你今天也在忙中元普渡嗎? 最台的 #美國愛台協會 當然要入境隨俗囉!
Are you preparing a feast for “Zhongyuan Pudu” today? AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk and Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth participated in this local ritual together for the first time. The AIT community enjoys immersing itself in Taiwan’s local culture and has organized a Zhongyuan Pudu for the past four years to honor ancestors and wandering spirits during the Hungry Ghost Festival. Check out what we did this year
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Wes Davies 衛斯理,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#七夕 #做十六歲 #台南 #成年禮 #衛斯理探索台南 #WesDaviesExploreTainan 又來到一年一度的七夕,今年我決定在這特別的日子裡,去見證一個較少被注意到,但文化上具有不凡意義的活動【台南府城做十六歲】,這不僅是個浪漫的節日,也是每個人生命中重要的里程碑,在這一天,台南十六歲...
ritual 台灣 在 肯腦濕的人生相談室 Facebook 八卦
Dragon strike
China has launched rule by fear in Hong Kong
The rest of the world should worry, too
The people of Hong Kong want two things: to choose how they are governed, and to be subject to the rule of law. The Chinese Communist Party finds both ideas so frightening that many expected it to send troops to crush last year’s vast protests in Hong Kong. Instead, it bided its time. Now, with the world distracted by covid-19 and mass protests difficult because of social distancing, it has chosen a quieter way to show who’s boss. That threatens a broader reckoning with the world—and not just over Hong Kong, but also over the South China Sea and Taiwan.
On May 21st China declared, in effect, that Hong Kongers deemed to pose a threat to the party will become subject to the party’s wrath. A new security law, written in Beijing, will create still-to-be defined crimes of subversion and secession, terms used elsewhere in China to lock up dissidents, including Uighurs and Tibetans. Hong Kong will have no say in drafting the law, which will let China station its secret police there. The message is clear. Rule by fear is about to begin.
This is the most flagrant violation yet of the principle of “one country, two systems”. When the British colony was handed back to China in 1997, China agreed that Hong Kong would enjoy a “high degree of autonomy”, including impartial courts and free speech. Many Hong Kongers are outraged (see article). Some investors are scared, too. The territory’s stockmarket fell by 5.6% on May 22nd, its biggest drop in five years. Hong Kong is a global commercial hub not only because it is situated next to the Chinese mainland, but also because it enjoys the rule of law. Business disputes are settled impartially, by rules that are known in advance. If China’s unaccountable enforcers are free to impose the party’s whims in Hong Kong, it will be a less attractive place for global firms to operate.
China’s move also has implications far beyond Hong Kong. “One country, two systems” was supposed to be a model for Taiwan, a democratic island of 24m that China also sees as its own. The aim was to show that reunification with the motherland need not mean losing one’s liberty. Under President Xi Jinping, China seems to have tired of this charade. Increasingly, it is making bare-knuckle threats instead. The re-election in January of a China-sceptic Taiwanese president, Tsai Ing-wen, will have convinced China’s rulers that the chances of a peaceful reunification are vanishingly small. On May 22nd, at the opening of China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the prime minister, Li Keqiang, ominously cut the word “peaceful” from his ritual reference to reunification. China has stepped up war games around Taiwan and its nationalists have been braying online for an invasion.
China is at odds with other countries, too. In its building of island fortresses in the South China Sea, it ignores both international law and the claims of smaller neighbours. This week hundreds, perhaps thousands of Chinese troops crossed China’s disputed border with India in the Himalayas. Minor scuffles along this frontier are common, but the latest incursion came as a state-owned Chinese paper asserted new claims to land that its nuclear-armed neighbour deems Indian (see article). And, as a sombre backdrop to all this, relations with the United States are worse than they have been in decades, poisoning everything from trade and investment to scientific collaboration.
