在文明的國度,價值觀是與時俱移的。走過 2019 年那場史無前例的社會運動,還有誰是勇敢?誰是英雄?就如黃之鋒所說:「社會運動是把不可能變為可能的過程,是個 self-actualisation 的 process(自我實現的過程),看自己可以 take up(擔任)甚麼崗位,可以在公共層面有甚麼 contributions(貢獻)。」
所謂的時代英雄、那些「Joshua Wong is ready to die for Hong Kong」的外媒新聞標題,只是荷里活式的驚天動地吧。「2012 年暑假,當國教入了主流後,就多了公眾輿論,然後很多政治人物想約你交流,就見到甚麼是成王敗寇人情冷暖;上年約你,又不見你理我?世界是這樣,都沒有辦法。說得好聽,是等著看你做出成績;難聽點,不就是有人關注,他們才關心。」
他直言,8 年來,不時被罵是政棍。「一定有不開心,每隔兩三年都會給人『屌』一轉,但不需要把人家的批評和讚賞看得太重。」他說更不用把自己看得太重要,在訪問中,他談得更多是團隊的力量。一隻手掌拍不響,他很明白 it takes two to tango。「2012 年給我的經驗,是無論你如何受到公眾吹捧,也能夠不讓這種知名度沖昏頭腦,以至 14 年雨傘、16 年奇蹟勝選(立法會),到後來在國際線做出少許成績,都能夠意識到如何拿捏。」
你以為他很享受那種鎂光燈下的政治生活日常?他用「異化」來形容那狀態:「這個年紀的大學生是不會拿著酒杯搖幌著,或者出席晚餐會時,有人會突然拿隻叉敲個杯,然後 expect 你說些發人深省的話;但不得不承認,想進入國際傳媒輿論圈,就一定要經過這些,最重要是如何處之泰然。」成人的世界都給他看透,知道自己的角色、崗位,做到要做的事,才是一件事。
「2012 年何以會關注學民思潮?關注我?是因為年輕人有勇氣挑戰既有體制,然後就投射那種期望;過去 4、5 年國際線都是這種邏輯。對於西方高等白人來說,我只不過是另一個馬拉拉( 巴基斯坦諾貝爾和平獎得主 Malala Yousafzai)、Greta(瑞典環保少女通貝里 Greta Thunberg),雖然大家所做的截然不同,但他們就是找些 celebrities(知名人士)來吹捧、消費,他們有一套範式,我覺得跟我的生活有很大落差。」
然後他說起,2019 年 9 月前往德國前,因涉「違反保釋條件」在機場被捕,到警署「臭格」羈留 24 小時,釋放後搭 12 小時飛機,落機不夠 1 小時,出席德國外交部酒會,「你會覺得由你屈在臭格 24 小時不知做甚麼,到與德國外長會面,原來所有事都在 24 小時内發生,是一種精神分裂的狀態;更不要說那次是德國出版商邀請我,還給我商務客位機票。」
若問他是否很喜歡這種生活,他坦言「未必」,但幫到件事比較重要。不敢說對黃之鋒而言,這是否「重於泰山」,但他深明所做的都是為了 get things done。「西方國家要 pick 一個 icon(代表人物)去說明民主退潮、民粹興起,機緣巧合我成為那個 icon;那如何能夠發揮更多,才是重要的。大家對我的了解是來自傳媒訪問,而那些訪問一定是塑造大衛對抗歌利亞的 narrative(敘述);或者是看 Netflix、看我本書,但要知道那些一定不是全貌。」
「投入政治工作,除了幕前,更重要是幕後團隊。大家覺得我上年 9 月在(美國)國會聽證說得好,難道那篇 speech(演說)是我寫嗎?當然不是。背後有 Jeffrey(敖卓軒),他是眾志駐華盛頓 core member(核心成員),是他幫手寫的。國會聽證前一晚,在酒店房內,除了我,還有羅冠聰、Jeffrey 和梁繼平,他們一齊『度』我在聽證會的發言,順便執我的 pronunciation(發音),全部都讀錯。兩個 PhD 學生加一個 Yale master(耶魯大學碩士生),來幫一個 OU degree(公開大學學位)都未攞到的『死𡃁仔』去 deliver 個 message。」
他想起了 2013 年。當年《號外》總編輯張鐵志邀請他、周庭和林朗彥拍攝封面故事,形容他們為現實理想主義者。「我覺得幾貼切。香港政治圈內,比眾志更理想主義都有,但如何 deliver message(傳遞信息),然後 make progress(帶來進展),在政治工作上,是很重要的。」說得準確一點,是今天的政治生態已轉變,用他的話,以往看重政治人物的論說,但來到 2020 年,行動最實際,做到出來才是一件事。
當有部分人,對黃之鋒的印象還停留在那 15 歲的少年模樣,他會說:「well 我都 23 啦」。實情是他監也坐了兩次,所屬的香港眾志,在過去 4 年,面對多番打壓,創黨主席羅冠聰成為立法會議員後喪失議席,後來周庭參選被 DQ(取消資格)、補選勝出的區諾軒又失議席,黃之鋒參選區議會亦被 DQ。「甚麼風浪也遇過,但各種政治打壓是會令團隊磨練更堅韌,不會有那種過於安逸的狀態。這種韌性很重要,跟過去的學生運動有所不同,自問整個團隊過去 4 年是交足功課。」
不確定他這種自謙自省,跟 2019 年那場浩大的社會運動可有直接關係;可是,只要一對比,都輕如鴻毛吧。「我要承受的代價,比很多人都少。坐監日數最短,但國際關注最高,也是本地關注最高。我獲得的關注和支持,從來都不成正比。2019 年,我被警察拘捕,警察都相當客氣,必需要說的是,如果我不是黃之鋒,他們『睬我都嘥氣』,所以何以我說一個團隊的付出是更重要。」
「現在我被告的是組織煽動參與未經批准集結,連非法集結也不是,就算罪成,判監的刑期也不能多過 1 年;對比(抗爭者)那些傷人、火魔,不知要坐 5 年、10 年又 10 年,我還有甚麼可以怨?他們行動上比我激烈,承受比我多的,也多的是,其實我無資格說甚麼。」
芸芸政治人物中,黃之鋒最尊重李柱銘,說 2015 年不是獲得他邀請與戴耀廷一起出席華盛頓交流會,香港眾志在開拓國際線不會如此得心應手。更重要是:「他讓我們這一代知道,讓香港走得更遠是一件事。」
後記:訪問後兩個月,黃之鋒宣布以一人名單參與九龍東民主派立法會初選。當人人覺得他會被 DQ,他還是決定出戰,讀完這個訪問,大概不難明白他的想法吧。就如他接受《眾新聞》訪問時說:「對我嚟講,未戰先降唔係一個選擇,堅持唔係因為我哋特別堅強,而係我哋別無他選。」
同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅Lindie Botes,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I get this question a lot and the answers are pretty simple! Vocabulary learning and acquisition takes time, but here are some helpful tricks that can...
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Continue ReadingWhy is Germany a country of engineering? / By Investing Man
′′ Germany ′′ the top country of engineering advancement
From electrical appliances, automotive to mandatory system, electric car signals.
German Citizenship Tools Even With High Prices
But it comes with more performance, durability and innovation than anyone.
Many companies that are even over 100 years old.
But these German brands still guarantee their unmatched quality and expertise.
And where does Germany's engineering progress come from?
Welcome to the article series ′′ Branding the Nation ′′ branding instead of country.
Episode why is Germany a country of engineering?
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Investman wants to take everyone back to the 19th century industrial revolution era.
As many people already know that
Britain is the first country in the world to have an industrial revolution since July. B.E. 1780
Followed by Belgium and France
While the economy of other countries in Europe is turning through to progress.
Germany just reunited countries by land which is now Germany. Just completely united for the first time on July. Year 1871 which is the same as the reign of King Rama 5 of the Kingdom of Siam.
From the gathering of German tribes led by the Northern Prussian Kingdom.
With little and big south under the lead of Emperor Wilhelm 1
And Prime Minister Ottoffon Bi Mark
The industrial revolution later made Germans not want to waste their time. Try wrong, try right.
To develop the country to thrive.
The important thing in this regard is to put the process of education and research systematically, therefore, the government puts ′′ education reform ′′ first.
Even many European countries have founded the university since medieval times.
But Europe's academics won't be much involved in the business and industry.
Academics are posing as ′′ gentlemen ′′ not doing business and not messing with industrial sector.
The mechanics, technicians, or anyone involved in the industrial sector will be seen as lower than academics.
But German education doesn't look that way..
With Germany's absence of colony and its revolutionizing industrial slower than many countries.
The only thing that could make the Empire that was recently advanced further than others.
It's scientific advancement, especially in ′′ applied science
Under the lead of Bismarck, huge educational budgeting occurred.
Educational welfare is founded in technical college.
Educational emphasis on Technician and Engineering Career Specifically
Berlin's Technical College of Berlin was established in Year B.E. 1879
Developed from the college of mining that was founded in kho. B.E. 1770
This place is currently the Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin)
Apart from Berlin
Technical universities are also established at other states around the country during the evacuation time.
Technical University of Darmstutt, established in July. B.E. 1877
Hannopher Technical University established in July B.E. 1879
Having a unique university in Technician and Engineering
Make a lot of workforce and technicians
When these workers graduate, they can enter into industrial sector immediately.
Government also supports universities to cooperate with industrial sector.
There is a collaborative research between academics and businessmen in industry circles.
Engineering research is easily implemented in the business world.
When businesses can make profit, they give money back to support research.
Later on, many big companies start having their own research and development institutions.
Germany's engineering development is growing in a leap.
Especially in the steel industry.
The German Empire Steel Industry Center is located around the Roore River Valley.
Aka Ruhrgebiet (Ruhrgebiet) which is west of the country.
This area is a major source of iron and coal mineral, with an epicenter in Esseen.
But originally, most steel industries use mild steel, these iron are fragile.
Make it not yet applied for much use.
For steel to be stronger and more durable, it is necessary to transform the chemical structure of steel by fusing and filling the mineral into steel.
But ironing requires a very high temperature at the moment, no effective and cost effective stove for production.
How to produce Siemens-Martin Steel
Which was invented in July. 1865 by 2 researchers
One of them is German named Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens
Created an accelerated steel squid oven that can heat up to 1,500 degrees Celsius.
It's called a pan stove or open hearth furnace.
With education system that strongly connects research and industrial sector.
Not long ago, German steel company brought a new refiner.
xỳāng rwdrĕw application in the steel industry
Led by steel company called ′′ Krupp ′′
Krupp company founded by the Krupp family has a history back to mid 16th century.
There is an office located in Esseen during which German railway expands rapidly.
Esen City becomes the center of the steel industry.
Krupp company also leads to manufacturing metal-based products such as railroad tracks and locomotives.
Alfred Krupp has funded research to find out how to produce steel.
Scholarship to the scholars when a new refiner comes out successfully.
Krupp company has become a leader in global export steel production.
From railroad tracks, development to machinery and factories.
Not long ago, Germany was on board, Europe's major steel manufacturer overtakes England.
Krupp company currently has merged with Thyssen steel company.
Became a ′′ Thyssenkrupp ′′ company.
Even the steel industry is going to lower the role.
But Thyssenkrupp has continued to be a leader in engine parts.
Aircraft, elevator and escalator components.
Apart from the steel industry, another industry in which German engineering knowledge has advanced over many countries during the same time is the electrical industry.
Led by a company called ′′ Siemens ′′
Founder of this company is Werner von Siemens Berlin electric engineer
This is the real brother of Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens who invented steel production methods.
Werner von Siemens has automatically invented a typed telegram system.
Instead of knocking, using Morse code, then founded Siemens company in July. B.E. 1847
Siemens company has expanded its business across Europe and USA.
Werner von Siemens also the world's first electric elevator developer in July. B.E. 1880
The inventor of mechanical dynamo that transforms mechanical energy into electric energy.
