槟城爱心洗肾中心, 设在槟城调和路门牌二零四号底楼,成立之宗旨是提供給不分种族, 不分宗教背景之肾脏病患者洗肾服务并为病黎减轻负担。 本中心是於2001年2月26日开始运行,现有11台洗肾机全年服务。
由於本中心是属于慈善概念下来进行操作, 因此极需要各界康慨解囊捐助经费,以便能够把中心 “永续服务” 长久维持下去。
OCBC BANK A/c No. : 7301143657
或 发出支票请注明付: Penang Caring Dialysis Society
Penang Caring Dialysis Society situated at No. 204 (Ground Floor), Jalan Transfer, 10050 Penang, started its operation since 26-02-2001 with an objective to provide hemodialysis treatment to the needy renal patients irrespective of race and religion. We are operating 11 hemodialysis machines throughout the year. In view of our charitable status, we are in dire need of public donations to ensure the continuity of providing our services. Due to the current economic downturn caused by COVID-19 pandemic, we have not been receiving any public donations and thus we are facing financial difficulty to cope with our services to the patients. We appeal for your kind donations to help us sustain at this difficult time. All monetary donations are tax exempted. You can make an online transfer to
OCBC Bank A/c No:7301143657
or issue a cheque in the name of
" Penang Caring Dialysis Society".
Please WhatsApp your bank-in slip to 019-4731063 and provide your particulars for issuance of receipt. Tha
renal dialysis 在 Shawn Lee Facebook 八卦
Contributing to the needy does not mean that we have to always give money ... Sometimes contributing our time alone is already enough. Just like these Leo members from Nilai University Leo Club. They have spent so much time in organizing this successful concert to raise funds for the Renal Center of KL .. in aid of the needy patients for dialysis treatment.
Well asking me for a huge donation is hard as I'm not extreme rich, but donating a little something from what I have and performing for the event alone is making a difference to the society.
Thanks for having us Leos.
renal dialysis 在 藥學人生 - Pharmalife Facebook 八卦
Fosfomycin injection 用於腎功能不全或血液透析患者之治療劑量 (The parenteral dosage of fosfomycin in patient with renal impairment or under renal-replacement therapy)
各位朋友們,您是否曾納悶過 fosfomycin (UFO) inj 的劑量該如何調整呢?是不是也像我一樣望著薄薄的台廠仿單而傻眼,看著 Medscape 卻只有口服劑型的資訊而嘆息呢?
沒關係,我找了 PubMed, DynaMed, Micromedex, UpToDate 都找不著關於 fosfomycin 用於血液透析 (hemodialysis, HD) 患者的標準建議劑量,但感謝學姊及藥廠整理的資訊,以下提供給各位做參考:
【 General Dosage of Fosfomycin in Infection Treatment 】
☝UTI or mil-moderate infection:2 gm IVD Q8H
☝severe infection / osteomyelitis / DM foot:4 gm IVD Q6H
☝sepsis / CNS infection / lung infection / severe DM foot:6 - 8 gm IVD Q8H (MAX 24 gm/day)
Clcr > 50 "4 gm Q6H" or "2 - 8 gm Q8H"
Clcr in 10 - 50 2 - 8 gm Q12H
Clcr < 10 2 - 8 gm Q24H
HD 2 gm Q8H (after dialysis)
CRRT 8 gm Q12H
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 重點須知 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
✍ Fosfomycin 較常用於治療非複雜性泌尿道感染 (urinary tract infection, UTI),此外,高劑量的 fosfomycin 亦能與其他抗生素合併治療呼吸道感染、肺膿瘍、腹膜炎、敗血症、骨髓炎、皮膚軟組織感染等感染症(單用較容易產生抗藥性,故若非用以治療 UTI,則建議併用其他抗生素協同治療)。
✍ 對於腎功能正常之患者,fosfomycin inj 建議日劑量約為 6 - 16 gm;但部分歐洲研究指出 24 gm/day 之日劑量亦能用於治療 life-threatening infections,但歐洲受試者體重較東方人重,故我國體重較輕之患者不一定能耐受如此大的劑量。
✍ 目前臨床上對於 HD 患者,視感染症嚴重不同,fosfomycin 仍有許多種不同的給藥劑量 (ex: 2 - 4 gm IVD AD, 2 gm IVD Q12H AD, etc),迄今尚未有共識。
✍ 相較於常人,ESRD 患者遭遇感染症時狀況較不穩定,如投予高劑量 fosfomycin 時,仍應審慎追蹤患者是否出現 fosfomycin 副作用(頭痛、噁心、嘔吐、視覺改變),而長期輸注時,請留意施打處是否出現血栓靜脈炎 (thrombophlebitis)、皮疹等不良反應。
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Acknowledge ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
m(_ _)m 感謝阿當醫院火辣皇后與同事們熱心提供相關文獻
m(_ _)m 今晚我與加護病房查房日誌的學長相約喝一杯 (綜合果汁),言談中我感受到學長那股名為 "努力精進" 的霸氣和鼓勵的光輝,這一個小時的對話之中,讓我感覺好像找回了一些很重要的東西,非常感恩。謝謝學長的鼓勵與提點,我會好好耕耘這片小天地的,畢竟分享心得之餘,也能印證所學,我想這會是很棒的一件事,謝謝學長,我們一起努力吧!
▬▬▬▬▬▬ 合記表示熱病還沒到貨 ▬▬▬▬▬▬