【OUE Singapore Open 2017 Date: April 11th~16th】
各位 #穎迷 們、明天再次大對決,想看資穎再複製馬來西亞公開賽大贏家嗎? 就在明天...我們加油聲、拍掌聲都給它摧落去.... 冠軍之戰、資穎將再次對上聲音超大的對手西班牙卡羅列娜•馬琳。比賽時間預計在明天下午大約4:00左右 (賽事在第一場地,下午1:00開, 資穎為第四場次)。此冠軍戰想當然爾將是場龍爭虎鬥,希望資穎維持全英、馬來西亞等公開賽的好手感,火力全開再次取得勝利。朋友們、集氣加油,助威資穎再次拿下連續的第五個冠軍頭銜。
Tzu Ying will take on Carolina Marin who is from Spain once again. The match time will be at around 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. (The 4th match is at court 1). This match isn't easy and it'll be tough to battle, but motivation beats everything just what Tzu Ying did it at the Malaysia Open . Tzu Ying will do her best to go full steam ahead. Best wishes and good luck to TTY. Friends, please just simply comment down below to show your best support. ^^page admin
一、BWF Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc2X0zH2faQ
(需透過VPN: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10210100336641672&id=164965326883996)
二、電視直播:MOD 173台博斯無限台。
四、 http://www.zhangyu.tv/yuyi
六、Live score for PC
七、Live score for Mobile:
八、Official website:
liv steam 在 戴資穎/ Tai Tzu Ying Facebook 八卦
【YONEX All England Open Date: March 7th~12th】
來囉...全英冠軍戰終於等到你了。資穎今日之戰將勇創台將全英歷史最高紀錄,#穎迷 們、今晚請勿錯過了。今日比賽將於中午12:00開始,資穎將對上來自泰國的第一好手拉差诺·因達農,賽事為今日壓軸最後一場,想當然爾一定是精彩無比。比賽時間大約在當地時間下午4:00,台灣時間大約是午夜12:00。 感朋友們、您們要再次熬夜為資穎集氣加油了,無論身在何處的您,請集氣大聲加油,助力幫資穎站上全英冠軍舞台,為台灣再次寫下羽球歷史。謝謝各位、資穎有您們真好。電視直播:MOD 173台博斯無限台。
Today's championship, Tzu Ying will be facing atchanok INTANON who is from Thailand at 4pm ish at TV court. Catch all the action on badmintonworld.tv or other live streaming!
Tzu Ying will start moving full steam ahead on the match, no matter how hard the championship match is. Good luck to Tzu Ying. Friends, please just simply show your best support by leaving good words below.^^page admin
(需透過VPN: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10210100336641672&id=164965326883996)
二、電視直播:MOD 173台博斯無限台。
四、 http://www.zhangyu.tv/quzhouye
或這愛羽客 http://cache.zhibo.aiyuke.com/video_live/518.html…
五、.網路直播: 請在右邊畫面找「Badminton」,點選轉播場次即可。http://videostream.dn.ua/videopage/videoPage.php…
六、Live score for PC
七、Live score for Mobile:
八、Official website:
liv steam 在 戴資穎/ Tai Tzu Ying Facebook 八卦
【BCA Indonesia Open 2017 date:12th~18th】
印尼八強賽, 資穎將再次對上來自泰國的金達蓬。她們已交鋒七次,由資穎取得全勝,希望今日對戰再次收下勝利往冠軍之路邁進。今日比賽時間大約是5:45 pm左右, 台灣時間將是約6:45 pm 左右。MOD173有直播 , BWF有Live TV,請大家 #穎迷 屆時準時觀看資穎的精彩賽事,幫資穎大聲加油。
TTY will be up against Nitchaon Jindapol who is from Thailand once again. The match time will be around 5:45 pm today (Taiwan is at around 6:45 pm on June 16th). Her match is the 3rd game at court 1 and there is a live TV available. Their head to head record was 7-0 in favor of Tzu Ying. TTY will do her best to go full steam ahead. Best wishes and good luck to TTY. Friends, please cheer her on.^^page admin
一、電視直播:MOD 173台博斯無限台。
二、BWF Youtube:
(需透過VPN: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10210100336641672&id=164965326883996)
四、 .網路直播: 請在右邊畫面找「Badminton」,點選轉播場次即可。http://videostream.dn.ua/videopage/videoPage.php…
五、 http://cache.zhibo.aiyuke.com/video_live/571.html…
六、Live score for PC
七、Live score for Mobile:
八、Official website: