กรณีศึกษา Casper ธุรกิจขายที่นอน ออนไลน์ /โดย ลงทุนแมน
“ไอเดียนี้แย่มาก ไม่มีใครซื้อที่นอนทางอินเทอร์เน็ตกันหรอก”
นี่คือคำพูดของกลุ่มนักลงทุน ที่ปฏิเสธให้เงินเจ้าของบริษัท Casper ไปเริ่มต้นธุรกิจขายที่นอนออนไลน์
ซึ่งอาจเพราะในอดีต คนยังคุ้นเคยกับการไปซื้อที่นอนตามหน้าร้านอยู่...
Continue ReadingCase study Casper. Online / Investing mattress business.
′′ This idea is terrible. No one will buy internet mattresses
This is the quote of a group of investors who refuse to get money for Casper company to start an online mattress business.
Maybe because in the past, people are still familiar with buying beds in front of the store.
But Casper finally can erase those beliefs
And make online mattresses widely popular
How do they use DISRUPT mattress market
Investing man will tell you about it.
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
Casper is an online retail business from USA
Founded in 2014 or just 6 years ago
The main products that the company has chosen to sell are ′′ bed ′′
Because it's something to use regularly because humans sleep average of 6-8 hours a day.
However, Casper in the early stages couldn't convince investors to care about their business.
Y ' all don't believe consumers buy site mattresses that often.
Because it's quite expensive and the product has been used for years.
This industry is also a large market worth around 1,200,000 million baht.
With a lot of retail players competing fiercely
Making the owner of the company to pay personal money. Try to produce the product first. Until it's in debt of 3 million baht.
Casper's mattresses are designed with good quality materials like Memory Foam, which fits the user's body, so it reduces pressure and makes us sleep better.
The sale price is between 11,000 to 35,000 baht, which is not expensive like various retail stores.
Including the company is open to return within 100 days and warranty for 10 years.
When businesses look into form, there is a group of Venture Capital investors coming to support funding.
Make Casper finally able to launch the platform
Originally, they predicted the first year of income at around 60 million baht.
But the result appears that just the first 2 months, sales have gone through the target.
If you ask me why Casper mattresses are selling well.
The answer would be a marketing strategy that attracts consumers in this era.
Casper's most highlights. Apart from quality and price.
It's packing small boxed mattress products to be shipped to customers.
When the box is removed, put it on the base of the bed, the mattress will gradually blister up as if it lives.
This unique creates a trend of posting video clips, unpacking boxes and placing Casper mattresses on social media platforms.
Especially when famous people post like Kylie Jenner's case talking about their Instagram and YouTube casper mattresses generated over 870,000 likes.
Therefore, companies are primarily focused on advertising on social media
By hiring actresses and influencer to make casper product containers
Later, when the brand is famous, there are more interested in investing.
Target major retail malls, A-Grade Investment. Ashton Kutcher's fund.
Or entertainment industry people like Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Adam Levine etc.
The company therefore puts future vision to step into a virtual Nike of sleep.
By expanding the business to other sleep related items such as pillow, bed sheet, lamp.
Also invested to build over 200 storefronts
And expanding services to foreign countries such as Canada, Germany, England.
Performance of Casper Sleep Inc. Continuing to grow
Year 2017 Income 7,900 million baht. Loss of 2,300 million baht.
Year 2018 Income 11,200 million baht. Loss of 2,900 million baht.
Year 2019 Income 13,800 million baht. Loss of 2,950 million baht.
Casper used to be evaluated by business value at 34,500 million baht. It is a starter cuddle Unicorn decoration.
And on February 2020, the company got the IPO listed into the New York Stock Exchange.
But the latest stock value has gone down to around 11,300 million baht.
This may be the result of Casper's losses and marketing advertisement costs quite high.
Assemble Casper's success, it has resulted in competitors selling online mattresses for less than 175 companies.
Including big ones like Walmart and Amazon
Online mattress selling has become a new trend in the market which makes the largest US mattress firm retailer named Mattress Firm who has been in business for 33 years. Sales of 107,000 million baht. Bankruptcy announced in 2018
This is an interesting case study
Although the product doesn't seem to fit online sales.
