ยาย ปราณี แล้วนะครับ จริงๆแล้วคุณ
เพราะมีพี่ๆข้างๆแถวนั้นก็ดูแลอยู่บ้าง แต่
ก็ไม่ทุกเวลา มีลูก3คน เสียไปหนึ่งคน
เหลืออีก2คนไม่ยอมรับว่าเป็นแม่ ผมก็จะ
ไม่กล่าวถึงนะครับ สำหรับคุณยายปราณี
ช่วยครั้งหนึ่งแล้วครับ มาทำความสะอาด
ห้อง ซื้อที่นอนหมอนมุ้ง พัดลม เสื่อน้ำ
มัน แล้วก็ให้เงินไว้อีกจำนวนหนึ่ง เมื่อ
ครั้งที่แล้วผมก็จะเอาไปอยู่ด้วย แต่คุณ
ยายไม่ไปครับ คราวนี้ยอมมาครับ คุณ
ยายเดินไม่ได้ ผมเลยต้องเรียกรถพยา
ที่ศูนย์มุฑิตา ที่หมู่บ้าน ป.ผาสุก ตอนนี้ก็
9คนแล้วครับที่ผมดูแลอยู่ เสียชีวิตไป
3คน ตอนนี้เหลือ6คน รับรองครับว่าเจ้า
วลเป็นห่วงคุณยาย สงสารคุณยาย ก็ไม่
ครับ ขอบคุณมากๆครับทุกๆน้ำใจที่มีให้
กับคุณยาย โดยเฉพาะเพื่อนบ้านแถวนั้น
Hello friends.. Now I come to pick you up
Grandmother has mercy. Actually, you.
Grandma mercy is not abandoned in one place.
Because there are brothers next to me, I can take care of them. But
Not anytime. 3 kids lost one
2 left. I don't accept that it's my mother.
I won't mention it for grandma mercy.
I remember almost 2 years ago. I was here.
I have helped once. Come to clean.
Room to buy bed, pillow, net, fan, water mat.
It then gave another amount of money when
Last time I would have taken it with you
Grandmother won't go. I surrender this time.
Grandma couldn't walk, so I had to call a car.
The Baba of the gratitude foundation comes to pick them up.
At Muthita Center at po village. Happy now
9 people that I'm taking care of. I have died.
3 people. Now there are 6 left. I guarantee that you.
Duty to take good care.. friends at kang
WL is worried about grandma. I feel pity for grandma
Worry and don't worry anymore
Yes. Thank you very much for all the kindness that you have.
With Grandma especially the neighborhood
Thank you for grandma..
(Grandma has money with me for over 4 thousand baht.
The Officer who keeps it well.)Translated
同時也有493部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過885萬的網紅Michelle Phan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Everyone I know has dark circles, but don't be upset! Sometimes they can make you look sexy, and there are so many factors on why one would have them?...
not mention it 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 八卦
#DLLMStarplanet PART2!!!! Oh Limpeh Get Drunk Again!!!
Puspal到底跟Star Planet有什麽關係? 會不會疑似造成壟斷市場的現象? 雖然Puspal已經撇清關係了, 但還是希望政府能夠徹查這件事情. 林北只是懷疑, 推理, 猜測… 感謝YB Gobind Singh的幫助和選擇站在正確的位子!
感謝大家的協助和慰問, 你們的關心我都有收到. 我們一定會盡量把整個東西做好來, 盡力而爲. 還有各大慈善團體的來信我們也收到了, 由於數量太龐大需要比較長的時間整理和審核. 我不會不想也不要被權貴和强權打倒, 哪怕我只有一雙手和一條咕咕叫.
What is the relationship between Puspal and Star Planet? Will it cause the monopolisation of the concert industry? Although Puspal has clarified that they're not involved in this matter with Star Planet, we still look forward that the authority will further investigate on this matter. Limpeh is just suspecting, stating the possibility, and guessing.. Thanks YB Gobind Singh for helping and choosing the right stand!
Thank you everyone for helping and concerning, all regards are well received. We will at our level best to make it a success. Not forgetting to mention, we have received the emails from all the charity organisations however due to overwhelm response, we require more time to segregate and verify. I won’t and will not bow to the rich and the powerful, even that I only have a pair of hands and a kukubird.
