其實大部份人都是吃素的。 如有人吃肉類, 他們都會是吃印度進口的肉。
不丹的地理環境很特別,北邊是西藏、而東南西邊都被印度包圍 - 有點像三文治一般。 雖然最初不丹是一名西藏人開拓的, 但他們卻有自己獨特的文化、自己獨特的語言 (個人感覺聽起來有點像印度文和韓文混在一起...哈哈 ) 、自己的文字 (看到頭暈) 、自己的歷史。 厲害的是這快樂的小國家一直以來沒有被統治,也一直以來國泰民安 - 這是我認為非常有趣的地方。 同時,他們很多都是虔誠的佛教徒, 其中一個寺廟建立在喜馬拉雅山山脈海拔三千多米的石山傍邊, 名叫虎穴寺。 很多到訪不丹的遊客,都必須會到這裡一趟。 我們當天就行山行了六個小時去看這奇妙的地方 - 看著這寺廟,我心裏真的在想:「哇他們是怎麼帶著建築物料爬這麼高建立寺廟的!? 直接在地面建不是簡單很多嗎....」畢竟虎穴寺大概海拔三千多米,所以難得心裡有這個疑問, 但到此一遊真的不後悔, 因它的確是奇觀。 而我也能說爬過喜馬拉雅山了, 托賴我一直鍛鍊練回來的運動量, 之後沒有肌肉痠痛也覺得是奇蹟的一種。
不丹發展得比較慢,所以其實能看的東西不多, 不過每當看到白雲靠在山邊而融為一體、 冰山和綠山同時能看見,能到訪這與世無爭的地方, 我還是覺得一切都很值得。雖然氣溫很極端、空氣很稀薄,我反而覺得這裡能夠深深呼吸, 從心而笑, 寫歌靈感也不斷。
我知道我很幸運能到此一遊, 因為真的不是那麼容易能飛到 - 我們是要在泰國和印度轉機才能飛到的! 難得到訪過這裡, 填補了心靈上不少的空洞, 我真的很希望能跟大家分享學到的東西和這次旅程後的心情。 出道以來, 我一直沒有時間去這麼多地方旅遊, 出道的頭三年, 請五天假去玩都覺得很愧疚。 或許是上天真的給我機會讓我好好的持著《未來紀念館》的態度, 實行這一直很想看世界的心願。還記得今年生日正日, 我收到了一個當時自以為是壞的消息 - 暫時因種種因素而要押後出歌(哎我又爆大鑊了)。 當時徬徨過、失落過、迷失過、但同時也一直默默低調安靜地做好自己。 而其後就在機緣巧合的情況下遊歷了不少地方。 後來就發現一切事情發生必定有它的原因 - 如果沒有這所謂的壞消息, 我就或許沒有機會去這麼多地方看世界了。 或許天真,但我還是選擇樂觀;我還是選擇相信一切都還是一個明陣。 看似彎路但卻會找到直路、看似直路卻一定還會碰上彎路。 世界多複雜就讓它複雜。 但我不要世界奪取我內心的那份簡單。
這次分享到這裡吧。 致各位荷光者,
Choose love, bring light.
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Blog 8
Well this will be hard.
I’m sorry I’m not posting as frequently, honestly the insanity of this world has just taken me by surprise every time. And it’s so easy to be misinterpreted and misunderstood during these hyper-sensitive times. I want to start off by thanking those of you who take me for who I am. I am so grateful for you guys who support me in my music, over the years.
I come from a family where some of you may know have a lot of affiliations in the political arena. One reason why I don’t like to touch on that, and I don’t do it often at all, is multi-faceted. A, it is in the past. B, it is not my calling. I know my calling is in music, and I just want it to be what it is. C, if I want to make the world a better place, there are many ways to go about it than talk about my worst subject in school ie, history. I mean, how embarrassing would it be for me to get something wrong? 😅 D, I do admit to having some level of social responsibility given the nature of the life I chose to lead, and I don’t want to use this platform to spread hate in any way shape or form. E, I promised my dad. “Stay as far away from [politics] as possible.” He is a man of few words, but they’re often words of wisdom. I love him for that.
I just want to put it out there and say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for letting me be me. Thank you for those of you who don’t cast any judgement, it’s so hard to come by, especially for someone like me.
I would also like to give a shout out to those out there who are feeling lots of negative emotions and rage - I resonate with the pain and frustration. I really do. Here is a virtual hug. It’s okay to feel the emotions, but PLEASE, don’t act out of rage and stupidity. Don’t do something regretful, even if others do regretful things. Don’t call people out online when they are sharing about enjoying their lives, getting engaged, or getting married - people plan these things wayyy beforehand... normally, it only happens once in their lives. Let them be. Everyone needs to find their emotional balance in their own unique ways - we are all independent human beings with our own curves and edges. So whether or not you think they are living in a parallel universe, you don’t know their heart. If you did, you wouldn’t be calling them out online; you would be doing that in person. It’s okay to feel angry towards people who do wrong things. I can resonate with that. But I’m actually glad some people can still find joy in everyday life, and simple things - those are precious, and I pray that all of you can still have those moments. We all need those for our own sanity and emotional well-being. We need breathing space. We don’t want this episode to scar and haunt us forever. Don’t let it do that to your soul; it’s not worth it. Right? Trying to be a little less sad, is not a sin. Trying to seek for a little bit of happiness in our lives - is not a sin. Please don’t feel that way.
But, with all that said, I know a lot of you read what I write because you resonate with my thoughts in some way shape or form, or because you’re just trying to learn English 😅but thank you regardless. Thank you for your non-judgmental support towards me, my mind, and my music. And for that, I virtually kneel and thank you. 🙈 You are so wonderful. 🙌🏻
I have always lived my life as humbly as I could, working hard, grateful, respectful, and as polite as I can be... while being a little bit opinionated, blunt, direct, honest and hardcore with the things I care about (lol it’s the Virgo inside of me). Thank you for letting me be me.
Recently, my friend I’ve known for more than 15 years said to me, “I didn’t even know about your background until I read the news when it came out. I had NO idea! You’ve never mentioned!” Well, I thought, I had no reason to. It’s like, flaunting things is now the norm, so I am weird for choosing not to do that. Well that’s silly, right? Family will always be near and dear and close to my heart, no matter how people choose to commentate on mine. But that doesn’t matter to me, nor does it affect me anymore. I accept myself, all of me, and then I move on and focus on the future. I want to go forward, proud of who I am and where I came from and how I’ve come to be. I want to spread love and positivity no matter what, to make the world a slightly better place, in my own very insignificant little ways, however God intends for me to serve the world. So thank you all again. For letting me be me.
Choose love, bring light, clasp your hands, close your eyes, pray, release your emotions up to God. Try it, and let me know how it goes 🙂
Till next time, and stay safe, please.
You’re in my prayers.
x Robynn
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robynnblogs 在 2022Wake me up guitar-運動賽事熱門討論及分析,精選在PTT ... 的八卦
#Updates #Robynnblogs The world really has evolved several stages since 2020, and also since the beginning of my career- and that's the ... ... <看更多>