2020 10月25日Live 中英對照食譜
完live 之後有義工的幫忙easycook 上下先可以咁快有食譜睇,辛苦大家😘😘😘😘😘
材料: 鴿王,乳鴿,BB 鴿 共三隻
醃料: 五香粉,糖,鹽各一茶匙半,胡椒粉半茶匙
上色料: 老抽,生抽,酒各一湯匙
脆皮水: 麥芽,大紅淅醋各一茶匙 ,白醋一湯匙
1 鴿洗淨索乾水後用醃料內外塗勻
2 將上色料塗勻鴿身後連同剩餘汁液倒入保鮮袋或真空袋醃25分鐘
3 醃好後塗上脆皮水吊乾或鴿身噴油即可放氣炸鍋內鴿肚向下180度焗12分鐘轉鴿背向下再焗12分鐘
備註: 鴿王需時15分鐘轉身再焗15分鐘
English Version
Fried Pigeon
(YouTube video starts at 3:10. Skip 39:11 for air frying. Skip to 52:12 for turning sides. Skip to 59:25 for finished product.)
Pigeons - 3 sizes (or use spring chicken)
(young pigeon, regular pigeon, and king pigeon. King pigeon is the best, about 1kg, which has more meat, more tender and sweet.)
(Clean pigeons, trim off feet but not too much to cause shrinkage of skin when cooked, and pat very dry or else the dry marinating ingredients will not stick to the meat and bones for more flavor.)
Marinate ingredients for 3 pigeons:
(divide the measurements according to the size of your pigeon)
Five-Spice powder - 1 ½ tbsp (about 1 tsp for marinating one pigeon 1kg)
White pepper - ½ tsp
Sugar - 1 ½ tbsp or more
Salt - 1 ½ tsp
Cooking wine - 1 tbsp
Dark soya sauce - 1 tbsp
Light soya sauce - 1 tbsp
Crispy skin mixture ingredients:
Maltose - 1 tsp (or honey but it will not be as crispy)
Chinese red vinegar - 1 tsp (or just use white vinegar)
White vinegar - 1 tbsp
1. In a bowl, add in five-spice powder, white pepper, sugar, salt, and mix well.
2. In a large tray, dry rub the interior and exterior of the pigeons with the marinate mixture prepared in Step 1.
3. Add cooking wine, dark soya sauce, and light soya sauce to the pigeons. Rub well.
4. Transfer all marinated pigeons to a plastic bag, flatten and seal tight without air inside. Best to use vacuum sealer. Set aside for 25 minutes.
5. In a microwavable bowl, add in maltose, Chinese red vinegar, white vinegar, and microwave until melted and mix well. Set aside to add into the pigeons after about 25 minutes of marinating time.
6. After 25 minutes of marinating time, add the mixture in Step 5 into the plastic bag, reseal it, and rub well.
7. MUST spray the pigeons with a layer of cooking oil and put it into the basket of the air fryer with the breasts facing up first. Cook it at 180C (356F) for 12 – 15 minutes then turn the pigeons over with the back facing up and continue cooking for another 12 – 15 minutes and reduce heat to 160C (320F).
Adjust the time according to the size of your pigeons.
大白菜 1棵
白蘿蔔 少許(切絲)
紅蘿蔔 少許(切條)
蔥 1 棵
中國韭菜 數條
鹽 1 茶匙 (調味用);
大量 (用來醃大白菜及蘿蔔條)
蘋果 1/4 個 (切大粒)
雪梨 1/4 個 (切大粒)
蒜頭 1個(去衣)
洋蔥 1/4 (橫切幾刀)
白醋 2-3湯匙
魚露 2湯匙
黃糖 2至4茶匙(隨個人口味加減)
生薑蓉 1湯匙
韓國辣椒醬 2湯匙
韓國辣椒粉 4湯匙
芝麻 (炒香)大約1/4s杯
1) 大白菜切塊用鹽醃至至2至3個小時至軟身,菜梗可對摺並不拆斷便可。然後過清水3次去除鹽份,跟著去除水份(可用手楂出水份或用蔬菜除水篩).放入大盤內備用.
2) 紅蘿蔔切條、白蘿蔔切絲,用鹽醃兩小時至軟身,過清水,揸乾水,加入大白菜內.
4) 蘋果、雪梨、蒜頭、洋蔥、白醋(2湯匙)、魚露放入攪拌機內磨成汁後,加入韓國辣椒粉、韓國辣椒醬、鹽、糖(先放一茶匙)和姜蓉, 拌勻先試味。此時可依個人口味酌量加入1下匙糖和(或)1湯匙醋再調味。把混好汁料倒入蔬菜內,用手拌均.再試味。此時可再加入餘下的2茶匙糖。最後加入已炒香的芝麻再拌勻,.
(YouTube video starts at 20:40)
Napa cabbage - 1 head
White radish - cut into strips
Carrot - cut into strips
Green onion - cut into chunks
Chives - cut into chunks (do not add too many chives)
Salt - enough to marinate
Marinate ingredients:
Apple - ¼
Pear - ¼ (best to use Asian pear)
White onion - ¼
Garlic - 1 bulb (remove skin)
White vinegar - 2 tbsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Fish sauce - 2 tbsp
Korean red hot pepper powder - 4 tbsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Korean red hot pepper paste - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 2 ½ tsp or more (adjust to your taste)
Salt - 1 tsp (adjust to your taste)
Grated ginger - 1 tbsp
White sesame seeds - pan fry with no oil until fragrant
1. Marinate the white radish and carrot strips with salt for about 30 minutes. Set aside.
2. Cut napa cabbage into chunks. Marinate with salt for 2 hours or until the stem is bendable without breaking into pieces. Optional to put weights on top of cabbage chunks to speed up the process of extracting the liquid.
3. Rinse the napa cabbage chunks 2 to 3 times with clear water and spin dry with a salad spinner. Set aside.
4. Rinse the white radish and carrot strips with clear water after marinating for 30 minutes, and squeeze dry. Set aside.
5. In a blender, add in apple, pear, white onion, garlic, white vinegar, fish sauce, and puree well. Set aside.
6. In a big mixing tub, add in green onion, chive, napa cabbage, white radish, and carrot pieces. Add in the mixture from Step 5. Add in Korean chili powder and chili paste. Add in grated ginger. Mix well with hands, taste test, and add more seasoning as needed.
7. Transfer to a storage container. Mix in the white sesame seeds and is ready to eat as is or the longer you store it the tastier it will become.
📌高筋麵粉 50克
📌低筋麵粉 50克
📌糯米粉 20克
📌水 50克
📌菜油 4湯匙
📌蛋4 隻
📌糖 1 茶匙
📌肉桂粉 *如不喜歡可以不用*
📌鹽 半茶匙
1. 鍋內注入水,奶和菜油, 開火(不要太大火)煮至滾
3.將#2的麵粉用篩慢慢加入煮滾了的#1鍋內,一直攪拌直到煮熟會變成透明. 注意⚠️煮時要不停攪拌
4.再將鍋內全部粉糰倒入廚師機/麵包機, 攪拌到成一個糰狀(如果沒有機可用4隻筷子自己手動攪)
5.將雞蛋族隻加入#4 並一直不停攪伴直至見到很好洞(空氣). 注意⚠️要將麵糊打得夠鬆否則炸出來會不夠鬆
7.將兩隻不銹鋼匙(或用雪糕勺 ice cream scoop會更圓更靚)在油中浸一下再用它們舀起一匙#5 的麵糊放入熱油中炸, 然後拿起放在吸油紙
Chinese Sugar Egg Puffs
(YouTube video starts at 43:15.)
Water - 50ml
Milk - 150ml
Vegetable cooking oil - 4 tbsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Salt - ½ tsp
Eggs - 4 whole eggs (add in one at a time)
Bread flour - 50g
Cake flour - 50g (also known as low gluten flour)
Glutinous rice flour - 20g
Icing sugar - a bowl
Cinnamon powder, optional - a small dish
1. In a cooking pot, add in water, milk, vegetable cooking oil, and turn on LOW heat. Add in sugar and salt. Keep stirring to mix well and cook until it boils.
