【現場直播|Live】「思·法」系列 — 公民講堂三:生命權
講者:香港終審法院非常任法官 包致金法官
‘Musing in Law’ series — Public Lecture III: The Right to Life
Date: Monday, 23 November 2020
Time: 12:30–14:00
Venue: Large Moot Court, 2/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, the University of Hong Kong
Speaker: The Honourable Mr Justice Kemal Bokhary, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal
moot court 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 八卦
清華科法所學生 Jessup國際法模擬法庭辯論賽大放異彩
全球國際法律社群歷史最久、規模最大的比賽--傑賽普國際法模擬法庭辯論賽 (Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition)臺灣區賽落幕,國立清華大學科技法律研究所5名碩二生組成的團隊獲得季軍佳績。最難能可貴的是,清華隊成員大學時念的全非法律科系,鑽研法學僅一年半的時間,就能用英語答辯、寫訴狀,打敗許多國內大學法律系所強隊,令人刮目相看。
傑賽普國際法模擬法庭辯論賽創建於1959年,由一群哈佛、哥倫比亞、維吉尼亞大學學生為紀念國際法院法官傑賽普 (Philip C. Jessup) 先生而創建,每年由美國國際法學生協會 (International Law Student Association) 和美國國際法學會 (American Society of International Law) 聯合舉辦。每年有來自90個以上國家、超過700所法學院參賽,是國際法領域一大盛事。
moot court 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 八卦
【港人講普選 x香港大學學生會 政改論壇|Design Democracy HK x HKUSU Political Reform Debate】
Design Democracy Hong Kong 港人講普選及香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union首次合作邀請政界及學界就政改方案進行辯論。參與論壇的包括立法會議員劉慧卿女士、學界方案(學民思潮及學聯)代表周永康先生、前全國政協委員劉夢熊博士及愛港之聲高達斌先生,麥嘉緯先生則為論壇的客席主持。
日期:2014年6月16日 (星期一)
時間: 下午 2-4時
地點: 香港薄扶林道香港大學百週年校園鄭裕彤教學樓2樓 模擬法庭
登記: http://bit.ly/1kgEWfs
【港人講普選 x香港大學學生會 政改論壇|Design Democracy HK x HKUSU Political Reform Debate】
1. 各人就政改方案及公民提名表態、發言 (共15分鐘)
2. 主持人發問時間 (共30分鐘)
3. 互相發問時間(共45分鐘)
4. 傳媒及台下發問時間(共15分鐘)
日期:2014年6月16日 (星期一)
時間: 下午 2-4時
地點: 香港薄扶林道香港大學百週年校園鄭裕彤教學樓2樓 模擬法庭
登記: http://bit.ly/1kgEWfs
港人講普選-Ms Gardenia Kwok (gardenia@hku.hk)或
香港大學學生會-Ms Yvonne Leung (leunglaikwokyvonne@gmail.com)
Design Democracy Hong Kong and HKUSU’s first collaboration on political reform, we have invited representatives of the students’ organizations and members of political parties to attend our debate on political reform. Participants of the debate include Legislative Council member the Hon. Emily Lau, Representative of HKFS and Scholarism proposal Mr. Alex Chow Yong-Kang, Former CPPCC member Dr. Lew Mon-Hung and Voice of Loving Hong Kong Mr. Ko Tat-Bun. We are honoured to have Mr. Erik Mak as the guest host.
Design Democracy Hong Kong, sponsored by The University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Public and Comparative Law, is a unique online platform that promotes constructive dialogue on the future of Hong Kong’s political system. It includes an innovative decision tree that allows citizens to build their own proposal for universal suffrage. It also hosts a public forum for users to share their views and interact. The Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL) was established in 1995, it is a non-profit research centre in the HKU Faculty of Law.
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union has around 15,000 members, covering all Undergraduate students in the University of Hong Kong. Upholding “Unity with Independence”, we are concerned with various social issues. As a member of the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS), we advocate the discussion regarding political reform among the general public, and play a role in proposing the Students’ Proposal.
The following is the rundown:
1. Debaters state their stance on political reform and civil nomination (total 15 min)
2. Host’s question time (total 30 min)
3. Debaters free to question each other (total 45 min)
4. Reporters’ time and floor questions (total 15 min)
The details of the debate is as follows:
Date: 16 June 2014 (Monday)
Time: 2-4 pm
Venue: Large Moot Court, 2/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
For registration, please log onto http://bit.ly/1kgEWfs
For any inquiries, please contact either Ms Gardenia Kwok (gardenia@hku.hk) of Design Democracy or Ms Yvonne Leung (leunglaikwokyvonne@gmail.com) of HKUSU.
The Hong Kong University Students' Union