當市長,其實就像哥倫布橫渡大西洋一樣,勇敢的航向不可知的世界。所以你問我社會新鮮人要用什麼心態面對職場?「Just do it」,做就對了。
同時也有85部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過341萬的網紅TGOP (This Group Of People),也在其Youtube影片中提到,群人電影高峰會!2019新片報你知! 超瞎電影偽預告第四彈登場! 以假亂真!各大戲院好評不上映中! #這群人 #展榮展瑞 #茵聲 旁白 : 頑GAME-鐵牛 特別來賓 : 館長/許家豪/頑GAME-鐵牛 華森/千千/健人蓋伊 【這群人2019周邊商品熱賣中】 https://www.3one...
just do it 故事 在 Facebook 八卦
2002: I got my first commercial. I gave up medical school to become a model. I become an overnight success and my parents were so proud of me. NOT! Quitting medical school to move to Taiwan was probably one of the craziest and riskiest things I’ve done in my life. Medicine was always something I personally loved, and not just a professional my parents pushed me towards. I put my heart and soul into getting into medical school and I wanted to travel the world with Medicine San Frontiers.
But I had this nagging itch to try out this whole modeling thing - don’t know what it was. The excitement of something new? The challenge of a different industry altogether? The desire to travel in Asia a bit longer?
Finally, I decided, a career in medicine will still be there in a few years if I wanted it. But this opportunity to try modeling was probably something I should do younger rather than older.
這裡送給你們看看我那時候的樣子,我的天啊!好多不同look喔!那個化妝-Oh My God!
So, i took a leap of faith and sent in my rejection letter (Haha. take THAT medical school. I reject YOU!) and started doing various TV commercials and print ads in Taiwan. I wish I could have said it was a lucrative or even successful career as a model, but honestly, there were more days in between than actual jobs. I had to support myself with a lot of side jobs: teaching English, baby sitting, joining violin performing groups, continuing my work as an EMT, etc. Anyway, here’s just a few of the very VERY varied looks I had back then. The make up…. Holy moly….
just do it 故事 在 Lee Chong Wei 李宗伟 Facebook 八卦
Yesterday, I was honored to be invited by Prudential Malaysia for their 2020 Kick Off event. There were more than 6000 people in the hall. Massive. I was asked by the host several 'motivation' questions relating to my badminton career. And one questions which interested me was " which match do you think is Lee Chong Wei's most difficult match?
I paused for a while. I knew my answer straightaway but I’m not sure if that’s the right motivating answer. Some would say it’s the 2006 Malaysia Open final. Some would think it’s the crazy 2011 BWF World Championship final. Many thought it’s the 2012 Olympics final. However to me, the most difficult match has to be 2016 Rio Olympics semifinal against Lin Dan.
It was the Olympic stage. I knew the match was coming. Before the Games, both Lin and I knew this will be the last Olympic game we will be able to play at the highest level. No disrespect to other players, no one came close to our level except the uprising Chen Long. We were so sure we would meet in the semifinal.
I was the higher ranked player. And I won my previous two matches against him, both in China surprisingly. But this time was different. It was the Olympics. The greatest sporting event which I’ve lost two finals before. You can ask me to run laps after laps. You can ask me to do drills after drills. They are not as tiring as the mental pressure that built up before the game.
19th August 2019, both of us entered to court. Flashback of my previous losses came to mind. Malaysian fans were so loud chanting my name. I started questioning myself “ What the hell are you thinking so much?” . As everyone was expecting me to win due to my higher rank, I told myself “ You had lost two times. So play with nothing to lose”.
That was when I let loose all my emotions and mental blocks. And we both played a great game. At last, I beat my greatest enemy, Lin Dan on an Olympic stage.
I’m not so sure it was a motivating story. I just want to say if you never give up , you will achieve it one day with focus and determination.
