See you at Mr. Olympia 2022! Yesssss!!! Thank you for all the wishes! Super stocked to be the 1st Malaysian to go to Olympia.
Great show & amazing competitors. This would not have been possible without the support of my friends and family back home. And not forgetting my girlfriend that helped me through the entire process and constantly gave me encouragement especially when I was in severe pain, cause my back decided to cramp up an hour before the show. 😑
Despite the pain, I gave my best and I’m so happy to receive the recognition and award 🥇 🏆 Never stop believing and keep working hard for your dreams.
2022 年奧林匹亞舞台見! Yessssss💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼!!! 謝謝大家的祝福! 我成為第一個去奧林匹亞的馬來西亞人。
非常棒的一场比赛,超强的对手!如果沒有我的朋友和家人的支持,這是不可能實現的。 还有就是我的女朋友在整個過程中协助我一直不断的給我鼓勵,因為我的背部在演出前一個小時不小心弄伤😩😩而且是完全站不起来,真的有想放弃的念头!
我很高興獲得認可和獎勵🏆🏆🏆🏆永遠不要” Stop Believing “並為自己的夢想繼續努力。
#IFBBpro #TeamScitec #ScitecNutrition #TNT #FitnessApp #PersonalTrainer #TNTteam #lifestyle #fitness #physique #gainz #painandgain #gymlife #healthylifestyle
「never stop 2022」的推薦目錄:
never stop 2022 在 Facebook 八卦
On 2021, up to September, more than 150 families have entrusted me to assist them in managing a total of RM1,000,000++ fund in insurance planning.
With that entrustment, I have achieved these two prestigious award:
1. Court of Table 2022 (COT)
2. Great Supreme Producer Platinum
2021, I put myself out there..
doing my best to share and educate everyone I know (or know me), on the importance of insurance planning especially during this tough time.
It’s never easy, and I am never always motivated. But I’ve learned to be discipline, by constantly reminding myself that I have to keep going, because I might just be the person who change a family’s destiny with a proper insurance planning.
@shengyikoh and @believeteammy taught me to “STOP SELLING, START HELPING.” & that, does make wonders. 🖤
never stop 2022 在 Bulbble Inc. Facebook 八卦
Day 1832: Never stop believing in hope, because miracles happen everyday. 永遠不要停止相信希望,因為奇蹟每天都會發生。
今朝一路睇住電視,一邊好緊張地為香港運動員打氣(好似自己都有份打緊咁 )望住佢哋一分一分追成平手再反勝真係好激動呀!!!多謝你哋為香港再添一面銅牌!恭喜香港女子乒乓球隊 #杜凱琹 #李皓晴 #蘇慧音 !
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/Bulbble Inc. 2022年座檯月曆早鳥優惠延長至8月8日!2022年座檯月曆、Schedule Book 搶先發售!
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