However much all the regional muscle-flexing appals the world, it makes sense to the Chinese Communist Party. In Hong Kong the party wants to stop a “colour revolution”, which it thinks could bring democrats to power there despite China’s best efforts to rig the system. If eroding Hong Kong’s freedoms causes economic damage, so be it, party bigwigs reason. The territory is still an important place for Chinese firms to raise international capital, especially since the Sino-American feud makes it harder and riskier for them to do so in New York. But Hong Kong’s gdp is equivalent to only 3% of mainland China’s now, down from more than 18% in 1997, because the mainland’s economy has grown 15-fold since then. China’s rulers assume that multinational firms and banks will keep a base in Hong Kong, simply to be near the vast Chinese market. They are probably right.
The simple picture that President Donald Trump paints of America and China locked in confrontation suits China’s rulers well. The party thinks that the balance of power is shifting in China’s favour. Mr Trump’s insults feed Chinese nationalist anger, which the party is delighted to exploit—just as it does any tensions between America and its allies. It portrays the democracy movement in Hong Kong as an American plot. That is absurd, but it helps explain many mainlanders’ scorn for Hong Kong’s protesters.
The rest of the world should stand up to China’s bullying. On the Sino-Indian border, the two sides should talk more to avoid miscalculations, as their leaders promised to in 2018. China should realise that, if it tries the tactics it has used in the South China Sea, building structures on disputed ground and daring others to push back, it will be viewed with greater distrust by all its neighbours.
In the case of Taiwan China faces a powerful deterrent: a suggestion in American law that America might come to Taiwan’s aid were the island to be attacked. There is a growing risk that a cocksure China may decide to put that to the test. America should make clear that doing so would be extremely dangerous. America’s allies should echo that, loudly.
Hong Kong’s options are bleaker. The Hong Kong Policy Act requires America to certify annually that the territory should in trade and other matters be treated as separate from China. This week the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, declared that “facts on the ground” show Hong Kong is no longer autonomous. This allows America to slap tariffs on the territory’s exports, as it already does to those from the mainland. That is a powerful weapon, but the scope for miscalculation is vast, potentially harming Hong Kongers and driving out global firms and banks. It would be better, as the law also proposes, to impose sanctions on officials who abuse human rights in Hong Kong. Also, Britain should grant full residency rights to the hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers who hold a kind of second-class British passport—much as Ms Tsai this week opened Taiwan’s door to Hong Kong citizens. None of this will stop China from imposing its will on Hong Kong. The party’s interests always trump the people’s. ■
ritual 台灣 在 小熊 Yuniko Facebook 八卦
下週的開台行程~ 一個密集的三天!!
邪教島是STEAM上的The Ritual on Weylyn Island~內建簡中
之前就很想玩! 但他那時候優化的沒有很好 有一陣子暫停販售QAQ
等回台灣後就開始PS4暴雨殺機囉(夏日課程 幸福莊園快上市阿阿阿阿阿)
ritual 台灣 在 Wes Davies 衛斯理 Youtube 的評價
#七夕 #做十六歲 #台南 #成年禮
#衛斯理探索台南 #WesDaviesExploreTainan
It's the Cishi Love Festival once again, and this year I decided to take a look at one of the little-known, but culturally significant events in Tainan, "The birthday Ceremony of Qiniangma and the Celebration of Turning 16". On this special day, the youth of the city will gather at temples and family homes across the city to perform a special ritual which signifies to the community that they have now turned from children to adults. There are many ceremonies and rituals associated with this, and I was fascinated to explore the city during this unique time. Let me know if you have any questions down below!