But did you know that when we walk in the mall to buy a mattress, we listen to the sales staff speak differently than we see online reviews. Trying with a real mattress may not affect the decision that we initially thought.
If you can make a point of selling by letting people review the products.
So that there is a trend. Let's talk about it widely.
Maybe we can sell the kind that people don't think they can sell like Casper's bed..
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
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同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過361萬的網紅Dan Lok,也在其Youtube影片中提到,What If You Not Only Knew How To Price A Product, But Charge High Prices And Make People Buy It? It Requires A High Income Skill, Which You Can Find T...
「price strategy marketing」的推薦目錄:
price strategy marketing 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 八卦
第73創業知識:《哈佛知識分享:產品如何定價?Understanding Pricing Value Stick 》
從前有四個空姐, 佢哋分別都發明咗一碗一模一樣,都係靚過競爭對手”吉X家"嘅牛肉飯,如果對家賣$42碗,你係位空姐,你會如何定價?
Everything you need to know about pricing in this video! 有時間去俾俾意見啦!
(1) 元朗金輝徑(舊B仔涼粉)側邊 (tel. 5202 2562)
(2) 深水埗西九龍中心8樓 Food Court (tel. 36934351)
電話預訂熱線: 52022562
#神戶食堂 #空姐牛肉飯
完整内容: 《哈佛知識分享:產品如何定價?Understanding Pricing Value Stick 》
從前有四個空姐, 佢哋分別都發明咗一碗一模一樣,都係靚過競爭對手”吉X家"嘅牛肉飯。
空姐三: 我啲牛肉係薄切1.3mm 達至最佳口感效果
空姐四: 我只係用高級珍珠米,口感Q彈、軟滑,但對家吉x家就....
我聽佢哋講㗎咋,我冇證明過。 不過我成間家人都食過佢碗空姐生肉飯,真係好味過吉X家。
空姐二: 就貴佢啲咁多, 當益下街坊
空姐三: 梗係對住佢嚟打,佢定幾多我就定幾多
空姐四: 蝕底啲, 我料靚啲,但就係賣平啲
你又會點定呢? 根據 Harvard 教授 Robert Dolan 同埋 Felix Oberholzer Gee 喺堂入面教過我以下 Pricing Value Stick 定價價値線。
產品定價包括六樣嘢,由上面數落嚟,True Economic Value 真正的經濟價值, Perceived Value 人客覺得你值幾錢, Willingness to Pay 顧客願意付出嘅價錢, Price 定價, Cost of goods sold 售貨成平, Willingness to Sell 供應商願意去供貨俾你的最底價錢。
True Economic Value 就係 Cost of the next best alternative plus value of performance differentials in the mind of fully informed customers. 即係等於買你替代品成本,加你產品優勝之處,對於位完全知情顧客的價值。
例如一碗吉x家嘅飯係賣緊42蚊, 我食咗空姐牛肉飯之後,因為特別好味令到更加醒神,我做嘢就爽手咗半個鐘, 我一個鐘頭嘅人工係100蚊,所以呢碗空姐牛肉飯就額外同我產生咗50蚊嘅價值,再加番吉X家嗰碗42蚊,咁空姐牛肉飯嘅 True Economic Value 就係92蚊啦。
你同我總之覺得好味啲,咪畀多幾蚊囉。 環境靚啲,再畀多啲。包裝好啲,咪再畀多啲囉。 呢個就係 Perceived Value 人客覺得你值幾錢。
但你要記住喎,人客覺得你值幾錢唔代表佢會畀咁多錢你喎。佢要畀得少過你值幾錢,佢先至有個推動力去買你嘅嘢,呢個叫做Willingness to pay 人客願意付出嘅價錢。
