Tổng hợp học bổng 100% HỌC PHÍ - TOÀN PHẦN các ngành Y Dược và liên quan
Vì bộ phận không nhỏ Schofans của page là các bạn theo Y Dược, mà ngành này cũng lại là ngành hiếm có học bổng lớn, nên lần này Hoa sẽ tổng hợp các chương trình học bổng khắp nơi trên thế giới dành riêng cho các bạn đây. Tưởng như các nước không ưu ái, nhưng ưu ái đến không tưởng với nhiều học bổng Toàn Phần đến như vậy.
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Cả nhà tag bạn bè, anh chị em, thầy cô vào danh sách này giúp Hoa với <3
1. Quốc gia: Đài Loan
Bậc học: Thạc sĩ, Tiến sĩ
Ngành: các ngành có tại trường China Medical University
Giá trị: 100% học phí + tiền trợ cấp
Ngoài học bổng của trường, ứng cử viên có thể nộp hồ sơ để xin học bổng của chính phủ Đài Loan, tài trợ toàn phần
2. Quốc gia: Đan Mạch
Chương trình Y Tá 4 tháng (English module Nursing, Ethics and Research-Based Knowledge with a practice placement at a Danish health-care facility)
Giá trị: 100% học phí + 7000 DKK/tháng cho phí sinh hoạt
Deadline: cuối tháng 2/2018
3. Quốc gia: Úc
Bậc học: Tiến sĩ
Ngành: nghiên cứu các lĩnh vực có trong danh sách liên quan đến Health Behavior
Giá trị: 100% học phí + $26,682/năm
Deadline: 24/11/2017
4. Quốc gia: Úc
Bậc học: Tiến sĩ
Ngành: nghiên cứu các lĩnh vực liên quan thuộc chủ đề Medical Education, the formation over time of a medical identity among medical students - associations with skills and attributes
Giá trị: $26,682/năm
Deadline: 15/12/2017
5. Quốc gia: Hàn Quốc
Bậc học: Thạc sĩ, Tiến sĩ
Ngành: Cancer Control and Population Health, Cancer Biomedical Science
Giá trị: 50%-100% học phí
Học bổng thường niên, mở vào tháng 9/2018
6. Quốc gia: Pháp
Bậc học: Thạc sĩ
Ngành: multidisciplinary studies in Vaccinology
Giá trị: Toàn Phần
Deadline: 31/1/2018
Link: https://goo.gl/mzgSEz
#HannahEd #sanhocbong #duhoc #scholarshipforVietnamesétudents
nursing ethics 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 八卦
今日下午,醫學界立法會議員陳沛然醫生召開記者會,展示證據,揭發醫管局內電腦系列內設有「後門」,令任何人可在毋須登入下取得病人資料。系統當中更有列明「For Police」,專為警方而設的版面,當中載有英文全名、身份證號碼、年齡、性別、電話號碼、出入院時間及住院病房等病人資料,更有標籤將部份病人分類至「立法會外大型集會」人士。陳議員亦取得醫管局內部通訊電郵,要求員工於電腦系統內標籤參加「立法會外大型集會」的求醫人士。
青醫匡時 香港大學醫學生時政組織
【Joint Statement of Condemnation towards the Hospital Authority for Exposing Patient Information to the Police Force】
In a press conference held this afternoon, Dr Hon Pierre Chan, member of the Legislative Council for the Medical functional constituency, showcased evidence of a “backdoor” in the Hospital Authority’s electronic patient record (ePR) system that grants anyone access to patient information without the need of logging in. The interface is remarked with “For Police”, and exposes information including patients’ full name, HK Identity Card number, age, sex, phone number, admission time and ward, with indication of whether they have participated in the “mass gathering outside Legco”. Dr Hon Chan has also acquired an earlier email circulating in the Hospital Authority intranet showing frontline healthcare staff being requested to identify and label patients who have participated in the “mass gathering outside Legco”.
We, as medical students from the University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, hereby strongly condemn the Hospital Authority for infringing upon patients’ privacy. “Confidentiality” is one of the four pillars of medical ethics, and is the cornerstone of the doctor-patient relationship. As the largest public healthcare provider in Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority has violated the medical code of conduct by exposing patients’ information to the police without patient consent nor clinical necessity. Since last week, the police have been arresting injured protesters receiving medical care within Hospital Authority premises, sabotaging doctor-patient trust and deterring citizens from seeking medical attention in public hospitals.
The Hospital Authority must apologise to all affected citizens in Hong Kong, conduct a formal inquiry into the incident and block the backdoor immediately. We also call for investigatory action from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong to protect citizens’ rights to privacy.
Eramedics, HKU Medical Students' Current Affairs Concern Group
Medical Society, HKUSU
Nursing Society, Medical Society, HKUSU
Medical Society, CUSU
Nursing Society, the Nethersole School of Nursing, CUSU
Elected Student Senator (Faculty of Medicine), CUHK
nursing ethics 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 八卦
今日下午,醫學界立法會議員陳沛然醫生召開記者會,展示證據,揭發醫管局內電腦系列內設有「後門」,令任何人可在毋須登入下取得病人資料。系統當中更有列明「For Police」,專為警方而設的版面,當中載有英文全名、身份證號碼、年齡、性別、電話號碼、出入院時間及住院病房等病人資料,更有標籤將部份病人分類至「立法會外大型集會」人士。陳議員亦取得醫管局內部通訊電郵,要求員工於電腦系統內標籤參加「立法會外大型集會」的求醫人士。
青醫匡時 香港大學醫學生時政組織
【Joint Statement of Condemnation towards the Hospital Authority for Exposing Patient Information to the Police Force】
In a press conference held this afternoon, Dr Hon Pierre Chan, member of the Legislative Council for the Medical functional constituency, showcased evidence of a “backdoor” in the Hospital Authority’s electronic patient record (ePR) system that grants anyone access to patient information without the need of logging in. The interface is remarked with “For Police”, and exposes information including patients’ full name, HK Identity Card number, age, sex, phone number, admission time and ward, with indication of whether they have participated in the “mass gathering outside Legco”. Dr Hon Chan has also acquired an earlier email circulating in the Hospital Authority intranet showing frontline healthcare staff being requested to identify and label patients who have participated in the “mass gathering outside Legco”.
We, as medical students from the University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, hereby strongly condemn the Hospital Authority for infringing upon patients’ privacy. “Confidentiality” is one of the four pillars of medical ethics, and is the cornerstone of the doctor-patient relationship. As the largest public healthcare provider in Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority has violated the medical code of conduct by exposing patients’ information to the police without patient consent nor clinical necessity. Since last week, the police have been arresting injured protesters receiving medical care within Hospital Authority premises, sabotaging doctor-patient trust and deterring citizens from seeking medical attention in public hospitals.
The Hospital Authority must apologise to all affected citizens in Hong Kong, conduct a formal inquiry into the incident and block the backdoor immediately. We also call for investigatory action from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong to protect citizens’ rights to privacy.
Eramedics, HKU Medical Students' Current Affairs Concern Group
Medical Society, HKUSU
Nursing Society, Medical Society, HKUSU
Medical Society, CUSU
Nursing Society, the Nethersole School of Nursing, CUSU
Elected Student Senator (Faculty of Medicine), CUHK