倒數十天! 黃明志4896 世界巡迴演唱會吉隆坡站FINAL CALL 購票鏈接:
Counting down 10 days to Namewee 4896 World Tour Final Call, get your tickets now at the link below:
感謝 #SpectrumOutdoor #SupremeOutdoorMedia
「高清版YouTube」: http://bit.ly/39aPBdM
not mention it 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 八卦
"Tuan.... jangan sesekali bandingkan apa yang tuan buat dengan apa yang isteri buat.... Apa yang tuan buat takkan pernah sama dengan apa yang isteri tuan buat dan lalui... ketika tuan nyenyak tidur tahukah tuan berapa kali isteri tuan bangun tidur, betulkan kedudukan anak yang kepalanya terteleng ke tepi... tukar lampinnya.. beri dia susu & baru tidur? Tahukah tuan betapa banyak perit yang isteri tuan lalui ketika mengandung #9bulan10hari, berdepan saat melahirkan anak & menyusukannya? Bayangkan... bila tangan tuan luka sedikit pun tuan terasa sakitnya.. apatah lagi yang bertarung nyawa melahirkan anak?.. Jadi, janganlah bandingkan apa yang tuan buat dengan apa yang isteri buat... kerana ia takkan pernah sama... " - Ustaz Ebit Lew ( Pakar Syariah 9bulan10hari)
Ada suami ni jenis suka complain...
Katanya dialah yang buat semua kerja.. dialah yang paling bz.. dialah yang buat itu & ini...
Sehingga bila isteri minta tolong tidurkan anak pun dia ungkit.. katanya "saya dah mandikan anak, pakaikan dia baju.. dah byk sy buat"
Sedangkan benda yang suami tu buat hanya sekali dari 4 kali yang isterinya buat...
Walaupun buat hanya sekali namun diungkitnya mcm beratus kali buat...
Isterinya diam... cakap pun tak guna... sebab sehingga bila bila pun dia tetap akan kata dialah yang paling banyak buat kerja..
Sedangkan suaminya hanya berkepit dengan telefon berjam di tangan sambil baring..
Isterinya... kejap kejap bangun uruskan makan minum anak2 dan keluarga... kejap kejap layan anak sebab anak anak lebih suka bercakap dengan ibu dari ayahnya yang kerap melayan handphone!
Walaupun isterinya buat semua... tapi dia tetap kata dialah yang cari nafkah & dialah yang banyak kerja...!
Isteri di rumah yang buat kerja online business untuk sama sama bantu suami ni tak nampak!
Come on lah brother... tuan lelaki... tuan patut lebih pandai beri contoh terbaik buat isteri...
Bukannya mengarah itu & ini guna hukum Islam tapi bila sentuh bab sama sama jaga semuanya ditolak ke tepi!
Maka si isteri ini terlalu makan hati berhari2.. sehingga apa yang dia buat pun seperti terpaksa & rela hati..
& si suami... terus bela diri.. katanya dialah yang selalu makan hati...
Macam mana rezeki nak masuk kalau hati bidadari sendiri pun ditolak ke tepi??
Tak terasa berdosakah buat orang yang tinggalkan hidup single & family demi suami?
Lebih 80% isteri makan hati dengan suami... & merekalah antara suami yang hatinya sering tak tenteram & bila buat apa saja terasa tak cukup sempurna.
Ustaz Ebit Lew selalu pesan... jagalah hati ibu & isteri kita.. bahagiakan mereka... dengan itu banyak rezeki yg tak disangka sangka mudah menghampiri kita.
COPYRIGHT@Nazira Nazir buat 9bulan10hari. Tak dihalalkan copy paste! Elakkan budaya copy paste. Menulislah sendiri...
" Sir.... don't ever compare what you do with what the wife does.... what you do will never be the same as what your wife does and go through... when you sleep well you know how many times your wife woke up , correct the position of the child whose head is terteleng to the side... change the baby.. give him milk & just sleep? Do you know how much pain your wife is going through when she is pregnant with #9 Bulan10hari, face when she gives birth to child & child? Imagine... when your hands are hurt even a little bit is painful.. What else is the one who fights the life of giving birth?.. so don't compare what you do with what the wife does... because it will never be the same... " - Ustaz @[465806410116276:274:Ebit Lew] (Syariah Expert @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari])
There's a husband who likes to complain...
He said he did all the work.. He's the most busy.. He did it & this...
Until when the wife asks for help to make her child mention it.. She said "I've bathed her child, put her clothes on.. I've done a lot"
While the thing that the husband does only once from 4 times his wife does...