官網 http://tmach-culture.tainan.gov.tw/
臉書 https://www.facebook.com/tmach20101225/
YT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JaFGw0FwjZVsmt2bTJ6ew/
#七娘媽生做十六歲 #台南府城做十六歲 #開臺天后宮 #開隆宮

ritual 台灣 在 留聲樂團Resonance Youtube 的評價
「在相隔多良大溪與金崙9.6公里的排灣族部落裡,我總是覺得阿姨的歌聲很特別......」---------- 編曲者 Sakinu 🐼 觀看全文 ▶︎ https://bit.ly/39WS5go
「這次的作品,每一個樂段,都極具畫面感,它不僅僅是一首歌,更是一篇值得細細品嚐的故事...」---------- 樂樂 🐰 觀看全文 ▶︎ https://bit.ly/2EXh5sN
「極富故事創意的歌,用一首歌的時間,讓我們一起聽見如十首歌的溫暖感動!一開始,還記得是在遙遠的汐止...」---------- 東恩 🐶 觀看全文 ▶︎ https://bit.ly/2Xy4JgS
🐶🐰🐵🦊:「喔~~」(當時只是認真的聽聽🙈)...」---------- 貝卡 🐵 觀看全文 ▶︎ https://bit.ly/3kh58yf
「曾是一首完全沒有伴奏樂器的古調,如何把鼓與Beatbox放進去又不失這首歌曲的精彩?」是這次最具挑戰,也是最令人開心、好玩的地方!這次的歌曲對我來說...」---------- 和和 🦊 觀看全文 ▶︎ https://bit.ly/33qEexP
「Miyome是台灣原住民鄒族mayasvi祭典儀式歌舞祭其中之一。其歌名含義有兩種說法:亡魂曲,悼念部落族人亡魂,安慰喪家及祈求天神安慰死者的靈魂;其二意指一名美麗且善良的女子,而族人作曲紀念她。在這個祭典中唱這首,認為有可以除穢作用,祈求平安及健康之用意。在編曲創作上,靈感來自國外許多阿卡貝拉在音樂劇風格上的創作模式,增加音樂與電影畫面感的相互輔搭,將我們想傳達的故事變成一段段旋律,在聽到每一個音時,眼前故事便紛紛上映。」---------- 編曲者 Sakinu
This melody is one of the songs at the Mayasvi ceremony(Triumph Festival) of the Tsou tribe. There are two versions of the song title: the song of the dead, the mourning of the dead, the comfort of the bereaved family and the praying for the gods to comfort the souls of the dead, and the other meaning of the song refers to commemorate a beautiful and kind woman. Singing this song at this festival is considered to have the effect of removing filth and praying for peace and good health. In the field of arrangement, the inspiration comes from the musical creation mode of lots of a cappella groups abroad, turning the stories we earn to express into the melodies, strengthening visual perception of the music.
#miyome #古調 #留聲樂團 #阿卡貝拉 #acappella #好似電影配樂般 #像極了電影
🎵音樂製作 Music
曲/詞 Compose|台灣原住民鄒族古調 The traditional ritual song of The Tsou (one tribe of the Taiwanese indigenous people)
編曲 Arrangement|邱恩 Sakinu Tjakisuvun
人聲打擊編曲 Vocal Percussion Arrangement|張羽和 Eddy Chang
音樂製作人 Producer|邱恩 Sakinu Tjakisuvun
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|邱恩 Sakinu Tjakisuvun
錄音師 Recording|李清揚 Ching-Yang Lee
混音師 Mixing Engineer|Bill Hare
前製編輯 Pre-recording editor|李清揚 Ching-Yang Lee
女高音 Soprano|施欣妤 Shin-yu Shi
女中音 Alto|黃語芊 Becca Huang
男高音 Tenor|邱恩 Sakinu Tjakisuvun
男低音 Bass|吳東恩 Christopher Wu(特別感謝「自然人」Bass 友情協力)
人聲打擊 Vocal Percussion|張羽和 Eddy Chang
錄音室提供 Recording Studio|感動音樂藝術空間 Touching Studio
🎵影像製作 Music Video
導演 Director|林姿君 Light
攝影師 Director of Photography|何帛儒 Boru
攝影助理 Assistant Camera |林易群 Yi-Chun Lin 、黃信淵 Xin-Yuan Huang
助理導演 Assistant Director|張語涵 Yu-Han Chang
Facebook ▶︎ https://bit.ly/33uPObe
Instagram ▶︎ https://bit.ly/3ijOFaN

ritual 台灣 在 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 Youtube 的評價
電玩瘋小組於 E3 2016 現場遇到《血咒之城:暗夜儀式 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 》製作人五十嵐孝司!並邀請他來跟台灣的玩家們說一段話喔!