Suit Sponsor 🕴️@bespoked_ianchang
Hairdo 💇♂️ @arron_matric
just do it 故事 在 TGOP (This Group Of People) Youtube 的評價
#這群人 #展榮展瑞 #茵聲
旁白 : 頑GAME-鐵牛
特別來賓 : 館長/許家豪/頑GAME-鐵牛 華森/千千/健人蓋伊
支持群人 訂閱訂起來➔ https://tgop.pse.is/GWAQ6
A Day To Remember 播放清單 經典語錄系列➔ https://tgop.pse.is/M3HAM
來看這群人更多日常生活 ➔ https://tgop.pse.is/KZPB2
群人製作的都在這➔ https://tgop.pse.is/KB5Z4
超瞎電影Part.4 偽預告系列 工作人員名單:
總監 : 王士維(尼克)
技術監督 : 張佑維(石頭)
故事發想 : 許展瑞
執行編劇 : 王皓
編劇團隊 : 王皓/王士維/張佑維/許展榮/許展瑞
製片 : 董芷涵(董仔)/張昱瑩
製片助理 : 楊琇雯/張庭維/陳又禎/章恩韶/董明翰
經紀 : 珍妮
攝影大助 : 王士偉/黃偉根/陳威德
攝影二助 : 鄭穎周/李育霖/簡靖宗/李亭樸
燈光師 : 宋重穎
燈光助理 : 陳柏睿/賴威仁
收音 : 猴子電男孩/趙昱揚
收音助理 : 賴韋廷/郭欣錡/吳哲維
美術助理 : 劉文琦/楊雅淳/夏潔怡/雷俊銘/黃鈺涵/林婉慈/陳冠文/陳威翔/李筱蔚
側拍 : 施威宇
服裝 : 林牧昕(木星)
服裝助理 : 洪嘉彣
髮型 : CUBEX-Rebecca/Van
化妝 : Yumi/Chen Hui Lin/方平蘋/金惠妮/趙文瑜/彩色線條整體造型工作室
剪接 : 軒志
剪輯助理 : 李旻紜
京劇老師 : 韓正平
練習學生 : 史潔愉/潘宜庭/簡汀勝/黃子恬/鄭郁潔/鄭力榮
叢林原始人/殭屍 : 范姜志軒/楊博緯/林哲勤/金聖杰/葉為靖/陳韋名/張尚澤
幼兒園兒童 : 陳璽宇/陳又瑄/陳品希/魏苡安/吳秉毅/劉雨霏/劉芸希/陳禹霏/邱宥浩/洪翊展/陳彩芠/蔡承佑
實習生 : 張立寧/徐雅筠
這群人 TGOP –十年的我 Ten years of me
這群人 TGOP – 做到死 Do it till we die
展榮.展瑞 K.R Bros 《夏夜晚風 Summer Breeze》
展榮.展瑞 K.R Bros《十分鐘的戀愛 Ten Minutes of Love》
展榮展瑞K.R Bros - 安靜了太久Not Anymore
展榮展瑞 K.R BROS - 夜式人生 Night Owls
展榮展瑞 K.R BROS - 閃退 Flash Back
展榮展瑞KR Bros - 愛瘋狂Mad Love
展榮展瑞 K.R Bros - 乾脆放手 Just Let It Go
展榮展瑞K.R Bros - 掌控對決Control
鄭茵聲 Alina Cheng -《暗戀萬歲 Secret Crush》
鄭茵聲 Alina Cheng -《陽光燦爛的原因 You Make the Sun Shine》
鄭茵聲 Alina Cheng -《預告幸福 Happiness Awaits》
鄭茵聲 Alina Cheng - 愛情日期 Love Date
三個人 Three People - 這是我 THIS IS ME
三個人 Three People - 卡關 Stuck
三個人 Three People - 皮在癢 Naughty
展榮展瑞 K.R Bros - 我的愛Westlife - My Love cover
聯絡信箱 :thisgroupofpeople@gmail.com

just do it 故事 在 張韶涵Angela Zhang Youtube 的評價
張韶涵在好友吳克群跨刀譜寫的『討好』這首歌中,巧妙地用自己經營的時尚品牌Temptation Styles的高跟鞋,來貫穿整支MV的故事架構。她亮麗無比的藉由MV、音樂影像向世人介紹值得她驕傲,耗費心血的時尚品牌,也對愛情,做了發人深省的提醒。
討好 Pleasing
我不會討好 像個寵物般撒嬌
I don't know how to please, how to act adorably
But for every bit you devote, I repay with ten times more
I may not be the brightest
但愛也不需要處處耍盡心機 那又何必
but there's no need to play mind games, why bother
我不要求你 為我改變姓或名
I do not ask for you to change your name for me
I just hope we can be true to each other
If you're tired of it then just tell me
請不要給我所謂你仁慈的客氣 那又何必
Don't give me that merciful tone, why bother
愛都愛了 又何必討好 錯都錯了又何必求饒
We're already in love, why bother pleasing
what's done is done, why beg for mercy
你希望我像一隻貓 但你知道我做不到
You want me to be a kitten, but you know I can't
痛都痛了 又何必討好 錯都錯了又何必喧鬧
The heart is wounded , why bother pleasing
what's done is done, why bother fighting
如果愛情是場風暴 我們讓風停停好不好
If love is a windstorm, why don't we stop the wind
一直吵 一直鬧 一直放縱這煎熬
More fighting, more brawling, dragging this suffering
一點點 吞蝕曾有的美好
bit by bit, they devoured the joy we once had
我不哭 我不鬧 我們放過彼此好不好
I won't fight, I won't brawl, why don't we just let go
留一點力氣 說再見和擁抱
Save some efforts to hug and say goodbye

just do it 故事 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的評價
FB: https://goo.gl/TLQqrc
▶ OPEN FOR MORE INFO! /更多資訊在↓↓
▶ listen and download/數位音樂平台上架
[Dena張粹方] - [你愛她 You Love Her]
KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/Fa2c3x
MyMusic: https://goo.gl/8UWfmS
friDay: https://goo.gl/Lr3wkV
Spotify: https://goo.gl/usDyaj
Apple Music: https://goo.gl/pkGBNE
iTunes: https://goo.gl/iuK1g3
▶ more videos/熱門影片連結
你愛她原版(英文版Shouldn't Be Missing Original Song)
吉他教學Guitar Tutorial
▶ extra content/補充內容
這首歌是形容懷念一段好不容易放下了的感情。有時候結束一段感情時,自己耗費好大的勇氣去放下後,卻在街頭偶遇的時刻,突然有種好想回到過去的甜蜜 的雜念突然浮起 這尷尬又矛盾的感覺...
