[時事英文] US Protests: Week of Outrage
員警歧視的子彈,再也擋不住抗議的狂濤駭浪! 老師自寫自錄的時事英文新聞,希望幫助大家更了解時事英文!
Audio file: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0nMV5znuzwa; http://goo.gl/aiJRGS; http://goo.gl/iiC1sM
1. police brutality 警方暴行
2. die at the hands of... 喪生於…的手中
3. choke… 使…窒息
4. fatally shot 槍殺
5. fatal shooting 致命性的射擊
6. die from 因(意外)而死
7. gunshots 槍擊
8. criminal charges 起訴
9. gunshot wounds 槍傷
10. critically wounded 傷勢嚴重
11. disorderly conduct 妨礙公共治安
12. be fatally injured 身受重傷
13. face charges 遭到指控
14. witnesses 目擊證人
15. testify to the grand jury 對陪審團提出證實
16. eyewitness testimony 目擊者的證詞
17. Rashomon effect 羅生門
18. launched an investigation 發起調查行動
19. misconduct or discrimination 行為不檢或歧視
20. grand jury 陪審團
21. decline to indict the police officer 拒絕起訴該名警員
22. candle light vigil 燭光守夜
23. make shift memorial of flowers and candles 以花朵及燭火為死者臨時成立的紀念物
24. minorities 少數族群
25. racism 種族歧視
26. prejudice 偏見
27. racist comments 種族歧視意謂的言論
28. civil rights 公民權利
29. civil disobedience 公民抗命
30. rallying chants 團結一致的叫喊聲,口號
31. protests 抗議
32. wave of protest 抗議聲浪
33. civil disorder 民眾騷動
34. peaceful protests 和平抗爭
35. white police officers 白人警察
36. race riots 種族糾紛引起的暴動
37. turn violent 轉為暴力
38. declare unlawful 宣告違法
39. released without bond 無罪釋放
40. failure to comply 不遵守
41. resisting arrest 拒捕
42. social unrest 社會動亂
43. vandalism 蓄意破壞
44. looting 趁火打劫
45. looters 劫掠者
46. rioting 暴動
47. arson 縱火
48. face charges of assault, burglary, and theft 面臨侵犯他人、入室搶劫及竊盜等罪名指控
49. rioters broke into and looted 暴徒闖入和搶劫
50. police militarization 警方武力軍事化
51. declare a state of emergency 宣佈進入緊急狀況
52. call in the national guards 呼叫國家鎮暴部隊
53. riot gear 防暴裝備
54. disperse the crowd 驅散群眾
55. fired tear gas and rubber bullets 發射催淚瓦斯及橡皮子彈
56. seeking criminal prosecution 尋求刑事訴訟
57. tear gas 催淚瓦斯
58. video footage 錄影畫面
59. freedom of the press 新聞自由
60. a large coalition of media and press freedom groups 大型的媒體及新聞自由聯盟
61. implement nightly curfews 實施夜間宵禁
62. help restore peace and order 協助恢復和平及秩序
63. this cycle of violence 惡性循環
64. tyranny 暴政
Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice, three African-Americans who have recently died at the hands of white police officers, have become the rallying chants of protesters in the US demanding police reforms.
The first wave of protests began the day following the fatal shooting of Chris Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, by a police officer in the state of Missouri on August 9, 2014. The protests soon turned violent in the subsequent weeks with hundreds of people being arrested for arson, looting, and vandalism.The governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency and called in the national guards in an effort to maintain order. However, violent riots once again erupted late November, when a grand jury declined to indict the white officer who fatally shot Brown. Thousands of people in more than 170 US cities rallied to protest the grand jury's decision. Protests also took place internationally, with demonstrations held in several major cities in Canada and the United Kingdom.
The latest wave of protests took place last week in New York, San Francisco, Boston and other cities after a grand jury announced it had declined to indict the police officer who fatally choked Eric Garner, another unarmed African American who died at the hands of a white police officer in New York on July 17, 2014. A police officer put Garner in a chokehold after he argued with the officer over the suspected sale of illegal cigarettes. Garner was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital.
Protesters are also marching over the death of Tamir Rice, an African American teenager at the age of 12, in Ohio. Rice was fatally shot by a police officer on November 22 after allegedly reaching for a toy gun in his waistband. The police officer fired two shots within two seconds of arriving on the scene, hitting Rice once in the torso. Rice died on the day after the shooting.
Most of the thousands currently protesting in the US have peacefully marched through streets, sometimes blocking traffic or laying silently on sidewalks, mall floors, and college campuses. More protests are planned this week, including a march in Washington, D.C. Saturday to pressure Congress to hold hearings and pass laws that will better protect minorities from police brutality.
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