And build an electric bus or Trolley Bus in July. B.E. 1882
Siemens are currently the world's leading electrical engineering company.
There are a variety of products from electronics, electric car, medical tools.
Electric train signal system to wind turbine technology
In addition to Thyssenkrupp and Siemens, the brand is under 100 years old.
Germany also has many engineering companies that all have the same age.
The whole Leica company founded in July. B.E. 1869
Expert in the production of eyelet lenses, medical devices and cameras.
AEG company founded in July. 1883 Manufacturer of large generator and tram system
Osram company separated from Siemens in July. Prof. 1909 is a leader in light bulb technology.
Dedication to developing applied science education and connecting to the business sector, opens new advancements in engineering.
And bring Germany to step up, standing in the front line of the world's leading industrial countries.
But not only the advancements in the steel and electrical industry.
Founded Technical University will produce important people in the science industry.
To take Germany to open the world into a new industry.
Industry that will forever change people's lifestyle
′′ The chemical industry "..
Prepare to meet the article series ′′ Branding the Nation ′′ to build brand instead of country.
In the next episode coming soon..
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Love this article. Must read this book.
′′ 1,000 year world economy ′′
If you want to know the possibilities of the world economy, you need to understand
1,000 year world economy, 6th print.
This book will talk about the history of the world economy since Fri 1100 Keep going until 1100 B.E. 2019
Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/1000-i714570154-s1368712682.html
Shopee: https://shopee.co.th/product/116732911/6716121161
Follow to invest man at
Website - longtunman.com
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- Robert C. Allen, World Economic History
- Chattip Nak Supha, History of Comparative Industrial Revolution
-.. .. Chachphon Kolkathada, a war that never won.
process progress 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 八卦
MSF Singapore will dedicate 2021 as the Year of Celebrating SG Women.
Beyond celebrating the contributions of women, past and present, in building Singapore, this movement also recognises the myriad roles women occupy in our community. Whether prominent leaders or everyday workers – and everything in between, women are first and foremost our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.
Creating an equitable society for women is an ongoing process. We’ve made progress over the years at home, in workplaces and in society, but we still need to change mindsets further. The ongoing Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development seek to understand how we can better support women, and empower them to pursue their aspirations.
If you’d like join me in #CelebratingSGWomen, you can add this Facebook profile frame. Let’s work towards a more equitable and progressive society, together.
process progress 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的評價
I get this question a lot and the answers are pretty simple! Vocabulary learning and acquisition takes time, but here are some helpful tricks that can make learning vocab more fun, discovering new words more easy, and speed up the process of getting the words in your long term memory.
I made a post about this topic on my language blog here: http://rinkodesu.tumblr.com/post/177410568700/learning-vocabulary
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
process progress 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的評價
Answering one of your most common questions: how do you choose a language to learn? Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make the decision process easier.
여러분들이 자주 묻는 질문을 대답하도록 하겠습니다! 외국어를 좋아하는 사람은 이렇게 많은 외국어중에 어떻게 하나를 선택할 수 있을까...고민하시면! 제 조언을 드릴게욤!
Or if you prefer to read this in a blog format, here's an accompanying post I wrote: (영상보기 귀찮으시면 이거 읽어 보셔더 되구여) https://lindiebotes.com/2019/09/26/how-to-choose-language-to-learn/
00:00 Introduction
00:34 It's a personal journey
01:18 Which do you already speak?
02:04 Passion
02:42 Which language makes you excited?
03:33 Can you see a future with it?
04:50 Available resources & native speakers
06:00 End
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
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Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
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Finally, a video in Vietnamese! ? I've had 2 conversational lessons so far, so I'm still a beginner. In this video, I do my homework, which is to write a basic paragraph about my daily life. I made a lot of mistakes (which I only noticed after my tutor fixed it), so if you spot something halfway, please just watch until the end first!
Hôm nay mình làm bài tập tiếng Việt. Tôi đã viết một đoạn văn....rất khó!
Vietnamese resources on my website https://lindiebotes.com/vietnamese-resources/
#NóiTiếngViệt #Polyglot #StudyWithMe
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Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
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Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
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