2. In a mixing bowl, add bread flour, cake flour, and glutinous rice flour. Mix well. Slowly sift flour mixture into the cooking pot and keep stirring and cook until it is transparent on LOW heat.
3. Transfer the dough to an electric stand mixer or handheld mixer and mix until it becomes a smooth dough and cool to the touch. This will avoid cooking the eggs when added later.
Optional to mix manually by hand with four chopsticks or a whisk.
4. Add one egg to the stand mixer and mix until well incorporated. Continue with the remaining three eggs. Adding in ONE at a time and mix until smooth, fluffy, and has lots of air bubbles.
5. Prepare a plate covered with a paper towel for soaking up excess oil. Set aside.
6. In a large bowl, add in icing sugar, cinnamon powder, and mix well. This is to sprinkle on the puffs when fried. Set aside.
7. Heat up a wok, add enough oil for deep frying on LOW heat. Scoop a spoonful of batter, smooth batter with another spoon, and drop it in the hot oil. Optional to use oiled ice cream scoop to create a ball shape.
8. Fry until the puffs turn golden brown on both sides and float to the top. Transfer puffs to paper towel to soak up excess oil. Return the fried puffs back to the wok and fry again the SECOND time until they split open with honeycomb texture inside.
9. Transfer to paper towel to soak up excess oil. Sprinkle icing sugar/cinnamon powder mixture on top. Serve.
同時也有78部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過239萬的網紅Peaceful Cuisine,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This is my very first attempt to make kim chee myself and this tastes really nice! I'm so satisfied ;) ----------------------------------------------...
「napa cabbage」的推薦目錄:
- 關於napa cabbage 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook
- 關於napa cabbage 在 DELISH KITCHEN - デリッシュキッチン Facebook
- 關於napa cabbage 在 PHOLFOODMAFIA - พลพรรคนักปรุง Facebook
- 關於napa cabbage 在 Peaceful Cuisine Youtube
- 關於napa cabbage 在 台灣好食材Fooding Youtube
- 關於napa cabbage 在 Helen's Recipes (Vietnamese Food) Youtube
- 關於napa cabbage 在 Growing Napa Cabbage at Home | The Woks of Life - YouTube 的評價
- 關於napa cabbage 在 Northeastern Cuisine: Sliced Pork Belly with Pickled Napa ... 的評價
napa cabbage 在 DELISH KITCHEN - デリッシュキッチン Facebook 八卦
・白菜の芯 1/4個分(350〜400g程度)
・豚バラ薄切り肉 200g
・たけのこ水煮 100g
・しょうが 1片
・にんにく 1片
・サラダ油 大さじ1/2
・塩こしょう 少々
・水 100cc
・黒酢 90cc
・鶏がらスープの素 小さじ1
・砂糖 大さじ2
・酒 大さじ1
・醤油 大さじ3
・水溶き片栗粉 片栗粉大さじ1に対して水大さじ1
・ネギ 適量
・ごま油 適量
1. 白菜の芯、たけのこは細切り、生姜、ニンニクはみじん切り、豚肉は一口大に切る
2. フライパンにサラダ油を熱し、にんにく、生姜を香りが出るまで炒める
3. 豚肉を投入してカリっと色づくまで炒め、塩こしょうをする
4. 余分な油をふき取り、白菜を加えて火が通るまで炒める
5. たけのこを加えて全体になじませる
6. 水、黒酢、鶏がらスープの素、砂糖、酒、醤油を加えて煮立たせる
7. 水溶き片栗粉を加えて軽く混ぜながらとろみが出るまで加熱する
8. 器に盛り、ネギを散らしてごま油を垂らしたら完成
ぜひInstagramでも #delishkitchentv というタグをつけて投稿してみてください♪
napa cabbage 在 PHOLFOODMAFIA - พลพรรคนักปรุง Facebook 八卦
แกงส้มสูตรนี้ มาพร้อมกับกุ้งและผักกาดเบามากคุณค่า ตัวน้ำแกงข้นด้วยเนื้อกุ้งที่โขลกผสมลงไปด้วย
ดูสูตรได้ที่ : http://bit.ly/2kXOBFo
-Napa Cabbage Sour Soup with Prawn-
This sour soup is full of flavours from plump prawns and local wombok. A little trick is to blend chilli paste with cooked prawns to thicken and intensify the soup.