假設 Willingness to pay 係70蚊,如果Price 你定價低過70蚊,咁佢自然會買你嘅嘢㗎啦。 Price 定價越平,佢就越大動力去買, 呢個叫incentive to purchase,你嘅銷貨量都會提升啦。 有人鍾意定價高啲, 貴精不貴多。 有人鐘意定價低啲,就薄利多銷,貨如輪轉。 無話對與錯,每人生意策略唔同。但如果定價高過 willingness-to-pay 就係定價太貴,overpriced, 肯定錯。
如果定價定得太平,低過你嘅cost of good sold 售貨成本,包括來貨價、人工、租金等,就係underpriced 定價過低,你就冇錢賺, 呢個策略都係錯啦。 做生意要賺錢,price 同埋cost of good sold 嘅距離就係你嘅 incentive to sell 賣嘢嘅推動力啦。
True Economic value 減你嘅 cost of good sold, 就係你產品嘅 value creation 價值製造. 可惜,create 咗,唔代表你袋到,由於太多市場上太多選擇同競爭對手,你袋到嘅只係你嘅 Price 減 cost of good sold, 即係你產品嘅 value captured 價值捕獲,等於你嘅 profit 利潤啦。
仲有,供應商賣得啲貨畀你,佢哋要賺錢呀。低過呢個 willingness to sell 供應商願意供貨畀你嘅價錢,佢都唔會供貨俾你。 員工其實都係你供應商之一, 做得有意義開心嘅,自然人工低啲都無所謂。 做賊咁,日日都要幫你去殺人放火嘅,自然佢都要搵到大錢先肯做啦。你嘅cost of good sold 同 suppliers' Willingness to sell 嘅距離就係 supplier's incentive to supply.
最後如果人客得到嘅價值true economic value,係高過佢願意畀嘅錢willingness-to-pay,自然就有customer satisfaction 滿意嘅顧客啦。
(1) 新嘅產品研發 Innovation,就係希望將個true economic value 提升,碗嘢啲料同煮法係真係好嘢嚟㗎。
(2). Marketing 就係希望將個人客嘅 perceived value提升。
(3). Customer Relationship Management 客戶關係管理就希望將佢地嘅 willingness to pay 提升。 同人客關係好,佢自然願意畀多啲買呢碗空姐牛肉飯。
(4). Sales Strategy 銷售策略就決定咗你嘅產品定價高啲或者低啲。 但記住唔好高過人客戶嘅Willingness to pay , 你賣唔出,亦唔好低過你嘅cost of good sold, 你冇錢賺。
(5). Operational effectiveness 營運效率就係不斷地將個 cost of good sold 售貨成本降低。 員工嘅培訓可唔可以好啲,爽手啲。食材損耗可以少啲,慳番啲。
(6). 最後,Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理,例如同供應商嘅關係可唔可以好啲,找數準時啲,入貨量貼啲,大家溝通上好啲,令到佢哋願意供貨畀你個價錢 willingness to sell 都降低啲。
有本事做足以上六嘅步驟,你賺錢自然多啲。 我專賣舖,間舖值幾錢? 我每日都記住呢條 Pricing Value Stick 。 好啦,去返個四位空姐, 你估呢間空姐牛肉飯嘅銷售策略又係乜嘢呢?
不如問下真正嘅空姐 Annie 啦。
(Annie 出場):
Waah! 日本御廚嘅煮法,咁靚嘅食材,咁有心嘅經營 ,都只係賣到咁低嘅價錢,大家真係要嚟試下。地址係元朗金輝徑(舊B仔涼粉)側邊,嫌遠? 可以去佢深水埗西九龍中心嘅 Food Court 都搵到。
買咗唔好食? 影張相whatsapp畀我, 打個電話同我講碗嘢好難食,我馬上用 payme 退返錢俾你。Annie 同 Eric 係我租客,我撑佢! 大家都係搵食啫!希望以上 Pricing Value Stick 對你做生意定價亦有所啟發,有時間過嚟試試啦。
price strategy marketing 在 納豆 Facebook 八卦
編哥有話大聲說🔊 :
得獎忘謝粉絲 ➡ 228撲台來補償 ➡ 看彩排和親簽海報福利再加碼 ➡ 先補署名“愛你的”親筆新年快樂中文送崔太太甜過年 #快來給忙到沒睡覺的腦公秀秀
最近因趕戲幾乎無法睡覺的他,穿著千優彬護衛隊長的戲服在拍攝現場都來不及及換,仍堅持要跟粉絲談心告白長達三分鐘,可以說寵粉無上限。崔振赫說,到各處辦見面會不嫌辛苦,他能趁這樣的機會與粉絲見到面感到很開心,以彌補最近忙於拍戲,無法上IG 、SNS與粉絲互動的缺憾。
另外~編哥為崔太太們爭取到 :
人還沒到,補償已經滿出來,被粉絲喻為最佛心票價3800及2800元,目前門票正在ibon售票網站及全台7-11 ibon機台熱賣中。
Activity time: February 28, 2019 (4) 6:00 PM
Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Ticketing method: ibon ticketing website and 7-11 ibon machine
Ticket price: NT$3,800 / NT$2,800
Organizer: Executive Integration Marketing Co., Ltd.
Management Company: G-Tree Creative
Ticketing benefits:
*Fans who buy the tickets can have a high-fiving photo shooting with Choi after the event
*Photos with Choi :20 groups
*Rehearsals audience:150people
* Attending the press conference: 100 people
*Autographed poster: 150 people
Please pay attention to the official website of the event:
崔振赫최진혁台灣後援會 Choi Jin Hyuk Taiwan Fan Club
百度崔振赫貼吧 Choi Jin Hyuk Baidu Official Fan Club
崔振赫香港飯團 Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 HK Fan Group
崔振赫香港首站 최진혁 Cjh Hk Fan Club
Choi Jinhyuk 최진혁 Global Fanbase
Choi Jin Hyuk Universal
Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 International
Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁
Choi Jin Hyuk Universal
Choi Jin Hyuk Malaysia Fan Club 최진혁
Choi Jin Hyuk Thailand
#崔振赫 #ChoiJinHyuk #최진혁 #チェジニョク #馬成的喜悅 #마성의기쁨 #魔性の喜び #皇后的品格 #황후의품격
price strategy marketing 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的評價
What If You Not Only Knew How To Price A Product, But Charge High Prices And Make People Buy It? It Requires A High Income Skill, Which You Can Find Today By Taking Dan’s FREE Quiz Here: http://productpricing.danlok.link
There are many different ways to price a product or service in business. The problem is, most entrepreneurs and business owners choose a pricing strategy that prevents them from scaling or staying profitable. So in this video, Dan Lok is going to give you 7 different pricing strategies and how to use them in your business today.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator known for being the founder and chairman of Closers.com - the world’s #1 virtual-closers network, Copywriters.com, and SalesCalls.com. Beyond his businesses, Mr. Lok has led several global movements to redefine modern education where he has taught individuals from 150+ countries to develop high income skills and financial confidence.
Beyond his success in business, he was also a two time TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of 12+ books. A member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) - a private group of global chief executives whose companies employ 22 million people and generate 9-trillion USD in annual revenues. He also hosts The Dan Lok Show - a series on elite business tycoons and world-leading entrepreneurs.
Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in thousands of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
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Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #Pricing #Product
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
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Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about 7 Pricing Strategies - How To Price A Product

price strategy marketing 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
What is GT-R?
GT-R is a vehicle developed with a main objective of use by the circuit the skyline that continues from the C10 Hacosca type (Macartun). It is a car like the assumption of the win in the race though it is a passenger car base, a mission installing equipment and an engine different from other grades of the skyline, and the influences on other domestic production sports cars, etc.Therefore, there are a lot of madly devoted fans, and the engineer also has a special sticking to. The name of GT-R for that is assumed, and there is a model not permitted either, and it assumes the existence of GT-R to be the one of more special crown. 「There are three famous alphabets worldwide. It is G, T, and R. I will promise here. GT-R revives without fail. 」Carlos Ghosn COO (at that time) made remarks on "GT-R concept" ahead by opening about presentation at the press conference on the Tokyo Motor Show in 2001. I can ask this car for the posture of Nissan that offers it because it entrusted such a content to Gorn where only a thorough rationalization strategy is often taken up. This promise is sold, and the mass production type is announced by the 40th Tokyo Motor Show on October 24, 2007 and Carlos Ghosn will be sold accomplishment Nissan and GT-R on December 6, 2007. Especially, it is known, and not only the country but also the world is 13 in the reputation of R from active distinguished services very much in an overseas race that has infiltrated by calling Godzilla (Godzilla) as for the name though it is from R32 type. Therefore, GT-R of R32, R33, and R34 is introduced to foreign countries though the skyline is almost a car only for the domestic sale by exporter's hand. As for the reputation, R33GT-R was sold to the model end very high as regular export in Britain though 100 V-spec was a limitation to R34GT-R similarly in addition by 100 limitation.
