; _ ; )
ลูกไม่มีชุด นร.ใส่เปิดเทอม แม่บุกขโมยกลางห้าง
(30 มิ.ย.63) ตำรวจสถานีตำรวจหลังสวน จังหวัดชุมพร รับแจ้ง ว่ามีหญิง อายุ 26 ปี และเด็กหญิง อายุ 8 ปี ขโมยเสื้อนักเรียนกระโปรง และรองเท้านักเรียนหญิง รองเท้าผ้าใบนักเรียนชาย ภายในห้างสรรพสินค้าแห่งหนึ่ง
หญิงคนดังกล่าว ให้การทั้งน้ำตาว่า เนื่องจากในวันพรุ่งนี้เป็นวันเปิดเรียนของลูกสาวและลูกชาย ฐานะทางบ้านของตนยากจน ไม่มีเงินซื้อชุดนักเรียนให้กับลูกสาวลูกชาย ประกอบกับในภาวะที่ผ่านมา ได้ตกงานทั้งสามีและภรรยา เนื่องจากเกิดเหตุการณ์แพร่ระบาดของไวรัสโควิด ทำให้ไม่มีใครจ้างทำงาน ไม่มีรายได้ จึงตัดสินใจมาขโมยชุดนักเรียนให้กับลูกสาวและลูกชาย เพื่อที่จะได้ใส่ไปในโรงเรียน
ซึ่งเหตุการณ์ดังกล่าวได้มีลูกค้าท่านอื่นพบเห็นเกิดความเวทนาสงสาร ได้ให้เงินจำนวน 1,200 บาท เพื่อเป็นค่าชุดนักเรียน พร้อมทั้งช่วยเจรจาให้กับผู้จัดการห้างไม่เอาความคดีทางอาญาแก่หญิงคนดังกล่าว หลังจากนั้นได้ว่ากล่าวตักเตือนไม่ให้มีความประพฤติเช่นนี้อีก ตำรวจจึงได้ให้ทางห้างลงบันทึกเหตุการณ์ไว้ พร้อมทั้งปล่อยตัวหญิงสาวพร้อมกับลูกสาวเดินทางกลับบ้าน
Kids don't have a school uniform. Wearing school starts. Mother invaded to steal in the middle of the mall.
(30 mi) Y. 63) Police station police station behind Chumphon province have been informed that a 26 year old woman and 8 year old girl stole student shirt, skirt and shoes. Student sneakers, male sneakers inside a mall.
Such a woman gives tears that tomorrow is the opening day of daughter and son's school. Poor, no money to buy school uniform for daughter, son. Assemble in the past, she has lost both husband and wife because of the Coviral epidemic. No one hires to work. No income. So I decided to steal school uniform for daughter and son so I could wear them to school.
Such an incident, another customer found pity and paid 1,200 Baht for school uniform and helped negotiate for the mall manager. After that, there was a criminal case for the woman. After that, he warned him not to behave. Like this, the police have given the department store to record the incident and release the girl and daughter to go home.Translated
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過147萬的網紅Kento Bento,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento ★ Flipping Up Scho...
male skirt 在 Pin2D 電繪狂 Facebook 八卦
【Skirt Folds&Adult/Children/Male/Female Characteristics】
Two tutorials!
Characteristics explaining!
Bonus last time we had skirts, this time we have the folds!
