#1. Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10
For further information, please see and query the Knowledge Base for the article number KB3099229.
#2. Solution to Windows Update error KB3099229 - solved with fix
How to fix Windows Update error KB3099229? · 1. Hold your windows-key pressed and hit "R" key simultanous. · 2. A small new windows will appear. · 3. Type %windir ...
#3. Windows Media Feature pack not found problem
I started there indeed, which brought me to KB3099229. Installed it but no luck. Tried to start BO3 as administrator, though still running into ...
#4. Solved: Media Feature Pack for Windows (KB3010081) and ...
Find answers to Media Feature Pack for Windows (KB3010081) and kb3099229 for Window 10 n from the expert community at Experts Exchange.
#5. Stand alone installer "Initializing Installation" error KB3099229
Download KB3099229 successfully but the installer hangs for ever on "Initializing Installation". Have ran several times with same result.
#6. MTP Driver Windows 10 - OnePlus Community
Step 2. install: 'KB3099229'---> Restart And you are done. Open My computer and you will see MTP logical ...
#7. Media Feature Pack KB3099229 for Windows 10 N is ... - Reddit
Media Feature Pack KB3099229 for Windows 10 N is now relase. Microsoft make great job few hours after detect issue. This thread is archived.
Windows 10 Version 1511: N and KN editions (微軟技術支援文章KB3099229). Windows 8.1: Windows 8.1: N and KN editions (微軟技術支援文章KB2929699). Windows 8:.
#9. SOLVED: Shadowplay/Share (Beta) not - NVIDIA
ZZZ). "XXXX" is what you need. KB3099229: KB3010081 ...
#10. Android 7.0 Galaxy S6 edge+ can't connect to win10 computer ...
I Tried installing: KB3010081, KB3099229 and KB3133719. You have attempted to install the Media Feature Pack for 1508, 1511, and 1607.
#11. media feature pack for windows 10 download
... Microsoft Community,... get the error message that Windows Media FEature Pack must be installed. I've downloaded and installed the KB3099229 for Windows 10.
#12. Windows Media Feature Pack KB3099229
Windows Media Feature Pack KB3099229:Guten Tag, Ich bräuchte da mal Hilfe bei meinem Problem. Wenn ich versuche bestimmte Spiele zu starten ...
#13. KB3099229: Windows 10 TH2 Download des Media Feature ...
Wer eine Windows 10 N oder KN Version besitzt, dem fehlt von Haus aus der Windows Media Player, die dazugehörigen Audiocodecs MPEG, WMA, ...
#14. Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N - Medo's Home Page
0-KB3099229-x64.msu was the droid file I was looking for. And another reboot later, Windows Media Player was installed with all annoyances it ...
#15. Required Audio Codecs Missing error on Windows 10 Pro N
I installed KB3099229 and rebooted, then KB3133719 and rebooted. Roon controller is running on a different Win 10 system. What else?
#16. Can't install feature pack for windows 10 N
Update KB3099229 gives a message saying "Feature pack for windows (KB3010081) is already installed on this computer".
#17. iPhone doesn't show up in Windows 10 File Explorer [Solved] After the download, install them as instructed. You should be able to view your Apple iPhone ...
#18. 윈도우10 미디어팩 kb3010081 어이 없네요. - 쿨엔조이
신버전 미디어팩 kb3099229 이렇게 되어 있고. 신버전을 깔아야 하는데, 엘지 유니버셜 드라이버에서 링크 띄워준 마이크로소프트사 다운로드 페이지 ...
#19. Windows 10: mf.dll not found
... by kb3099229 (; kb3099229 runs and installs the various mf....dlls that I've needed.
#20. No Video Windows Home 10 N - Get Help - Xibo Community
Found the solution. Used KB3010081. Installed KB3099229 and the problem is solved. KB3099229 can be found here: ...
#21. Windows 10 Update Archive - MS vNext
Title KB Article ID Date Update for Windows 10 for x64‑based Systems 4023057 02/08/2017 Update for Windows 10 for x86‑based Systems 4023057 02/08/2017 Update for Windows 10 for x64‑based Systems 4033631 05/07/2017
#22. 윈도우10에서 윈도우 미디어 플레이어 설치가 안 되는 오류 문제
기능팩 [KB3099229]가 설치가 되지 않는 이유는 다음과 같습니다. MS에서 배포한 기능팩 [KB3010081]과 [KB3099229]는 명칭, 배포 날짜와 파일 크기(100Mb ...
