到這些國家旅行,他們會想盡辦法敲詐你,這是他們對觀光客的態度,你要有心理準備仔細確認什麼該付什麼不該付~抵達機場買了落地簽後,跟在場旅行社人員借筆填入境卡,他開始拿走我的護照假裝查看哪裡有漏洞(尤其我們臺灣護照有Republic of "China")
Be prepared when you travel to Egypt/Arabic countries. First time that our passport was almost took by someone not officials, and first time I saw Fabian was angry.
When you travel to those countries, they will try to rip you off, so you need to pay attention what you need to pay what you don't. After buying our visa of arrival, we borrowed a pen from a travel agency guy. He started to "check" my passport to find sth to ask for more money. (My passport writes Republic of "China")
And then he started to ask Fabian's personal information, too. It turned out that he wanted to conspire with custom. He wanted me to give him my passport instead of customs. Thx that the customs was okay and he let us go without making us difficult. Plz notice that the only thing you need to pay is your visa of arrival! You should also state firmly that you come from Taiwan not from China, otherwise they might ask you for more money.
The most exciting part:
When we left the customs, there was one guy asking us to show our passport again. I noticed that he didn't have any official ID card, so I asked for his identification. He suddenly changed and was shouting at us angrily and loudly. He even wanted to take away our passport! At this moment, plz grab your passport tightly and just walk away. Otherwise you won't know what will he do with your passport and how much money will he ask to get back your passport.
You can share this experience or story to your friends so they can understand how to react or what to do when they arrive in Egypt or Arabic country. Plz don't give any important things like passport or money to anyone.