#SkirtFolds #Characteristics #Tutorial
male skirt 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 八卦
82. 醫學生的衣著
進入臨床學習前,唯一需要注意衣著的時候,就是進實驗室前一定要換上白袍。那時我們還管叫它實驗袍(lab coat),因爲白袍一字背後其實蘊藏著醫者的權力地位,而當時還在渾渾噩噩的我們還沒感覺到這個稱呼背後的深意。進實驗室穿白袍據説是個禮儀,就算我們只是在實驗室裏作討論,不會接觸任何化學品,也不可違反這金科玉律。如果學生忘記了帶白袍,唯有付五元買類似病房保護衣物、即棄式的實驗袍;藍色的衣物在一片白袍中特別礙眼,所以試過一兩次鶴立鷄群之後,大家都會記得把白袍留在儲物櫃内,或者在忘記帶鑰匙時預先問朋友借一件。而我通常是後者。
但到上病房,我們一定要穿正裝,意思是男的一定要穿襯衫西褲皮鞋,女的衣裝彈性大一點,但也一定要穿平底鞋。手冊有一句提醒我們:「Male students should wear “Shirt and tie, full-length trousers, socks, shoes/ clogs, white coat” and female students should wear “Decent top/ dress, (non-mini) skirt/ pants, shoes, clogs or sandals, white coat”」,而如果我們上課時衣裝不整,有些醫生也會責備兩句。注意男生一定要打領帶,我就曾經有同組同學在頭幾堂臨床課被罵,說不帶領帶是不尊重病人的表現,雖然我到現在還是不明白箇中邏輯。每當天氣熱,女生可以穿著裙子或短袖上衣的時候,我會一臉同情的看著汗流浹背的男同學,他們會慨嘆爲什麽自己不是女生。我就會回應一句,如果你試過穿平底鞋站一整天,或者你男女都不想當。
在白袍有限的袋子裏塞進所有所需物品也是一個學問。上病房要帶不少隨身物品,包括記事本和筆,用來記錄病人病史和筆記,也要帶聽筒、電筒、反射鎚(tendon hammer)、視力測驗圖表(Snellen's Chart)等,用作輔助身體檢查之用。經常在電視劇看到醫生很酷地把聽筒掛在頸上嗎?醫學生不可以照樣做,因爲會顯得過於自負,也會落得被駡的下場。所以最好還是把聽筒收在白袍的袋子裏。一開始不懂得摺叠聽筒,後來三年級上某節課時一位外科醫生教我們把聽筒打八字,看起來整齊,佔位也少,現在上病房多了,擺弄聽筒也熟練不少。
male skirt 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的評價
Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento
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★ Flipping Up Schoolgirl's Skirt By Running EXPLAINED | Anime vs Reality: https://youtu.be/h4w5mUY9gQQ
★ 5 EPIC Japanese Commercials Involving High School Girls: https://youtu.be/p84JKiBIRcU
★ 6 PROVOCATIVE Japanese Trends on Social Media: https://youtu.be/OIgseSQnciU
★ Perverted Anime Nosebleeds EXPLAINED | Anime vs Reality: https://youtu.be/J971jAxRnK8
★ Shots of Japanese Women's Thighs | Art or Soft Porn?: https://youtu.be/AxIuzVptWag
★ 5 RACIST Asian Commercials That May Shock You: https://youtu.be/P2ByYFMXDtI
★ 4 SCARY Japanese Commercials That Will Give You Nightmares: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwQpaDVZz4k
Available Subtitles: ENGLISH
► If you want to help subtitle this video into your native language, please let us know so we can give you credit~
This video is on epic Japanese commercials involving cool highschool girls, not meant to be suggestive or sexual (as some might think from the title).
Each of these commercials are epic in different ways. It could be epic in the humour, the physicality, or just the concept of the commercial.
Here they are:
1. Late For School
About a girl who is late for class. So what does she do to try and make it on time?
2. Voice Over
Starts off with a young male student who has just moved to Tokyo and, let's just say he seems eager to meet some girls.
3. Subway Samurai
This commercial asks you a question at the start, 'How many guys does the highschool girl slash?'. It appears to be a counting game.
4. Ninja Chase
Couple of girls are mucking around with a camera filming each other and one gets embarrassed and runs away....the chase is on!
5. Mysterious Classroom
This video starts off with a teacher who is about to enter her classroom full of students, but mystery looms in this classroom at an all girl's high school.
There is a secret...can you solve the mystery?
Which was your favourite highschool girl commercial?
Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^
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male skirt 在 KAWAII PATEEN Youtube 的評價
by Japanese Guitarist&Model RYOHEI from MEGAMASSO
- メガマソのギター&ロリータファッションモデル涼平のカワイイメイク講座 -
Ryohei presents a lolita fashion makeup in coolaboration with the brand BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT, who provided their latest jumper skirt design!
Tokyo Street Fashion KAWAII♥PATEEN
_Have fun with Fashion!_
Everything kawaii, Street fashion snaps, makeup tutorials and reports on fashion events in TOKYO!!
