Happy Birthday Tan Sri.
I remember you as the leader who taught me to stay true to my principles despite the threats that i faced & the goodies offered to woo me away.
I remember the day when i almost left politics to focus on a better offer down in Johor & subsequently, a fully-sponsored trip to Oxford for my Masters in Public Policy.
You called me up & advised me to stay true to myself. That we will be in this together, from the beginning to the end. Your words were assuring like a father & that’s all that i needed.
You knew of the threats which my family & i received as soon as we decided to fight the good fight together. You met up with my parents and assured them that we will overcome this together.
Throughout this struggle, i didn’t expect anything from you, because i believed in you wholeheartedly. I know that deep-down, you are a good man.
I distinctly remember how your old friends in UMNO left you immediately after you lost power. You were condemned & shamed. Even some of your most loyal supporters left you as soon as they saw that their gravy train would be affected.
You braved on & i proudly followed. I followed you expecting nothing in return. I remember how my friends would think that i’m crazy for following an “outcast”.
I lost almost all my sources of income immediately. My job as a debate trainer, my job as a part time lecturer, my job as a researcher, even my students were barred from representing the university due to my role in Politics & i ended up missing my graduation ceremony because of Politics.
I remember a few UMNO Ministers who met up with me then asking, “How much you paid me?”.
I answered, “Tan Sri paid through his conviction in a better Malaysia”. That’s all that i needed.
The only money i received from you personally was through your good officer, Dr Marzuki outside of your house after we were done with a meeting. He gave me RM100 (saying it’s for Petrol), i tried to decline but he slipped it in anyway.
You entrusted me to build-up ARMADA. I took that job seriously. We did multiple fundraising events & toured all over Malaysia, until the “ARMADA” brand was picked up by many international news portals.
Again, many thought that we received millions from you and the rich “billionaires”. In reality, we were driven by your pursuit for justice & a better Malaysia. No amount of money can match that.
Do i regret this?
Absolutely not. I knew that you were the leader Malaysia needed & it was an honour to support you in anyway i could.
You are now surrounded by new friends.
Some of them, i personally know, as they were instrumental in trying to woo me away from you when you were kicked out. Heck, they even tried to convince me that you only spoke up against 1MDB because you were jealous of Najib & that you wanted power for yourself. Tan Sri, one of that persons was just appointed by you in a crucial & highly sensitive senior ministerial post. He comes from our party.
I never believed them & will never believe them. I just hope that you know who your true friends and enemies are. I know that one day, with the passing of time, you will realise this.
While we may have differing views today, my respect for you will never die out.
I wish you all the best Tan Sri. My prayers will always be with you & your family.
May Allah bless you always.
oxford family and friends 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 八卦
I, Syed Saddiq, humbly and sincerely seek for your assistance.
Back then I genuinely believed in the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib and that he would bring our country to a new golden era. I was so honoured when I was awarded the National Premier Youth Award (Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara) by Datuk Seri Najib himself.
I was like all of you, a government civil servant, a private sector employee, and also ran my own side business in the hopes that our country would open up more opportunities for everyone.
However, I was disappointed, upset and dispirited when the top leadership of our beloved nation engaged in what’s possibly the largest daylight robbery and rolled back on all the promised reforms. I was determined to ask the very question that millions of Malaysians had at the tip of their tongues. But when I voiced it out, I was threatened and harassed by the very same people whom had once said to me, _“Saddiq, you are Malaysia’s future.”_
I resigned from my job under Najib Tun Razak’s government and was fired from my other jobs merely for raising my voice. I deferred my decision to continue my studies in Oxford and had to let go a full scholarship, in the very course that is dear to me - Public Policy.
My family has been threatened;
My students and my friends have been threatened.
Now, I am determined to fight for a new Malaysia.
I want to wrestle back the power and restore it to the people.
I want to ensure that each and every single cent that was rightfully earned from the blood, sweat and tears of the people will go back to their own pockets, and not to those of the corrupted leaders.
I want to ensure that the Voice of the youth are empowered, and not silenced.
There shall be no more overpowering puissant leaders
There shall be no more superior Political Parties that sit complacent on their thrones of power.
And there will be no more people robbed of their rights and tormented from a better a life.
It doesn’t matter if one is from UMNO, BERSATU, PAS or DAP, a wrong is still a wrong. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and as such justice should not and can not discriminate. If there is even a single member of UMNO who has been unfairly and wrongfully persecuted, I will personally come down and stand by him or her, and I will defend him or her.
Why? This is OUR Malaysia, and an abuse of his or her rights is an abuse of my rights.
Hence, I cannot fight alone.
This fight requires sacrifice.
Victory requires sacrifice.
The result of all of our sacrifices is because of all Malaysians.
Join me and let’s discover and shape our new Malaysia.
Let’s stand together for a better Malaysia.
Therefore, I humbly seek for your assistance.
You can help in purchasing a chair or table at the fundraiser. You can also help in giving any kind monetary assistance.
Don’t forget to register as a #ChangeMaker bit.ly/teamsaddiq
oxford family and friends 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 八卦
Salam/Hello family & friends,
I’m hosting a fundraising on the 8th and i am hoping that i can get your kind support. Tun Mahathir & Ts Muhyiddin will be present as well.
This fundraising is sponsored by a generous and kindhearted RMC alumnus. The special deal was also made possible by him.
I hope i can get your support and please do spread the word to your friends and families.
I need all the help i can get.
I resigned from my job under Najib Tun Razak’s government and was fired from my other jobs merely for raising my voice. I deferred my decision to continue my studies in Oxford and had to let go a full scholarship, in the very course that is dear to me - Public Policy.
My family has been threatened;
My students and my friends have been threatened.
Now, I am determined to fight for a new Malaysia.
I want to wrestle back the power and restore it to the people.
I want to ensure that each and every single cent that was rightfully earned from the blood, sweat and tears of the people will go back to their own pockets, and not to those of the corrupted leaders.
I want to ensure that the Voice of the youth are empowered, and not silenced.
There shall be no more overpowering puissant leaders
There shall be no more superior Political Parties that sit complacent on their thrones of power.
And there will be no more people robbed of their rights and tormented from a better a life.
It doesn’t matter if one is from UMNO, BERSATU, PAS or DAP, a wrong is still a wrong. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, and as such justice should not and can not discriminate. If there is even a single member of UMNO who has been unfairly and wrongfully persecuted, I will personally come down and stand by him or her, and I will defend him or her.
Why? This is OUR Malaysia, and an abuse of his or her rights is an abuse of my rights.
Hence, I cannot fight alone.
This fight requires sacrifice.
Victory requires sacrifice.
The result of all of our sacrifices is because of all Malaysians.
Join me and let’s discover and shape our new Malaysia.
Let’s stand together for a better Malaysia.
Therefore, I humbly seek for your assistance.
You can help in purchasing a chair or table at the fundraiser. You can also help in giving any kind monetary assistance.
Don’t forget to register as a #ChangeMaker bit.ly/teamsaddiq