前期創作個半禮拜,後期一個月,真係好難得可以好放肆咁製作一個MV....! 多謝今次嘅機會!#BlackHole #StellaChow #CrossfadeCreative #WelbyChung #TeamCrossfade #其實我哋CG嘅同事係勁㗎 !多謝Stella ♪ 周沂 的信任!
“Everyone has been through darkness, but no one belongs in the darkness.”
Video Production : Crossfade Creative Ltd
Director : Kuen Welby Chung | Welby Chung
Creative | Producer : Sindy Yu
Videographer : Yin Lam | Jujujojo Jujoju On | Kuen Welby Chung
Camera Assistant: Man Ho
VFX Artist : Denis Sze
Editor : Carlos Wing Hung Sun
Gaffer : Cheuk Ting Fung | Dicky Ho | Kelvin Law
Production Assistant : Max Ng | Clark Kiano Cameron
#WelbyChung #CrossfadeCreative #Creative #TeamCrossfade #HongKongProduction #MusicVideo #StellaChow #周沂 #BlackHole
I wrote this song 5 years ago when I was in England, but I could never have got this produced and so well delivered without Joe Tse Kit, Jaeson Ma, Jonnic Lee Thompsett, Jocelyn Yow, Kaman Wong, Kuen Welby Chung, Crossfade Creative Ltd Cyrus Lee Professional make-up Kenrick Siu Michael Hk Barrie Tse Marc Ngan the list goes on if I have to mention all the lovely people behind the scenes who worked harder than I did in order to perfect everything for me. This is a true international project and we are all very proud of it. and I am truly super grateful to every single wonderful musician and artist involved. This is only the beginning of our journey and we will keep making quality music like there's no tomorrow.
Big special thanks to Jenna, Kenney and Viv for their input and assistance.
Musicians in Hong Kong are all struggling, so is everyone else. But its a battle worth fighting.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/chb38Ee7K0M
#BlackHole #HiMusic #SurvivalSong #AMENPAPA
“Everyone has been through darkness, but no one belongs in the darkness.”
KKBOX ▶http://bit.ly/2pQzXxP
Apple Music▶ http://bit.ly/2pQPfCI
Spotify ▶http://spoti.fi/2pLITWP
MusicOne▶ http://bit.ly/2p6qogW
更多周沂Stella Chow相關訊息:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/pippostella
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stella._.chow
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pippostella
Wikipedia: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%91%A8%E6%B2%82