On Facebook with tons of photos :
Official site : http://waoryu.jp/kawaii-pateen/
Hello everyone. I’m Ryohei, the guitar for Megamasso.
Today, I’ll show you a Lolita Makeup which makes even guys look cute.
Let’s start!
Today my favorite hair makeup artist, Furuhashi san will do the makeup.
Covering the dark circles under the eye.
Everybody has dark circles under their eyes, especial busy, people, so let’s cover it.
Apply some foundation.
For this foundation, do you use different ones when you do girls makeup and mine?
I don’t use different ones for girls or boys, but I change it depending on the skin.
For Ryohei, I mixed pink and ochre.
The highlighter.
Where you want to show it high, use lighter color than the foundation.
The powder.
I’m using a little mat color today, but if you want more lustrous color, use a different powder.
No difference in boys and girls.
Type of skin or the direction?
Powder highlighter.
And, the nose shadow.
In the band we get up on stage on live performances. Do you change the color when we get up on stage?
I do.
I’m putting on light makeup.
Natural makeup.
For lives, I used much heavier ones.
Drawing eyebrows.
Drawing between each eyebrows, one by one, makes it look natural.
Draw matching color with the wig.
Putting eyebrow mascara.
Match with your hair color,draw the eye shadow.
The dress is a little cute, so adding more glitter.
Putting eye shadow with heavy glitter.
I have her use especially heavy glitter when I go on live.
She always add many layers of color.
Do you change what and how you draw depending on which part?
For the sides, I’m using thicker colors.
I draw in a round shape, and add it softly so it won’t look too sharp.
in pink.
When you do my eye makeup, how many types of shadows do you use?
At least 5 types.
Drawing the eye line.
The thickness of the eyeliner for Lolita Makeup?
A little thicker than usual.
A little thicker..
Fill in between the eyelashes.
The bottom is thicker making it slightly drooping eyes.
Does it change how you apply it depending on the eyes?
Yes, along the eyes, use a soft concealer and it’ll stand out .
Mix some of these.
Using the eyelash curler.
Making the base for the mascara.
Starting from the root upwards will probably keep the eyelashes from pointing downward.
It is a kawaii type makeup so I’m putting a lot.
Second mascara.
It’s ok repeating with the same mascara, but I want more length, so I used this second mascara.
Hot eyelash curler.
Hot eyelash curler makes it look natural, so use this to balance.
End of the eye makeup.
Now the cheek.
Let’s make a little gradation here.
When mixing colors, use light colors in a round shape.
Round shape.
Softly around the cheek bone.
Not too much. Bring it around here.
Round, a little to the side.
Add some shade.
Basically you add it where you want the shade, so try to make the plump part more sharp.
Depending on the person, may be the forehead.
Now the lip.
It’s quite pink, so apply it plenty, almost to the border of the lip.
Use the pink strongly.
Putting the wig on.
It’s a blond wig with a little ash color in it, but since the theme is Lolita, I’ve made it into pigtails.
For the final touch, putting on a beret.
The beret has a string which you can tie to the neck.
But I want to have it in an oblique angle, so wear it normally.
Leaning it a little to the back.
Here we have the Lolita makeup.
A kawaii Lolita makeup even for boys. Although the majority of people watching this may be girls.
If there is a boy who is interested in this, please try and enjoy Lolita fashion and makeup.
The coordination is with BABY’S original KUMA KUMA royal kingdom design jumper skirt.
Adding the beret to make it an autumn like coordination.
This was Ryohei of Megamasso. Bye bye.
I started out with this outfit when I began the band, and was suggested by the hair makeup artist that I had good face and it will look good on me.
My fans say I look cute in it, thankfully.
So my high school buddies who I did the Red Zeppelin copy band together, tells me they were surprised at my transformation.
The key is being able to try fashion which you wouldn’t wear in normal life, and being able to become kawaii.
But with BABY’s brand clothes, I use what I can, such as cardigans and unisex items.
male skirt 在 790 Men wearing skirts and dresses ideas - Pinterest 的八卦
Dec 11, 2022 - Explore Lance McLemore's board "Men wearing skirts and dresses" on Pinterest. See more ideas about men wearing skirts, man skirt, guys in skirts. ... <看更多>