#pholfoodmafia #soup #thaifood #prawn
napa cabbage 在 Peaceful Cuisine Youtube 的評價
This is my very first attempt to make kim chee myself and this tastes really nice! I'm so satisfied ;)
2.5kg napa cabbage
150g salt
250g daikon radish (julianne)
100g apple (grated)
30g chinese chives (chopped into an inch long)
30g garlic (grated)
30g ginger (grated)
50g sweetener
5g kombu (thinly cut or sliced)
150g korean chili powder (Don't use normal chili powder. it's too hot to use.)
200g water
20g glutinous rice fllour
1. sprinkle salt between napa cabbage leaves and put a weight until water come out. flip over if necessary.
2. put water and glutinous rice flour together and heat it until it thickens.
3. put all the ingredients for seasoning together and pour glutinous rice mixture. mix well.
4. rinse napa cabbage thoroughly.
5. spread kim chee paste on every napa cabbage leaves.
6. put it in a container and let it sit for a day.
7. keep in a fridge and eat up within 30 days or so.
I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients.
HP : http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=YOY970
Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase.
They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free :)
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/peacefulcuisine.ryoya
Website : http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
2nd Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/peacefulcuisine2nd
白菜 2.5kg
塩 150g
韓国産唐辛子 150g
りんご 100g(すりおろし)
甘味料 50g
ニラ 30g
にんにく 30g(すりおろし)
生姜 30g(すりおろし)
昆布 5g(細長く切る)
水 200g
白玉粉 20g
Equipments & etc:
Camera : Sony A7RII
Lens : FE 35mm F1.4 ZA [SEL35F14Z]
Lens Filter : Kenko variable NDX 82mm
Mic:RODE Videomic Pro Rycote
Monitor : Atomos Ninja Assassin
Tripods:SLIK carbon 923 pro/ SLIK carbon 823 pro/ SLIK mini pro 7
Slider : Libec ALX S8 KIT
Software : Adobe Premiere Pro CC

napa cabbage 在 台灣好食材Fooding Youtube 的評價
【台灣好食材 Fooding】

napa cabbage 在 Helen's Recipes (Vietnamese Food) Youtube 的評價
Ingredients (serves 8-10)
2 corn on the cob, husked and cut into 2-inch rounds
1 kg napa cabbage, 2.2 lb, cut into 2-inch pieces
500 g mushrooms oyster/shiitake/ straw/shimeji etc., bite-sized
1 kg tofu, cut into 1x2 inch cubes
1 kg beef, thinly sliced against the grain
1 kg shrimps, tips and legs trimmed
800 g seafood balls, split an X halfway
*For the soup base*
3 liters chicken/pork broth
12 red hot chili peppers
12 (kaffir) lime leaves, teared
8 slices galangal
4 stalks lemongrass, cut into 3-inch lengths
1 onion, sliced
2 medium tomatoes, cut into wedges
2 tsp tom yum paste
4-6 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp tom yum paste
*For the dipping sauce*
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
chili, roasted sesame seeds
1-2 kg noodles (glass/egg noodle, vermicelli or instant noodle)
You can buy a Hot Pot at http://amzn.to/117DjN7
Other options for dipping sauce:
Mam Tom http://youtu.be/i95TLr1nbuQ
Nuoc mam cham http://youtu.be/OrUZzchXGzo (use 112 ratio instead of 115)
►Full recipe | Xem công thức đầy đủ : https://helenrecipes.com
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napa cabbage 在 Northeastern Cuisine: Sliced Pork Belly with Pickled Napa ... 的八卦
Northeastern Cuisine: Sliced Pork Belly with Pickled Napa Cabbage. Video by. 美味人生TastyLife. on. youtube. ·. 3.4K views 5 years ago 3,430 views • Feb 21, ... ... <看更多>
napa cabbage 在 Growing Napa Cabbage at Home | The Woks of Life - YouTube 的八卦
In our How to Grow Chinese Vegetables series, we take on Napa cabbage ! Napa cabbage is a versatile vegetable that's great for long-term ... ... <看更多>