呢張係1941年張貼喺Warsaw的政府poster, 警告猶太人如果離開ghetto, 就係犯法並會被處以死刑. 仲有, 為猶太人提供支援的任何人, 包括為佢地提供住宿、飲食、交通等等, 同樣是犯法, 亦會被處以死刑.
近日我喺網上, 見到有信徒質疑教會接待示威者, 因為咁做係犯咗邊條邊條法律. 我喺過去幾個星期, post咗咁多喺二戰時期的美好見證, 大家都like同share咗好多. 有冇諗過, 其實佢地都進行了犯法的行為? 不過, 我地都知道, 佢地唔係罪犯; 佢地係為了實踐聖經價值, 連犯法同死刑都唔怕的勇士.
Regarding: Death penalty for illegally leaving the Jewish residential district.
Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for them, have spread typhus. To safeguard the population against this dangerous threat, the General Governor has ordered that any Jew, who in the future illegally leaves the residential district designated for him, will be punished by death.
The same punishment will apply to whoever consciously shelters Jews mentioned above or in any other way assists them (for instance, by providing overnight accommodation, or sustenance, by giving a ride in any kind of vehicle, etc.)
The sentence will be imposed by the Special Court in Warsaw.
I explicitly draw the attention of the whole population of the Warsaw District to this new regulation since henceforth it will be applied with merciless severity.
Warsaw, 10 November 1941
Dr Fischer, Governor
jewish ghetto 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
俐媽之前錄了三民B4L10 Anne Frank’s Diary,講述荷蘭猶太女孩Anne一家人躲避納粹德軍的追捕,心驚肉跳地過日子。Anne以她敏銳的觀察力、細膩帶著童稚但又被迫早熟的筆法,在日記中記下了她的生活。後來,Anne的日記以多國語言出版,也拍成電影。Anne一家人當初躲藏的房子,也成為了知名景點「安妮之家」,日後有機會去荷蘭,大家可以拜訪,些許感受到戰爭與種族屠殺的殘酷。
📝 俐媽英文教室—安妮日記篇:
🪦 Jews/ Jewish people (n.) 猶太人
🪦 Holocaust (二戰針對猶太人的)大屠殺
🪦 slaughter/ massacre/ carnage/ butchery (n.) 屠殺
🪦 genocide (n.) 種族集體滅殺
🪦 brutality (n.) 殘暴
🪦 memorial (n.) 紀念碑;(a.) 紀念
🪦 victim (n.) 受害者
🪦 assault (v.) 攻擊
🪦 extermination (n.) 滅絕
🪦 concentration camp (n.) 集中營
🪦 gas chamber (n.) 毒氣室
🪦 labor (n.) 勞動
🪦 starvation (n.) 飢餓
🪦 infest (v.) 侵擾
🪦 persecution (n.) 迫害
🪦 ghetto (n.) (猶太人)貧民窟
🪦 chronological (a.) 按時間先後順序的
🪦 racial segregation (n.) 種族隔離
🪦 ethnic (a.) 種族的
🪦 outbreak (n.) (戰爭、疾病)爆發
🪦 intrusion (n.) 入侵
🪦 occupation (n.) 佔領
🪦 accusation (n.) 控訴
🪦 confined (a.) 受限的(to N/Ving)
🪦 death toll (n.) 死亡人數
🪦 keep a diary 寫日記
🪦 confide in... 向⋯吐露心事
🪦 attic (n.) 閣樓
🪦 publish (v.) 出版
🪦 circulation (n.) 流傳
🪦 spirits (n.) 精神
🪦 in memory of... 紀念⋯
jewish ghetto 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 八卦
【Poland】Warsaw is probably the most damanged city in WWII as 85% of the city was wiped out and flattened by Nazi😵 It had the largest amount of Jewish population in Europe, it's not hard to imagine how bad the situation was during Holocaust :( All over Warsaw you can now see monuments to show where original Jewish Ghetto was...😢
【波蘭】華沙 Warsaw 這個城市應該是第二次世界大戰中最慘的城市了吧…😵 此城市當時擁有全歐洲最多的猶太人,可想而知納粹大屠殺時的情況有多麼的慘😱 整個城市 30% 的人口是猶太人,全部都被迫搬到 “猶太人區”,好讓管制更容易… 在華沙閒晃時,你會多處看到上面有個地圖的立碑,那個就是以前猶太區的界線😵 地上也會有銅表記讓你知道你是在猶太區裡面或是外面… 這兩天我們要去了許多博物館,了解這個城市悲慘的歷史😢
Ps. 2003年奪得三項奧斯卡大獎的電影 “戰地琴人 The Pianist” 就是以納粹德國侵略波蘭華沙為背景,主要反映波蘭猶太人遭遇的故事片。電影取材來自波蘭猶太作曲家和鋼琴家華迪史洛·斯皮爾曼的回憶錄🎹