One Person, One Letter
1st Link: https://form.jotform.me/90608669364468
2nd Link: https://form.jotform.me/90622230061442
3rd Link: https://form.jotform.me/90622168099463
4th Link: https://form.jotform.me/90624113138449
5th Link: https://form.jotform.me/90624058192457
📍由於聯署反映熱烈,原始連結(1st Link)不時出現問題,現特別開設多幾條後備連結,以方便大家使用。不便之處,敬請原諒。
Because the response of this campaign is overwhelming, the original link (1st Link)cannot function properly. So we have set up several reserve links for people to co-sign. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.📍
▋教育、家長及學生組織呼籲:一人一信 向理工大學管理層表達關注
▋A Call from Education, Parent and Student Groups: “One Person, One Letter”, Voicing our Concerns to PolyU Management
In response to the recent decision by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to punish four students for a protest over the “free speech wall”, we call for Hong Kong citizens to take part in this “one person, on letter” campaign to voice our concerns to PolyU management:
1/ 教育學生應以開導為主,理工大學卻對原意只為捍衛「民主牆」言論自由的學生,施以「退學」、「永不取錄」等不合比例的嚴厲懲處,違反教育的基本常識和道德倫理。
Education is about enlightening students, but PolyU only resorted to punishing students, who only intended to defend the freedom of the speech under “free speech wall”, by disproportionate penalties including “suspension” and “non-admission”. Such a decision violates the basic principles and ethics of education.
2/ 理工大學表明懲處決定「不可上訴」,明顯不符合程序公義原則。
The PolyU made it clear that its decision could not be appealed. Such a practice is obviously not consistent with the principle of procedural fairness.
3/ 理工大學應盡快覆檢相關的懲處決定。
PolyU should revisit its decision as soon as possible.
◆ 此致 Addressing to:
陳正豪教授(理工大學暫任校長) Prof. Philip Chan (PolyU Interim President) [email protected]
盧麗華博士(理工大學副校長) Dr. Miranda Lou (PolyU Vice President) [email protected]
唐仕恒先生(理工大學副校長) Mr. Andy Tong (PolyU Vice President) [email protected]
衞炳江教授(理工大學副校長) Prof. Alexander Wai (PolyU Vice President) [email protected]
楊立偉教授(理工大學副校長) Prof. Ben Young (PolyU Vice President) [email protected]
何兆鎏教授(理工大學協理副校長) Prof. S. L. Ho (PolyU Associate Vice President) [email protected]
陳智軒教授(理工大學協理副校長) Prof. Chetwyn Chan (PolyU Associate Vice President) [email protected]
陳國華教授(理工大學協理副校長) Prof. Guohua Chen (PolyU Associate Vice President) [email protected]
黃國賢教授(理工大學協理副校長) Prof.Kwok-yin Wong (PolyU Associate Vice President) [email protected]
石丹理教授(理工大學協理副校長) Prof. Daniel Shek (PolyU Associate Vice President) [email protected]
◆ 發起團體 Initiating Organizations:
高教公民Progressive Scholars Group
進步教師同盟 Progressive Teachers' Alliance
傘下爸媽 Umbrella Parents
教育實驗學社 The Edu Lab
全民教育局 HKEd4All
家長聯盟 Parents United of Hong Kong
「philip chan polyu」的推薦目錄:
philip chan polyu 在 PrideLab Facebook 八卦
(Please scroll down for English version)
【HER Hub 能力培訓計劃 - 知識交流會︰策動社會改變的她】
HER Hub 聯同香港理工大學應用社會科學系專業實踐及評估中心合辦是次交流會,從不同角度探討女性領導力如何策動社會改變。
1. 簡佩坤女士, 婦女動力基金 署理行政總監
2. Mr Philip Booth, Regional Director, Porticus Asia
3. 凌錦霞博士, 香港女障協進會 執行委員會委員
4. 陳鳳儀博士, 香港理工大學 應用社會科學系講師
5. 蕭婉文博士, 香港理工大學 應用社會科學系助理教授
論壇主持︰何式凝教授 香港大學社會科學及社會行政學系
1. 科壁君女士 羅兵咸永道諮詢香港有限公司 管理諮詢總監
2. 姐姐仔會
3. 天姿作圍
4. 香港亞洲家務工工會聯會
請即報名: https://goo.gl/ph9Ecj
【HER Hub Capacity Building Program - Knowledge Exchange: Women’s Leadership and Organizational Development in the Community】
“Knowledge Exchange” is collaboratively organized by HER Fund and Professional Practice and Assessment Centre of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It discusses how women leadership facilitates social change from various perspectives.
Date: 8 Dec 2017 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 - 18:00
Venue: N001 Lecture Theatre, PolyU
Language: Cantonese (Simultaneous English interpretation will be provided)
【Panel Discussion】How important are women’s leadership and organizational capacity building to mobilizing social change?
Discussion Time! Encourage understanding and reflection of the relationship between organizational capacity building and women's leadership between groups, organizations, enterprises and professionals.
Speakers include:
1. Ms Judy Kan, Acting Executive Director of HER Fund
2. Mr Philip Booth, Regional Director, Porticus Asia
3. Dr Karen Ling, Member of the Executive Committee, Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong
4. Dr Pauline Chan Fung-yi, Teaching Fellow of Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
5. Dr Judy Siu, Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Facilitator: Professor Petula, Sik-Ying Ho, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
【Human Library】How capacity building make changes to women leaders?Mutual learning time!!! Meet with different women leaders and listen to the stories about their development.
Sharing organization︰
1. Ms Gwen Faure, Director, Consulting, PwC Hong Kong
2. JJJ Association
3. Tin Zi Zok Wai
4. Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions
【Sharing and networking session】
Network with one another to explore possibilities of collaboration
Details: https://www.herfund.org.hk/index_en.php?cid=2&pid=51
Enrollment: https://goo.gl/ph9Ecj
More speakers will be announced soon. Stay tuned!
【HER Hub 簡介】
婦女動力基金於2017年成立「HER Hub 能力培訓計劃」(簡稱「HER Hub」),為因資源不足而難以持續發展的邊緣女性組織(包括家務工、性小眾、年輕媽媽、新移民婦女等)提供能力培訓,助他們推動權益工作,亦透過此平台匯聚專業機構及人士的力量,攜手改變社會。
In 2017, HER Fund established its flagship capacity building program – HER Hub to provide capacity building support to groups and organizations which serve marginalized women (e.g. domestic workers, the sexually marginalized, young mothers, new immigrants, etc.) but lack the resources for sustainable development. Variety of groups and organizations, professionals and corporations will work hand in hand for mutual learning in order to lead to social change through the facilitation of the Hub.