疫症之下 人心惶惶 拒絕停擺 產業自強
百年一遇的世紀疫症,將全球各行各業推向不見天日的深淵,音樂演出業更是因為各國的人口隔離政策而陷入停擺,現時的普遍說法是到 2021 年才見𥌓光。這意味著香港業界現時面對的零收入狀態,還將持續至少一年時間,然而許多單位已經承受著瀕臨倒閉的經濟壓力,我們最珍貴的幕後手足們更有不少陷入「無錢開飯」的局面。
香港人要自救,總不能坐以待斃,眼甘甘等待阿黃出手。因此,一班本地獨立音樂人、音樂場地、舞台製作團隊及音樂媒體等決定掙扎,合力籌辦線上企劃 ——「Tone Online Music Festival」線上串流音樂節 —— 由多組本地獨立音樂單位輪流傾力送上精彩演出,並加插直播環節及多個特備節目,再次拉近觀眾與演出者距離。
是次籌辦線上串流音樂節由幾個本地活動主辦單位合力負擔成本,雖然直播當天可以在 YouTube 及 Facebook 等平台免費收看,但我們還是希望大眾以觀賞演出活動的心態看看待,以網上購票的形式平衡龐大開支。觀眾可由即日起透過以下形式「買飛」課金支持。謝謝。
直播頻道 Live Streaming Platforms
YouTube: Happy Kongner shorturl.at/cfuBU
Facebook: This Town Needs www.facebook.com/thistownneeds
Facebook: KKBOX (HK) www.facebook.com/kkboxhk
購票支持 Ticketing(自由訂價)
TickCats 網上購票:https://tickcats.co/ticket/tone
FPS 轉數快:6704936 (H K E P S Limited)
演出單位 Line-up(嘉賓主持 Host:細So)
Matt Force
Jan Curious & tombeats
Life Was All Silence
Stereo Is The Answer
Gigi & Sabrina
Rain In Time 及時雨
演出單位 Line-up (嘉賓主持 Host:細So)
未來見 MV:https://youtu.be/Hroq64h65Os
漫長 lyric video:https://youtu.be/kM_DLxId8ok
Don’t Text Him MV:https://youtu.be/gC-4-1c60NI
Let Us Go Then You And I MV:https://youtu.be/GBbIE6Fyspk
Jan Curious & tombeats
Blue Sky Falls MV:https://youtu.be/kt96XuV3iBs
Solid MV:https://youtu.be/YdCfF6lVfl0
Matt Force
告別 MV:https://youtu.be/voU1DufVXF0
死亡香 MV:https://youtu.be/ernLNvpGO44
Life Was All Silence
Hide and Seek MV:https://youtu.be/Pjtm9oJOvMQ
Falling Wall MV:https://youtu.be/zRdPpgHepCM
Stereo Is The Answer
City in the Ocean MV:https://youtu.be/s28jmpn3rZU
Pascal Seven MV:https://youtu.be/Ydzs4Ht0jWw
Gigi & Sabrina
見多一次 MV:https://youtu.be/MqeJO4BuQTg
Rain In Time 及時雨
里程 MV:https://youtu.be/dOzk2ZnaTN8
留白 MV:https://youtu.be/8VONpsUTJ2s
元旦 Fever Dance Cover:https://youtu.be/8iKN-r-_cbA
TickCats 網上購票:https://tickcats.co/ticket/tone
FPS 轉數快:6704936 (Hong Kong Exhibition and Performance Space Limited)
-----傳媒聯絡請電郵至 info@oc2s.co -----
簡介 Tone Online Music Festival
Tone Online Music Festival 是一個以香港本地獨立音樂為核心的線上串流音樂節目,並由幾個活躍於本地獨立音樂產業的團體合力籌辦,包括 This Town Needs、Zuk Studio、Detuned Radio Festival、Daymaker Creatives、OC2S Music 等。是次活動旨在為自身產業的不同崗位帶來工作機會,亦希望透過活動能重新讓廣大觀眾認識本土獨立音樂文化及價值,藉此提升其關注與支持。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Qoo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▼▼▼睇呢度可以留意到我日常動向▼▼▼ Instagram ► http://instagram.com/imahqoo Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/imahqoo ----------------------- 多謝你地睇我既片 , 你地就係我既推動...