#23. SOLUTION TO Media Feature Pack for N and KN ... - YouTube
... there's now three updates that supposedly fix this problem: KB3010081 KB3099229 Last One is extremely important and will be the solution ...
#24. Media feature pack för Windows 10 Pro N fungerar inte.
Jag valde då att hämta en annan KB3099229 där det stod klart och tydligt "denna uppdatering ersätter KB3010081". Men när jag försökte installera ...
#25. Windows Mobile Device Center and Windows 10
download: KB3099229 Windows 10 version 1511
#26. action cam movie creator hang - Sony Community
kb3099229. thanks. Ampliar publicación. Me gustaYa no me gustaNo me gusta. Inicie sesión para responder. Need help logging in?
#27. Отвалился MFPlat.DLL, не устанавливаются фьючер паки
Общие сведения об ошибке: Лицензия недействительна код причины = missing dll:[MFPlat.DLL] Пробовала устанавливать три фьючер пака(KB3010081, kb3099229, ...
#28. iPhone在Windows檔案總管中找不到,4種有效解決方案
解決此問題,前往查看並安裝。 方法4:將iCloud照片下載到電腦. 如果把iPhone連接到電腦卻沒有反應,這 ...
#29. 윈도우 10에서 윈도우 미디어 플레이어12 설치, windows media ...
그래서 인터넷 강의를 들을 수 없는 경우가 발생한다. KB3010081 KB3099229 ...
#30. HTML 5 playback does not work on IE 11 nor Edge. W...
KB3010081 and KB3099229. The first DID not work for me which to a while to figure out. Thanks for everyone who contributed.
#31. Windows 10 Pro N and video editors - Spiceworks Community
Installing the KB3099229 adds successfully the media pack on a PC where I didn't installed KB3010081 first. Now everytime I try to install ...
#32. VIRB EDIT won't install with Windows 10, needs WMP??
Eventually I found a thread that said I need to install KB3099229 found here. This is the Media Feature Pack for Windows 10, I had previously installed it ...
#33. WebRTC and H264 stream {on VMWare} - Vivaldi Forum
I have standard Windows 10 (no "N" version ...). But anyway tried to install KB3099229 but no change. You can use standard test site: ...
#34. Windows 10 N 및 KN 버전을 위한 미디어 기능 팩
자세한 내용은과 기술 자료(문서 번호: KB3099229)를 참조하십시오. Note:There are multiple files available for this ...
#35. [W10] Comment installer le "Feature Pack Windows Media"
Veuillez installer le Feature Pack Windows Media puis relancer l'installation". J'ai beau eu télécharger puis installer la mise à jour KB3099229 ...
#36. Win10目前的补丁离线下载地址 - AM电脑吧
Windows10-KB3099229-x64 · Windows10-KB3099229-x86, 2015-10-30, Build 10586. Windows10-KB301008-x64 · Windows10-KB3010081-x86, 2015-07-10 ...
#37. Microsoft Windows 10 - Comunidad N3D
Al instalar la KB3099229 dice que es la KB3010081 (en ventana progreso de instalación, etc), tanto se se hace instalación limpia como en ...
#38. تحميل حزمة ميزات الوسائط ى - Trashumando recuerdos
لا يمكن العثور على KB3099229 ولا KB3010081 "إلغاء التثبيت وتغيير البرامج Windows 7, Windows 8 و Windows 10 إصدار N & KN - الميزات وتنزيل حزمة ميزات الوسائط ...
#39. Restore Missing Media Feature Pack/WMP in Windows 10 ...
This update supersedes previous updates such as KB3133719, KB3099229, and KB3010081. Installing an older version of the Media Features Pack ...
#40. Medien-Feature-Paket installiert sich nicht - Windows 10 Net
Windows Media Feature Pack KB3099229 Hallo ANDREAS_TIM,. vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Nun ist es leider so, dass ich das Paket ...
#41. Fix Kies - Install Windows Media Feature Pack - AgentNnamdi
1. Download and install the Samsung driver. Then, you can go ahead to find the Media Pack for your PC. 2. Visit Microsoft website at and search for KB3099229.
#42. USB устройство не опознано Windows 10: что делать
... Transfer Protocol – скачайте и установите самостоятельно, называться будет «Обновление KB3010081 (KB3099229)» вот ссылка на официальный сайт Майкрософт ...