Even though I do it only once but it seems like I've done it hundreds of times...
His wife is silent... even talking is useless... because until whenever he will still say he is the most working..
While her husband only berkepit with a phone for hours in hand while laying down..
His wife... waking up for a while to manage to eat children and family... for a while to treat children because the children prefer to talk to the mother of her father who often treats her handphone!
Even though his wife did it all... but he still said he was the one who made a living & he was the one who worked a lot...!
Wife at home who does online business work to help her husband don't see it!
Come on brother... the master... you should be more good at giving the best example to your wife...
It's not leading that & this is using Islamic law but when you touch the same chapter, take care of everything being pushed to the side!
So this wife eats her heart too much.. until what she does is like forced & willing..
& the husband... continue to defend himself.. He says he's the one who always eats the heart...
How do you want to enter if your own angel's heart is rejected by the side??
Don't you feel the can for the people who leave their single life & family for the sake of their husbands?
More than 80 % of wives eat their hearts with their husbands... & they are among husbands whose hearts are often not at peace & when they do anything they don't feel perfect.
Ustaz Ebit Lew always order... take care of our mother & wife's hearts.. make them happy... with that many unexpected provisions that will be easy to approach us.
Copyright @ @[1416700617:2048:Nazira Nazir] for @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari]. The copy paste is not allowed! Avoid the culture of copy paste. Write by myself...Translated
not mention it 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的評價
Everyone I know has dark circles, but don't be upset! Sometimes they can make you look sexy, and there are so many factors on why one would have them? I'm going to give you an in depth video on what dark circles are, why we get them and how to get rid of them!
♥ Please Subscribe! http://bit.ly/MPsubscribe
♥ My Twitter: http://twitter.com/MichellePhan
♥ My Facebook: http://facebook.com/MichellePhanOfficial
♥ My Instagram: http://instagram.com/MichellePhan
♥ My Blog: http://michellephan.com
♥ ICON Network: http://youtube.com/ICONnetwork
This is not a sponsored video! I was not paid to mention or endorse any products.
not mention it 在 SACHEU Youtube 的評價
Let me know if you have any questions about IF
I forgot to mention that I also increased the frequency (not intensity) of my workouts this month but it has never had an effect on my body like this in the past so I have to credit most of my fat loss to IF :)
Love you all!
social media:
Snapchat: @sacheu
Instagram: @sacheu
Tumblr: http://sacheu.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @chinesebritney
Business Email: sarahcheung129@gmail.com
Thanks for watching/subscribing!
Camera: canon g7x mark ii
Music is by Lakey Inspired on soundcloud
not mention it 在 Namewee Youtube 的評價
#DLLMStarplanet PART2!!!! Oh Limpeh Get Drunk Again!!!
Puspal到底跟Star Planet有什麽關係? 會不會疑似造成壟斷市場的現象? 雖然Puspal已經撇清關係了, 但還是希望政府能夠徹查這件事情. 林北只是懷疑, 推理, 猜測… 感謝YB Gobind Singh的幫助和選擇站在正確的位子!
感謝大家的協助和慰問, 你們的關心我都有收到. 我們一定會盡量把整個東西做好來, 盡力而爲. 還有各大慈善團體的來信我們也收到了, 由於數量太龐大需要比較長的時間整理和審核. 我不會不想也不要被權貴和强權打倒, 哪怕我只有一雙手和一條咕咕叫.
What is the relationship between Puspal and Star Planet? Will it cause the monopolisation of the concert industry? Although Puspal has clarified that they're not involved in this matter with Star Planet, we still look forward that the authority will further investigate on this matter. Limpeh is just suspecting, stating the possibility, and guessing.. Thanks YB Gobind Singh for helping and choosing the right stand!
Thank you everyone for helping and concerning, all regards are well received. We will at our level best to make it a success. Not forgetting to mention, we have received the emails from all the charity organisations however due to overwhelm response, we require more time to segregate and verify. I won’t and will not bow to the rich and the powerful, even that I only have a pair of hands and a kukubird.
倒數十天! 黃明志4896 世界巡迴演唱會吉隆坡站FINAL CALL 購票鏈接:
Counting down 10 days to Namewee 4896 World Tour Final Call, get your tickets now at the link below:
感謝 #SpectrumOutdoor #SupremeOutdoorMedia
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志