你愛她 You Love Her
曲music: Dena張粹方
詞lyrics: 李岩修
你愛我嗎 還是還愛著她 Do you actually love me, or is it still her?
我們就這樣子吧 I guess this is it
連面對著面 也不再說話 You’re standing in front of me, but words don’t come out
感情 降溫到冰點了嗎 Have we reached our freezing point
像落地的糖花 沾滿了 Like fallen flower covered in sand
為什麼 每當你說起了她 every time you spoke of her
就要裝作其實我也很喜歡她 why did I pretend to like her
其實你還愛她 承認吧 她和我的不一樣 You still love her, right? We’re not the same to you
你是我的終點站 我只是她短暫的接班 I gave you all of me, but I’m just another rest stop to you
填補你們分手的傷 Here to fix your wounds
我臉上的淚光 等不到你替我擦乾 I know now you will never come back and dry my tears
我不該太樂觀 我是你預定的對象 I should’ve known
這問題 早應該 有答案 I should’ve known from the beginning
我們就這樣子吧 I guess this is it
連面對著面 也不再說話 You’re right in front of me but we’re not talking
感情 降溫到冰點了嗎 Have we reached the freezing point
像落地的糖花 沾滿了 like a fallen flower covered in sand
為什麼 每當你說起了她 every time you spoke of her
就要裝作其實我也很喜歡她 I had to pretend that I like her
其實你還愛她 承認吧 她和我的不一樣 You still love her, admit it, I’m just not like her
你是我的終點站 我只是她短暫的接班 You’re my last destination, but I’m just another rest stop to you
填補你們分手的傷 Here to fix your wounds
我臉上的淚光 等不到你替我擦乾 I know now you will never come back and dry my tears
我不是很堅強 是不想讓你為難 I’m not actually strong, I just don’t want you to hurt too
愛不自私說真的好難 It’s hard to be unselfish in love
也不想 讓自己再勉強 I’m tired of letting myself down again
若愛情變了樣 一片虛無荒涼 but my heart would be a desert without your love
想問 你愛過 我~嗎 不要 再欺騙我 Have you ever loved me? Can you just be honest?
就算 不會是我要的答案 But I already know the answer
其實你還愛她 承認吧 You still love her, right?
無論有多沮喪 我會面對和習慣 It’s okay I understand
愛情 本就 會是這麼樣 Isn’t this all what love is about
你還愛她 那就去吧 You still love her, then go
我會在遠方 祝福著你和她 I’ll just be here, hoping you’ll be happy
我的淚光 我自己 想辦法 I’ll dry my own tears, and learn to move on
▶ social media/社群
Facebook Page/粉絲專頁
https://goo.gl/nAhXXu @dena_chang
old Youtube/舊頻道
▶Business Inquiries/合作洽談
1. find.dena.at@gmail.com
東聲唱片傳播有限公司 https://goo.gl/e3JPHp
混音: 李冠彰
曲:Dena 張粹方
萌門兔影像工作室 Moment 2 Studio
上班族花心男:陳彥嘉 George
咖啡店打工女大生: 小潔_Mina
探尋咖啡 Touch Café
新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的dna這個大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!
Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) um... you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!
♦ KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2018 生活紀錄 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 創作歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 英文歌 分享 music favorites favourites faves 自彈自唱 彈唱 化妝 how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 補習班 生活 lifestyle video 你愛她 官方音樂 官方MV official music video Shouldn’t Be Missing singer songwriter taipei taiwan