This is to receive the thing that eminence in Europe goes up by participating as "NISMO GT-R LM" to demand of saying to Nissan Motor Co., "It wants you to sell it also in foreign countries" strong, and 24 hour in Le Mans endurance race. There is a user who says that there are value (scarcity) more than Ferrari and status, too and the satisfaction rating to a practical side is very high though only the high income group was able to buy 10.8 million yen when converting it into Japanese yen in Britain because of the tariff by the thing that does (The price of a new car of V-specII of a domestic specification is 5 million 748 thousand yen) , saying that "The family is taken though it is efficient as the sports running can be done". Britain..car..performance..technology..high..externals..Tokyo..taxi..criticize..this..writing..Britain..joke..rather..face..usual..passenger car..contents..sports car..concept..fresh..assuming that..accept..thing..turn inside out..expression.It was received with good feeling in "Cargai (car favor)" actually. Both of these 200 total are sold all on several days.
Additionally, the individual was exported to Germany, France, Switzerland, the United States, Hong Kong, and UAE, etc. (To our regret, putting the car that had not suited the standard in the United States according to state might become the violation of the law, and there was a case where the trader was restrained to the police authority, and had been imprisoned, too). Moreover, Michael Clm active with SUPER GT also buys two R34GT-R in Japan, and it transports it to Monaco.
A British specification : with a domestic specification though is especially the enormous discrepancy. Type..locale..regulations..according to..correspondence..security..strengthen..headlight..halogen..valve..make..security..standard..suit..change..speed limiter..Europe..self-imposed restraint..value..improve..scale..speed..meter..adoption..country..specification..spec..adopt..genuine leather..seat..equip..Britain..specification..this..skin..hand..work..put..one..Japan..lineup..provide..red..epidermal..selection..tentatively..Japan..limitation..put on the market.
The name of GT-R still was not revealed at this point, and the flow of GT-A and GT-B that had been put up was drawn to a hot model of the second generation skyline, and there was a rumor of becoming GT-C, too, when marketing it founder GT-R in the Hacosca age was though the reference was exhibited to the prototype of the type in the previous year's 1968 Tokyo Motor Show put on the market immediately before marketing.
There are already a lot of owners of GT-R who dislike excessively putting the hand from the perfection as the tuning car high while stocked. Moreover, because the emblem of GT-R is applied to a standard model and a lot of tunings shown like GT-R are done by transplanting the bumper, it is possible to visit the popularity of the style of GT-R. To catch it ..engine power to keep.. firmly, great Modefai is often added to the exterior an of course favorite ..core.. tuning.

price strategy marketing 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的評價
Want To Know How To Price Your Services So You Can Make MORE By Working LESS? Get Dan's NEW Book, Unlock It: http://priceyourservices.danlok.link
Want to know the secret of how to price your services? Or how to price your product or digital marketing services? Is the secret of how to price your services as a consultant or digital marketing services or social media marketing services by looking at the price of your competitors? Watch this video to find out the answer to these questions.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator. Mr. Lok is leading a global education movement spanning across 120+ countries where Mr. Lok has taught millions of men and women to develop high income skills, unlock true financial confidence and master their financial destinies.
Beyond his success in business, Mr. Lok was also a two times TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of over a dozen books. And the host of The Dan Lok Show – a series featuring billionaire tycoons and millionaire entrepreneurs.
Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in hundreds of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #Pricing #HowTo
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about How To Price Your Services