#43. КОМПЬЮТЕР НЕ ВИДИТ ТЕЛЕФОН 10 способов как решить
Требуется установить обновление KB3010081 (KB3099229). Чтобы исключить проблемы с подключением по USB кабелю со стороны системы, установите обновление ...
#44. plex-media-player/Bundle.wxs at master - GitHub
<MsuPackage KB="KB3099229". DisplayName="Downloading Media Pack for Windows 10 x86 1511". Id="MediaPackWin10x861511".
#45. MS Edge and IE 11 does not support html5 video element
After installing from it works. Need to be careful as I think google best result returns ...
#46. 윈도우10 N 사용자를 위한 미디어팩 신버전
원인은 기존 미디어팩인 KB3010081을 설치하면 일부 기능(미디어 플레이어 설치 안됨)들이 작동하지 않는 것. 최신 버전인 KB3099229 (110MB)을 설치 후 ...
#47. Missing Media Feature Pack Windows 10 x64 V5.0
Edit #2: Wow, after installing the KB3099229 it worked!! Hope someone else will find this useful! Show more Less. Reply Helpful (1).
#48. 윈도우10 N, KN 버전 휴대폰 연결, 인식이 안될 경우 (최종)
KB3099229 의 업데이트를 설치해야한다!! 마소가 제대로 업데이트를 해주기 전까지는... ...
#49. Does Windows "N" plus Feature Pack exactly ... - Server Fault
As far as I can tell from KB3099229 and various internet websites, it restores all of the missing functionality, including the non-obvious ...
#50. Lumia730 not getting connected to laptop - Tech Support Guy
Head to and download the update. One of the items included in this update is the Windows 8.1 ...
#51. MEO Go | Page 96 - ZWAME Fórum
... Windows 10 Pro N versão 1511 (compilação 10586.164) + Media Feature Pack (update KB3099229), e está tudo a funcionar às mil maravilhas.
#52. Windows 10 does not recognize it in USB storage mode
... Restart Step 2. install: 'KB3099229'---> Restart And you are done.
#53. usb | Android 5.0.2: Windows 10 no lo reconoce en el modo de
Instalar: KB3099229'---> Reinicie Y ya has terminado. Abra mi ordenador y verá el disco ...
#54. Компьютер не видит телефон через USB
Устанавливаем обновление KB3010081 (KB3099229). Для обладателей Windows 10 может понадобиться установка обновления KB3010081, ответственного за работу с ...
#55. fac3d95e4d
빌드번호가 10586 이상이라면 KB3099229 파일을 설치합니다. 드라이버 업데이트 옵션에서 컴퓨터에서 드라이버 소프트웨어 검색을 선택합니다.
#56. 윈도우 영화 플레이어스
... 확인해 64비트라면 'KB3099229 Windows 10의 영화 & TV 콘텐츠의 자막 ... 64비트라면 'KB3099229 컴퓨터를 사용하다 보면 동영상 재상 프로그램 ...
#57. 324a192b32 -
빌드번호가 10586 이상이라면 KB3099229 파일을 설치합니다. 마지막으로 옵션이 있습니다. 삼성의 갤럭시, 엘지의 G2외에도 다른 모델의 스마트 기기들도 MTP 오류에 ...
#58. 2a327c3001
빌드번호가 10586 이상이라면 KB3099229 파일을 설치합니다. 위 Winver 정보를 보시면 제가 설치한 윈도우는 Windows 10 Pro KN 버전이고, 중요한 것이 빌드번호입니다 ...
#59. Компьютер не видит телефон через USB - VR-Boom
Устанавливаем обновление KB3010081 (KB3099229); 5. Неработоспособна кастомная прошивка; 6. Отсутствуют драйвера к телефону на компьютере; Телефон может не ...
#60. Windows 更新安装脚本中文版合集下载(长期跟进更新)
MediaFeaturePack:KB3010081,KB3099229,KB3133719,KB4016817 必须注意的是此脚本不会检测补丁的适配版本。因此必须要按照当前系统的版本选择累积 ...
kb3099229 在 SOLUTION TO Media Feature Pack for N and KN ... - YouTube 的八卦
... there's now three updates that supposedly fix this problem: KB3010081 KB3099229 Last One is extremely important and will be the solution ... ... <看更多>