「p. seven 香港」的推薦目錄:
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 Happy Kongner 快活角落頭 Facebook
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 P!SCO Facebook
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 Qoo Youtube
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 Y so Cerious Youtube
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 P. Seven 香港-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭 的評價
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 P.Seven茗香水@誠品expo-r79 | Liquor cabinet, ... - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於p. seven 香港 在 TVBS《一步一腳印發現新台灣》稍縱即逝卻能喚醒 ... - YouTube 的評價
p. seven 香港 在 P!SCO Facebook 八卦
【ASIA SERIES 2017預售票開賣中】
2014/07/24 晚上在The Wall,首屆「Asia Series」由 P!SCO(TW)、GEEKS(JP) 和 Laxity (JP) 一起揭開爆炸性的中日交流序幕;隔年9月轉戰小地方展演空間(木曜日攻防戰);2016 年7月,第三屆活動竟直接延長成日泰港台二日攻防戰,分別由來自日本、泰國、香港與台灣的十組樂團輪番上陣,熱鬧非凡;而今年2月,P!SCO也代表台灣前進大阪,參加由日本友團舉辦的同名活動「Asia Series in Japan」。
再過三個禮拜,第四屆「Asia Series」終於要再度展開啦!7/6、7/7 兩天晚上台團港團日團們齊聚PIPE,地主兼主揪 P!SCO 將於第一天開場以及第二天壓軸演出,並邀集日本樂團Who the Bitch、Yellow Studs、QU、Boiler陸龜、JinnyOops、Memento森、The Jives以及香港樂團神奇膠一起同樂,佛心票價CP值超高!與其宅在家裡自怨自艾,還不如來看表演揮灑汗水,通體舒暢啊!
預售票熱力開賣中,先把時間空下來給我們 <3
時間:17:30進場 / 18:00開演
票價:單日票400元 / 雙日聯票700元 / 現場單日票500元
地點:PIPE Live Music
演出樂團:P!SCO(雙日登場) / Boiler陸亀 / memento森 / THE JIVES / JinnyOops / 神奇膠 Wondergarl / Yellow Studs(イエロースタッズ) / Who the Bitch / Qu
主辦:P!SCO / Asia Series Music Festival
執行:One PeeR Studio 頑皮音樂影像工作室
協辦:覺醒藝術 WAKE UP ARTS / 深靛 Deep Soul Electro / Seven Sense 柒感度 / 茶 Photograph / ShoLar Photography / Pipe
#AsiaSeries2017 #AsiaSeries #九組樂團兩日祭典
p. seven 香港 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[翻轉視界12] 外籍移工的悲歌
音檔: https://www.instagram.com/p/CH85KwdF3GJ/
Can you imagine working over 17 hours a day, seven days a week? Thousands of foreign domestic workers in Taiwan do it every day, with some being on call 24 hours a day and performing household chores that are not a part of their jobs.
1. foreign domestic worker 外籍家庭傭工
2. on call 24 hours a day 一天24小時待命
3. perform household chores 做家務事
Foreign domestic workers in Taiwan do not have a weekly mandatory rest day, despite this being a global standard already enforced in Hong Kong and Singapore. According to statistics by the Ministry of Labor (MOL), 34.7 percent of foreign domestic workers did not receive any days off last year.
4. a mandatory rest day 法定休假日
5. day off 休息日
6. the Ministry of Labor 勞動部
The record is a strike against Taiwan’s achievements in human rights and freedoms for its own citizens, especially stark after the internationally-lauded legalization of same-sex marriage in May, 2019. Compounding the lack of rest days are the long work hours — an average of 17.72 hours a day, according to a separate study commissioned in 2012 by the Executive Yuan’s Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (now part of the National Development Council).
7. a strike against… 對…的打擊、重創
8. human rights and freedoms 人權和自由*
9. internationally-lauded (adj.) 獲國際讚譽的
10. the legalization of same-sex marriage 同性婚姻合法化
11. compound (v.) 使加重,使加劇,使惡化
*freedom: https://bit.ly/3nvyjhM
The lack of rest and even basic privacy can cause mental and emotional strain to workers — effects that have already been reported to the government. A 2013 Control Yuan investigation into human rights issues faced by foreign domestic workers found that the lack of regular days off caused workers to fall into states of anxiety and stress in the long-term, and recommended that employers build “breathing time” for workers into their contracts.
12. basic privacy 基本隱私
13. mental and emotional strain 精神和情感壓力
14. Control Yuan 監察院
15. fall into states of anxiety and stress 陷入焦慮和壓力狀態
缺乏休息甚至基本隱私都會給工人帶來精神和情感壓力,這種影響已經被通報給政府。 2013年,行政院對外國家庭傭工所面臨的人權問題進行的調查發現,長期缺乏定期休假會導致工人陷入焦慮和壓力狀態,並建議雇主為工人在合同裡建立「透氣時間」。
On average, foreign domestic workers earn a total monthly salary with overtime amounting to NT$19,927, according to the MOL. In contrast, the average monthly salary for a Taiwanese domestic helper or caretaker in the Taipei area ranges from NT$45,000 to NT$75,000, according to the China Long-term Care Association (中華長照協會).
16. monthly salary 月薪
17. overtime (n.) 加班費*
18. amount (v.) to 達到、總計
19. caretaker 看護人員
*overtime: https://bit.ly/36MbH60
About 38 percent of foreign domestic workers in Taiwan have been verbally or physically abused by employers or household members, while less than half seek help, a survey conducted by the Garden of Hope Foundation found.
20. be verbally or physically abused 受到口頭或身體虐待
21. seek help 尋求幫助
About 250,000 migrants work in Taiwanese households, more than 240,000 as caregivers and 1,800 as maids. As shown by 35 percent of respondents, most victims do not seek help after being exploited, physically attacked or even sexually assaulted because they fear losing their job.
22. migrant 移民、移工*
23. caregiver 看護員
24. maid 女傭
25. respondent 受訪者
26. be exploited 被剝削
27. be physically attacked 被人身攻擊
28. be sexually assaulted 被性侵
29. lose one’s job 失去工作
*emigration, immigration, migration 的區別: https://bit.ly/36YcP6v
We need to provide better conditions and treatment for those who come thousands of miles to care for our elderly and the sick. It is the least we can do to thank them for their help.
30. provide better treatment 提供更好的待遇
31. the elderly and the sick 老人和病人
32. the least we can do 我們至少能做到
Why the case of a maid who battled a millionaire has gripped Singapore: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54174598
Domestic slavery, Maid in Taiwan: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2015/02/17/2003611746
翻轉視界: https://bit.ly/3fPvKUs
p. seven 香港 在 Qoo Youtube 的評價
Instagram ► http://instagram.com/imahqoo
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/imahqoo
多謝你地睇我既片 , 你地就係我既推動力 !!!

p. seven 香港 在 Y so Cerious Youtube 的評價
?✈️???久等了! ???
歐洲遊TRAVEL VLOG 第 4 集 完成啦!!!???
都會感覺 "眼睛" 去左旅行啦!! ???
歡迎大家留言, 發問 ~!! ?
由於有唔少朋友仔dm問我有關片中住嘅airbnb, 所以喺度分享連結~ 希望幫到大家啦?
Airbnb @ Brighton: https://goo.gl/sMwzKF
就俾個Like ??????同留言?啦!
按埋訂閱旁邊個鐘仔?, 就會第一時間收到新片通知啦 ?
我們會繼續努力嘗試拍攝? ? +製作
下條片 // 直播 見啦 ! ^______^
大家仲可以到下面ge地方搵我地, 唔同平台放唔同野GA!! :P
Our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Y.Cerious
Y's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Myyfoto
Y's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myy___________
C's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waizee.n

p. seven 香港 在 P.Seven茗香水@誠品expo-r79 | Liquor cabinet, ... - Pinterest 的八卦
P.Seven茗香水@誠品expo-r79 Liquor Cabinet, Conference Room. More like this ... P.Seven Taiwan-Tea-Perfume ... P.Seven台灣茶香水@ 香港天后區[ 六感生活館] ... ... <看更多>
p. seven 香港 在 P. Seven 香港-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭 的八卦
找P. Seven 香港在Dcard與PTT討論/評價與推薦,提供P. Seven 香港相關資訊,找P. Seven 香港就在網路品牌潮流服飾穿搭. ... <看更多>